Closed-canopy forests have long been considered resistant to invasive plants due to shading and competition with native trees (Simberloff et al. 2002), the long-lived nature of many forest trees (Von Holle et al. 2003), and because invasive species often have disturbance-adapted traits. (Rejmánek and Richardson 1996). Indeed, surveys of introduced species presence and abundance have shown fewer introduced plant species in undisturbed forests both in temperate (Von Holle and Motzkin 2007; Chytrý et al. 2008; Rejmánek et al. 2013) and tropical forests (Waddell et al. 2020) compared to other plant communities. However, it is increasingly clear that invasions of closed-canopy forests are occurring, and that some invasive species are shade-tolerant, and thus able to invade even closed-canopy forests (Martin et al. 2009). While there is now widespread recognition that some closed-canopy forests are being invaded, it is unclear if all forests are equally invasible and what factors may influence the degree of invasion in different forests.
Forests may be more susceptible to invasion earlier in successional development (Holmes and Matlack 2019). Although patterns and mechanisms may differ for introduced species as a whole compared to shade-tolerant invasive species (Martin et al. 2009), numerous chronosequence studies from the northeastern USA have shown that younger forests have much greater frequency and/or abundance of both introduced species generally (Matlack and Schaub 2011; Holmes and Matlack 2019) and invasive species specifically (Lundgren et al. 2004; Flory and Clay 2006; Mosher et al. 2009). A regional scale analysis of factors influencing the distribution of invasive species also showed that invasives declined with forest age, although at this scale factors such as mean annual temperature and landscape openness were much better predictors (Golivets et al. 2019). Studies have found similar patterns of lower frequency and/or abundance of introduced species in older regenerating forests in California (Dudney et al. 2021), Puerto Rico (Pascarella et al. 2000), and the southeastern USA (Wang et al. 2012). This repeated pattern of fewer introduced and invasive species in older forests could support the idea that older forests are more resistant to invasion.
However, given that these studies are a snapshot of different-aged forests at a specific time, it is not possible to tell whether young forests have more invasive plants because they are at a different stage of development or because of confounding variables, such as the time period when they established or the land use history prior to forest regeneration. In fact, we do not have a good understanding of how invasive plant populations develop through succession in developing forests (Holmes and Matlack 2019), in part due to a relative paucity of long-term studies that follow the same forest over time.
Some long-term studies have looked at general patterns of invasion over time in forests. In the most detailed study to date, Meiners et. al (2002) found that introduced species abundance generally declined over the first 40 years following abandonment of old fields in New Jersey. At the same sites, Rosa multiflora, a common invasive shrub increased for 30 years, but then started to decline for the next 14 years (Banasiak and Meiners 2009). In contrast, (Huebner 2020) found that both mature (>80 years) and young (10-15 years) forests in West Virginia showed an increase in invasive richness over a 16 year period, although the mature forests generally had lower richness than the young forests. Similarly, Rogers et al. (2008) found that richness and abundance of introduced species increased in forest stands in Wisconsin that were resampled after a 50-year period, although this study did not report on the successional stage of the forest stands.
Several mechanisms have been proposed that could lead to a pattern of greater numbers of introduced non-invasive or invasive species in younger forests than older forests. Each of these mechanisms has distinct implications for the future of invasion in these forests, and thus understanding the prevalence of different mechanisms is critical for informing management and conservation decisions.
Biotic Resistance
First, increasing biotic resistance as forest succession progresses may cause younger forests to have greater numbers of introduced species. Biotic resistance indicates the ability of the resident community to resist invasion (Levine et al. 2004) and could increase as forests develop because of increasing richness of native species, increasing canopy cover and shading, or increased competition for limited resources in late succession.
The biotic resistance hypothesis is often focused on the diversity of native plant communities (often measured using species richness), which has long been proposed to reduce invasion by introduced species (Elton 1958). This hypothesis has been extensively studied and is clearly scale and context dependent (Traveset and Richardson 2020; Gioria et al. 2023). Generally, this pattern has been found to be more common at small spatial scales (Fridley et al. 2007) and when controlling for other factors (Beaury et al 2020). Given that species richness commonly increases at least through the early and middle stages of succession (Anderson 2007), this mechanism may allow older forests to have greater resistance to invasion. Because invasion may also impact native richness, measuring native richness prior to invasion can provide a clearer understanding about how native diversity impacts invasion than a snapshot of native and introduced diversity at a single time (Ernst et al. 2022).
In forests, tree biomass or canopy cover may play a bigger role than diversity in biotic resistance by reducing available light. As the canopy closes and shading increases, colonization by shade-intolerant species that dominate the introduced species pool is likely to decline (Meiners et al. 2002; Martin et al. 2009). Competition for resources, especially light, is expected to increase through succession (Walker and Chapin III 1987) which could also lead to a decline in introduced species as a forest ages. If increasing biotic resistance with succession is driving patterns of invasion, we would expect introduced species to be negatively associated with canopy cover and/or tree basal area. In a regional analysis of forests in the eastern USA, tree biomass was negatively related to both richness and cover of invasive species, even while tree richness had a positive relationship with degree of invasion (Iannone et al. 2015). This pattern has been found at more local scales as well. In Montana, Jang et al. (2021) found that 23 years after thinning and burning, introduced forb cover and richness and introduced graminoid cover were negatively related to tree basal area. In old fields in New Jersey, declines in introduced species over the first few decades of forest development was negatively related to the increases in woody cover associated with canopy closure (Meiners et al. 2002). There is some evidence, however, that this mechanism may not be as strong when focusing on shade-tolerant invasive species (Martin et al. 2009). For example, even with the overall abundance of introduced species declining, Meiners et al. (2002) noted increases in individual shade-tolerant invasive species after 40 years of forest succession.
If biotic resistance is the primary driver of invasion patterns through succession, we would expect declining invasion over time, especially during the early stages of forest development (Fig 1). Thus, the pattern of greater invasive abundance in younger than in older forest stands in chronosequence studies (e.g. Lundgren et al. 2004; Mosher et al. 2009) would accurately represent a trajectory of declining invasion through succession.
Window of Opportunity
The timing of when forest development begins may be more important than actual forest age in creating a pattern of greater introduced species abundance in younger forests. There is a “window of opportunity” for colonization early in forest development (Hobbs 2000) that may interact with the timing of invasion (Degasperis and Motzkin 2007). Thus, areas that are still open when an invasive species arrives in an area may be colonized and then the species may persist, while older forests that were already developed when the species arrived may be resistant to invasion. For example, land use after introduction was the best single predictor of Berberis thunbergii presence in Massachusetts forests (Degasperis and Motzkin 2007), indicating that invasive species distributions in a forested landscape may reflect timing of past land use relative to introduction of the species. The intensity of land use and how much it initially opened up niches for colonization may also play a critical role, with higher intensity disturbances, even decades in the past, leading to increased current abundance of invasives (Holmes et al. 2021). This mechanism would show a trend of greater invasion in younger forests across a landscape, but for individual forests over time it would show an initial increase followed by persistence in the already-invaded sites (Fig 1). Older forests that developed prior to the arrival of the invasives would have persistently low invasion.
Historical Legacies
A third mechanism that could lead to greater abundance of introduced species in younger forests is the long-term effects of past land use on soil and other environmental variables in a developing forest (Holmes et al. 2021). Past land use, especially agriculture, can alter soil characteristics for decades or even a century after abandonment (Verheyen et al. 1999; Flinn and Marks 2007). Given that the distribution of invasive species in forests is related to patterns in these soil characteristics (e.g. soil richness, McDonald et al. 2008), forests may be more invasible as long as these legacies of past land use persist. Although there is considerable variation among studies, these legacies may decline over time and after 60+ years may be indistinguishable from much older forests (Holmes and Matlack 2017). If these post-disturbance legacies play an important role in invasion, then we might expect to see a decline in introduced species several decades to a century after forest establishment as these legacies diminish (Fig 1). Sites without historical land use causing these soil legacies would have persistently low levels of invasion. We would also expect to see a strong relationship between invasive species’ distribution and soil characteristics both spatially and over time.
Invasion Debt
All three of the previous mechanisms may contribute to the general pattern that younger forests are more invaded than older ones. However, they may also help mask a mechanism that could actually lead to increased invasion as forests age. Relative to more disturbed habitat types, it is clear that forest invasions are slower (Martin et al. 2009) and may develop after a significant time lag either because of the longer-lived nature of many forest species or because of more limited propagule pressure in undisturbed forests (Essl et al. 2012). For example, bird dispersal into undisturbed forests may be limited (Holmes et al. 2021). Species that are able to disperse into undisturbed forests may establish at low levels but then “sit and wait” until small-scale disturbances allow increased establishment (Greenberg et al. 2001). Given the increasing prevalence of invasive species surrounding many forests, propagule pressure is likely increasing over time. Thus, the relative lack of invasion in older forests may only be an indication of a delayed “invasion debt” rather than a resistance to invasion per se (Essl et al. 2012). Multiple studies in Europe have shown a pattern of increased introduced species abundance in forests nearer to invasion sources, suggesting that propagule pressure may play a key role in forest invasions (Essl et al. 2012; Wagner et al. 2021). Similarly, a number of studies have shown increased invasions near the edges of forests (e.g., Yates et al. 2004; Riitters et al. 2018). However, invasion near forest edges may be due to environmental differences in forest edge habitat rather than dispersal distance, and thus may not be indicative of invasion debt. It is also unclear if the importance of dispersal distance changes as a forest ages. If an invasion debt is a driving mechanism, then we would expect to see a gradual increase in invasive species over time in forests of all different initial ages, with distance from potential seed sources being more important than forest age (Fig 1).
Disentangling these mechanisms requires a long-term dataset with forests that initiated at different times. Such a dataset was begun in the 1950s in the Bolleswood Natural Area (BNA) of the Connecticut College Arboretum when permanent plots were sampled in abandoned fields, transitional forest, and mature forest (Niering and Goodwin 1962). These plots have been resampled every 10 years for the past 70 years which allows an exploration of the patterns and mechanisms of introduced plant spread in developing forests of different ages and land use histories.
We use this long-term dataset to address three major questions. 1) What are the patterns of spread of invasive and introduced non-invasive species in forests with different land use histories over time in the Bolleswood Natural Area? 2) To what extent can factors relating to canopy cover, propagule pressure, initial land cover and soil characteristics explain these patterns and how do these relationships change over time? 3) To what extent do these patterns in spread and associated factors support one or more of the mechanisms described above?