5.1. Discoid assemblages in the Southern European scenario
The presence of industries manufactured by means of the Discoid technology is largely known in late Middle Pleistocene and Late Pleistocene sites in western, central and southern Europe to offer emblematic examples such as Scladina Cave (Belgium, MIS 5, Moncel et al., 1998), Kulna Cave (Czechia, MIS 3, Boëda, 1995), Coudoulous I and La Borde (France, MIS 6, Jaubert and Farizy, 1995; Jaubert and Mourre, 1996), Les Fieux, Champ Grand, La Baume Neron and Combe Grenal (France, MIS4, Faivre et al., 2014; Slimak, 1999), Mauran, Saint-Césaire (France, MIS 3, Thiébaut, 2013; Thiébaut et al., 2009), Abric Romani (Spain, MIS3, Vaquero et al., 2001). In many of these sites, both Discoid and Levallois reduction methods are present in the same occupation levels, although the two technologies are differently applied to rocks suitable to be knapped. The Levallois is generally associated with higher quality and occasionally allochtonous raw materials, whereas the Discoid is associated with strictly local materials, regardless of quality. In these cases, the Discoid seems to represent a technology through which the exploitation of local resources is maximized, whereas final reductions to meet different objectives are only secondary. This type of behavior is also attested in the Iberian Peninsula (Carrión et al., 2008), where Discoid and Quina were both manufactured from quartzite and flint, while the Levallois was often made only of raw materials of the highest quality. In eastern Italy and the Balkans, the spread of Discoid technology is recorded in a handful of sites.
In Italy, primary cases were revealed during the last two decades in addition to a number of evidence hidden in contexts previously labeled as technologically non Levallois and grouped together. Particularly in the northeastern and eastern continental and peninsular regions of Italy, the distribution of Discoid-based industries covers geographical sectors with different physical landscapes, lithic resources and a degree of visibility of the settlement systems like the eastern Pre-Alps, the Trieste Karst, and the stretch on the Adriatic coast (Peresani, 2003). Part of these lithic assemblages were surface collected at open-air sites with no faunal remains and any directly correlated pedo-stratigraphic reference. Some assemblages were examined limitedly to analytical typology (sensu F. Bordes or G. Laplace), sometimes integrated with broad technological and lithological information.
At Fumane cave, the cultural relevance of unit A9 was highlighted on several occasions, both for the Discoid production technology and for different aspect of Neanderthals’ innovative behavior, diet and subsistence (Peresani, 2022, see references therein). A9 dates are older than 44.8ky cal BP, which is the lower chronological boundary of unit A5 + A6. A9 records an almost exclusive use of the Discoid technology sandwiched from two Levallois units, A10 at the base and A6 at the top. The techno-economic layout of the A9 assemblage consists in complete and ordinary reduction sequences carried out on local cherts, occasionally on materials from longer distances (Delpiano et al., 2018), alongside with the exploitation of patinated recycled artifacts (Peresani et al., 2015). The industry is typically represented by cores, thick flakes, pseudo-Levallois points, backed flakes with sharp opposing edges, polygonal and triangular flakes, produced through a main and complex reduction sequence based on blocks and nodules, and a secondary one, simpler and less productive, based on flake-cores either originated from by-products or directly introduced onto the site. Furthermore, similarly to Istraishta assemblage, cores yielded usable blanks right from the initial steps, with the core outlines gradually changing from unidirectional to Discoid pattern, also involving ongoing arrangements with the result of polyhedral cores shapes (Delpiano and Peresani, 2017; Delpiano et al., 2017; 2018). Retouched tools are scrapers, points, denticulates and also tools purposefully modified creating a back via retouch or through the modification and adjustment of an already existing back for manual handling or possibly hafting. These adjustments imply different levels of expertise and technical skills and highlight the backing as typical, despite rarely observed, feature in the Neanderthal technological repertoires (Delpiano et al., 2019b), particularly common in Late Mousterian of Discoid technology (Gravina & Discamps, 2015; Bodu et al., 2014). However, this feature is not represented at Istraishta.
Few contexts are geographically close to Fumane cave (Fig. 12). These include the open-air site of Monte Cason -which cannot be dated - where Levallois is performed on allochtonous chert, whereas Discoid on local raw material (Bertola & Peresani, 2000), and Tagliente shelter, a few kilometers East of Fumane. This shelter is located very close to easily collectable knappable raw materials and records the co-presence of both technologies. Discoid, however, was used to exhaust Levallois cores, which is a further confirmation of its nature as highly productive and adaptable technique than the Levallois (Arzarello & Peretto, 2005). Far West, Discoid assemblages feature the Cjota Ciara Cave (Daffara et al., 2014) and sequences in caves and shelters in Liguria such as Arma delle Manie and many sites in the Balzi Rossi area (Peresani, 2003; Bietti & Negrino, 2007), although in contexts dated from the Late Middle Pleistocene to the MIS3. A MIS3 chronological position is also shared from Rio Secco Cave, where the use of Discoid technology is attested by core-edge removal flakes and pseudo-Levallois points. In this last site investigation is still ongoing to explore human mobility in a region notably poor in chert (Peresani et al., 2014). Besides Rio Secco, the only evidence of Discoid industry and tools are Divje Babe I in Slovenian Alps and Caverna degli Orsi in the Trieste Karst. Sediments chronologically placed to late MIS5 and MIS4 yielded only end-products, including a few pseudo-Levallois points made of local and allochthonous chert and limestone (Boschian, 1999–2000; Boschian & De Santis, 2011). At Divje Babe I, the discoid component was not recognized initially, but based on the published illustrations, one core from layer 7 or the upper section of the stratigraphy, has been considered as Levallois and could possibly present a Discoid technological layout (Brodar, 1999; Turk & Kavur, 1997). The finds from layer 7 have been bracketed between the 14C dates of layer 6 as a minimum age of 43.4 + 1/-1.4 ky cal BP and layer 8 as maximum age of 45.1 + 1.5/-18 ky cal BP (Turk & Kavur, 1997; Nelson, 1997) and later dated by ESR at an average between 49.0-50.1 ka (Blackwell et al., 2007; 2009). In more recent publications the presence of the discoidal cores in combination with Levallois cores and products has been recognized and it seems to have had a wider use through the stratigraphy. Even though a dedicated discussion on the discoidal reduction sequence is missing, higher frequency seems to occur in levels A, A/B, E 2, F 2, H (Turk and Turk, 2014; Turk, 2014). To the south of the Trieste Karst, in Istria, the Campanož open-air site is a large and densely packed lithic scatter found stratified between two horizons of Mediterranean terra rossa soil. The Discoid production was organized on unifacial and bifacial cores and also focused on small tools, with also indication of recycling of previously discarded artefacts. Retouched tools are scrapers and abrupt points (Banda et al., in press). Aside these, no other discoid industries have been described in the Upper Adriatic region (Peresani & Tozzi, 2018).
Comparably to Eastern Adriatic, in the Lower Western Adriatic basin, Mousterian assemblages issued with Discoid technology are absent in the Mid-Adriatic region and reappear in the south of the Italian peninsula (Fig. 12). In Santa Croce di Bisceglie Cave (undated but probably positioned in the MIS 4 after pedo-sedimentary and paleontological data), the Discoid reduction sequence aimed at obtaining sub-triangular flakes and pseudo-Levallois points (Arrighi et al., 2009). In the Salento region, Grotta del Cavallo records Discoid technology as complementary with unipolar débitage in layers M and L, while it is exclusive in the upper layers FIIIa and FII, separated from the lower ones by some markedly Levallois assemblages. Strategies of raw material use vary in the sequence, and a miniaturization in production is attested in layer M, together with the use of Callista chione shells as retouched tools (Sarti et al., 2017; Romagnoli et al., 2015). Interestingly, a recurrent débitage on secant planes which exploits only a part of the core is reported. Following the same reduction concept, in Istraishta we record many cores on slabs or flakes which we indicated as “low exploited Discoid cores” for the production of very small blanks. Finally, near to Grotta del Cavallo lies Grotta Mario Bernardini, which records an analogous sequence including the unifacial and bifacial variants of Discoid débitage and the reduction of the ventral surface of cores-on-flakes (Carmignani & Romagnoli, 2017).
As a matter of fact, the timespan bracketed by these industries is indeed wide and supports affinities with other contexts in Europe. Moreover, their age cannot be excluded in the earliest Middle Palaeolithic. The frequency of Discoid assemblages at the end of the Middle Palaeolithic frames in the decline of Levallois industries and increase of technological variability, at least in Italy (Marciani et al., 2020) but also in France and in the Iberian Peninsula (Jaubert et al., 2011; Romagnoli et al., 2022). Such a chronological and geographic distribution exists whatever the relation with the area, palaeo-environmental context, site typology, and associated faunal spectrum. Environmental data do not reveal particular site-industry correlations for sheltered multilayered sites. This is clearly expressed along the Fumane sequence, where forest landscapes and ungulate association do not record important switches in correspondence to the alternation between Levallois and Discoid assemblages (Lopez-Garcia et al., 2015).
In the Balkans, at Mujina pećina cave along the Dalmatian coast in Croatia rare elements of Discoidal technology such as a core and possibly a pseudo-Levallois point have been noted (Karavanić, 2007; Karavanić et al., 2008) (Fig. 12). Even though these elements were not recognized at first (Karavanić & Bilich-Kamenjarin, 1997; Karavanić, 2000), they have been dated to the Late Mousterian (Rink et al., 2002; Nizek & Karavanić, 2012; Boschian et al., 2017; Karavanić et al., 2021). Another case to be noted is Podvršje-Šibenička glava, an open-air site in northern Dalmatia, which contains several discoidal cores and various flakes, notches, denticulates and sidescrapers. To be noted is the absence of Levallois cores, except for one Levallois flake (Vujević, 2009; Vujević et al., 2017). Further inland in the Hrvatsko Zagorje region several important cave sites have been identified. Veternica Cave has an assemblage comprised of non-Levallois reduction methods, such as centripetal cores and "cobble wedge cores" that require further inspection before ascribing them to discoidal cores. Unfortunately, the lithic finds have lost their stratigraphic provenance and have been analyzed as a whole. Therefore, they are generally dated to the MIS 5e–5a or MIS 4 (Banda & Karavanić, 2019). The same "cobble wedge" cores have been also used extensively in Krapina cave followed by a significant presence of sidescrapers, notches, denticulates and naturally backed knives. While Levallois blanks are present throughout the sequence, they are not a common occurrence (Simek & Smith 1997). A similar situation could be also observed in the Late Mousterian site of Vinica cave, where a variety of reduction sequences on unidirectional, discoidal and bidirectional cores mostly applied to quartz pebbles have been recorded. Aside the absence of Levallois cores, a couple of Levallois products were probably brought at the site like finished products (Vukosavljević et al., 2022). In addition, also at Vindija Cave non-Levallois methods were applied mostly to quartz materials for the production of the Middle Palaeolithic assemblage (Karavanić & Smith, 1998; Blaser et al., 2002).
With regard to Bosnia and Herzegovia, even though not systematically researched, an extensive presence of discoidal cores has been noted at the assemblages of Visoko Brdo, Kamen, Londža, and Zobište. The latter is the only site in the area that has been TL dated between 97500 ± 7000 BP and 85500 ± 8500 BP (Baumler, 1987; 1988).
In Montenegro three cave sites with Middle Paleolithic components have been identified, all containing different levels of discoidal technology (Fig. 12). Nevertheless, Levallois centripetal core exploitation seems to increase with respect to the unidirectional one when approaching the latest MP. This has been observed along some sequences, such as at Crvena Stijena and Bioče (Dogandžić & Ðuričić, 2017). Crvena Stijena is a well-known site due to its long prehistoric sequence and recent multidisciplinary research work. Discoidal cores with one or two flaking surfaces and the related products were identified throughout the sequence starting from the deepest layers XXX-XXXI to layer XII. However, a greater emphasis to unifacial discoidal cores is recorded towards the latest levels XII and XIV. Overall, the sequence ranges probably from MIS5e to the Campanian Ignimbrite (CI) eruption, which capes the last MP layer XII (Morley & Woodward, 2011; Mihailović, 2017; Whallon, ed. 2017; Monnier et al., 2020). Another important site, namely Bioče was initially excavated during 1986–1997; here, the presence of discoidal technology along with Levallois was soon recognized, framed in a stratigraphic sequence estimated to range the boundary between MIS 5 and MIS 4 to the CI eruption. The lithic industry was generally considered as micro-mousterian and fairly uniform throughout the sequence (Radovanović, 1986; Đuričić, 1997; Dogandžić & Đuričić, 2017). Further recent work (2010–2015) identified even deeper layers showing a similar situation. Of particular interest is the upper Layer 1, which contains 90% of the total artifacts recovered and displays an emphasis on discoidal technology. The association of this layer with the CI eruption has been considered as evidence of the late survival of Neanderthals in the area (Derevianko et al., 2017; Pavlenok et al., 2017; Vishnevskiy et al., 2019; Dragosavac et al., 2021). The last site in Montenegro, Mališina stijena has attracted least attention with regard to its archaeological record. The presence of discoidal cores and products was shown by the initial excavations at the site during the 1980s, specifically at layers 3b13 in the southern trench and layers 13 − 12 in the western trench (Radovanović, 1986). Similar results have been noted by the recent excavations at the newly denominated Layers B2 and C1 (Derevianko et al., 2021; Shunkov et al., 2021).
Further inland, in Northern Macedonia, systematic research is still lacking, and the most important MP site is Golema Pešt cave (Fig. 12). Here, in the Late MP layers 6 and 5, both Levallois and discoidal cores on quartzite are present as well as numerous by-products. CI tephra was identified at layer 2, which has been considered to overlie Early UP layers. So far layer 3 has been dated preliminarily by means of ESR in the range of 61.8–83 ka BP, serving as a terminus ante quem for the yet unpublished ESR estimates for layers 6 and 5 (Salamanov-Korobar, 2008; 2019; Lowe et al., 2012; Blackwell et al., 2019). In addition, the recently explored open-air site of Uzun Mera has provided some evidence of MP discoid technology (Stojanovski et al., 2018).
Further south, in northwestern Greece and adjacent to southern Albania, 104 MP sites have been reported until 2015, which yielded various assemblages (Fig. 12). The dated contexts fall between MIS 5e or slightly before, and the first half of MIS3 (Elefanti & Marshall, 2015). While it is difficult to browse through such a large assortment of scientific literature, two MP sites stand out with regard to the aims of this article, namely Asprochaliko and Eleftherochori 7. Both sites are situated in the region of Epirus and not far from Istraishta. Asprochaliko is a rockshelter that was excavated and considered to have two main units, the Basal Mousterian and the Upper Mousterian. Initially the Basal Mousterian was interpreted as being mainly dominated by Levallois technology and the later, by an almost exclusive use of the discoidal one. The Upper Mousterian has been dated by two 14C dates in layer 14, spit 19 that have provided contradictory results. The first one 31.99–27.63 ky cal BP falls in the range of Upper Palaeolithic and the second result is > 44.33 ky cal BP. This later result has been generally regarded as a terminus ante quem for the Upper unit. In a similar way the Basal unit has been dated by both 14C and TL dates. A single 14C in layer 18, spit 30 has provided a rather young result that ranges between > 50-37.14 ky cal BP and two TL date results from layer 18, spits 38–40 that range between 102 ± 14 ka and 96 ± 11 ka (Bailey et al. 1983; Bailey et al., 1992; Huxtable et al., 1992; Gowlett and Carter, 1997; Papaconstantinou & Vassilopoulou 1997; Papagianni, 2000; Facorellis 2013). Recently the initial conclusions on the Basal unit have been challenged and revised, by considering it to bear a dominant Discoidal technology with a minor presence of cores on flake and vice versa for the Upper unit. Of particular note from the Basal Mousterian assemblage are 14 cores on flakes that might have utilized flakes from the initial stages of Discoidal production as blanks and are “usually semi-centripetally worked with the ventral faces of the flakes used as striking platforms” (Ligkovanlis, 2016). Such particular procedure does not seem to be present at the assemblages of Istraishta or Eleftherohori 7 but end-products such as pseudoLevallois points are particularly high at all three sites. In addition, Eleftherochori 7, an open-air site that has been surface collected and rescue excavated through 55 trenches, contains a large lithic assemblage of MP and UP components mixed between two layers. The MP assemblage is dominated by discoidal technology and seems to compare well with the Basal Mousterian of Asprochaliko (Ligkovanlis, 2013; 2017; Ligkovanlis et al., 2022).
Another specific character of Istraishta lithic assemblage relates to the micro-mousterian industries of the Balkans and the Mediterranean area, so called due to the small average size of the artefacts (Mihailović 2020), which is interpreted as the outcome of intense exploitation of the local raw material. This process also affected Levallois cores, so diminished in size as the reduction process continued because of intensified reduction, resulting in smaller numbers of residual cores (Gowlett & Carter 1997). This overall microlithisation of industries has a similar set of artefact classes as in any other Mousterian assemblages in southern Europe, including the Pontinian in Italy (Taschini, 1970; Kuhn, 1995; Rolfo et al., 2022). However, in some contexts artefacts were made of small, locally available raw materials of low quality, so their size did not result from the overexploitation of natural cobbles (Karavanić, 2004). In others, the selection of small nodules, regardless of the local availability of larger river pebbles, reveals that obtaining micro-tools was the outcome of intentional actions (Ðuričić, 2006). Given that both these factors could drive reduction of the overall size of artefacts, it would be difficult to isolate the effects of each, and most of the features of lithic industries result from a combination of their effects. These micro-Mousterian industries include retouched flakes, sidescrapers, denticulates and notched pieces as most frequent tools. Sidescrapers are generally the dominant tool, but assemblages rich in denticulates have been reported at Crvena Stijena and open-air sites along the Dalmatian coast (Karavanić, 2007). Limitations in raw material provisioning might also explain the higher tool reduction as a result of repeated rejuvenation stages in function of both the physical properties of the knapped stones and the provisioning constraints of the raw materials. However, studies at Crvena Stijena and Bioče reveal that tool reduction was not as strongly affected by raw materials as by core reduction intensity (Dogandžić & Ðuričić, 2017).
5.2. A Quaternary frame for Istraishta
Given the absence of direct dating, the geochronological position of the Istraishta paleolithic assemblage is hampered. The only possibility is related to a generic assumption that the red clayey soil analysed at the IST_1 profile is representative of the overall paleopedogenetic context evolved on the Eocene carbonate bedrock at the top of the hill. IST_1 palaeosoil has been attributed to that group of a subclass of soils known under the term of Terra Rossa, largely diffused on carbonatic bedrocks in the Mediterranean rim included a large belt of the Western Balkans (Durn, 2003). The processes of total decarbonation, clay illuviation, rubefaction, the increase in weathering-resistant mineral species, and the richness in Fe (hydr)oxides are all ascribable to the Modal Fersiallitic Red Soils (Duchaufour, 1983), developed under stable interglacial climatic conditions especially at middle latitudes (Durn, 2003). These soils, which discontinuously thicken from a few centimetres to several metres, are primarily preserved on surfaces or in cracks, sinkholes and any type of depression evolved at the expenses of limestones and dolomites. Non-primary red-clayey accumulations, the Terra Rossa-like material, are also situated in karst depressions or can contribute to form pedo-sedimentary colluvial sequences, which is not the case at Istraishta. As it lays on hard and permeable limestones and dolomites with a very low content of insoluble residue also in this part of the Balkans (Macleod, 1980), Terra Rossa soils might have incorporated external materials supplied from volcanic events, aeolian streams, shallow water transport and other processes which have reduced the importance of the primary parent material represented by the insoluble residue of bedrocks (Yaalon, 1997). The input of aeolian and pyroclastic materials from the Tyrrenian area during the Pleistocene was inferred in both the sides of the central Adriatic basin (Chiesa et al., 1990; Šušnjara, 1994), with no exclusion of wind-borne material from Africa (Rapp, 1984).
Regarding Istraishta soil, the addition of aeolian and volcanic dust is likely to be inferred, despite the identification of their sources is hampered by the high dispersion and weathering of the silt particles observed in IST_1. Loess deposition affected Istria and the Dalmatian Archipelago since the early Middle Pleistocene (Cremaschi, 1990).
Thus, given that the formation of these strongly weathered paleosols is related to a prolonged period of biostasy with no solution of continuity across the major climatic shifts of the Chibanian and the late Pleistocene, most studies in Quaternary palaeopedology interpret Terra Rossa like a polygenetic relict soil originated even since the Tertiary, the early Pleistocene or the warm interglacial periods occurred after the mid Pleistocene climate transition (see Durn 2003 for review). However, these soils are more likely to be interpreted as Vetusols (Cremaschi, 1987), where pedogenetic processes continuously acted across long spans of time since the mid-Pleistocene (Bronger & Sedov, 2002) or even the last part of late Pleistocene, as it was observed in the southern Mediterranean rim (Gvirtzman & Wieder, 2001). Comparably to other contexts, also at Istraishta this pedogenic phase was affected from the later land-use conditions, as demonstrated by the affirmation of instable conditions and the conversion of the soil to brownification.
To summarize, the geochronological position of the Istraishta Middle Palaeolithic industry collected above the Terra Rossa soil at the top of the hill remains broad, between the Chibanian and the late Pleistocene. Possibly, it might be constrained between the presumed oldest appearance of Discoid technologically featured assemblages in Southern Europe and the Balkans, which dates back to MIS5e, and the latest date of these industries in MIS3. If this latter is the case,