Inclusion/exclusion criteria
Main inclusion and exclusion criteria for HI-PACE are shown in Table 1. The HI-PACE
study is designed to intervene in sedentary, overweight and obese AAs at high risk
for T2D. Thus, we plan to enroll 60 sedentary, overweight and obese AA adults (body
mass index [BMI]: 25.0-45.0 kg/m2, age 35-65 years). All participants will be sedentary/low active and not participating
in exercise training at time of enrollment (<20 minutes, ≤2 days per week for the
last 3 months). Major exclusions for the HI-PACE study include diagnosed type 1 or
type 2 diabetes (or fasting glucose >125 mg/dL, or use of diabetes medication), known
cardiovascular diseases (e.g. heart failure, serious arrhythmias, peripheral vascular
disease), previous stroke or myocardial infarction, excessively high resting systolic
(>180 mmHg) or diastolic (>100 mmHg) blood pressure, significant medical conditions,
life-threatening conditions, pregnancy or plans to become pregnant, and other medical
conditions that are contraindicated for exercise training. Additionally, individuals
who plan to diet, engage in weight loss, or demonstrate non-compliance during screening
visits will be excluded.
The study protocol has been approved by the East Carolina University (ECU) Institutional
Review Board and is registered on (NCT02892331). This study protocol was prepared on the basis of the Standard Protocol
Items: Recommendations for Interventional Trials (SPIRIT) guidelines. This SPIRIT
Checklist is available as Additional file 1.
Recruitment and pre-screening
A detailed summary of the study visits is described in Table 2. Recruitment material
will be disseminated through newspaper (general readership and an AA-specific newspaper),
targeted social media advertisement (e.g. Facebook, Instagram), email sent through
company employee listservs (i.e. ECU, Pitt Community College, Greenville government),
and local organizational contacts in the Pitt County, North Carolina area (e.g. churches,
physician offices, libraries, barbershops, etc.). In addition, a study website will
be created to provide basic study information and to serve as a mechanism for web-screening
potential participants. Web-screening will be performed using an online survey where
basic inclusion/exclusion criteria questions can be completed and subsequently reviewed
by study staff. This online survey is created using an online research database, REDCap
(Nashville, TN) [40], which is connected to the main study database. Interested individuals
can also contact HI-PACE staff by calling the study phone number or by directly emailing
the research coordinator. After this, study staff will phone-screen individuals for
major aspects of the inclusion/exclusion criteria and provide additional information
about study participation. Individuals who are eligible and still interested following
phone screening will progress to Screening visit 1.
Screening visits
Screening visits will be conducted at the East Carolina Heart Institute by the research
coordinator. During Screening visit 1, the research coordinator will describe all
properties of study participation, answer questions from individuals, and obtain informed
consent. Following consent, the research coordinator will screen participants for
the full inclusion/exclusion criteria, collect contact/demographic information, and
review prescribed medications (individuals will be required to bring in prescribed
medications for verification). For inclusion/exclusion purposes, height and weight
(without shoes) will be measured to calculate BMI (kg/m2) and seated resting blood pressure will be assessed via an automated blood pressure
monitor (HEM-907XL, Omron Healthcare Co., Kyoto, Japan).
Individuals will be screened for ample time to participate in the exercise intervention
by filling out an exercise calendar form, where they will be asked to identify specific
days and times (and back-up times) they are available to exercise at our facility
(See Appendix A). Staff will also conduct a standardized interview with potential
participants in which: a) weekly time commitments, b) responsibilities for family
care (i.e. child and elder), c) distances of home and work from our exercise facility,
d) personal motivations for exercising, e) levels of familial support, and d) any
other barrier(s) that would affect study adherence will be evaluated (See Appendix
B). The exercise calendar and interview are intended to screen-out individuals depicting
high risk for non-compliance and/or drop-out during the 24-week study. Previous studies
utilizing similar methodologies exhibited high exercise training adherence and study
retention [41,42].
Individuals who are still eligible at this point will wear a Fitbit Flex (Fitbit Inc.,
San Francisco, CA) and an activPAL accelerometer (PAL Technologies Ltd., Glasgow,
UK) for 7 continuous days to assess baseline non-exercise physical activity level.
The Fitbit Flex will be worn on the non-dominant wrist to obtain data on steps, miles,
intensity, and calorie expenditure each day of wear (blinded to individual). Study
staff will apply the activPAL by rolling a nitrile sleeve over the entire device and
wrap an 8x10 cm sheet of transparent medical dressing completely around it to act as a waterproof barrier. Staff will rub an alcohol-based
prep pad around the site, place the distal end of the activPAL towards the knee, and
apply a separate sheet of medical dressing over the monitor to complete application
to the leg (waterproofing method). The activPAL accelerometer will be worn on the
individual’s mid-thigh, without removal for the entire 7 days. The activPAL measures
postural aspects of time spent sitting/lying down, standing, and walking in hours
per day, as well as energy expenditure (MET-hours per day), steps per day, and number
of sit-to-stand transitions.
The HI-PACE study will utilize a REDCap database to store all information collected
from screening visits (e.g. contact/demographic information, blood lab results, etc.)
and to track physical activity data during the physical activity assessment. During
each day the devices are worn, REDCap surveys will be sent automatically to individuals’
email address to ask if the activPAL and Fitbit devices were worn on the previous
day and if there were any extended periods of non-wear time. The purpose of the survey
is to: 1) increase the accuracy of the physical activity assessment by being able
to eliminate days affected by non-wear, and 2) prompt individuals to wear the devices
consistently. Since changes in non-exercise physical activity can confound exercise-related
changes in outcome measures [43,44], it is necessary to ensure that participants in
the HI-PACE study can regularly wear the devices.
Following completion of the baseline physical activity assessment (7 days), individuals
will return to the East Carolina Heart Institute for Screening visit 2 in the morning,
in the fasted state. The study nurse will perform a fasting blood draw and immediately
send the sample to a clinical laboratory (LabCorp Inc., Burlington, NC) for complete
metabolic panel, lipid panel, insulin level, and blood chemistries. Pre-menopausal
women will also be required to complete a pregnancy test. The Fitbit and activPAL
will be retrieved for accelerometer data to be downloaded and recorded in the study
database. Upon completion of the screening visits, individuals will be scheduled for
the baseline assessment visit.
Assessment visits (baseline, mid-intervention, and follow- up)
A flow chart of the present study is shown in Fig. 1. Primary (i.e. CRF) and secondary
outcome measures (i.e. arterial stiffness, mitochondrial measures, insulin sensitivity,
skeletal muscle oxidative capacity, quality of life, and food-frequency questionnaires
[FFQ]) will be obtained at baseline and at follow-up (week 24). At mid-intervention
(week 12), CRF, resting blood pressures, and anthropometry (i.e. body mass, waist
circumference, and BMI) will be re-evaluated. Measurements of arterial stiffness,
muscle biopsy, IVGTT, and NIRS will be obtained in this order, during the same visit
(baseline and follow-up). Whereas, CRF, anthropometry, and body composition will be
obtained during the same visit of a separate week. The primary outcome will be obtained
at the Human Performance Laboratory in the Ward Sports Medicine Building, whereas
the secondary outcomes will be obtained at the East Carolina Heart Institute. Randomization
into a study group will occur upon completion of all baseline assessments. For an
overview of the schedule of enrollment, randomization, intervention, and assessments,
see Fig. 2 for the completed Standard Protocol Items: Recommendations for Interventional
Trials (SPIRITS) figure.
Primary Outcome – change in maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max)
The primary outcome measurement is CRF due to the well-established association between
CRF levels and risk of T2D [8,10,11,27]. We will measure CRF as VO2 max (the gold standard) from a maximal exertion treadmill test under supervision
of a physician. Maximal exercise testing will be conducted on a treadmill (Cardiac
Science TM65, Davis Medical Electronics, Bothell, WA) under a modified Balke protocol.
For the warm-up, participants will initially walk at a speed of 2.0 mph at 0% grade
for 2 minutes. Subsequently, we will increase treadmill speed to 3.0 mph to begin
the treadmill test. During the test, we will increase treadmill grade by 2.5% every
2 minutes until volitional exhaustion. Gas exchange (i.e. VO2, VCO2) and pulmonary ventilation will be measured continuously using a TrueOne 2400 Metabolic
Measurement Cart (Parvo Medics, Salt Lake City, UT). Heart rate, blood pressure, rating
of perceived exertion, and electrocardiogram will be monitored and recorded before,
during, and after the exercise test. The electrocardiogram will be cleared by the
study physician prior to participant randomization. A valid maximal exercise test
will meet two of three end criteria: 1) elevated respiratory exchange ratio (RER)
(≥1.10); 2) plateauing of VO2; or 3) within ±5 bpm of age-predicted maximal heart rate.
Secondary outcome measures
Secondary outcome measures include: change in insulin action, arterial stiffness,
mitochondrial function, body fat, C-reactive protein, and psychological surveys.
Insulin sensitivity
Insulin sensitivity will be assessed at baseline and follow-up (24 hours following
the last exercise session for MOD-INT and HIGH-INT groups) via an intravenous glucose
tolerance test (IVGTT). After collection of fasting blood samples, glucose (Dextrose
50%) will be injected into a catheter placed in the antecubital vein, at a dose of
0.3 g/kg body weight. Subsequently, blood samples will be obtained at the following
time points: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 19, 22, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80,
90, 100, 120, 140, 160, and 180 minutes. Insulin will be injected at minute-20 of
the test, at a dose of 0.025 U/kg body weight. Blood samples will be centrifuged and
stored at -80°C until sample analysis for glucose and insulin. Insulin sensitivity
index will be determined through a minimal model [45]. Follow-up IVGTT will be assessed
within 18-24 hours of the MOD-INT and HIGH-INT participants’ last exercise session.
Arterial stiffness
Carotid-to-femoral PWV and aortic blood pressure parameters will be measured using
a SphygmoCor XCEL (AtCor Medical, Itasca, IL). Carotid-femoral PWV, an index of the
degree of arterial stiffness, is the gold standard measurement of arterial stiffness
[46]. Arterial stiffness measurements will occur during the morning in a quiet, temperature-controlled
room at baseline and follow-up. Prior to each measure, participants will refrain from vigorous exercise, tobacco,
caffeine, and alcohol for at least 12 hours, as well as large meals for at least 6
hours. Participants will take their prescribed medications which will be logged and
repeated at follow-up. The methodology for arterial stiffness measurements will adhere
to a position stand by the American Heart Association [47].
For aortic blood pressure and stiffness measurements, participants will be in the
seated position for a 5-minute rest period. Following rest, aortic blood pressure
(e.g. brachial blood pressures, aortic blood pressures, etc.) and stiffness (e.g.
augmentation index, wave reflection, etc.) parameters will be obtained on the basis
of acquisition of brachial artery pressure waveforms with application of a generalized
transfer function to derive the central aortic pressure waveform, from which estimates
of aortic blood pressures are generated. Three measurements will be performed for
aortic blood pressure parameters with a 1-minute rest period between each measurement.
Subsequently, PWV will be obtained in the supine position following a 15-minute rest.
During rest, body surface measurements will be measured via a Gulick tape measure
(Baseline, Fabrication Enterprises, White Plains, NY) in triplicate to determine the
distance traveled by the pulse wave between the carotid and femoral artery sites.
Study staff will palpate and mark the carotid artery pulse (between the larynx and
sternocleidomastoid muscle in the neck), the sternal notch (superficial landmark of
aortic arch), and femoral artery pulse (over the ventral thigh halfway between the
pubic symphysis and anterior superior iliac spine) [48]. The mean distance for each
site will be used for PWV calculation. Pressure waveforms at the carotid arterial
site will be acquired via applanation tonometry and electrocardiographic gating, while
the femoral arterial site will be simultaneously acquired using the oscillometric
device within the SphygmoCor XCEL. The PWV measurement will be conducted in duplicate, and the mean of these measurements will
be the reported value. Both measurements must be within 0.5 meters per second to be
considered acceptable for data purposes. If the two measurements differ by more than
0.5 meters per second, a third measurement will be obtained, and the reported value
will be the median of the three measurements.
Mitochondrial Function
A percutaneous muscle biopsy (100-200 mg of tissue) will be obtained using sterile
techniques at baseline and follow-up from the vastus lateralis with a 5-mm Bergström muscle biopsy cannula with suction (Stille Surgical Instruments, Eskilstuna, Sweden),
as previously described [49]. Briefly, participants will lie supine with legs extended (0º flexion) and two
operators will spray ethyl chloride on the biopsy site and administer 1% lidocaine
at each level of subcutaneous tissue, stopping superficial to the fascia. Following
2-3 minutes to allow for the local anesthetic effects, a 1-cm incision will be made
through the skin and subcutaneous tissues, parallel to the femur, until an incision
is made through the muscle fascia. The operator will utilize the biopsy cannula to
locate the fascia incision site and advance the needle past the fascia, angled downward
towards the floor to rapidly clip and collect the muscle sample with suction by the
second operator. Following the biopsy, the sample will be trimmed of visible adipose
tissue, weighed on a scale (AL54, Mettler Toledo, Columbus, OH), and snap-frozen in
liquid nitrogen to be stored at -80ºC until analysis at study completion.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-alpha (PGC1-α), COX
IV, GLUT-4, and CPT-1 content will be determined; these proteins were selected as
they are downstream of PGC1-α and represent distinct steps in oxidative metabolism
[50]. Approximately 50 mg of muscle tissue will be homogenized (T8 Ultra Turrax; IKA, Wilmington,
NC) in 20 volumes of cell lysis buffer (50 mM HEPES, 12 mM sodium pyrophosphate, 100
mM sodium fluoride, 100 mM ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, 10 mM sodium orthovanate,
1% Triton X-100) supplemented with a protease and phosphatase inhibitor cocktails
(Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO). Lysates will be sonicated for 5 seconds, rotated for
~1 hour at 4°C, and centrifuged at 13,500 x g for 15 minutes at 4°C. Protein concentration
for each sample homogenate will be determined via a commercially available bicinchoninic
acid protein assay kit (Pierce, Rockford, IL). Aliquots containing 30 µg of total
protein will be diluted in 4x Laemmli Buffer (BioRad, Hercules, CA) with 5% ß-mercaptoethanol
(ßME) at a 3:1 ratio, prior to heating at 70°C for 10 minutes. Denatured samples will
be brought to room temperature, loaded onto a 10% polyacrylamide gel, separated by
SDS-PAGE, and transferred to nitrocellulose membranes. Membranes will be blocked with
Odyssey Blocking Buffer (OBB; Li-Cor, Lincoln, NE) for 1 hour and incubated with primary
antibodies. Membranes will be washed with TBST and incubated with an anti-rabbit or
anti-mouse fluorophore-conjugated secondary antibody (1:20,000, Li-Cor) in OBB supplemented
with 0.1% Tween-20 for 1 hour. The membranes will then be washed with TBST followed
by TBS prior to being scanned on the Odyssey CLx Imaging System (Li-Cor) and quantified
on Image Studio software (V4.0.21; Li-Cor). GAPDH will be used as a loading control.
Citrate synthase activity will be determined with a colorimetric reaction using reagents
in a commercial kit (Sigma CD0720, St. Louis, MO), as in a previous study [51]. A 10- to 15-mg piece of muscle will be diluted 20-fold in a buffer containing 100
mM KH2PO4 and 0.05% bovine serum albumin and homogenized at 4°C using the Ultra Turrax. Homogenates
will undergo four freeze-thaw cycles before experimentation. Protein content will
be measured using the bicinchoninic acid assay and citrate synthase activity will
be assessed with reagents provided in the commercial kit (Sigma CS0720), which uses
a colorimetric reaction to measure the reaction rate of acetyl coenzyme A and oxaloacetic
In vivo skeletal muscle mitochondrial oxidative capacity
As an additional measure of mitochondrial function, in vivo skeletal muscle mitochondrial oxidative capacity will be measured non-invasively
via near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) at baseline and follow-up. This NIRS approach
measures the recovery kinetics of skeletal muscle oxygen consumption (mVO2) following brief exercise and has demonstrated strong correlations with current in vivo and ex vivo gold standard measurements of mitochondrial function (i.e. magnetic resonance spectroscopy
and muscle biopsy) [52,53]. We will implement a NIRS testing protocol similar to Ryan et al. [53]. NIRS data will be obtained using an OxiplexTS (ISS, Champaign, IL), a frequency-domain
tissue oximeter. Briefly, the OxiplexTS is equipped with 2 independent data acquisition
channels, with 8 infrared diode lasers (four emitting at 691 nm and four at 830 nm)
and a detector within each (emitter-detector distances 2.0-4.0 cm). The absolute values of oxygenated hemoglobin (O2Hb) and deoxygenated hemoglobin (HHb) will be calculated in micromoles according to
manufacturer instructions. Data will be collected at 4 Hz. Both NIRS probes will be calibrated prior to each
test using a phantom with known optical properties, once the device warms-up for at
least 20 minutes.
For each NIRS measurement, participants will be supine on a padded table with both
legs extended (0º flexion). A skinfold caliper (Lange, Beta Technology, Santa Cruz,
CA) will be used to measure subcutaneous adipose tissue thickness at the probe site
(~10 cm above the patella). The NIRS probe will be secured to the skin at the vastus
lateralis site with double-sided adhesive tape and Velcro straps. Additionally, a
blood pressure cuff (Hokanson SC-10D or SC-10L, D.E. Hokanson, Inc., Bellevue, WA)
will be placed proximal to the NIRS probe, as high as anatomically possible to prevent
unwanted signal noise from cuff inflation. A 15-gallon air compressor (Model D55168,
Dewalt, Baltimore, MD) set to 30 psi will power a rapid-inflation system (Hokanson
E20, D.E. Hokanson) to control the blood pressure cuff.
Upon securement of the probe and cuff, participants will complete a short-duration
(~10-30 seconds), submaximal, repeated knee extension and/or isometric quadricep exercise
to increase mVO2. Following exercise, the recovery kinetics of mVO2 will be determined from a series of repeated arterial occlusions (275-300 mmHg) for
~5-7 minutes in duration using the following inflation/deflation timing: 5 seconds
inflated/5 seconds deflated for ~90 seconds, then 10 seconds inflated/10 seconds deflated
for remainder of test. The beginning and end of each occlusion will be marked for
calculations of mVO2 from the deoxygenated hemoglobin/myoglobin signal (i.e. slope during occlusion). The
post-exercise mVO2 data will then be fit to a mono-exponential function to calculate the rate constant,
which is directly related to the mitochondrial respiratory capacity [52]. Three trials
of exercise and occlusion procedures will be performed, and results will be averaged.
Baseline and follow-up NIRS data will be analyzed via custom-written routines in MATLAB
R2017b (MathWorks, Natick, MA).
Blood sample collection
A venous blood sample will be drawn with a 21-gauge needle with the participant in
the fasted state at baseline and follow-up. A total of 21 mL of blood will be drawn
by the study nurse and will immediately be sent to a clinical laboratory (LabCorp
Inc., Burlington, NC) for a complete metabolic panel, lipid panel, insulin level,
and blood chemistries. Prior to glucose injection during the baseline and follow-up IVGTT, we will collect
vials of archive plasma, serum, and red blood cells to be stored at -80°C for future analysis. We also will send an additional serum separator tube to LabCorp
for measurement of C-reactive protein.
Anthropometry and body composition
Body weight will be measured in the fasted state via a calibrated scale (DigiTol 8510,
Mettler Toledo, Columbus, OH) (recorded to the nearest 1/10 of a kg). Dual Energy
X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) (GE Lunar Prodigy Advance, Fairfield, CT) will be used
to measure body composition (fat and fat-free mass) at baseline and follow-up. Waist
circumference will be measured via a Gulick tape measure at the natural waist (halfway
point from the inferior border of the rib cage and the superior point of the iliac
crest). Participants will be instructed to stand straight and upright, with their
feet together, and arms to their side. Study staff will mark each landmark and measure
the distance to determine the proper measurement site. For each measure, study staff
will confirm: 1) the tape is parallel to the floor; 2) the tape touches the entire
circumference of the participant; 3) the tape is not compressing any abdominal tissue;
4) the tape is not within abdominal folds; and 5) the measurement is recorded following
a normal exhalation by the participant. Duplicate waist circumference measurements
will be obtained. If measurements are ±0.5 cm, the reported value will be the average
of the two. If measurements differ >0.5 cm, a third measurement will be assessed,
and the reported value will be the average of the three measurements. Waist circumference
will be evaluated at baseline, mid-intervention, and follow-up.
Non-exercise physical activity levels
Non-exercise physical activity data will be monitored in all randomization groups
using a Fitbit Flex activity tracker throughout the intervention period. Each group
will be blinded to the number of steps accrued and instructed to not change their
non-exercise physical activity levels from baseline. Prior to each exercise session,
the Fitbit device will be removed from the participant (to not mix exercise and non-exercise
physical activity data) and synced to the Fitbit software to upload their non-exercise
physical activity levels. Participants in the CON group will sync their data at home
using the Fitbit software and be monitored by study staff to assure compliance. Automated
REDCap surveys will be emailed 3 times per week to all participants to inquire about
Fitbit wear. Participants will be instructed to fill-out these surveys to validate
consistent device wear as this will allow staff to input non-exercise physical activity
data on a weekly basis. This process helps to ensure consistent daily wearing of the
device and to determine if the participant did not wear the Fitbit for extended periods
of time.
Study staff will use a database program (Fitabase, Small Steps Labs, San Diego, CA)
to centralize all non-exercise physical activity data (i.e. total daily steps, minutes
of light, moderate and vigorous physical activity, miles traveled, and estimated kilocalorie
energy expenditure). All non-exercise physical activity data synced to Fitabase will
be stored in a custom-made REDCap database. Study staff will compile and inp daily
steps, intensity, miles, and energy expenditure from each participant on a weekly
Dietary composition
Dietary intake will be tracked at baseline and follow-up via the Block food frequency
questionnaire (FFQ) [54]. The FFQ consists of 105 categorized items and assesses both
frequency of consumption and portion size selections, in which participants will recall
their typical eating habits within the previous 3 months at baseline and follow-up
timepoints. The questionnaire estimates daily intake values of kilocalories, select
macronutrients and micronutrients, and also calculates servings by food group. The
research coordinator will instruct participants at screening visit 1 to maintain current
dietary habits and not to begin intentional dieting for the entirety of the study.
Additionally, study staff will remind all participants on a weekly basis to not change
their eating habits during the intervention. The FFQ serves as a semi-quantitative
measure to ensure dietary habits are not changed throughout the intervention.
Psychological parameters
The short form health survey (SF-36) [55] will be utilized to measure quality of life
at both baseline and follow-up. Exercise enjoyment will be assessed via the Physical
Activity Enjoyment (PACE) Scale [56] and the Feeling Scale [57]. As secondary outcomes, the impact of exercise intensity on these affective responses
(i.e. feelings of overall pleasure/displeasure and enjoyment) play an important role
in physical activity participation and adherence [58–60]. The PACE Scale is comprised of 8 items rated on a 7-point semantic differential scale
with “4” representing a neutral position. The PACE Scale will be collected every 4
weeks during the exercise intervention. Affective responses to exercise will be assessed
by having participants complete the Feeling Scale. The Feeling Scale is a single-item,
11-point scale which assesses how individuals feel at a specific moment in time, ranging
from -5 (very bad) to +5 (very good) with 0 representing neutral feelings. Study staff
will collect Feeling Scale data every 5 minutes during the first exercise session
of every week of the exercise intervention.
Participants will be randomized to either the non-exercise control (CON), moderate-intensity
(MOD-INT), or high-intensity (HIGH-INT) group upon completion of all baseline assessments
and approval by the study physician. The study biostatistician will generate a randomization
list to allocate participants in a 1:1:1 ratio to study groups. The randomization
process will be performed by an individual separate from the research team, who has
no interaction with the study participants or access to HI-PACE study data. All other
research staff will not have access to the randomization list (including the principal
investigator). Once a participant has completed all baseline assessments, study staff
will email the participant’s identification number and gender to the individual. The
participant will be assigned to the next group on the randomization list. Upon randomization,
the intervention period will begin the following week. A study flow chart is shown
in Fig. 1.
Aerobic exercise training
All exercise sessions will be supervised by study staff and performed on a treadmill
(Precor TRM 885, Precor Inc., Woodinville, WA) to sustain control of energy expenditure
from exercise. Participants in the MOD-INT group will exercise at a target heart rate
associated with 45-55% VO2 max, and participants in the HIGH-INT group will exercise at a target heart rate
associated with 70-80% VO2 max. The heart rate range for each participant will be determined based on the maximal
exercise test (baseline and mid-intervention). The full exercise dose for both groups
will be 600 MET-minutes per week, which is consistent with current public health guidelines
[5]. Since participants will be sedentary at baseline, we will increase exercise dose
incrementally throughout the study to avoid potential adverse events during exercise.
Initially, the exercise dose will be 300 MET-minutes during week 1 and will increase
by 50 MET-minutes per week until the maximum exercise volume of 600 MET-minutes is
reached at week 9. The exercise dose will remain at 600 MET-minutes until conclusion
of the intervention (see Fig. 3). We will calculate the number of MET-minutes exercised
based on treadmill speed/grade and the participants’ weight, using the standard American
College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) walking equation [61]. Custom-made Excel spreadsheets will be utilized to determine exercise time for each session, based on 1) the required weekly MET-minutes, 2) the participants’ weight, 3) exercise
speed/grade, and 4) the amount of expected sessions per week (3-4 sessions per week).
At the first exercise session of each week, study staff will weigh participants (without
shoes) on a calibrated scale and remind participants to not alter their diet or engage
in an exercise program outside of the study. Additionally, we will ask participants
about any changes to their prescribed medications on a weekly basis.
Prior to starting exercise, participants will rest for 5 minutes in the seated position,
after which study staff will measure systolic/diastolic blood pressures using a mercury
sphygmomanometer and record resting heart rate via a Zephyr Bioharness 3 monitor (Medtronic,
Annapolis, MD). Each participant will be instructed to complete a 5-minute warm-up
on the treadmill at a low speed (~2.0 miles per hour) at 0% grade. Following completion
of the warm-up, participants will begin their prescribed exercise by adjusting speed
and/or grade of the treadmill. During the supervised exercise, heart rate will be
monitored continuously using the Bioharness monitor to confirm exercise intensity
and participants will be required to remain within their target heart range (MOD-INT:
heart rate associated with 45-55% VO2 max; HIGH-INT: heart rate associated with 70-80% VO2 max). Heart rate will be recorded every 5 minutes, along with participants’ subjective
rating of perceived exertion (RPE) via the Borg scale [62]. The Feeling Scale will
also be recorded every 5 minutes on the first exercise session of each week. Study
staff will keep mobile laptop carts nearby the exercising participant(s) and will
use custom-made Excel spreadsheets to: 1) quantify the number of MET-minutes accumulated
during exercise and number of MET-minutes remaining in the session, 2) mean heart
rate and RPE of the session, and 3) calculate amount of time remaining in the current
session. The spreadsheet calculates these variables in real-time and can compensate
for potential adjustments during the exercise session, such as increasing or decreasing
treadmill speed and/or grade.
Once completed with the exercise session, participants will perform a 5-minute cool-down
at a similar intensity as the warm-up. Subsequently, participants will rest for 5
minutes in the seated position for recording of post-exercise heart rate and systolic/diastolic
blood pressures. Lastly, study staff will input all exercise session data (i.e. total
exercise duration, MET-minutes, caloric expenditure, miles traveled, average speed,
grade, heart rate, and RPE, and percentage of time participant exercised within target
heart rate range) into the database.
For each exercise session the mean heart rate will be calculated using Omnisense Analysis
version 5.0 software (Medtronic, Annapolis, MD). The Bioharness monitors continuously
record heart rate data on a second-by-second basis. Thus, to collect mean heart rate
for each session, study staff will analyze heart rate data only during exercise by
creating a time-specific sub-session annotation within the Omnisense software to exclude
non-exercise heart rate data from calculation. This process will more accurately calculate
exercise intensities during training sessions since heart rate will be measured continuously
as opposed to intervals (e.g. every 5 minutes).
Exercise economy
To address potential variability in exercise economy at a given workload, study staff
will directly measure energy expenditure (EE) rate via indirect calorimetry (TrueOne 2400) at the
participant’s prescribed exercise speed and grade on a treadmill [42,63,64]. This
exercise economy test will be performed on week-1, -3, -5, and then monthly until
the conclusion of the intervention. The rate of EE determined through indirect calorimetry
will be divided by estimated EE determined from the ACSM walking equation to develop
a correction factor (i.e. actual EE rate/predicted EE rate). This correction factor
will be used to: 1) adjust the EE calculated from the ACSM equation to more accurately
implement the exercise prescription which corresponds to 600 MET-minutes per week,
2) adjust participants’ exercise session time according to potential changes in metabolic
and/or biomechanical efficiency from exercise training, and (3) verify required MET-minutes
exercised by increasing or decreasing exercise session time accordingly.
Training data management
Exercise volume adherence will be defined as MET-minutes exercised divided by required
MET-minutes. Exercise intensity adherence will be quantified as time within the required
target heart rate range divided by total exercise time. Exercise compliance will be defined as the amount of sessions attended divided by
the amount of sessions required. The research team will actively monitor exercise
volume/intensity adherence, compliance, and other indicators of intervention fidelity
(e.g. target heart rate compliance, wear rate of accelerometer, participant morale,
progression rate of speed/grade) on a weekly basis in study meetings. In all randomization groups, Fitbit wear compliance will be monitored throughout the
6-month intervention. Weekly reports will be compiled from the study databases to
monitor and review the compliance and adherence rates of all participants.
Statistical considerations
The results of the current pilot study will be used to advise the design (effect size/statistical
power) of a larger prospective intervention. The response variable for the primary
outcome is change in VO2 max. The three treatment groups, CON, MOD-INT, and HIGH-INT will be compared in terms
of baseline VO2 max using side-by-side boxplots and the corresponding numeric summaries along with
mean and standard deviation. This will be repeated for post treatment values of VO2 max as well as for VO2 max differences of post-treatment and baseline. If there are distributional concerns,
log transformation of VO2 max will be considered. Unless there are extreme outliers or severe heteroscedasticity,
one-way ANOVA will be used for inference regarding the primary outcome. The two sample
t-test (without assuming equal variances) along with the associated confidence intervals
will be used for differences in group means; confidence intervals for differences
in group means obtained from the one-way ANOVA will also be reported.
The above steps used for VO2 max (the primary outcome) will be repeated for each of the numeric variables used
for secondary outcomes. These variables are change in insulin sensitivity, mitochondrial
protein content, citrate synthase activity, skeletal muscle mitochondrial oxidative
capacity, arterial stiffness parameters, body fat %, and C-reactive protein. Data
will be analyzed on an intention to treat basis.
The ordinal variables, exercise enjoyment and quality of life, will be dichotomized
into “no improvement” and “improvement.” Fisher’s exact test will be used to obtain
an overall p-value and restriction to two of the treatment groups will provide estimated
odds ratios and the associated confidence intervals.
The three groups will be compared using the following demographic and other variables
that may be related to exercise, change in VO2 max, or one of the other response variables: age, sex, body weight, BMI, waist circumference,
body fat %, fat mass, fat-free mass, cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressures.
If differences among the treatment groups in terms of one or more of these variables
are deemed important, adjustments to the above comparisons will be made using higher
order ANOVA, ANCOVA, and/or linear regression.
Power ranges from .85 for 15 participants per group to .96 for 20 participants per
group using -.112, .124, and .200 L/min as the means for the three groups based on
previous data [66], a common standard deviation of .250 L/min, and significance level
=.05. We expect attrition to be approximately 10-15% so that enrollment of 60 participants
(20 per group) will be sufficient for the primary outcome.
All statistical analyses will be performed using statistical software in R version
3.5.1. [65]. The resultant mean change and standard deviation of the change of outcome
measures (if indicative of enhance cardiometabolic improvements in the HIGH-INT compared
to the MOD-INT and CON groups) will be used for power calculations to determine the
necessary sample size of a larger study.