Global warming in ecosystems alters temperature, acidification, circulation, stratification, nutrient inputs as well as the frequency and severity of storms, floods and droughts (Philippot et al. 2021; Clementson et al. 2021). Phytoplankton play a critical role in global biogeochemical cycles crucial for a planet’s sustainability, as well as in trophic interactions and fisheries. Yet, they are under bombardment from urbanization and industrialization upstream and climate change and sea level rise downstream, as well as alterations to natural processes including but not limited to nutrient cycling, acidification and more (e.g., Chan and Hamilton 2001; Howarth and Marino et al. 2006; Pinckney 2006; Cloern and Jassby 2010; Shade et al. 2012; Wetz and Paerl 2008; Hu et al. 2015; Freeman et al. 2019; Huang et al. 2021). Events which alter ecosystems also impact phytoplankton community composition, diversity, and productivity. The potential of a community to cope with changes driven by global warming is affected by relative constraints on individual physiology and the degree of heterogeneity of the environment. Further, some studies have shown that near shore communities may show functional redundancy (unaltered function but change in composition) to warming, while offshore communities may exhibit sensitivity such as alterations in their function and composition (Wang et al. 2021). An understanding of phytoplankton community composition and the processes that drive its variability remains essential for understanding ecosystem functioning and response to perturbations.
There are many processes that influence phytoplankton communities in bays and estuaries, including tidal exchange, food web structure, and/or presence of invasive species. Depletion of phytoplankton biomass due to hydraulic displacement (e.g., driven by riverine discharge, storms) has been observed in natural systems including Galveston Bay (Roelke et al. 2013; Dorado et al. 2015). As a result of Hurricane Harvey, flooding occurred with an unprecedented magnitude and duration (Thyng et al. 2020), significantly altering water-chemistry (Chapman et al. 2023) and biology (Steichen et al. 2020; Walker et al. 2022; present study). It was not until the last sampling campaign, about a month after the initial hurricane that freshwater inflows were returning to pre-Harvey flow levels (Du et al. 2019). Of the other processes influencing the community, tidal exchange can be large relative to inflows in some estuaries, diluting the effects of hydraulic displacement and nutrient and sediment loading originating from river discharge (see Roelke et al. 2013), but this is less so in Galveston Bay which is microtidal (Du et al. 2019; Thyng et al. 2020). In addition, to the increased freshwater inflows, there was a significant lowering of water temperatures throughout Galveston Bay (Huang et al. 2021) and Gulf of Mexico (Trenberth et al. 2018). Vincent et al. (2012) reported that hurricanes can lower sea surface temperatures by as much as 10ºC through a variety of mechanisms. This rapid cooling of the surface mixed layer has the potential to increase annual CO2 efflux (Bates et al. 1998), both in the bay and the nearby coastal shelf as flood waters exit and are entrained in the northwestern Gulf (Thyng et al. 2020).
When subtropical estuaries experience severe floods associated with storms, the phytoplankton community will be dramatically altered. Immediately after the storm dissipated over Galveston Bay, sampling efforts showed the lowest salinities bay wide ever reported, not surprising given the volume of rainfall and runoff introduced in just a few days which was the equivalent (and more) of the annual freshwater inflow to the bay (Thyng et al. 2020; Du et al. 2019). There was also a concurrent large pulse of nutrients introduced at the head of the bay following the storm, both from riverine and urban (runoff from impervious surfaces, wastewater treatment facility overloads, etc) sources. Concentrations of DIN, TN and TP were 11–25 µmol/L, 39–74 µmol/L, and 3.1–5.5 µmol/L, respectfully, during the first sampling campaign, and the DIN:P ratio was 7.8–10.6 while the phytoplankton biomass and primary productivity were initially very low, indicative of another influence limiting biomass. The increase in Pi concentrations with time may be due to it being released by particulate matter (remineralization) or a pulse of freshwater coming in from the Trinity River (see Steichen et al. 2020; Yan et al. 2020) for details. The lack of correlation between salinity and ammonia (data not shown) indicates this nutrient came from remineralized particulate and dissolved organic matter flushed into the bay. Other factors which impaired the response of the phytoplankton community to the initial nutrient pulse include but are not limited to (1) decreased water clarity (i.e., increased turbidity), (2) short residence time with increased flow rate, (3) temperature and carbon availability, and (4) the nutrient loading (types, forms). While the former factors did not allow the phytoplankton to take advantage of the higher nutrient concentrations (Cloern, 1996; Chan and Hamilton, 2001; Rissik et al. 2009), the latter have been correlated to significant spatiotemporal shifts in the total and relative abundance of autotrophic and heterotrophic microbes (Williams and Quigg 2019; Yan et al. 2020; Walker et al. 2022). Further, hydraulic displacement has previously been shown to impact phytoplankton biomass, productivity and community structure in this estuary (Roelke et al. 2013) as well as others (e.g., Moreton Bay, Australia in Clementson et al. 2021).
After several weeks of sampling (T3-T5 campaigns), we observed that phytoplankton populations responded to the increase in nutrients (dissolved and those that had disassociated from the particulate material) and concurrent increased light availability. High primary productivity was measured in the light/dark bottle experiments and with the PHYTO-PAM as relETRmax (Figs. 4 and 6) during T3. Previous studies have shown that phytoplankton reproductive growth rates respond rapidly to nutrient loadings in Galveston Bay (Örnolfsdottir et al. 2004; Roelke et al. 2013; Dorado et al. 2015), in other western Gulf of Mexico estuaries and elsewhere (Russell & Montagna 2007; Wachnicka et al. 2022; Thompson et al. 2023). The oscillations in water temperatures, despite increasing salinities likely muted the phytoplankton response during T4 which had consistently lower net primary productivity at all stations relative to both T3 and T5 (see also Trenberth et al. 2018; Huang et al. 2021). Nonetheless, we observed a gradient of increasing primary productivity from the head to the mouth of the bay, similar in pattern to that observed prior to the storm (Dorado et al. 2015). Previous work has shown that temporally, temperature and variables associated with freshwater inflow (discharge volume, salinity, DIN and Pi) were major influences on phytoplankton dynamics, with DIN:Pi ratios suggesting that phytoplankton communities were predominately nitrogen limited which has been observed in Galveston Bay previously (Örnólfsdóttir et al. 2004a,b; Quigg 2015).
Community dynamics
As part of the rapid response, we examined alterations in structure of the phytoplankton community and their underlying physiology on both spatial and temporal scales. Each of the methods used has advantages and disadvantages and provides complimentary information to achieve a holistic view of the phytoplankton community. While the pigment and omics samples considered the entire community, the IFCB data is limited to microplankton (~ 10–150 µm). One advantage of the IFCB is that we were able to identify the major taxa (genera and some species level details) that were present following the hurricane. The IFCB data compliments the omics data set which identified many species and genera, but still has many unknowns (see Steichen et al. 2020). The disadvantage of the IFCB is that it is difficult to identify phytoplankton which are smaller than 10 µm and so it may not detect the shifts in cyanobacterial communities and other small celled species/genera.
Most cyanobacteria and green algae identified immediately after the hurricane were freshwater species introduced with the increased inflows of the San Jacinto River, surrounding bayous and creeks and runoff from land. As the tidal exchange allowed, this freshwater was pushed out of the bay (initial flooding pulse) or was mixed with the marine waters of the Gulf of Mexico in the weeks following the passage of the hurricane. The benefit of this flushing and mixing was that many of these species are known to produce harmful algal blooms (HABs) (e.g., Anabaena sp., Microcystis sp.; Badylak and Phlips 2004; McInnes and Quigg 2010; Anderson et al. 2021), often associated fish kill events were not given time to flourish as salinities increased. As with Peierls et al. (2003), we observed green algae responding to flood waters with an increase in biomass; the loss thereafter was a result of increased salinity and shifts in nitrogen sources (from NH4+ to NO3-) (Fig. 9; Supplemental Tables 2 and 3). The impacts of ammonium and nitrate on the phytoplankton community highlights the importance of nitrogen utilization dynamics amongst phytoplankton, in other words differences in both inhibition and preferred uptake of ammonium (Dortch, 1990). Therefore, the general decrease in ammonium concentration over time may have also driven the decrease in cyanobacteria and green algae along with the change in salinity caused by flushing effects of the hurricane. Similar such observations were also reported for the nearby Neuse River Estuary (Pinckney et al. 1998) and the northern Gulf of Mexico (Chakraborty and Lohrenz 2015; Wachnicka et al. 2022). Studies in Moreton Bay (Australia) also found chlorophytes were restricted to parts of the estuary with freshwater (Chan and Hamilton 2001; Glibert et al. 2006; Quigg et al. 2010; Clementson et al. 2021).
Diatoms are fast-growing taxa known to respond rapidly to nutrient inputs (Collos 1986; Pinckney et al. 1999), particularly after the passage of storms (Anglès et al. 2015; Liu et al. 2019). The cosmopolitan diatoms Thalassiosira sp., Skeletonema sp., Asterionellopsis sp. and a variety of Chaetoceros sp. were prevalent in the weeks after the hurricane. Other studies have shown that Skeletonema sp.was dominant after a hurricane where there was a nutrient injection into the ecosystem occurred (Tsuchiya et al. 2013). Anglès et al. (2015) reported that the increase of diatoms (Thalassiosira sp., Skeletonema sp., and Asterionellopsis sp.) together with their association with incoming tides indicates that conditions in nearshore waters outside the estuary were favorable for phytoplankton growth because of nutrient entrainment in the Guadalupe, Mission-Aransas and Nueces estuaries and Aransas Pass in southwest Texas. There were also spikes of several benthic diatom species (e.g., Nitzchia, Navicula, Cylindrotheca), which indicate bioturbation of the sediments into the water column; this is consistent with the idea that the storm surge also resuspended nutrients inside the estuary, which favored the rapid growth of these diatom taxa. The high concentrations of diatoms in our pigment samples was consistent with previous phytoplankton community studies in Galveston Bay (Örnólfsdóttir et al. 2004a,b; Pinckney 2006; Dorado et al. 2015) and the northern Gulf of Mexico (e.g., Lambert et al. 1999; Zhao and Quigg 2014). Annually, diatoms dominate during periods of moderate to high freshwater inflows in winter/spring while cyanobacteria dominate during summer when inflow is low (Dorado et al. 2015). Fiorendino et al. (2021) also found that diatoms dominated during upwelling and water column mixing offshore after Hurricane Harvey along the coastal zone adjacent to Galveston Bay while moderate downwelling conditions favored dinoflagellates.
As with Örnólfsdóttir et al. (2006b), we found the N input with the flood waters favored increases in diatom biomass (Fig. 9; Table S3). Roelke et al. (2013) found that the growth of cyanobacteria, dinoflagellates and euglenophytes were not stimulated by nutrient loading alone in a previous study in Galveston Bay, perhaps because they can use alternative nutrient acquisition strategies (i.e., diazotrophy, mixotrophy) which diatoms cannot. These groups are also known to be more sensitive to hydraulic displacement given their overall slower growth rates. Paerl et al. (2001) and Piehler et al. (2004) found that diatoms respond by increasing biomass if nutrients were limiting prior to a flooding event whereas dinoflagellates have a negative correlation with freshwater inflows. On the other hand, dinoflagellates, which are a seasonally important component of estuarine communities (Pinckney et al. 1998) appeared but were not present at bloom densities. The common estuarine dinoflagellates Prorocentrum spp. (P. cordatum, P. gracile, P. micans, P. texanum) and Scrippsiella sp. were often observed, but not at bloom densities. The group may not have had sufficient resources, or they may have been efficiently grazed. The most significant variables impacting the diatoms, dinoflagellates, and chlorophytes were found to be time, salinity, and NH4+ (Fig. 9). This is consistent with studies in the Gulf of Mexico which found that increases in abundance of dinoflagellates, cryptophytes, chlorophytes and euglenophytes were often associated with high freshwater discharge in near shore environments (Anglès et al. 2015; Wachnicka et al. 2022; Thompson et al. 2023). Less is known about some of the other groups examined, especially the prasinophytes, euglenophytes and cryptophytes, which are fast-growing phytoplankton groups, known to respond rapidly to nutrient enrichment associated with freshwater inflow and under reduced salinity conditions (e.g., Pinckney et al. 1999; Paerl et al. 2006b, 2010).
We also examined the underpinning physiology of the phytoplankton community in response to Hurricane Harvey. In natural communities, Fv/Fm is dependent on nutritional status (e.g., Beardall et al. 2001; Parkhill et al. 2001; Sylvan et al. 2007), ambient light environment (Suggett et al. 2001; Quigg et al. 2006), but not community composition (Suggett et al. 2009a). The depressed quantum yields measured during T1 are not associated with photoinhibition (Kolber et al. 1998; Suggett et al. 2001; Sylvan et al. 2007); they may instead be associated with the loss of biomass and community structure. Along with the increase in the photosynthetic efficiency (Fv/Fm) and size of the functional absorption cross-section for PSII (σPSII) from T1 to T5, there was a concurrent decrease in the minimum turnover time of electron transfer between reaction centers (τPSII) and the connectivity factor between photosynthetic units (p) (Fig. 5). Opposite patterns for σPSII and τPSII were also reported in the Gulf of Mexico (e.g., Sylvan et al. 2007), Gulf of Aqaba (Suggett et al. 2009b), and the Arabian (Persian) Gulf (Quigg et al. 2011). As with Liu et al. (2019) we found that phytoplankton in well-mixed waters of the bay exhibited highest Fv/Fm and low τPSII; they also measured areas adjacent to the shelf to find low Fv/Fm and high τPSII which they associated with nutrient-limited communities. Together, these physiological parameters support findings that the phytoplankton community benefitted from the pulse of nutrients increasing their photosynthesis. An assertion which is supported by both the light/bottle data experiments (Fig. 4) and PHYTO-PAM data (Fig. 6). These shifts in physiology align with findings on the genomic potential of the microbial community (Walker et al. 2022). Briefly, using KEGG classifications, they found that genes associated with common photosynthetic processes (photosystems I and II, cytochrome b6f, and photosynthetic antenna proteins) decreased and never fully recovered to pre-Harvey levels. Coupled with the decrease in photosynthetic genes were enrichments of energy pathways such as amino acid metabolism critical for making proteins and growth of cells.