Details of the samples the authors used in this study were listed in Table 1 and references therein. Samples from recent eruptions (2018–2019 eruption of Kuchinoerabujima Volcano, the 2014 eruption of Ontake Volcano, and the 2019–2020 eruptions of Aso Volcano) were collected just a few days after the eruption. Samples from Meakandake Volcano were collected geological record. Totally 15 samples were collected. The author collected more than 50 g and dried up 12 hours with 40 C°. Dried samples used for an X-ray diffractometer (XRD) and scanning electron microscope with energy dispersive spectrometers (SEM-EDS) to examine the mineral assemblages and alteration textures of each eruption product. For SEM-EDS observation the author useed samples sieved into 250 – 500 μm .
Mineral assemblages were identified using the XRD (MiniFlex; Rigaku Corporation) installed at Hokkaido University. A randomly oriented sample and an oriented sample were prepared from each volcanic product. Ethylene glycol and HCl treatments were applied to some samples to determine the clay mineral species. Measurements were carried out at a rate of 1° per minute from 2° to 60° using a CuKα target X-ray tube with an acceleration voltage of 30 kV and a filament current of 16 mA. The mineralogy of individual ash particles was investigated by stereoscopic microscope observation (on particles >125 μm) and SEM-EDS semi-quantitative analysis focusing on textures, shapes, colors, and chemical compositions. The ash morphology was observed using a stereoscopic microscope and SEM. Quantitative microprobe analysis was performed at Hokkaido University using an Oxford Energy200 EDS system attached to a JEOL JSM-5310 SEM. Polished sections were prepared for the SEM-EDS measurements. Atomic proportions measured by SEM-EDS semi-quantitative analysis were used to identify the mineral species, in combination with XRD measurements of the bulk samples. Mineral particles were identified using a combination of results from XRD measurements and SEM-EDS semi-quantitative measurements of atomic proportions, following the method of Minami et al. (2016).
Resulting classification of alteration textures
We recognized fifteen alteration texture types in volcanic ashes produced by the historic phreatomagmatic, phreatic, and hydrothermal eruptions of these volcanoes.
Fluidal native sulfur
Description: This texture is characterized by several millimeter- to centimeter-scale native sulfur crystals with a spherical to droplet-shape (Figure 3A). They occasionally form tube-like to hair-like shapes. This texture was observed in products of the 2019 eruption of Aso Volcano (sample ID:19_A02 in Table 1).
Interpretation: The fluidal native sulfur texture was newly named in this study, although similar products were reported from the 1995–1996 and 2007 eruptions at Ruapehu Volcano (Christenson 2000; Christenson et al. 2010). Products of both the Aso and Ruapehu Volcanos show droplet, tube-like, and hair-like shapes, indicating that they were formed by quenching of fluid-phase native sulfur or evaporation of sulfur-oversaturated fluid. The latter processes are more common because they are typically observed in volcanoes with slurry-filled crater lakes (Christenson 2000; Christenson et al. 2010).
Description: The texture “massive” is recognized in volcanic ash particles of the Meakandake, Kuchinoerabu, and Ontake Volcanoes (Tables 1 and 3). These particles consist of aggregates of very fine crystals (<1 µm) with unclear crystal boudaries (Figure 4A, B). Particles exhibiting this texture usually contain silica polymorphs (amorphous silica, trydimite, crystoballite, and quartz) and/or simple sulfates (gypsum and anhydrite) with clay minerals (kaolin group minerals, pyrophillite, and muscovite), pyrite, adularia, and rutile (Table 2). These particles exhibit a completely altered, dense fabric.
Interpretation: Massive texture was first described by Smirnov (1962) and defined by Dong et al. (1995) and is formed via two mechanisms: (1) crystallization directly from hydrothermal fluids (P-type massive texture) as reported for the 2018–2019 eruption at Kuchinoerabujima Volcano (Minami et al. 2022) and epithermal ore deposits (Fournier 1985); and (2) recrystallization of amorphous silica gel (R-type massive texture) as reported in the 2014 eruption at Ontake Vocano (Minami et al. 2016) and epithermal ore deposits (Fournier 1985).
Particles with massive textures in epithermal ore deposits usually consist of single crystals or fine submicron aggregates of silica minerals (Fournier 1985). In contrast, volcanic ash particles with P-type textures can contain simple sulfates (gypsum and anhydrite) with clay minerals (kaolin group minerals, pyrophillite, and muscovite) and pyrite with minor silica minerals. The co-occurrence of other minerals with the silica polymorphs may indicate that a hydrothermal fluid the was oversaturated not only in the silica mineral, but also in some other minerals. Such complex mineral assemblages indicate hydrothermal fluids that were not chemically matured with acid and are thus uncommon in the stable hydrothermal systems of epithermal ore deposits (Fournier 1985). When observed in volcanic ash from active volcanoes, this feature may indicate shorter reaction times for crystal precipitation and growth in subvolcanic hydrothermal systems than those in ore-forming hydrothermal systems.
Particles showing R-type massive textures usually contain silica polymorphs (amorphous silica, trydimite, crystoballite, and quartz), with clay minerals (kaolin group minerals, pyrophillite, and muscovite), pyrite, adularia, and rutile. This type of particle is formed by the recrystallization of silica gel, indicating a relatively long reaction time under a stable hydrothermal system, such as an epithermal ore deposit (Fournier 1985).
Description: Continuous veins of alteration minerals cutting through the host rock (Figure 3C, 4C, and 4D) were observed in samples from the Aso, Ontake, Kuchinoerabu, and Meakandake volcanoes (Tables 1 and 3). These veins are several micrometers to one centimeter wide and sometimes fill crystal boundaries or the cleavage of phenocrysts. The vein consists of silica polymorphs (amorphous silica, trydimite, crystoballite, and quartz), simple sulfates (gypsum and anhydrite), pyrite, and adularia with clay minerals (kaolin group minerals, pyrophillite, and muscovite) and rutile (Ontake Volcano: Table 2).
Interpretation: Although not strictly a texture, veins represent a key feature that can be used to determine cross-cutting relationships in an altered particle. As such, we classified it as a distinct feature, although previous researchers such as Smirnov (1962) and Dong et al. (1995) classified the vein texture along with massive texture. Veins often crosscut other alteration textures and can be interpreted as late-stage alterations, as reported for late-stage porphyry copper systems (Sillitoe 2010). The vein-forming minerals described above show greater variability than those of ore-forming hydrothermal systems (e.g. Gifkins et al., 2005). This implies that hydrothermal fluids in active volcanoes are more immature than those in stable ore-forming hydrothermal systems, in terms of chemical differentiation. Veins must be formed by quenching of hydrothermal fluids, indicating a relatively short reaction time with the host rocks.
Description: Amygdaloidal texture is characterized by alteration minerals that fill vesiculation voids and/or vuggy voids in host rocks (Figure 4E and 4F), as observed in samples from the Meakandake Volcano (Tables 1 and 3). The inner parts of the host rock are sometimes unaltered. The alteration minerals associated with this texture include smectite, chlorite, kaolin-group minerals, silica polymorphs, pyrite, and simple sulfate minerals (Table 2).
Interpretation: Amygdaloidal is a commonly used term (e.g. McPhie et al. 1993; Le Maitre et al. 2002). This texture, in which crystallization occurs in pores of particles, indicates that there has been no chemical extraction from the host rock, with direct crystallization from hydrothermal fluids occurring instead. Accordingly, this texture has been described as “partially altered particles” in some studies (Tokachidake Volcano: Imura et al. 2019; Kuchinoerabujima Volcano: Minami et al. 2022). The texture was limited to reaction surfaces, indicating mineral precipitation on the reaction surface between the host rock and the hydrothermal fluid, under fluid-filling (hydrostatic) conditions. This incomplete equilibrium between the hydrothermal fluid and host hock indicates an immature hydrothermal system, possibly caused by the short reaction times between the host rocks and hydrothermal fluids when compared with stable ore-forming hydrothermal systems (e.g. Gifkins et al., 2005; Ridley 2013).
Description: Druse texture is characterized by alteration minerals that cover the surface of a host rock (Figure 4G and 4H), as observed in samples from the Kuchinoerabu, Ontake, and Meakandake Volcanoes (Tables 1 and 3). Observed alteration minerals are predominantly smectite, chlorite, kaolin-group minerals, silica polymorphs, pyrite, and simple sulfate minerals (Table 2). The inner parts of host rock particles are sometimes unaltered.
Interpretation: This is the first description of a druse texture in volcanic ash products from the Kuchinoerabujima, Ontake, and Meakandake Volcanoes or similar. The unaltered inner parts of the host rock particles indicate that crystallization occurred on the surface of the particles, with no chemical extraction from the host rock, via direct crystallization from hydrothermal fluids. Accordingly, this texture is described as “partially altered particles” in some studies (Tokachidake Volcano: Imura et al. 2019; Kuchinoerabujima Volcano: Minami et al. 2022). Similar to the amygdaloidal texture, this also indicates that mineral precipitation occurred on the reaction surface between the host rock and the hydrothermal fluid under hydrostatic conditions. This could be attributed to a short reaction time between the host rock and hydrothermal fluid, compared with stable ore-forming hydrothermal systems (e.g. Gifkins et al., 2005; Ridley 2013).
Description: The bladed texture is characterized by alteration minerals that show euhedral and blade-to-sheet-like shapes within an altered particle (Figure 5A). This texture was observed in samples from the Meakandake Volcano (Tables 1 and 3). Usually, bladed textures are observed in altered minerals in the absence of other minerals. This texture typically consists of alunite and simple sulfate minerals (Table 2).
Interpretation: Bladed texture was first described by Adams (1920) and defined by Dong et al. (1995). The euhedral shape of the crystals indicates that they precipitated in free space, and the blade-like shapes imply rapid crystal growth under a high degree of supersaturation (Otálora and García-Ruiz 2014). The typical mineral assemblage of alunite and simple sulfate minerals and such a high degree of supersaturation are similar to those formed by the rapid evaporation of sulfate-acid hydrothermal fluids, as reported for the 2018–2019 eruption at Kuchinoerabujima (Minami et al. 2022). If the hydrothermal fluid evaporates rapidly enough, sulfate minerals can precipitate as fine-grained crystals (Minami et al. 2022). However, in this case, the blade texture indicates that they grew from the hydrothermal fluid.
Description: Particles with colloform texture consist of micrometer-width wavy K-feldspar rich bands (bright bands) and a fine-grained mixture of silica mineral with K-feldspar (darker matrix in Figure 5B). A colloform texture was observed in ash samples from the Kuchinoerabujima, Ontake, and Meakandake volcanoes (Tables 1 and 3). Particles with this texture typically contained void veins and irregularly shaped pores (Figure 5B; Table 2).
Interpretation: Colloform texture was first described by Rogers (1917) and defined by Dong et al. (1995). Minami et al. (2016) reported some grains of Ontake volcanic ash exhibiting K-feldspar-bearing alteration (colloform texture), which could represent low-temperature conditions typical of epithermal ore deposits (Fournier 1985; Saunders 1990). K-feldspar in the colloform-textured grains features silica polymorphs and Or-endmember compositions that imply precipitation from a low-temperature neutral fluid under epithermal conditions (Fournier 1985; Saunders 1990; Giggenbach 1997). The colloform texture was interpreted to have formed through the recrystallization of silica gel in a free space filled with fluids, under hydrostatic conditions (Fournier 1985; Saunders 1990; Dong et al. 1995). This recrystallization texture requires a relatively long mineralization time in the hydrothermal fluid.
Description: The pit texture is characterized by the formation of small pits on the surface of glassy host rock particles (Figure 5C). Pits are usually several micrometers to several tens of micrometers in diameter. This texture can be recognized by surface observation with an SEM, and the authors carried out surface observations of the products of the 2019 eruption at the Aso Volcano (Table 1).
Interpretation: This is the first description of a pit texture in volcanic ash products from the Aso Volcano and can be interpreted as a leaching texture formed by chemical reaction on the particle surface, between volcanic glass and a highly acidic fluid or fumaroles over a short reaction time. Pit textures are commonly observed in recycled particles from the products of previous eruptions (Houghton and Smith 1993; Graettinger et al. 2016).
Description: The vuggy texture is characterized by pore (vug) formation in a host rock particle (Figure 3B and 5D). This texture was observed in all samples in this study (Tables 1 and 3). The vugs were observed in both groundmass and phenocrysts minerals, such as plagioclase and pyroxene. Immature alteration results in a vuggy texture with discontinuous pores that are a few micrometers in diameter. With increasing degree of alteration, the pores become larger (tens of centimeters) and the altered part predominantly contains a silica component. Particles with a vuggy texture usually contain clay minerals such as kaolin-group minerals and pyrophyllite (Table 2). In such particles, the shapes of the vugs can vary from platy, reflecting plagioclase leaching, and vein-like to irregular shapes within the volcanic glass. These particles exhibit completely altered porous fabrics.
Interpretation: The term “vuggy” textures have traditionally been used for describing porous white altered rocks in the field of economic geology (e.g. Stoffregen 1987; Hedenquist et al. 2000). Abundant pores in volcanic ash grains are presumably formed by the destruction of original crystals, such as plagioclase and pyroxene, during chemical leaching by highly acidic fluids. Previous studies have attributed similar textures to steam-heated volcanic environments and high-sulfidation ore systems(e.g. Giggenbach 1975; Stoffregen 1987; Rye et al 1992), wherein cation leaching is accompanied by sulfate and sulfide precipitation. The textures and dominance of the silica component imply that major cations, other than Al and Si, were leached from the original rock, a process that has been termed vuggy silica alteration (Stoffregen 1987; Hedenquist et al. 2000). The variability from the micrometer to centimeter scale can be attributed to varying reaction times between hydrothermal fluids and host rock.
Description: A mosaic texture was predominantly observed in the groundmass and crystal aggregates of the ash samples (Figure 5E). This texture was observed in samples from the Ontake and Meakandake volcanoes (Tables 1 and 3) and typically consists of irregularly shaped fine- to medium-sized (several tens of micrometers) silica minerals with minor clay minerals, simple sulfate minerals, and/or adularia (Table 2).
Interpretation: Mosaic texture was first described by Lovering (1972) and defined by Dong et al. (1995). This texture has been previously described in ash from other volcanoes (Akita-Yakeyama: Ohba et al., 2007) and is equivalent to a jigsaw texture, which is one of the most common microtextures in jasperoids (Lovering, 1972). The texture is formed in a similar way to the colloform texture (Dong et al., 1995), and can be interpreted as the recrystallization of silica gel (Fournier 1985; Dong et al., 1995). Although colloform-textured particles consist of fine aggregates of silica minerals, the mosaic texture consists of coarser crystals of silica minerals (Dong et al., 1995), indicating a longer reaction time with hydrothermal fluids than that required to form the colloform texture.
Description: This texture usually appears in the groundmass of ash particles or as aggregates of crystals (Figure 6A) and was observed in samples from the Ontake and Meakandake volcanoes (Tables 1 and 3). It typically consists of abundant elongated subhedral crystals of alteration minerals, such as silica minerals, simple sulfate minerals, alunite, and/or adularia (Table 2). The crystals are commonly randomly distributed in a matrix of smaller anhedral grains (Figure 6A). Some particles exhibited remaining phenocrysts of rock-forming minerals such as pyroxene.
Interpretation: The saccharoidal texture was first described in an ore-forming hydrothermal system by Lindgren (1901) and defined by Dong et al. (1995). This texture can be interpreted as the replacement of volcanic glass (Ontake Volcano: Minami et al., 2016; Akita-Yakeyama Volcano: Ohba et al., 2007); accordingly, a long reaction time with hydrothermal fluids is required. This texture is equivalent to “retiform structure” (Lindgren 1901; Adams 1920) and “reticulated texture” (Lovering 1972).
Description: The texture is recognized in volcanic ash particles of Ontake and Meakandake Volcanoes (Table 1 and 3) and consists of aggregates of anhedral fine crystals (micrometer scale) with clear crystal boudaries (Figure 6B). Particles with this texture usually contain silica polymorphs (amorphous silica, trydimite, crystoballite, and quartz) and/or simple sulfates (gypsum and anhydrite) with clay minerals (kaolin group minerals, pyrophillite, and muscovite), pyrite, adularia, and rutile (Table 2).
Interpretation: Equigranular texture is newly named in this study. This texture is attributed to the recrystallization of amorphous silica gel, as reported for the 2014 eruption at Ontake Volcano (Minami et al. 2016). Particles exhibiting this texture form over long reaction times under stable hydrothermal system conditions.
Description: This texture is recognized in phenocrysts and microlites in ash particles from the Ontake and Meakandake volcanoes (Tables 1 and 3). Within these particles, the major crystal phases of plagioclase, pyroxene, and olivine have been replaced by adularia, silica polymorphs, clay minerals, and a mixture of these minerals within their original shapes (Figure 6C, Table 2). Occasionally, volcanic glass remains in the ground mass.
Interpretation: The term pseudomorph is well-established (e.g. McPhie et al. 1993; Le Maitre et al. 2002) and this texture has been described in ash from Ontake Volcano (Minami et al., 2016), Akita-Yakeyama Volcano (Ohba et al., 2007), Tokachidake Volcano (Imura et al. 2019), and Kuchinoerabujima Volcano (Minami et al. 2022). In cases where volcanic glass has remained in the groundmass, this texture is regarded as “partial alteration” (Ontake Volcano: Minami et al., 2016; Tokachidake Volcano: Imura et al. 2019). This texture can be formed through chemical leaching by hydrothermal fluids (e.g. Giggenbach 1975; Stoffregen 1987; Rye et al 1992). The textures and dominance of the silica component imply the leaching of major cations other than Al and Si from the original rock (Stoffregen 1987; Hedenquist et al. 2000). Some particles contained adularia, indicating that Na and Ca had been chemically extracted from plagioclase. This indicates that chemical extraction can occur not only in acidic hydrothermal systems but also in neutral hydrothermal fluids.
Description: This texture is similar to the pseudomorph texture type but includes alteration in the groundmass of volcanic glass and microlites within the particles (Figure 6D). This texture was observed in samples from the Ontake and Meakandake volcanoes (Tables 1 and 3). The major original crystals of P plagioclase, pyroxene, and olivine have been chemically replaced by adularia, silica polymorphs, clay minerals, and mixtures of these minerals within their original shapes (Table 2).
Interpretation: Cryptic texture is newly named in this study. This texture has also been described in products from other volcanoes (Ontake Volcano: Minami et al., 2016; Akita-Yakeyama: Ohba et al., 2007; Tokachidake Volcano: Imura et al. 2019; Kuchinoerabujima Volcano: Minami et al. 2022). Particles exhibiting this texture were formed by chemical exchange between the host rock and the hydrothermal fluid, indicating a relatively long reaction time under a stable hydrothermal system.
Description: This texture was observed in all the ash particles (Figure 6E and 6F). This texture was also observed in samples from the Meakandake Volcano (Tables 1 and 3). Dot-like or irregularly shaped alteration mineral patches (several hundreds to tens of micrometers) occur throughout the ash particles. Chlorite and muscovite, with minor adularia, were typically observed as alteration minerals (Table 2).
Interpretation: Dissemination texture is newly named in this study. Patches of altered minerals are formed by chemical diffusion via chemical exchange between the host rock and hydrothermal fluid, indicating a relatively short reaction time under a stable hydrothermal system. Dot-like or irregularly shaped alteration mineral patches indicate that a chemical reaction between the hydrothermal fluid and host rock occurred within the inner particles. This evidence implies that this texture formed via hydrothermal fluids circulating as a percolative flow, probably under lithostatic pressure.
Temporal variation of sub-volcanic hydrothermal system imferred by geological records of Meakandake
Intensely altered fragments identified in eruption products from the Meakandake Volcano (Figure 7 and Table 5) were classified into the texture types described above (Figure 8 and Table 2). In addition, altered grains were classified as either “acid” or “neutral”, based on their mineral assemblages. For example, grains with alteration textures comprising silica polymorphs, sulfate minerals, and some clay minerals (kaolin and pyrophyllite), which are stable in acidic fluids, were classified as “acid”. In contrast, grain textures comprising minerals such as adularia, muscovite, and biotite, which are stable in neutral fluids, were classified as “neutral” (Figs. 8, 9, and Tables 2, 3).
The acid-type vuggy texture was the most common texture in all units obtained from Ponmachineshiri. In brief, alteration textures are highly variable in units containing lower amounts of visible juvenile material, such as scoria. Units Pa, Pe, Pf, Ph, Pi, Pj, and Pon-4 did not contain obvious juvenile grains (Figure 7, Table 4) and can be interpreted as products of phreatic or hydrothermal eruptions (Minami et al. 2021). Of these units, Pon-4 showed the highest variation in alteration textures, including cryptic, vuggy, druse, massive, colloform, and vein textures with acid-type mineral assemblages, and Pseudomorph, mosaic, saccharoidal, and dissemination textures with neutral-type mineral assemblages (Table 3). Similarly, a large variety of alteration textures was recognized in Pa (nine texture types), Pf (eight texture types), Pj (seven texture types), and Pl (seven texture types ). In contrast, units Pi (two texture types) and Pe (four texture types) exhibited lower variability in alteration texture.
The units Pb, Pon-1, Pd, Pon-2, Pon-3, and Pl contain significant amounts of juvenile material (>5%; Figure 7, Table 5) and can be interpreted as products of magmatic or phreatomagmatic eruptions (Minami et al. 2021). These units clearly show a trend of increasing juvenile content with decreasing variation in alteration texture (Figure 7 and Table 3). Units Pb, Pon-1, Pd, Pon-2, and Pon-3 displayed only vuggy-textured grains. Unit Pl contained 13% scoria and altered grains, featuring seven texture types. Grains with druse, bladed, massive, colloform, and cryptic textures occurred in units containing lower amounts of juvenile materials. Druse, bladed, massive, colloform, and cryptic textures were not observed in grains from phreatomagmatic eruptions or eruptions that occurred immediately after a phreatomagmatic eruption. Eruptions that produced more than 20% juvenile material are interpreted to have destroyed mature hydrothermal system and thus the altered texture association of volcanic ashes were decreased.
These variations exhibit a progression within the geological sequence. Units resulting from phreatomagmatic eruptions (Pb, Pon-1, Pd, Pon-2, and Pon-3) exhibited less variation in alteration textures; this variation increased within subsequent units, from Pon-1 (one type) to Pd (one type), Pe (four types), and Pf (nine types). The same trend was observed after the Pon-2 eruption: Pon-2 (one-type), Ph (two-types), Pi (seven-types). A limited number of alteration textures were recognized in the products of phreatomagmatic eruptions accompanied by large-scale magma intrusions (Pb, Pon-1, Pd, Pon-2, and Pon-3). In contrast, the number of texture types increased with each phreatic/hydrothermal eruption following a magmatic eruption (Pe, Pf, Pj, Pl, and Pon-4). The most recent phreatic/hydrothermal eruption product, Pon-4, exhibited the highest variation in alteration textures. In terms of mineral assemblage, any units that contain more than 20% of juvenile materials, and subsequent units immediately following a juvenile-rich eruption, contain no or just a few types of “neutral” alteration textures. The “neutral” alteration textures became more common higher in the geological record (Table 3).
For altered fragments in units containing more and less than 20% juvenile material, we used SEM-EDS to measure the chemical compositions of aggregates or amorphous parts composed of submicron-scale alteration minerals replacing volcanic glass (Tables 4, 5). The values of the Ishikawa Alteration Index (AI; Ishikawa et al., 1976) are plotted against the values of the Chlorite-Carbonate-Pyrite Index (CCPI; Large et al., 2001) in Figure 10.
In this plot, altered fragments of products containing less than 20% juvenile material tend to plot near the sericite and muscovite end-member fields (lower right in Figure 9), which corresponds with the “sericitic trend” identified by Large et al. (2001). Sericite and muscovite are common minerals formed under high temperature (>230 °C: Giggenbach 1997) and neutral alteration conditions (Sillitoe, 2010). In contrast, no altered fragments plotted near the chlorite end-member, which represents common minerals formed under lower temperatures and neutral alteration conditions (Giggenbach 1997; Sillitoe, 2010). Some fragments plotting in the top left of Figure 10 indicate acidic alteration, comprising abundant Si and Al with minor amounts of other cations.
Overlapping alteration textures
Some hydrothermally altered materials exhibited multiple overlapping textures, which are best represented by the fragments shown in Figure 11. At least eight types of alteration texture were recognized within a single particle, including both “acid” and “neutral” types. The particle provides evidence that the hydrothermal fluids circulating in subvolcanic hydrothermal systems have quite unstable chemical compositions. Such intense variation in the hydrothermal fluid is possibly a unique aspect of subvolcanic hydrothermal systems, where frequent magma intrusions disturb the formation of a stable hydrothermal system. Such overlapping alteration textures are uncommon in ore and geothermal field hydrothermal systems (Gifkins et al., 2005).