The handrail of the wheelchair system included three biophysical sensors: pulse oxygen (SpO2), blood pressure, and temperature sensors to collect and transmit four kinds of vital signs from users (blood oxygen levels, pulse rate, blood pressure and temperature) [27], as depicted in Fig. 2.
On the wheelchair as shown in Fig. 2, there are two monitoring interfaces to provide feedback to users: the large screen interface and the handrail screen as depicted in Fig.2. The screen installed on the handrail of the wheelchair and the remote GUI are for data classification, visualization, and analysis.
The information includes data initialization, measurement, upload status to the cloud, and transmission completion. The duration for each process results in a 40-second cycle, with each set lasting 10 seconds. The display shows a countdown for each phase, and the timing allows the data from all three biosensors to finish transmitting.
The GUI, developed in MATLAB and shown in Fig. 3 allows users to download, inspect, and analyze the cloud-stored data once it finishes uploading. In the user interface, access to users’ healthcare data requires a unique Patient Identity number (PID) assigned to each user before experiments. The warning system uses three colors to flag conditions: red, yellow, and blue. The red indicates that the gathered data is above the upper threshold, the yellow shows the data is below the lower threshold, and the blue indicates the measured data is within the thresholds.
Fig. 3 shows the iChair monitoring interface comprising four main sections: patient information, last update, vital signs, and inspection. The last update section shows the most recent collecting date and time from the user, and the users’ vital signs appear in the vital signs section. In the inspection section, users can see an aggregated display of their specific vital sign’s information in the past.
Both MAS and O-MAS-R compression algorithms were applied to five ECG datasets, twelve EMG datasets, and three accelerometer datasets to evaluate the approaches effectiveness. Fig. 4 depicts the compression ratio performance.
In Fig. 4(a), the compression results of MAS and O-MAS-R algorithms applied to five ECG datasets are demonstrated. The data in ECG datasets is assigned integer type with two bytes per sample. Each ECG dataset comprises 3,600 samples that occupy 7,200 bytes of memory. Among the simulation results, the group three of O-MAS-R algorithm shows the greatest compression ratio of 20.54%, while the MAS algorithm is 12.47%. For each group, the O-MAS-R method achieves compression ratios of 19.86%, 19.13%, 20.54%, 18.78%, and 18.26% respectively. Meanwhile, the MAS algorithm demonstrates compression ratios of 11.9%, 11.57%, 12.47%, 12.32% and 12.28% respectively.
In Fig. 4(b), EMG data of twelve muscle activities during treadmill walking have been compressed by the MAS and O-MAS-R algorithms. The EMG values are float type that contains 4 bytes per sample. Each EMG dataset comprises 15,000 samples that occupy 60,000 bytes of memory. The RF activity shows the highest O-MAS-R compression ratio of 39.85%, while the MAS is 31.26%. For each group, the O-MAS-R algorithm achieves compression ratios of 39.85%, 35.44%, 34.74%, 39.5%, 35.58%, 36.4%, 33.21%, 36.01%, 39.33%, 35.71%, 35.86% and 37.87% respectively. Meanwhile, the MAS algorithm demonstrates compression ratios of 31.26%, 26.41%, 26.07%, 30.8%, 27.07%, 27.62%, 25.95%, 28.53%, 31.18%, 28.27%, 28.41% and 28.95% respectively.
In Fig. 4(c), the compression algorithms have been applied to three accelerometer datasets. The data type in the dataset is float type and contains 4 bytes per sample. Each Accelerometer dataset has 15,000 samples that take 60,000 bytes of memory. For each group, the O-MAS-R algorithm achieves compression ratios of 84%, 83.83%, and 83.76% respectively. Meanwhile, the MAS algorithm demonstrates compression ratios of 38.83%, 38.28%, and 38.77% respectively.
For all the datasets, O-MAS-R compression algorithm demonstrates a better performance. The average increase of O-MAS-R over MAS is shown in Fig. 4(d). The accelerometer datasets of O-MAS-R algorithm shows the greatest increase of 45.25% over the MAS algorithm. The average increases of compression ratios for ECG, EMG, and Acc datasets are 7.21%, 8.26%, and 45.25%, respectively.
According to the Spyder platform's profiler tool, the encoding function of the MAS and O-MAS-R algorithms in compressing ECG dataset values took 20.28us and 25.69us, respectively. However, the repetition of data, on the other hand, resulted in fewer calls to the encoding function in the O-MAS-R algorithm, which decreased the overall run time of the O-MAS-R algorithm. The total run time for the MAS and O-MAS-R algorithms applied in ECG dataset were 79.37 ms and 73.04 ms, respectively. Similarly, the encoding function of the MAS and O-MAS-R algorithms in compressing Accelerometer dataset values took 18.90us and 19.25 us, respectively. However, due to high frequency of repetitions of data in accelerometer dataset, the total run time for O_MAS_R encoding algorithm is significantly reduced from 283.53 ms to 71.67 ms [21].
This paper discusses the smart wheelchair prototype and the three integrated biophysical sensors used to collect four vital health indicators from users. It also discusses the MATLAB GUI software designed to synchronize and download the patients’ healthcare data for diagnosis and analysis.
The preliminary experiments, five participants were involved in the clinical trials, and healthcare data was collected for five to ten minutes for each user. Fig. 5(a) – (d) demonstrates the results.
Fig. 5(a) documents the five participants whose finger temperatures were measured and recorded. The x-axis is the measurement time, and the y-axis is the measured temperature in Celsius (oC). Before taking the measurements, participants were advised to place their forefinger on their wrist for a minute to equalize the temperature. An upper threshold of 37oC was set as it was considered as the average normal body temperature. Among the participants, users four and five had a slightly higher temperature than normal, and thus the column automatically turned red following the three-color system.
As seen in Fig. 5(b), the five participants’ pulse rate were recorded with the upper threshold set to 120 bpm. The results revealed one participant had a higher average pulse rate than the other participants. Fig. 5(c) depicts the blood oxygen saturation level (SpO2) for each participant. The lower limit of SpO2 was set at 90%, as any number below that represents hypoxemia, and poses a variety of complications [36]. Therefore, the level of SpO2 is a highly useful approach for measuring health conditions [36]. Fig. 5(d) shows the participants’ systolic and diastolic blood pressures in the top and bottom rows, respectively. The upper threshold for systolic blood pressure is 120 mmHg, while the upper threshold for diastolic blood pressure is 80 mmHg. The results indicate that participant three had unreasonably high systolic blood pressure on certain tests, and participant five had high systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure. The three-color system automatically marked the column for high blood pressure data in red.
The autonomous driving experiments were conducted in the factory testing area [37]. We described the smart wheelchair safety and obstacle detection system in our previously published papers [27]. Based on that system, the wheelchair was improved to travel autonomously from point to point inside a lager and obstacle completed area. An Android-based smartphone app iChair was developed to control and tracks the entire driving progress depicted in Fig. 6.
There are three main sections in the iChair app: bio-medical, navigation and mapping. The biomedical section displays the collected bio-sensory data, the navigation section links the wheelchair to the app and controls its movement, and the mapping section displays the wheelchair's real-time location.
In Fig. 6(a), an engineer sits in the wheelchair and controls it using the iChair app. To perform autonomous driving well, the iChair must be in a pre-scanned, enclosed environment, achieved by recording the surrounding information into the map using the data from LIDAR sensors. As shown in Fig. 6(c), the app remembers its scanned path of the office, the start and stop coordinates, and the blue dots provides the position of the wheelchair. The red and grey dots, in addition to the lines, are the LIDAR sensors reflecting signals that represent the barriers along the path. Once the scanned map saves, the iChair will link with the app to perform the autonomous driving as shown in Fig. 6(b). As a result, the user can enter the start and stop coordinates from the Android app or directly through the ROS network as separate position names. By clicking different positions in the app panel, the wheelchair will drive to the location autonomously.
During the reliability tests, the iChair navigated to various predetermined locations using automated driving scripts. It successfully operated for five hours until the battery ran out of power. Wooden boards were used to modify the configuration of the path during the mobility tests to determine the maximum capacity of the system to maneuver. The results show that the iChair could pass through a minimal gap of 0.85m and can operate in at least 1.2m wide corridors. The maximum speed that the wheelchair could move in an unmapped area while accounting for unknown obstacles was 0.2m/s.