This study is the first, to the best of our knowledge, to investigate the dynamic changes in brain functional activity in patients with RD using a combination of FC and GCA approaches. The seed region chosen for analysis was V1, based on previous research indicating cerebral neurohomogeneity dysfunction in the visual pathway of patients with RD. FC analysis revealed abnormal dFC changes between the V1 seed region and various brain regions including occipital, frontal, rectus gyrus, temporal, amygdala, parietal, angular gyrus, supramarginal gyrus, thalamus, and cerebellum. Furthermore, using the GCA method, we identified abnormal dynamic causal connection changes between the V1 seed region and other brain regions, including occipital, calcarine, cuneus, frontal, postcentral gyrus, temporal, parietal, angular gyrus, caudate, thalamus, and cerebellum. Analysis using k-means clustering revealed that RD patients exhibited three predominant states of dFC and three or four states of dEC. As compared to HCs, individuals with RD exhibited significant variations in the NT, F, and MDT. Our SVM model achieved accuracies of 0.712, 0.695, 0.525, 0.542, 0.593, and 0.458, respectively, with corresponding AUC values of 0.729, 0.786, 0.492, 0.561, 0.572, and 0. An AUC range of 0.7-0.9 indicates high accuracy. Therefore, dFC values can be used as sensitive biomarkers to differentiate between patients with HCs and RDs.These findings could contribute to a better understanding of the underlying neural mechanisms responsible for visual impairment in patients with RD.
The occipital lobe is situated posterior to the line connecting the occipital parietal fissure and the anterior occipital notch. The calcarine, on the other hand, is located within the occipital lobe, dividing it into the cuneus gyrus and lingual gyrus. In this study, patients with RD showed increased dFC values in the R-V1 and bilateral MOG. Furthermore, there were increased dEC values from the R-MOG to the R-V1, from the R-CAL to the R-V1, from the L-CUN to the R-V1, from the L-PCUN to the L-V1, as well as a decrease in bidirectional dEC values between the L-V1 and the R-PCUN. Kang et al.29 reported a decrease in the amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation (ALFF) values in the right occipital lobe in patients with RD. Shao et al.7 observed decreased functional connection density values in the L-CUN and left occipital lobe among middle-aged patients with RD. Similarly, Huang et al.6 found decreased regional homogeneity (ReHo) values in the right occipital lobe and bilateral CUN in patients with RD. Our previous study found increased dynamic ALFF values in the left occipital lobe and R-CAL9. The occipital lobe plays a primary role in perceiving and processing visual information, making it crucial in complex visual perception processes. The CUN, which collaborates with V1, is a vital component of the occipital lobe responsible for transmitting visual information to extrastriate cortices30 and also contributing to spatial positioning31. In this study, utilizing two analytical methods, we consistently observed higher variability in dFC/dEC in the right V1 and middle occipital gyrus of patients with RD. It is hypothesized that the detached part of the retina in these patients leads to diminished perception of light stimulation, resulting in weakened visual signals received by the occipital lobe. These elevated dFC/dEC levels suggest that people with RD may have a brain compensatory mechanism to offset vision loss.
The frontal lobe serves as the cognitive control center of the brain and plays a crucial role in regulating cognitive function32. The basal surface of the frontal lobe is composed of the rectus gyrus and the orbital gyrus. In this study, patients with RD exhibited increased dFC values between R-V1 and L-SFGmed, as well as R-V1 and R-MFG, while decreased dFC values were observed between L-V1 and R-REC. Additionally, the dEC values showed an increase from R-V1 to R-SFGorb, R-V1 to R-MFGorb, R-V1 to R-MFG, R-V1 to L-MFG, and L-V1 to L-SFG. Kang et al.29 reported a decrease in the ALFF value of the R-MFG in patients with RD, while the ALFF value of the R-SFGorb increased. Shao et al.7 observed an increase in the functional connection density values of the L-SFG and L-MFG in middle-aged patients with RD. They proposed that the long-term decline in vision in these patients may impair memory function and stimulate frontal lobe function, which could explain the observed increase in the functional connection density values of L-SFG and L-MFG. Similarly, Huang et al.6 found a decrease in the ReHo value of L-MFG in patients with RD, suggesting cognitive impairment in these individuals. Our previous study revealed an increase in the dynamic ALFF values of the bilateral MFG and the right inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) in patients with RD9, which aligns with our current research. Patients who experience RD face challenges in adapting to monocular vision due to the sudden loss of vision. When the affected eye no longer transmits visual information to the corresponding brain area, the frontal lobe compensates by assuming the visual processing function.This compensatory response may be an adaptive mechanism to address the visual function defect caused by vision loss in patients with RD.
The parietal lobe, a crucial region in the brain, plays a vital role in spatial visual processing. It is comprised of functional regions such as the angular gyrus, supramarginal gyrus, and postcentral gyrus. This study found significant increases in dFC values between L-V1 and bilateral SPG, R-V1 and L-ANG, as well as R-V1 and R-SMG in RD patients. Additionally, there was a significant increase in dEC values observed from R-V1 to R-IPL, L-V1 to R-IPL, R-V1 to R-ANG, and R-IPL to R-V1. Conversely, a significant decrease in dEC values was found from L-PoCG to L-V1. In a study by Wen et al.33, an increase in dALFF value was reported in the SPG of patients with active thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy. This finding was postulated to be associated with delayed visuospatial information processing.Wu et al.34 discovered a decrease in FC values of the IPL among patients with asthma, potentially influencing attention and executive function. They also found a decrease in cortical thickness values in the L-IPL and R-SPG among high myopia patients, suggesting structural changes impacting associated cognitive and executive functions35. In our previous study, we observed a decrease in dynamic ALFF value in the R-SPG among patients with RD. As the SPG plays a role in the transmission and integration of visual information, this finding may contribute to the decline in vision experienced by RD patients9. The parietal lobe, positioned adjacent to the occipital lobe, is crucial in the visual pathway by transmitting visual information to the frontal lobe36,37. Given the absence of retinal function and the inability to perceive external visual signals, it can be inferred that the brain region responsible for visual function in RD patients with long-term low vision experiences a prolonged lack or reduced level of stimulation. Consequently, to compensate for the reduced function in this brain area, its activity exhibits an increased level.
The temporal lobe and the amygdala are two important structures in the brain involved in cognitive and emotional processes. In this study, dFC values demonstrated an increase between the R-V1 and the L-STG, while they decreased between the L-V1 and L-STG, as well as between L-V1 and the R-AMYG in RD patients. Additionally, there was an increase in dEC values observed from L-STG to R-V1 and from the L-MTG to R-V1. Shao et al.7 observed an increase in the functional connection density of the bilateral inferior temporal gyrus in middle-aged RD patients. This brain region is known to be involved in complex object feature characterization and face perception. The authors postulated that this increased density may represent a compensatory mechanism for the visual decline experienced by middle-aged RD patients. Chen et al.38 found elevated degree centrality (DC) values in the L-MTG of individuals diagnosed with primary angle-closure glaucoma. The researchers speculated that these patients may experience cognitive difficulties. Wen et al.39 also discovered diminished FC between the R-ANG and right superior temporal gyrus (R-STG) in individuals diagnosed with thyroid-associated eye disease. The researchers suggested that these patients might experience cognitive changes. In our previous study, we observed an increase in the dynamic ALFF value of the R-MTG in patients with RD. This may potentially indicate a compensatory mechanism for the reduced language comprehension ability9. Language and cognition are closely intertwined and play a fundamental role in human communication and thought processes. The MTG plays a pivotal role as a constituent of the DMN, a network implicated in various cognitive processes such as emotion regulation, self-reflection, and memory40. Therefore, our speculation revolves around the hypothesis that long-term visual impairment could contribute to a deterioration in patients' ability to perceive external stimuli, potentially resulting in cognitive problems to some degree. However, further investigation is necessary to elucidate the underlying mechanism in detail.
The thalamus, caudate nucleus, and cerebellum are three intricate brain structures, each with distinct roles and functions. The thalamus, a key structure in the forebrain, serves a critical function in sensory transduction, particularly in the visual system41. Within the thalamus, the lateral geniculate nucleus receives signals from retinal cells 42,43. The caudate nucleus, located in the striatum of the basal ganglia, actively participates in the corticothalamic circuit and plays important roles in motor and cognitive function44. The cerebellum is crucial for functional interaction with the frontal eye fields, contributing to visuomotor coordination, higher-level cognitive functions, and memory processes45,46.In our previous research, we found a correlation between high myopia and decreased gray matter volume (GMV) in the R-THA, suggesting a potential contribution of high myopia to thalamic dysfunction47. Qi et al.48 identified heightened FC between bilateral V1 and bilateral caudate in individuals with diabetic retinopathy, suggesting an augmentation of visuomotor function in these patients. Tong et al.49 also observed increased FC between V1 and specific regions of the cerebellum (left cerebellum crus 1 and left cerebellum 10) in individuals with iridocyclitis, suggesting a compensatory response to vision loss.In our study, significant increases in dFC values were observed between R-V1 and R-THA, as well as between R-V1 and cerebellum-vermis-9, in patients with RD. On the other hand, a decreased dFC value was found between L-V1 and R-cerebellum-crus-I. Additionally, significant increases in dEC values were observed from R-V1 to L-CAU and from R-THA to R-V1. Therefore, we speculate that patients with RD may experience difficulties in visual information transmission, visual-motor coordination, and cognition.
In all subjects, we observed the presence of three stable and recurring dFC states, as well as three or four dEC states. Depending on the ROI, there were variations in the NT, F, and MDT. In comparison to the HCs, the RD group exhibited significantly higher frequencies in state 4 of the dEC clustering results from the R-V1 to the whole brain (p = 0.005, t = 2.892). According to these results, people with RD may mostly exhibit state 4 brain activity patterns. MDT, F, and NT are commonly used terms to describe the dynamic temporal characteristics of brain activity, which can be altered in the presence of specific diseases50. Furthermore, Li et al.51propose that state transitions partially reflect the stability of neural activity, while a previous study has demonstrated that brains affected by cognitive dysfunction exhibit lower stability in neural activity52. Therefore, we hypothesize that these temporal characteristics of dEC may serve as potential biomarkers of cognitive impairment in RD patients.
Notably,we investigated whether differences in dFC and dEC between individuals with RD and HCs could be utilized as a classifier to differentiate these groups. To address this, we utilized a machine learning approach by employing SVM classifiers based on dFC/dEC values derived from various ROIs.The accuracy of the SVM model to differentiate RD patients and HCs was found to be 0.712, 0.695, 0.525, 0.542, 0.593, and 0.458, respectively. Correspondingly, the AUC were 0.729, 0.786, 0.492, 0.561, 0.572, and 0, respectively.These results suggest that dFC may hold promise as a valuable tool for classifying individuals with RD from the healthy control population.