Study area and subjects
We conduct the experiments at the Centro de Triagem de Animais Silvestres – Goiás (CETAS-GO), located at Goiânia municipality (16°35’56” S, 49°11’55” W), Goiás State, Brazil. CETAS is a center directed by the Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais (IBAMA) and is responsible for the management and rehabilitation of wild animals that arrive through voluntary deliveries, apprehensions and rescue actions. The animals used in this work were provided by CETAS-GO, which houses the birds in adequate and individual cages, where they are constantly monitored by technicians and veterinarians responsible for its feeding and health care. We carried out all observations and experimental procedures from 5 to 28 of March/2022.
The Great-Billed Seed-Finch (S. maximiliani) is a Passeriforme of the Thraupidae family. Like other species of the genus Sporophila, the Great-Billed Seed-Finch is known as a “seed eater”, presenting a granivorous diet based mainly on seeds of Cyperaceae family, such as Hypolytrum pungens and Cyperus rotundus (Machado et al. 2020). This species lives in pairs and exhibits territorial behavior, especially during the reproductive period, which occurs between the months of September and April (Ubaid et al. 2018). This species is classified as Endangered by the IUCN red list (BirdLife International 2019) and Critically Endangered by the ICMBio (ICMBio 2018), with an estimate of less than 100 individuals in the wild (Ubaid et al. 2021). However, Brazil has a large number of legal and illegal breeders that kept this species in captivity due to its call and ex situ conservation purposes (Trajano and Carneiro 2019; Machado 2020). Thus, all individuals used in our experiments come from apprehensions of birds raised under illegal conditions, as well as from the donation of individuals by legalized breeders for conservation purposes (LAML Baptista, personal communication). All animals used in our observations were destined for the reintroduction program of individuals in natural areas developed by CETAS-GO and Projeto Bicudos do Cerrado (
General procedure
We conducted the acoustic and visual experiments with ten males and ten females not paired (N=20). We first submitted all individuals to the acoustic signaling model and then to the visual one. The experiment occurred with one animal at a time (Focal Animal method; Lehner 1987), in individual cages (45cm x 22cm x 30cm), at the times of greatest activity of the birds, that is, in the early morning, between 7am and 10am, and in the late afternoon, between 15pm and 18pm. The experimental arena was set up in a closed environment (6.3m x 5m x 3m), with a controlled temperature of 25°C. To evaluate individual responses, the same animal was subjected to each of the treatments, in a repeated measures procedure, and the order at which the focal animals were submitted to the treatments was previously randomized (Pereira et al. 2015).
Subjects were taken to the experimental arena at the time of each behavioral trial (acoustic and visual). We waited five minutes before starting the observation session to allow the focal animal an acclimatization period. Then, the five acoustic treatments were played or the three visual treatments were presented to the focal subject. We recorded the behavioral responses of the animal focal using a Sony® DCR-SX21 video camera and captured acoustic emissions in .WAV format using an AudioMoth® digital recorder, with a sampling rate of 48000 Hz and depth of 16dB.
Acoustic experiment
For the acoustic experiment we designed a playback experiment, in which we presented to individuals the only known song of natural populations of the species, that is used in territorial defense and courtship. The song was obtained from the Xeno-canto database of a unique individual to control for possible effects of song variation (Silva and Lima 2009). To simulate the signal quality loss, we overlapped different percentages of the song duration with artificial white noise, a wideband noise, using the software Audacity® v. 3.0 (Audacity Team 2021). In this manner, we simulated five levels of information degradation: signal with 100% of information (negative control), signal modified with 90% of information without white noise overlap (slightly degraded), signal with 75% of information without white noise overlap (moderately degraded), signal with 50% of information without white noise overlap (heavily degraded), and 0% of information that is the reproduction of white noise (positive control) (Figure 1a). All treatments had five minutes of duration, with an emission rate of 3 signal/min, similar to natural call, and were played at a sound pressure level of 70dB by a RedMi note 8 Pro cellphone located 1m away from the cage (Figure 1a). All individuals were exposed to all levels of acoustic signal degradation with five minutes of interval between treatments, totaling 50 minutes of acoustic assay. We expect greater emission of displacement activities and aggressive behavior in moderately degraded treatment, followed by moderately degraded treatment, because the ambiguity of information is bigger in these treatments (Figure 1a).
Visual experiment
We use a mirror (22x29 cm) to simulate a visual stimulus of a co-specific competitor (Figure 1b). Although there are no studies on the behavior of Great-Billed Seed-Finch in front of a mirror, most studies with birds show that they do not have the ability to self-recognize their images in the mirror (Kraft et al. 2017; Leitão et al. 2019; Lin et al. 2021), making the mirror a good model to simulate an intruder with the same size of the animal focal. We used a scotch tape to simulate visual barriers and to generate three levels of signal degradation: 100% of information, that is, the mirror unobstructed view (clear view); the mirror with a 50% area covered with a stripe pattern (partial obstructed view); and the mirror with all of its area covered (obstructed view) (Figure 1b). The mirror was placed 50 cm from the ground and 10 cm from the cage (Figure 1b). All individuals were exposed to all levels of visual signal degradation and the treatment had five minutes of duration, followed by five minutes of interval until presentation of the next treatment, totaling 30 minutes of visual assay. We expect greater emission of displacement activity in the partial obstructed view treatment because it is the only one that presents ambiguity of information (Figure 1b).
Data analyses
We obtained from the video recordings the frequency of emissions (behavioral events) or duration, measured in seconds (behavioral states), of all behaviors displayed by the animal focal during each treatment, using the BORIS 7.13 software (Friard and Gamba 2016). We classified the behaviors by comparing its motor pattern with an ethogram of the species (GSS unpublished data). Once our interest was to compare the display of displacement activities and aggressive behavior in the acoustic and visual treatments, we performed the statistical analysis only with non-rare behaviors that we classified as “displacement behavior” or “aggressive behavior” (Table 1; The theory and analysis to behavior classification is described in the supplementary material). To test our hypothesis that the emissions of aggressive and displaced behaviors would increase in treatments in which signal are partially degraded (25% of overlap with white noise), we conducted a Two Way Permutational Analysis of Variance (Frossard and Renaud 2021), using behavioral parameters (frequency or duration) as the response variable, acoustic (five levels: negative control, slightly degraded, moderate degraded, heavily degraded, positive control) or visual (three levels: clear, partial obstructed, obstructed) treatments and sex (two levels: female, male) as the predictors variables, and individuals as a random effect (repeated measures design).
We analyzed the audio recordings using Raven Pro 1.6 software (Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology Bioacoustics Research Program). From each call emission, we collected the following parameters: repetition rate (events/minute), number of notes (and/or pulses) per call, peak frequency (Hz), frequency (Hz) at 25% and at 75% of the call entropy and frequency of overlapping of acoustic signals and acoustic model signals (playback) (number of overlapping calls/total number of emitted calls, measured only for treatments with acoustic reproduction). To test if the vocalizations were altered by signal quality loss, we used general linear mixed models (GLMM). The data of calls frequencies (Hz) were adjusted with gamma family link inverse distribution, whether repetition rate and frequency of overlapping were adjusted with negative binomial distribution. Only the short vocalizations (calls) during the acoustic experiment were analyzed because long vocalizations (songs) were rare in both experiments and calls, although not rare in visual experiment, were displayed only a few times by each subject, resulting in a low sample size for some treatments.
Statistical analyzes were made in RStudio (R Core Team, 2021), using “dplyr” (Wickham et Al. 2021), “vegan” (Oksanen et al. 2020), “Factoshiny” (Vaissie et al. 2021), “Permuco” (Frossard and Renaud 2022), “lme4” (Bates et al. 2015), “car” (Fox et al. 2019) and “visreg” (Breheny and Burchett 2020) packages.
Following the best practices of p-value use and report proposed by Wasserstein (2016), we interpreted p-value as a continuous variable instead of a binary one with a threshold of p < 0.05 (principle 3 of the ASA statement on p-value, Wasserstein 2016). For that, we interpreted our p values as an indicator of the incompatibility of our data to the statistical model (Principle 1 of the ASA statement on p-value, Wasserstein 2016) and we considered that our data could provide different levels of support to our hypothesis (Principle 2 of the ASA statement on p-value, Wasserstein 2016), considering that: p < 0.1 denotes a weak support (trend), p < 0.05 denotes a moderate support, and p < 0.01 denotes a strong support.