The research on NFAT transcription factors in RGC survival and regeneration following injury has been largely discontinued since 2014 when Xu and colleagues demonstrated an overlapping pattern of NFATc4, cleaved caspase-3, and FasL in a light-induced model of retinal degeneration [36]. Using purified RGCs, as well as Nfatc4−/− or NFATc3−/− knockout mice and lentiviral-mediated gene delivery, we demonstrate that NFATc4 plays a crucial role in RGC survival in a model of optic nerve crush. The knockout of NFATc4 significantly improved RGC function and enhanced axonal regeneration in the injured retina. The critical role of NFATc4 is highlighted by the fact that no similar changes were observed in Nfatc3−/− knockout mice. This suggests that NFATc4 in the retina is downstream of divergent signaling pathways mediating survival and regeneration in the presence or absence of neurotrophic factors.
NFATc4 belongs to the family of Rel homology domain (RHR) and NFAT homology domain (NHR)-containing transcription factors (NFATc1-c4), whose activity is controlled in a Ca2+- and CaN-dependent manner. The NHR contains two CaN-binding motifs: a Ca2+ - independent PXIXIT motif in the N terminus and a Ca2+ -dependent LxVP motif in the C-terminal portion of NHR [64]. Despite shared activation by CaN-dependent dephosphorylation, the activity of specific NFAT isoforms within distinct populations of neuronal cells is controlled through poorly understood mechanisms. For example, NFATc4’s activity was selectively required for the survival of adult-born neurons in response to BDNF [65] and mediated anti-apoptotic transcription in NMDA receptor-stimulated cortical neurons [66]. Depending on its transcriptional activity, NFATc4 may also participate in pro-apoptotic signaling, usually combined with an extrinsic pathway-dependent increase in Fas ligand (FasL) expression. Gomez-Sintes and Lucas demonstrated that increased nuclear NFATc4 translocation correlated with elevated FasL levels and Fas activation, an effect absent in Fas-deficient Ipr mice and following cyclosporine administration [67]. Similarly, NFATc4-mediated FasL up-regulation has been proposed to underlie methamphetamine-induced neuronal loss [68]. Furthermore, deafferentiation-induced neuronal apoptosis in the cochlear nucleus has also been suggested to be mediated by NFATc4/FasL activation [69]. Hence, the opposite functions played by NFATc4 may be attributed to the upstream stimulus controlling its phosphorylation/dephosphorylation ratio or be cell-specific, as different cells can selectively activate specific NFAT isoforms depending on environmental cues [70–75].
The role of NFATs in RGCs is still not fully understood. Our results demonstrate that NFATc4 is specifically and transiently up-regulated in the retina after optic nerve injury. The time-course of NFATc4 increase in our experimental model is similar to the one observed in [36], suggesting a more general phenomenon. Another research group has also demonstrated a change in NFATc4 expression in response to optic nerve injury. The microarray hybridization screen performed by Lukas and colleagues within 6 h post injury revealed early downregulation of NFATc4 in the ganglion cell layer [76]. This observation was confirmed by a more recent analysis of the retinal transcriptome performed at the same time point after ONC [77]. Both studies clearly demonstrate changes in NFATc4 expression; however, they focus either on changes occurring early after ONC or performed the injury in embryonic (E20) and postnatal animals (P1-P3). Moreover, there were significant differences between postnatal and embryonic NFATc4 expression. It is known that capacity of RGC for axonal growth and the regeneration of injured axons sharply decreases soon after birth, and this age-dependent decline is associated with a profound reorganization of retinal transcriptome [43, 78]. A growing body of evidence indicates that molecular changes in the injured retina are progressive and many of them appear later in time [76, 79–81]. Therefore, it is not unexpected that the NFATc4 expression profile changes over time as RGC death becomes prominent. Consistent with our study, none of the transcriptional profiling analyses revealed changes in other NFAT isoforms after ONC.
Based on our data, wherein NFATc4 knockdown promotes RGC survival in vivo, and lentiviral-mediated NFATc4 expression in Nfatc4−/− mouse reverses this pro-survival effect, the up-regulation of NFATc4 following injury likely represents an attempted pro-apoptotic response. This NFATc4-mediated response seems to be specifically induced by the injury, as the number of RGCs in uninjured wild type and Nfatc4−/− groups was unchanged and similar to the results previously reported for the C57BL/6 mouse [82]. This would indicate that NFATc4 expression is dispensible for normal retina development or in uninjured RGCs. The importance of CaN/NFAT signaling in retinal degeneration has been suggested by several groups. Freeman and Grosskreutz demonstrated that the administration of the FKBP12 ligand FK506 increased the number of RGCs following optic nerve crush [83]. The FK506-FKBP12 complex is expected to inhibit CaN phosphatase activity and decrease NFAT dephosphorylation, thus preventing its nuclear import. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that CaN is activated in response to ocular hypertension in the mouse model of glaucoma [84] and is responsible for RGC degeneration [85]. In view of that, knockdown of NFATc4 in vivo may disrupt calcineurin/NFATc4 downstream signaling and, at least in part, attenuate massive apoptosis of injured RGCs. This posits NFATc4 as one of the important mediators of RGC death following optic nerve crush.
While the data suggests NFATc4’s involvement in RGC death, the relevance of NFATc4 function as a potential target for axonal regeneration after retina injury has not been previously explored. Using CTB and βIII-tubulin staining, we demonstrated that NFATc4 knockout delayed axon degeneration. Labeling axons with CTB is a reliable technique based on axonal transport that is widely used for monitoring axonal regeneration [41]. However, around day 7 post-crush, axonal transport is significantly altered, leading to distal axon terminal degeneration [86]. Because, in our experiment, CTB was injected 2 days before retina collection, it is also plausible that NFATc4 knockout may affect dye transport, eventually influencing the labelling pattern one week after ONC. Nonetheless, visualization of remaining axons with βIII-tubulin, which is a marker of axonal integrity [52], seems to confirm that NFATc4 plays a role in delaying axonal disintegration one week after ONC.
It is hypothesized that axonal transport breakdown is preceded by a lesion-induced signaling, triggering axon swelling and irreversible changes in neurofilaments and microtubules integrity [87–89]. In their elegant set of experiments, Knöferle and colleagues linked axotomy-induced intraaxonal Ca2+ elevation to a secondary generation of autophagosomes that participate in axonal degradation [90]. The initial increase in Ca2+ concentration activating CaN is an obligatory step for the activation of NFAT-dependent transcription. Moreover, recent reports suggest an important contribution of NFAT to autophagy in retinal pigmental epithelial cells [91] as well as in other cell types [92]. In view of this, it is tempting to speculate that Ca2+-dependent activation of NFATc4 and NFATc4 downstream signaling should be placed among important events restricting axonal regeneration after mechanical injury.
The remaining question is how NFATc4 knockout slows down the time-dependent apoptosis of injured RGC. NFAT proteins can directly regulate the expression of apoptosis-related genes along with the induction of pro-inflammatory cytokine production [93–98]. Both apoptosis and neuroinflammation are frequently associated with multiple neurodegenerative diseases [99–101]. Although it would be interesting to explore whether the modulation of retinal inflammation underlies enhanced RGC survival in NFATc4−/− mouse, our observation of lowered caspase-3 cleavage directed us toward studying apoptosis-related genes. The microarray analysis revealed that certain pro-apoptotic genes are downregulated in NFATc4−/− mice, indicating that increased RGC survival observed in this group after ONC may arise from blocking the apoptotic program. This is consistent with a prior study showing reduced sensitivity of sensory hair cells to TNF-mediated apoptosis in NFATc4−/− mice [102]. In addition, Bak1, Bok, and Bid, part of the Bcl-2 family of apoptosis regulators, were downregulated in the NFATc4−/− retina after ONC. Selective repression of BAK1 protein attenuated neuronal apoptosis [103], similar to Bax/Bak1 double knockout cells that are resistant to multiple apoptotic inducers [104, 105]. Like BAK1 and BAX, BOK is a pro-apoptotic protein that can induce mitochondrial apoptosis [106]. In line with this finding, Bok−/− cells were partially protected from ER stress-induced apoptosis elicited by thapsigargin or bortezomib [107]. On the contrary, other studies suggested a lack of its role in apoptosis as Bok knockout does not alter responsiveness to various apoptotic stimuli [108, 109]. Similarly, Bid-deficient mice are resistant to Fas-induced apoptosis [110], and Tp53bp2 downregulation protected from apoptosis in certain cell types [111, 112]. However, which NFATc4-dependent changes in gene expression reflect a pro-survival response, improving RGC survival and delaying axonal degeneration, needs further attention. It has been recently demonstrated that among 46 different RGC subtypes distinguished by high-throughput single-cell RNA-seq [113],some types exhibit selective resilience to injury while others are more susceptible to degeneration and die quickly [114]. Since NFATc4 may affect the expression profile of genes involved in apoptosis, certain types of RGCs may be more vulnerable because of their NFATc4 expression, consistent with our data that NFATc4 up-regulation peaked 1 day after ONC.
NFATc4 is unique among other NFAT isoforms in its regulation by upstream signaling in neurons. Unlike NFATc3, activation of NFATc4 requires a coincident elevation in intracellular Ca2+ and suppression of glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK-3β) [74]. GSK-3β and other kinases are known to phosphorylate multiple serines in the NFAT regulatory domain, leading to the termination of NFAT-dependent gene expression [115–117]. It has not been fully resolved whether the activity of phosphorylating/dephosphorylating enzymes is an organized mechanism. In view of this, an interesting question that remains elusive is how the activity of NFATc4 is orchestrated to direct the RGC response to injury and affect the regeneration of injured axons. Our previous study [47] demonstrated that manipulation within A-kinase anchoring protein 6 (AKAP6)-organized pro-survival signaling significantly enhanced RGC survival following ONC. AKAP6 brings together calcineurin [118], ERK5 [119] and NFAT transcription factor (unpublished data), providing a platform for the integration of pro-survival an pro-death signaling. Depending on the upstream stimuli, ERK5 activity can be effectively counterbalanced by locally anchored CaN, with the relevant outcome toward NFATc4 downstream signaling. Up to now, more than fifty AKAPs have been identified that are involved in different cellular processes. This abundance allows for efficient spatial and temporal control of intracellular signaling, but which AKAPs may potentially participate in RGC survival requires further investigation.
It has been demonstrated that distinct NFAT isoforms may antagonize each other in the control of gene expression in retina degeneration [120]. For instance, siRNA-mediated NFATc3 knockdown increased the expression of TNFα-induced inflammatory response, whereas downregulation of NFATc4 has the opposite effects. Several molecular therapies based on pharmacological NFAT inhibition have been described to carry substantial potential toward retina degeneration [35, 121]. It is highly likely that greater efficacy could be achieved by identifying the NFAT isoform’s role in RGC degeneration, which would give rise to development of isoform-specific therapies. Therefore, our intent was to investigate how NFAT isoforms contribute to the pathological events underlying injury-mediated RGC loss. To our best knowledge, no similar study with NFATc4 or NFATc3 knockout animals has been performed up to now.
In summary, our data suggest that NFATc4 should be considered one of the major regulators of adult RGC survival following injury, and central to the complex interplay of multiple molecular events in axonal regeneration. Further studies on NFATc4 and, in particular, the co-regulators of its transcriptional activity are essential, as they may lead to new therapeutic interventions allowing for the preservation of RGC function. Despite accumulating studies on gene therapy enhancing RGC survival and axon regeneration, the search for novel target molecules is of paramount importance, as the functional restoration of visual pathways still remains a challenge. The synergistic effect of NFATc4 downregulation along with other known axon regeneration promoters may provide an effective combinatorial strategy to improve vision impairments in optic neuropathies.