Plant Community Aboveground Responses to the Chronic Low-level Nitrogen Addition Treatment
Neither plant community productivity nor species richness or diversity were significantly altered by 16 years of annual low-level N additions across a hayfield of varying clay concentration (6% - 41%, Table S1, p = 0.11, p = 0.28, and p = 0.35, respectively, Table S2), and there was no significant interaction between WFPS and added N with either of these variables (p = 0.24, p = 0.73, and p = 0.54, respectively, Table S2). Furthermore, the N addition treatment had no significant effects on either ammonium, nitrate, or phosphate availability to roots in mid-July as measured by the IEMs (p = 0.39, p = 0.18, and p = 0.35, respectively, Table S2). However, both the ammonium and nitrate (but not phosphate) fluxes decreased significantly with increasing soil WFPS across the field (p < 0.00001 and p < 0.00001, respectively, Table 1), explaining 68% and 54% of the variability in the nutrient fluxes, respectively.
Table 1 Model parameters used for chosen best-fit models for each response variable measured in relation to the chronic low-level N addition treatment, variation in soil clay concentration, and relevant environmental variables. Models presented here represent the best-fit models based off AICc selection criteria. The best fit model for total aboveground biomass included soil temperature along with water-filled pore space, while the best fit models for the other four variables contained only water-filled pore space. R2 for WFPS-only models is presented, along with the overall R2 for the WFPS plus soil temperature aboveground biomass model.
Above- and Belowground Biomass Responses to Field Variation in Soil Texture and its Interaction with Soil Moisture
Plant community aboveground biomass was clearly positively correlated with field variation in soil clay concentration over the range from 6% up to a peak of ~15% clay content, and then remained generally consistent at higher clay concentrations (Fig. 2a). Likewise, community aboveground biomass increased with mean growing season soil WFPS up to a peak of ~15% and then remained generally high (Fig. 2b). Overall, in terms of the study site’s experimental layout, soil clay concentrations were on average >3 times larger in the plots on the clay-loam section of the field compared to those on the sandy-loam (Tables 2 and S1), and this textural difference was associated with >2 times greater mean growing season soil moisture and soil WFPS, and ~1.5 times more aboveground biomass (Table 2). Correspondingly, our statistical model analysis indicated that total aboveground biomass across the field increased significantly with rising mean growing season WFPS (p = 0.0008, Fig. 2b, Table 1) and decreased significantly with rising mean soil temperature (p = 0.012, Fig. S4, Table 1). In summary, spatial variability in WFPS across the field was the most important variable influencing aboveground biomass and explained 51% of the observed variability, while the combination of it and soil temperature explained 62% of the shoot biomass variation across our study site (Table 1). Furthermore, mean growing season soil moisture also increased with rising clay concentrations up to an asymptote of ~15% clay content, indicating an important interaction between soil pore space (which is determined by texture) and soil water availability (Fig. 2c). Together, these consistent asymptotic relationships, and the statistical model analysis, indicate that total plant community aboveground biomass was much more influenced by variation in soil water availability across the relatively dry, low clay content plots of the sandy-loam section of the field compared to the clearly moister, clay-rich plots of the clay-loam section (See Methods and Table 2).
Table 2 Mean values of total plant community aboveground biomass, total belowground biomass and its individual components, species richness, species diversity (Shannon-Weiner Diversity Index), soil clay and sand concentrations, soil bulk density, mean growing season soil water-filled pore space (WFPS), soil moisture (volumetric water content), soil temperature, and mid-July soil nutrient fluxes for the control and chronic low-level N addition treatment plots (n = 6, standard errors in parentheses) in the clay-loam and sandy-loam sections of Stoke’s hayfield experimental site.
In contrast to total aboveground biomass which ranged from ~180 to ~600 g m-2 (Fig. 2a), total belowground biomass was generally larger and more variable, ranging from 220 g m-2 to ~1000 g m-2 (Table 2, Fig. S5a). Neither total belowground biomass, nor its components (i.e. rhizomes and fine roots), differed significantly between the low-level N addition and control plots (Total Belowground: p = 0.43, Rhizome: p = 0.54, Fine Root: p = 0.42, Table S2, Fig. S5), or in relation to spatial variation in WFPS (Total Belowground: p = 0.69, Rhizome: p =0.77, Fine Root: p = 0.66, Table S2, Fig. S5). Accordingly, since the shoot biomass was larger on the clay-loam, the mean ratio of plant community aboveground to fine root biomass was significantly higher there (2.32) compared to the sandy-loam section of the field (1.45) (p = 0.009, Table S3). By contrast, the ratio of rhizome to fine root biomass ranged from 0.48 to 1.28 but did not differ significantly between N addition and control (p = 0.6, Table S3) or soil texture categories (p = 0.7, Table S3).
Species Richness and Diversity Index Responses to Environmental Variables
The total species count across all plots on the clay-loam section was 50% higher (30-31 species) than on the sandy-loam section (19-20 species), and mean species richness per plot was twice as high (17 on the clay-loam compared to 8-9 species on the sandy-loam, Table 2). However, just as for biomass, there was absolutely no impact of the 16 years of chronic low-level N additions (Tables 2 and S2, Fig. 3a). Plot species richness increased significantly with rising mean growing season WFPS (p = 0.0001, Table 1), with the statistical model suggesting that WFPS explained 80% of the variation in species richness across the field (Fig. 3a).
The Shannon Diversity Index values ranged from 1.2 to 2.25 across the field (Fig. 3b), and again were higher on the clay-loam and not affected by the low-level N addition treatment (Tables 2 and S2, Fig. 3b). Likewise, the Shannon Diversity Index varied significantly with plot differences in WFPS (p = 0.0001, Table 1), which explained 47% of the variation in species diversity across the field (Fig. 3b).
Relative abundance graphs for the overall plant communities in the N addition and control plots on the predominantly clay-rich and sand-rich soil sections of the field (i.e., n = 6 for each category) illustrated significant differences in species composition and relative proportions (evenness). Smooth Brome (Bromus inermis) was the dominant species on the clay-loam, comprising 27% and 36% of the total biomass in the control plots and N addition plots, respectively (Fig. 4a, b). By contrast, Timothy Grass (Phleum pratense) was the dominant species on the sandy-loam and made up 35% and 29% in the control and N addition plots, respectively (Fig. 4c, d). Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) was the only forb (and N-fixing) species present at high proportions in the field and accounted for approximately 13% and 7% of the total biomass on the clay-loam soils in both the control and N addition plots but was absent from the sandy-loam plots (Fig. 4). Despite the high species richness across both soil textures, most species were present at very low proportions (< 5%), and the top five species on each soil texture category and treatment accounted for roughly 80% of the total biomass.
Effects of the High-Level Factorial Nitrogen and Phosphorus Additions on Aboveground Biomass
In the separate, single season experiment to directly test whether total plant community growth was primarily limited by nutrient availability, neither the high-level additions of N alone, P alone, nor their combination, significantly enhanced community aboveground biomass (N: p = 0.50, P: p = 0.76, N+P: p = 0.73, Table 3). Nevertheless, the three-way ANOVA indicated that total aboveground biomass was significantly higher on the clay-loam compared to the sandy-loam (p < 0.0001, Table 3), and that there were no significant interactions between soil texture and the nutrient treatments. These results are consistent with the lack of response to the low-level N addition treatment described earlier, together indicating that soil textural variation was a much stronger determinant of aboveground production than either N and/or P supply.
Table 3 Mean total plant community aboveground biomass (g dry mass m-2) in response to the separate single growing season factorial high-level fertilizer addition treatments (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Nitrogen and Phosphorus) on the predominantly clay-loam and sandy-loam sections of Stoke’s Field (n = 6, standard errors in parentheses). The high-level fertilizer additions were made in late Spring 2020 and the aboveground biomass was harvested ten weeks later.