Experimental Design and Sample Collection
The cotton seeds used in the study were collected from the experimental fields of Shihezi University in Xinjiang, China (44.30 °N, 86.04 °E), a region characterized by a temperate continental climate with an average annual temperature of approximately 8°C and an average annual precipitation of 158.3 mm. Two different genotypes of cotton were used. They included Xinluzao 78 [30] with higher disease resistance and Xinluzao 63 [31] with minimal disease resistance. In March 2022, parent cotton plants were planted, and the offspring seeds were harvested in October 2022 to serve as experimental samples. Each cotton genotype was planted in four experimental plots. Each covered 18 m² (3 m × 6 m) and was managed with 40 kg/ha of nitrogen (N), 25 kg/ha of phosphorus (P) in the form of P pentoxide (P2O5), and 20 kg/ha potassium (K) in the form of K oxide (K2O). A total of 25% of the N was used as a base fertilizer, with the remaining 75% applied in stages. The P and K fertilizers were applied as 70% and 50% base fertilizers, respectively, with the rest used as top dressing. Top dressing was applied eight times throughout the growing period following a 'one water one fertilizer' management strategy. After harvest, the seeds were delinted with sulfuric acid and stored at -4°C. For each genotype, 10 seeds were mixed for an amplicon analysis. There were four biological replicates.
DNA Extraction and Bacterial 16S rRNA Gene Amplification
Before the endophytic bacterial DNA was extracted from the seeds, the seed samples were first disinfected with 50 g/L sodium hypochlorite for 15 min followed by three rinses with sterile distilled water. The disinfected seeds were then soaked in sterile distilled water for 12 h and rinsed again three times. The final rinse water was used on agar plates to validate that the seeds had been thoroughly disinfected. The seed coat was removed using sterile tweezers, and the seeds were ground in liquid N under sterile conditions. The DNA was extracted using a DNeasy PowerSoil Kit (MP Biomedicals, Eschwege, Germany), and its purity and quality were assessed by 1% agarose gel electrophoresis. The samples were quantified using a NanoDrop One spectrophotometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA). The DNA samples were stored at -80°C.
The universal primers 335F (5’-CADACTCCTACGGGAGGC-3’) and 769R (5’-ATCCTGTTTGMTMCCCVCRC − 3’) were used to amplify the V3–V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene to analyze the bacterial DNA diversity [20]. This PCR amplification utilized a Phanta Max Master Mix Kit P515 (Vazyme, Dalian, China) with optimized annealing temperatures, and the PCR products were verified using 1% agarose gel electrophoresis. The sample library was submitted to BMKCloud for quality inspection and sequenced on an Illumina NovaSeq 6000 platform (Illumina, San Diego, CA, USA) upon confirmation. The raw data were initially filtered using Trimmomatic (version 0.33) [32]. The primer sequences were identified and removed using Cutadapt (version 1.9.1) [33]. The paired-end reads obtained in the aforementioned steps were assembled using USEARCH (version 10) [34], and the chimeras were removed using UCHIME (version 8.1) [35]. High-quality reads that were generated from this process were used for subsequent analysis. Sequences ≥ 97% similar were clustered into the same amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) using USEARCH [32], and ASVs with a frequency < 0.005% were filtered out. The ASVs were taxonomically annotated using the SILVA database (version 132) [35] in the QIIME2 [36] naive Bayes classifier, with a confidence threshold of 70%. Sample rarefaction curves showed an asymptotic trend, which ensured that there was representative sample depth (Figure S1a). Eight seed samples were used to generate 1,280,404 raw reads in total with an average of 147,978 high-quality reads per sample. The RDP classifier [37] and SILVA database (version 138) [35] were used to successfully identify 1,135 bacterial ASVs from 396,164 reads, which included 19 bacterial phyla, 27 classes, and 538 species.
Isolation, Identification, and Functional Evaluation of the Enriched Strains Specific to the Resistant Varieties
Specifically enriched endophytic bacteria were isolated from the resistant cotton seed genotypes starting with the surface disinfection of the seeds. The method for seed surface disinfection was the same as previously described. Ten de-coated seeds were ground in 5 mL of sterile distilled water. The suspension was treated in a 75°C water bath for 15 min to eliminate non-Bacillus bacteria and then diluted 10-fold before 10 µL was spread on LB agar plates. The plates were incubated at 30°C for 2 d to grow the bacteria. Single colonies were picked onto new LB plates for purification. The purified isolates were transferred to LB liquid media that contained 15% glycerol and stored at -80°C. The DNA was extracted from the strains for PCR amplification of the 16S rRNA gene using primers 27f (5'-AGAGTTTGATCMTGGCTCAG-3’) and 1492r (5'-GGYTACCTTGTTACGACTT-3') [38] followed by Sanger sequencing and a comparison using NCBI BLAST.
Plate confrontation methods were used to test the antagonism of isolated bacteria against V. dahliae V592. A volume of 50 µL of a spore suspension (1×107 CFU/mL) was spread on potato dextrose agar (PDA), air-dried naturally for 10 min, and then symmetrically punched with a sterile borer (7 mm diameter). A volume of 10 µL of the endophytic bacterial suspension (1×107 CFU/mL) was added to each hole and incubated at 28°C for 5 d. Sterile distilled water was added to the holes of control group. These procedures on each strain were repeated three times. After 5 d, the antagonistic effect of each strain on V592 was observed. Compatibility testing of the strains utilized filter paper soaked in the liquid of each test strain. It was placed on plates spread with 50 µL of the target strains, incubated at 28°C for 5 d and observed for any antagonistic inhibition.
Selection and Construction of an Artificial Synthetic Community Based on the Broken-rod Model and its Suppressive Effect on Fusarium Wilt
This study designed an experiment using the broken-rod model (Fig. 5A) to construct microbial communities of different types and abundances [39–42]. To analyze the relationship between strain functions and community diversity, a diversity gradient assembly was implemented, and each strain was randomly drawn. An alternative design strategy was used, which decreased the proportion of each single strain as the community richness increased. For example, the ratios for the 1-, 2-, 4- and 8-strain communities were 100%, 50%, 25%, and 12.5%, respectively.
A limited bacterial microsystem was established to study the suppressive effect of the endophytic bacteria in cotton seeds on Fusarium wilt. First, Xinluzao 63 cotton seeds were soaked in 70 ℃ warm water for 30 min and then for 8 h in 100 mL 1×107 CFU/mL as described in Table S6. The seeds were then planted in cups filled with sterilized vermiculite and potting soil (1:3, v/v) with three seeds per cup. They were watered with a one-third strength MS nutrient solution and placed in a light incubator at 2,500 lx, with a 28°C light/dark cycle of 16 hours/8 hours. Two days later, the wilt pathogen was inoculated into the microsystem, and then 50 mL of a V592 spore suspension (1×107 CFU/mL) was added to the injured bottom roots through the bottom of the paper cup. The cotton was grown under conditions of 25 ℃ and 80% humidity. After 50 d, the disease index of the cotton plants was surveyed to preliminarily determine the composition of the microbial community. The selected microbial community combinations were subjected to functional validation by comparing seeds of the resistant cotton genotype Xinluzao 78 and susceptible genotype Xinluzao 63. The seeds of Xinluzao 63 seeds were soaked in the liquid of selected microbial community using the same method. Control groups were established with the seeds of both Xinluzao 78 and Xinluzao 63 that were soaked in sterile distilled water simultaneously. Three seeds were sown in each pot and thinned to one seedling after the cotyledon had unfolded. There were eight replicates. In parallel with investigating the suppression effect of the constructed microbial community on Fusarium wilt, the agronomic traits of the cotton plants were also examined, including measurements of the plant height, stem diameter, fresh root weight, and fresh stem weight, to assess the impact of the microbial community on cotton growth and development. The disease index was rated on a scale from 0 to 9 [43], where 0 indicated no symptoms, and 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 represented 0–10%, 11–25%, 26–50%, 51–75%, 76–90%, and > 90% discoloration or defoliation, respectively. The disease index was calculated as follows:
Disease index = [(grade × number of diseased plants) / total number of plants × highest grade] × 100; control effect = [(average disease index of the uninoculated group - average disease index of the inoculated group) / average disease index of the uninoculated group] × 100.
To isolate pathogens from the diseased cotton plants to fulfill Koch's postulates, the following steps were taken: 50 d after inoculating the pathogen, stems above the cotyledons of cotton plants were collected, surface-disinfected with 75% ethanol for 1 min, rinsed three times with sterile distilled water, treated with 10% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) for 60 min, and rinsed three more times with sterile distilled water. The stems were cut into segments of approximately 1 cm and placed on PDA for 5 d at 28°C.
Verification of the Colonization of the SynCom using the Antibiotic Method
To test the colonization of the artificially synthesized microbial community in the cotton tissues, four bacteria from the selected community were activated. They were streaked onto solid media, and individual colonies were inoculated into 50 mL of LB liquid medium, followed by incubation at 28°C in a constant temperature shaker at 180 rpm for 24 hours. Four antibiotics that could inhibit the growth of the selected strains were identified by streaking the bacteria on plates with a concentration of 50 µg/mL. Subsequently, 1 mL of bacterial liquid was transferred to 50 mL of LB that contained 0.5 µg/mL of the antibiotic and cultured on a shaker. The culture was transferred every 24 h. The concentration of antibiotic was gradually increased as the liquid became turbid until it reached 50 µg/mL. Colonies that were consistent with those of the original strains were purified by selection on solid plates that contained this concentration of antibiotic and stored at 4°C. The strains were passaged 10 times in antibiotic-free media 1 week later and then selected again on solid plates that contained 50 µg/mL of antibiotic to verify the stability of their antibiotic-resistant traits.
The cotton seeds were soaked for 8 h in the liquid of the marked antibiotic-tolerant artificially synthesized community (without antibiotics), and three seeds per pot were sown and grown until the two-leaf stage. There were three replicates. The plants were then tested to determine if they had been colonized by the strain. The entire cotton plant was dug out from the soil and cleaned, surface-disinfected by tissue type (root, stem, or leaf) using the same disinfection method that was used to isolate the pathogen, and then ground under sterile conditions. The bacterial liquid was diluted 10-fold and inoculated onto LB solid plates that contained 50 µg/mL antibiotic and incubated at 30°C for 3 d to determine whether the strain had colonized the plant.
Statistical Analysis and Visualization
Statistical analyses were performed in R software (version 2023.06.1 + 524) [44], with all analyses using α = 0.05 as the level for significance. The false discovery rate (FDR) correction was applied for multiple hypothesis testing when required. Alpha-diversity analyses, adjusted for sparsity, were computed using the alpha function in the microbiome package (version 1.9.13) [45] in R to yield the ACE, Chao1, Shannon, and Simpson diversity indices. For the top 10 microbial communities with a relative abundance > 0.5%, a distribution visualization analysis was performed using the ggplot2 package (version 3.2.1) [46]. Inter-sample beta-diversity was assessed using the weighted UniFrac method, which considered the abundance and composition of ASVs, and visualized using a Principal Coordinates Analysis (PCoA) [47] in R to demonstrate similarities between the samples. Differences in the seed microbiomes between the two cotton genotypes were analyzed using MetagenomeSeq R (version v3.1.1; metagenomeSeq v1.22.0). This software assessed data on the abundance of species and normalized for annotation biases. It also accounted for the zero-inflation Gaussian distribution caused by sequencing depth. Based on this, significant differences were determined using linear models. The Tax4Fun2 tool (version v1.1.5) was used for functional gene prediction. The 16S sequencing data were classified at the species level based on the SILVA database (through QIIME or SILVAngs platform) and normalized for 16S copy numbers using NCBI genome data. A relationship between the SILVA classification and prokaryotic taxonomy in the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) database was established to predict the KEGG functions of prokaryotic microbial communities. The SparCC algorithm was utilized to conduct an in-depth analysis of the bacterial community networks related to the cotton seeds. Networks were constructed at the class level and assessed the correlations between different classes to identify potential interactions in the microbial communities. Classes with an abundance > 0.01% and P < 0.05 were selected. Classes that appeared in at least 25% of the data were analyzed for network construction based on the similarity thresholds determined by the random matrix theory (RMT). A network analysis was conducted on the Molecular Ecological Network Analysis (MENA) platform [48], and the networks were visualized using Gephi software (version 0.9.2) [49].