We first present the context of adolescents in the countries we included in our analysis, before assessing whether the planning documents sufficiently address adolescent health. We then review what is being done from the view of service delivery, societal and systems lenses [8].
Social and health contexts of adolescence in study countries
Adolescents make up a fifth to a quarter of the total population across all the study countries (Table 1), making them a significant demographic priority. In addition, substantial percentages of adolescent girls are married or in union before the age of 18 (ranging from 23% in Kenya to 59% in Bangladesh), with significant percentages married or in union by age 15 (18% in Nigeria, 22% in Bangladesh). Secondary school completion rates are lower for adolescent girls than for boys across all the study countries, with the percentages being extremely low in Tanzania and Mozambique for both girls and boys. Adolescent boys suffer higher mortality across study countries, particularly in Guatemala.
Table 1
Social context of adolescents in study countries
First wave countries | % of population 10–19 | Female age 10–19 mortality rate (per 100,000) | Male age 10–19 mortality rate (per 100,000) | % female secondary school completion | % male secondary school completion | % Women married/in union by age 15 | % Women married/in union by age 18 |
Bangladesh | 20% | 56 | 72 | 26 | 31 | 22 | 59 |
Cameroon | 23% | 254 | 292 | 12 | 18 | 10 | 31 |
DRC | 23% | 238 | 266 | 21 | 30 | 10 | 37 |
Ethiopia | 25% | 163 | 220 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 40 |
Guatemala | 23% | 68 | 128 | - | - | 6 | 30 |
Kenya | 23% | 180 | 234 | 38 | 44 | 4 | 23 |
Liberia | 23% | 185 | 215 | 9 | 18 | 9 | 36 |
Mozambique | 24% | 272 | 286 | 4 | 8 | 14 | 48 |
Nigeria | 23% | 340 | 340 | 42 | 57 | 18 | 44 |
Uganda | 25% | 203 | 243 | 13 | 18 | 10 | 40 |
Tanzania | 23% | 202 | 254 | 2 | 4 | 5 | 31 |
| (2016) | (2015) | (2015) | (2016) | (2016) | (2010–2017) | (2010–2017) |
Data sources: |
% of population 10–19: United Nations Population Division population.un.org/wpp/ (Accessed 25 Sept 2018)
Adolescent mortality rate: World Health Organization, Global Mortality Database www.who.int/healthinfo/mortality_data/en/ (Accessed 25 Sept 2018)
Secondary school completion rate: United Nations Children’s Fund Global databases data.unicef.org/topic/education/overview/ (Accessed 25 Sept 2018)
% women married/in union by age 15 or 18: United Nations Children’s Fund Global databases data.unicef.org (Accessed 25 Sept 2018)
In reviewing sexual and reproductive health, HIV incidence estimates vary considerable across the study countries. The percentage of adolescents girls aged 15–19 with demand for family planning satisfied with modern methods is overall quite low, but also varies significantly, ranging from 19% in DRC to 61% in Ethiopia. Correspondingly, 20–40% of adolescent girls give birth before turning 18 years of age. Furthermore, in DRC, Liberia and Mozambique, adolescent girls cannot access family planning without consent from either their parents or spouses. With regards to access to abortion, it is largely only available to save a woman’s life or for her health. While globally 30% of adolescent girls aged 15–19 experience physical and/or sexual violence by an intimate partner [9], only Cameroon, Ethiopia and Cameroon allow abortion in cases of rape or incest.
Table 2
Context of adolescent sexual and reproductive health across study countries
First wave countries | HIV incidence per 1,000 uninfected population – age 15–19 | % women FP modern methods satisfied - age 15–19 | % of women birth before age 18 2011-2016 | Adol FP without spousal or parental consent | Legal status of abortion |
Bangladesh | < 0.01 | 47 | 36 | no data | Partial (1) |
Cameroon | 2.4 | 53 | 28 | no data | Partial (1,2,3, 6) |
DRC | 0.24 | 19 | 27 | No | Partial (1) |
Ethiopia | 0.23 | 61 | 22 | Yes | Partial (1, 2, 3, 6, 7) |
Guatemala | 0.1 | 48 | 20 | Yes | Partial (1) |
Kenya | 2.69 | | 23 | Yes | Partial (1, 2, 3) |
Liberia | 1.49 | 36 | 37 | No | Partial (1, 2, 3) |
Mozambique | 3.03 | 31 | 40 | No | Partial (1, 2, 3, 6, 7) |
Nigeria | 2.18 | 28 | 29 | Yes | Partial (1, 2, 3) |
Uganda | 2.55 | 44 | 33 | Yes | Partial (1, 2, 3) |
United Republic of Tanzania | 1.04 | 41 | 22 | Yes | Partial (1, 2, 3) |
| (2016) | (2011–2016) | (2011–2016) | (2013–2016) | (2015) |
Data sources: HIV incidence per 1,000 population: UNICEF. 2017. State of the World's Children 2017. Geneva: UNICEF |
http://data.unicef.org/resources/state-worlds-children-2017-statistical-tables/ (Accessed 25 Sept 2018)
% women age 15–17 FP modern methods satisfied: Countdown to 2030 compiled data from household surveys (DHS and MICS)
% women birth before age 18: UNICEF. 2017. State of the World's Children 2017. Geneva: UNICEF
http://data.unicef.org/resources/state-worlds-children-2017-statistical-tables/ (Accessed 25 Sept 2018)
Adol FP without spousal or parental consent: Countdown to 2030 compiled data from WHO-MNCAH Policy Indicator Database http://www.who.int/maternal_child_adolescent/epidemiology/policy-indicators/en/ (Accessed 25 Sept 2018)
Legal status of abortion (1) To save a women's life, (2) to preserve physical health, (3) to preserve mental health, (4) for economic & social reasons, (5) on request, (6) in case of rape or incest, (7) in case of foetal impairment: Countdown to 2030 compiled data from WHO-MNCAH Policy Indicator Database http://www.who.int/maternal_child_adolescent/epidemiology/policy-indicators/en/ (Accessed 25 Sept 2018)
Are adolescents in the GFF?
In this section, we assess the extent to which adolescents and their health is detailed in the planning documents in terms of programming content, indicators and investment. We also review how the planning documents refer to adolescents, what age ranges are specified and what health conditions are detailed.
Adolescents are generally included as part of the broader RMNCAH-N acronym in the GFF country planning documents. Standalone sections do exist, varying from a single paragraph to more extensive detail across the documents. Despite good examples across the country planning documents, there is a dilution of attention to adolescent health as we move from programming content to indicators to actual investments across both Investment Cases and Project Appraisal Documents (Table 3). Even when investments specific to adolescents are detailed, they can be minimal given the overall funding envelope.
While most Investment Cases were followed by Project Appraisal Documents chronologically, the linkages between planning undertaken in the Investment Cases and commitments in the Project Appraisal Documents are largely not discernible from this overview. While the Liberia Investment Case and Project Appraisal Documents were largely aligned in responding to adolescent health, it was the only one to do so. Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya had strong inclusion of adolescent health in their Investment Cases, but this did not turn into commitments in their Project Appraisal Documents. In contrast, the Project Appraisal Document was an improvement from the Investment Case in terms of addressing adolescents in Ethiopia. For the remaining countries, there was little overall difference between these planning documents, for better or worse.
Table 3
Extent to which attention is paid to adolescent health in the Global Financing Facility country planning documents
Countries | Investment Case | Project Appraisal Document (PAD) |
Time | Content | Indicators | $$ | Time | Content | Indicators | $$ |
Liberia | 2016–2020 | | | | Jan 2017 | | | |
Tanzania | June 2016 | | | | May 2015 | | | |
Uganda | April 2016 | | | | July 2016 | | | |
Kenya | Jan 2016 | | | | May 2016 | | | |
Cameroon | 2017–2020 | | | | April 2016 | | | |
Mozambique | April 2017 | | | | Nov 2017 | | | |
DRC | Oct 2017 | | | | Mar 2016 | | | |
Mar 2017 | | | |
Ethiopia | Oct 2015 | | | | April 2017 | | | |
Bangladesh | | Not available | PAD 1: July 2017 | | | |
PAD 2: Nov 2018 | | | |
Nigeria | 2017–2030 | | | | May 2016 | | | |
Guatemala | 2016 | | | | Mar 2017 | | | |
Key: red for zero, orange for minimal, green for more than minimal (summary information for each ranking are in Supplementary file 1)
When there is any analysis of adolescents in these first GFF country documents, it is largely as a population made vulnerable due to their lack of services and the social determinants that place them at risk. In half the country documents, they are also mentioned as an important demographic group with key economic dividends for future development. None of the country documents mention that adolescence is an important developmental phase in its own right. The issue of adolescent rights was mentioned in the Ugandan, Kenyan, Nigerian, Liberian and Bangladesh documents (Text box 1). However, how this was linked to investment was unclear.
Text box 1: Mention of adolescent rights in GFF country documents for first 10 countries
• Uganda clearly discusses adolescent rights, empowerment, voice/ participation • Liberia flags empowering adolescents and securing adolescents’ rights to health through strengthening laws against early marriages, domestic violence and harmful practices • Kenya lists legal and rights frameworks and acknowledges these as not recognised enough • Nigeria lists Child Rights Act, Violence against Person’s Prohibition Act, National Commission of Women Act • Bangladesh notes “Women and girls in Bangladesh face various barriers and impediments that make it difficult if not impossible for sexual and reproductive health rights to be realized…There is no single policy or strategy document issued by the government on sexual and reproductive health rights.” A rights based perspective will be applied, but not clear how it is operationalised. |
Across these country documents, there is no consistent age range or definition of adolescents. Overall adolescents are referred to as a homogenous group and also heteronormatively with some acknowledgement of specific vulnerabilities often in a situation analysis section. Documents for Ethiopia, Kenya, Cameroon, DRC and Uganda mention particular social contexts that heighten the vulnerability of adolescents whether with regards to location (urban/rural divides, homelessness, incarceration, out of school) or with regards to well-being (living with disability or HIV without a supportive environment). Documents for Ethiopia and Nigeria also differentiated adolescent health needs within conflict settings, with Nigerian documents flagging the need for counselling in instances of sexual assault. In contrast, there was no mention of how conflict settings increase vulnerability for adolescents in the documents for Cameroon, DRC, Uganda and Liberia.
When examining the range of health conditions and needs covered by these GFF country documents, most of them mentioned teenage pregnancy as a priority. The documents for Kenya mentioned that although its total fertility rate has declined, its teenage pregnancy rate has not. In the Nigerian documents, it was noted that the median age at first birth has remained at 20 for many years. When specified, access to family planning was noted as critical for adolescents, and addressing/preventing/delaying early marriage being a priority for adolescent programming in Mozambique, Cameroon, Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda and Liberia.
Other adolescent health conditions, like mental health and substance abuse, are acknowledged, but without corresponding interventions or programming content. Adolescent nutrition is mentioned in several country documents, but without great depth, even in the Guatemalan documents, which focussed on chronic malnutrition. The Cameroon and Uganda documents are clear outliers in discussing a holistic approach to adolescent health and a comprehensive listing of health conditions, with the Ugandan Investment Case recommending a broad set of packages for investment as well.
Service delivery lens
In looking at what services were supported, several countries mentioned two main approaches: adolescent friendly health services and school health programs; although these were not systematically mentioned or invested in across all country documents.
Adolescent friendly health services were featured as part of the service package or assessed through an indicator in documents for Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Liberia, Mozambique and Uganda. In documents for DRC, while the term adolescent friendly services was not mentioned, health worker training and reducing stigma faced by adolescents was seen as key in removing barriers to access services among this key population. In documents for Mozambique, the increase in use of Adolescent and Youth Friendly Health Services has not been able to keep up with demand, even as data reveal that many adolescents are not aware of their existence. In the documents for Nigeria, while adolescent friendly services were mentioned this was not connected to programmatic investment.
For Ethiopia, Kenya, Liberia, Mozambique, and Uganda, comprehensive sexual education (CSE) is part of the school health program supported by GFF country documents. In Bangladesh, the GFF includes a Project Appraisal Document dedicated to secondary education that scales up school-based health programming nationwide, including support for an Adolescent Girl’s Program (Box 2), alongside training secondary and madrasah teachers on essential life skills for young girls, complimented with nation-wide awareness campaigns.
Box 2: Bangladesh Adolescent Girl’s Program in Schools
Key features include (a) incentives to female students in grades 9–12 from economically disadvantaged areas; (b) separate functional toilets for girls to reach a national minimum standard ratio as specified in the operations manual; (c) inclusion of relevant adolescent health topics in curriculum including sexual and reproductive health, gender equity, good nutrition and staying fit; (d) promotion of menstrual hygiene with disposal facilities in schools and at home; (e) promoting positive student relationships and tackling bullying and gender-based victimization; (f) inclusion of adolescent health in teachers’ ongoing professional development; (g) awareness raising around adolescent health and health services for students, teachers, and community; (h) formation of school-based girls committees supported by female guardian teacher; (i) introduction of student and peer counseling; and (j) initiating nutrition services for girl students to address underweight and anemia; and (k) promoting links between schools and local health services. |
Societal lens
For this lens, we focussed on gender as a key social determinant of adolescent sexual and reproductive health. Almost all the country documents acknowledged gender inequality as a key driver undermining adolescent health. Gender norms, bias and the low status of women and girls were noted as problems in documents for Tanzania, Kenya, and DRC, but no corresponding programmatic interventions or recommendations were made. In documents for Liberia and Ethiopia, the National Gender Policy was referred to, and the importance of women’s empowerment noted, but no recommendations or investments made specifically.
Mozambique stands out as having gender content included across its planning documents. The Investment Case notes the Ministry of Health’s new Strategy for the Inclusion of Gender in the Health Sector, and its collaboration with the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Action, the Ministry of Education and Human Development. The Project Appraisal Document flags gender as a cross-cutting consideration, in terms of analysis, target groups, and specific interventions to address social norms and inequalities. These include community‐based interventions to engage men in family planning and sexual and reproductive health activities; that gender‐based violence is reflected in the curriculum of health professionals, including at community level; and that gender and socio‐cultural sensitivity and gender responsiveness access dimensions are included in health facility scorecard and community consultations. In documents for Nigeria and Bangladesh, the need for gender sensitive health systems and planning was also mentioned, with the importance of sex-disaggregated data, community and male engagement noted, gender responsive checklists for health facilities, gender based violence training for health providers and gender balanced human resources.
The Bangladesh Education Project Appraisal Document invests in an Adolescent Girl’s Program, which addresses retention in schools, but has gender and health components strongly integrated into it (Box 2).
In documents for Liberia and Bangladesh, both girls and boys are mentioned as key populations for school programs and health education. In the remaining documents, while adolescent girls were the focus of much of the analysis, adolescent boys were mentioned minimally, about twice across each of the documents, mostly through disaggregated statistics. In documents for Nigeria, there was more discussion about boys given that men and boys were also threatened by Boko Haram and vigilante groups. Male engagement, was listed in the documents for Tanzania, Mozambique, Nigeria, Uganda and Cameroon, mainly as a means to support women’s access to services, rather than as a means to transform gender norms and power relations. There was no mention of adolescent boy’s in the Guatemala documents, which focussed primarily on chronic malnutrition, despite the high levels of mortality experienced by adolescent boys there.
Gender based violence was also mentioned as an important area for intervention in several country documents. While this was not always linked to adolescents, there were important exceptions. In documents for Liberia, Uganda and Kenya, gender based violence interventions specifically named adolescents as a key group to address. In documents for Ethiopia, this was noted as a separate strategy led by the Gender Ministry. In contrast, documents for DRC discussed sexual violence without linking it to adolescents. In documents for Tanzania, while it was noted that adolescent girls were twice as likely to experience gender based violence than adolescent boys (24% vs. 13%), no interventions were recommended.
Systems Lens
From a systems lens, we examined the multiple actors that contribute to health beyond the health care sector and across health system levels that can support positive change for adolescent health. Several countries mentioned the importance of multi-sectoral action and list a range of development sectors to be involved, but usually without concrete investments, processes, focal points or indicators to ensure that action follows. Two exceptions were the planning documents for Cameroon and Liberia which specified multi-sectoral coordinating bodies at national, district and municipal/ county level to support implementation. Liberia furthermore mentioned establishing robust feedback systems and mechanisms through quarterly stakeholder fora, and other de-concentrated forms of governance and mechanisms for inter-sectoral dialogue.
Positive examples of multi-sectoral investments found in the documents from Kenya and Cameroon include conditional cash transfers to keep girls in school. The Kenyan documents also listed income generation measures to support the socio-economic needs of adolescents not accepted by their parents. As mentioned earlier, Bangladesh, through its Education Project Appraisal Document, supported an adolescent girls program with incentives to complete school, attention to toilets in schools and menstrual hygiene, curriculum reform, addressing bullying and gender victimisation, as well as setting up girls committees.
As mentioned earlier, a large proportion of adolescents are not in school or accessing health services across the countries examined (Tables 1 & 2). Only the Cameroon and Liberia documents addressed this explicitly by supporting youth centres and girls clubs outside of schools. In addition, the Uganda documents listed community awareness raising days or forums with adolescents, the Liberia documents support peer-to-peer education through community pregnancy prevention advocacy groups and the documents from Mozambique stress community outreach programs for adolescents. Documents from Cameroon, DRC, Liberia, Mozambique and Uganda specifically mentioned adolescents as a group for community health workers to work with.
In the documents for Tanzania and Kenya, community and local government authorities were recognised as key actors for supporting access to sexual and reproductive health information and services, as well as representation in local planning. However, neither of these areas were allocated budgets for follow up in the documents. In Mozambique, there was further investment in supporting the mobilisation of community and religious leaders, particularly in disseminating awareness of legislation against early marriage.
Family members were also recognised as a key group to support for adolescent health, with reference to godmothers and godfathers in Mozambique and mother-in-laws and parent groups in Tanzania, Cameroon and Uganda. In Tanzania, the National Youth Adolescent Parent Community Alliance (NYAPCA) was supported to provide clinical and non-clinical SRH services, as well as recreational activities, small library/learning services, and livelihood activities.
While the role of other development sectors and actors was acknowledged, across all the documents, we found no mention of commercial determinants of adolescent health. For example, while substance abuse was mentioned, the specific role of alcohol as a detrimental influence on adolescent health was not mentioned in any of the country documents.
Across several country documents, engagement with adolescents themselves as a key constituency was recognised as important, but largely an area that was noted to be weak and where future work needed to be done. Only the Mozambique Project Appraisal Document noted consultations with adolescent girls. Documents from Uganda and Mozambique acknowledged access to data as empowering and the potential of digital communication for health promotion and peer support networks, but without concrete investment linked to adolescent engagement. The Bangladesh education-related PAD specifies the formation of school-based girls committees supported by female guardian teachers. However, it is not clear what these committees will focus on, and if they have any involvement in planning, design, implementation or monitoring of the Adolescent Girl’s Program. In contrast, the Liberian documents supported 100 National Youth Volunteers to monitor and report on reproductive health commodity stock levels at targeted health facilities to inform forecasting, quantification and distribution of commodities to adolescents and young people. These same youth volunteers are to supervise youth related programming for adolescent sexual and reproductive health and link with activities supported by the Ministry of Youth and Sports.