Among the techniques for bone repositioning in orthognathic surgery, the sagittal split of the mandibular ramus osteotomy, as well as its variations, are considered versatile because they allow multiple movements such as advance, set-back and rotate the distal. The fixation technique applied in these cases must be stable enough to minimize postoperative risks and complications, even in cases of few bones contact such as in large advances. Among the available techniques, we can mention the use of bicortical screws, which are rigid and present an increased risk of damage to the inferior and lingual alveolar nerve [25]; miniplates, less rigid, with higher removal rates and can cause irritation to the gingival mucosa even when properly placed [26]; and the hybrid technique, which combines the advantages of fixation with bicortical screws and miniplates with monocortical screws.
The FE analysis is based on the creation of a mathematical model that simulates the geometric conditions and mechanical properties of the objects to be tested. The configuration of the simulation models is essential and any changes in force locations or constraints can affect the results. The comparison of results with other studies on orthognathic surgery through FE analysis presents some difficulties, such as difference in model construction, numbers of mesh elements, and several simulation protocols. For example, there are studies that use a complete mandible while others use a hemimandible [2, 13, 15, 16]. The ratio depends a lot on computer resources, and in certain cases models require simplification to reduce computational demand. However, FE analysis uses bone properties and has been considered as a safe simulation in biomechanical studies, when compared to mechanical tests results on bone specimens. Thus, it is reliable in the clinical setting [16].
To compare the biomechanical properties of two fixation techniques (mini plate and hybrid technique) of SSRO for 5mm mandibular advancement, forces to the first molar and central incisor were applied. This study results corroborate with the findings of previous FE analysis studies [2, 6, 16], where the hybrid technique proved to be more rigid than mini plate use, generating lower cortical movement, deformation, and tension values in both the bone and the plate. However, in the present study, the 1.0 mm plate use was analyzed, which proved to be satisfactory in controlling and maintaining bone positioning in the face of tension and deformation forces.
The vertical load magnitude in this study was set at 200N on the occlusal surface region (central fossa) of the mandibular first molar and at 100N on the incisal surface of the central incisor. Both loads were applied vertically towards the bone, that is, from top to bottom. The bite forces used in the study were obtained from research that investigated postoperative bite forces in orthognathic surgery patients [8, 25]. This study did not include maximum normal bite forces, as fixation is most required during the 4 to 6 weeks bone healing period. Since during the postoperative period, bite forces in healthy adults may drop to 30%, 50% or less as a neuromuscular protection result, and gradually increase to normal after 3 months to 2 years [8].
The hybrid technique, with the use of 2.0 mm bicortical screws, registered lower stress and displacements values for all mandibular movements and forces, compared to the use of only one titanium miniplate of the Arnett system (1mm) for orthognathic surgery and four monocortical screws (diameter of 2.0 mm and length of 5 mm). Bicortical screws are more rigid than miniplates with monocortical screws, probably because they penetrate both the buccal and lingual cortical of the mandibular segments [9, 10, 27]. This study did not show any deformation of the miniplates, and areas of high stress represented in red color could be tensile or compressive forces. Minimizing manipulation of miniplates in these high-stress regions during the surgical procedure is recommended to avoid postoperative complications, such as plate fracture.
The amount of displacement is a fixation rigidity indication, and bicortical screws proved to be the most rigid fixation. Fixation using only miniplates resulted in a displacement nine times greater than predicted in the model with bicortical screw (Fig. 2), which is undesirable and compromise the procedure success, when the patient moves the mandible. However, some degree of micro movement in the bone actually increases callus formation during bone healing, and this may be an advantage of stable fixation [5].
The osteotomy designs in the present study were shown to influence the distribution pattern of displacement forces. While the model 1A presented a displacement of 13.07 mm, model 2A presented a displacement of 7.11 mm, that is, 1.8 times smaller. The situation becomes less pronounced in the hybrid technique, where the displacement in the Epker osteotomy was 1.40 mm and in the Posnick osteotomy, 1.04 mm. There were found no studies in the literature that made a comparison between these two osteotomies types, since most focus on the repercussion of the fixation material against occlusal forces. In regard, we suggest new studies be carried out specifically comparing these osteotomies types.
It was noted that, in the model 1, the distribution of bone tension is more uniform along the condyle and cortical bone, but with higher tension values. On the other hand, in model 2, the condylar region and the cortical bone presented a higher tension concentration, however, with lower tension values. The model 2B presented tensions three times lower than the model 1B. On the other hand, it was noted that the influence of the osteotomy was not so accentuated in the periodontal ligaments analysis, with punctual differences between the models.
Regarding to miniplates, they can be rigid or functionally stable and both have been clinically proven to be successful in the treatment of mandibular fractures and orthognathic surgery [13, 19]. In our study, a greater maximum displacement was observed only with the miniplates use. However, it is noteworthy that the bone movement performed was mandibular advancement and the close approximation of bone segments, in this technique, is necessary to increase fracture stability [17, 21].
Using the bicortical screw, the displacement values decrease substantially both in models 1 and 2. However, it was noticed that the model 2B presented smaller displacements values and maximum strain forces in the bone and in the fixation material, when compared to the model 1. However, the success of orthognathic surgery does not depend only on the fixation techniques, but on other factors, including the dentofacial deformity severity, surgical planning, surgeon's technique, and the patient's soft and hard tissues [28].