The study was conducted in Awash Fentale district, zone 3, Afar Regional State of Ethiopia from December 2022 to November 2023. The zone is located in the part of the middle Awash basin about 225 km north east of Addis Ababa. Geographically, the study area Awash Fentale located between 8052‟to 9024‟North latitude and 39040‟to 400 20‟East longitudes (Fig. 1). The altitude range is from 743–1387m above sea level and the majority of the land is rocky with annual rain fall range 150–500mm per year. The average daily ranges of minimum and maximum temperature are 250C and 390C, respectively.
Awash Fentale is bordered on the south by the Oromia Region, on the west by the Amhara Region, on the north by Dulecha, and on the east by Amibara. The district has 5 kebeles with total population 29,076 within 5101 households (18). Towns in Awash Fentale include Awash Sebat Kilo and Sabure. Rivers in this woreda include the Awash and its tributary the Germama. A large portion of this woreda is occupied by the Awash National Park. The soil texture of the area is characterized under sandy loam which accounts 55% sand, 40% silt (mud) and 5% of clay. The water holding capacity of such soil is very poor (19). The dry season is from May to June while the main rainy season extends from July to September accounts for above 60% of the annual total rainfall. The livestock populations of the Awash Fentale district are composed of cattle 86085, sheep 35389, goat 83691, horses, asses 45260, mules 4355, camels 41245 and poultry 4355 .
Study Animals
Calves of both sexes up to 6 months old affected with diarrhea and exhibiting clinical signs were included in the study. These calves showed, but had not been treated with antibiotics before. The study calves were local breeds, kept under traditional extensive management system from three selected Kebele namely Diho, Diduba and Kebena.
Study Design and Sampling Method
A cross-sectional study design was undertaken to isolate and identify E.coli K99 and Salmonella enterica from calves‟ diarrhea and assess associated risk factors. Individual animals were carefully identified and sex, age, species were recorded. Purposive type sampling method was conducted to select households and calf sample. The sample size was determined based on the availability of diarrheic calf (case). 50 households from each three Kebele were selected purposively by the “The project Addressing causes of young stock mortality in Ethiopia” based by considering on accessibility to vehicle or proximity to road and distribution of study animal population. Accordingly, a total of 188 fecal samples from diarrheic calves were collected from 150 households in 3 Kebeles namely Diho, Diduba and Kebena in Awash Fentale district. Then collected samples were confirmed on the basis of their, culture, pathasure kit, biochemical tests, Biolog and antimicrobial testing using standard bacteriological procedures described by (15, 20).
For the questioner survey, questionnaire was administered and about 50 households were interviewed as calves taken for sample collection to gather information about risk factors to exposure of E.coli K99 and Salmonella enterica.
Sample Collection and Transportation
Fecal samples were aseptically collected from the rectum of each the calves with sterile hand glove those showing clinical manifestations of calf diarrhea by rectal stimulation while avoiding environmental contamination. Approximately 10 ml of fecal samples were collected from non-treated diarrheic calves directly from the rectum by using disposable plastic gloves and transferred immediately to sterile plastic container. Gloves were changed between calves to reduce the risk of contamination during sample collection which will affect the result after laboratory diagnosis. The containers were labeled legibly using permanent marker with individual identifier and placed in ice box. The samples were protected from light, extreme temperatures and desiccation. The samples were transported in ice box to Aklilu Lemma Institute of Pathobiology laboratory, microbiology department for isolation and identification of bacteria. Feces were stored at 4°C until the time of processing (21).
Questionnaire Survey
A structured questionnaire was administered to calves‟ owners to assess the general calf husbandry practices of the households. Management as well as herd and calf-level risk factors associated with diarrhea causing bacteria, E.coli K99 and Salmonella enterica were observed and assessed during sample collection. Questionnaire formats and checklists were developed. The checklist was contained household ID, young stock ID (code number of the calf), sex, age and diarrhea type. Thus, the information that was included in the questionnaires were colostrum feeding, age of dam at parturition, dam gestation number (parity), area where the animal lies down look clean and dry, animal housed on bedding, general health care, herd size, occurrence of calf diarrhea as well as disease control measures practiced in the herd. The format was filled directly by face-to-face interviewing (Annex I).
Laboratory Investigation
Isolation and identification of E.coli K99
Antigen test kit (ELISA) for the detection of Escherichia coli K99
Pathasure Enteritis 4 is a sensitive and specific diagnostic kit based on the ELISA technology. The presence of infectious agents in tested samples is detected using highly specific antibodies and is revealed by means of a colour reaction easily detected by eye. Homogenizing the concentrated wash solution, it was diluted at 1/10 with purified water. Fecal samples were diluted in 1X wash solution at 1/10 and each dilution was properly mixed before being distributed into the wells. Then diluted fecal samples were incubated in wells coated with a mixture of 4 antibodies (Abs) specific to rotavirus, coronavirus, E. coli K99 and Cryptosporidium parvum at 23 ± 2°C for 30 minutes. After washing each well 5 times with wash solution to eliminate unbound substances, a conjugate (an antibody coupled to an enzyme) targeted at rotavirus, coronavirus, E. coli K99 and Cryptosporidium parvum was added. After incubation at 23 ± 2°C for 30 minutes, excess of this conjugate was eliminated by a second wash and its attachment to the specific pathogen was revealed with a chromogenous substrate. Following incubation period at 23 ± 2°C for 10 minutes, the enzyme reacted with the substrate and a color was developed. The intensity of the color allowed the determination of the type of sample tested (Annex II). A negative sample was displayed a weak reaction (colorless, pale blue) whereas a positive sample showed a reaction stronger than the one for the negative control (red, darker blue, green and violet than negative control).
Formerly positive fecal samples in ELISA test were plated directly on to buffered peptone water. Then incubated feces to minimise overgrowth by other organisms were 6 hours at 37°C. Enrichment broths were pre-warmed to prevent cold-shocking the organisms and slowing their initial growth. Selective culture was done by inoculating on MacConkey agar containing 1% D-sorbitol. MacConkey agar with sorbitol was used because inexpensive medium on which nonsorbitol fermenting E. coli grow as small, round greyish-white colonies(OIE, 2016). Medium size and bright ink to red with flat or elevated surface and complete weight edge colonies was seen on MacConkey agar (15, 20). Media were inoculated in a logical order from least selective to most selective to avoid the inhibition of organisms to the selective agent. First indicator media MacConkey and second selective media Eosin methylene blue agar were used and bright pink, green metallic sheen colonies were observed respectively (Annex X, Fig. 2).
Isolation and identification of Salmonella enterica
The conventional bacteriological methods were used to isolate Salmonella enterica from faecal samples. All media were prepared according to manufacturer‟s direction. Non-selective pre-enrichment: The fecal samples at ratio of 1:10 were inoculated in 0.1% buffered peptone solution and incubated at 370C for 18–20 hours for pre- enrichment. First selective enrichment: 0.1 ml and 1 ml of the culture obtained from incubated buffered peptone water broth were transferred to a tube containing 10 ml of the RVS broth and 10 ml MKTTn broth respectively. Then inoculated RVS broth and MKTTn broth were incubated at 41.5°C, 37°C for 24 and 48 hours respectively.
Second selective enrichment and plating out and identification
A loop full from the inoculated and incubated RVS and Muller-Kauffmann tetrathionate broth was streaked on XLD and on SSA agar plates and incubated at 37oC for 24 hours. After development of characteristic black centered colony the positives were selected and inoculated onto nutrient agar plates to allow well-isolated colonies at 37°C for 24 hours (Annex X, Fig. 11). Presumptive Salmonella colonies from nutrient agar were phenotypically confirmed by biochemical properties in differential agars, such as TSI, LIA and Simmons citrate after incubation at 37 ºC for 16–24 hours (Quinn et al., 2011; OIE, 2008).
development of characteristic black centered colony the positives were selected and inoculated onto nutrient agar plates to allow well-isolated colonies at 37°C for 24 hours (Annex X, Fig. 3). Presumptive Salmonella colonies from nutrient agar were phenotypically confirmed by biochemical properties in differential agars, such as TSI, LIA and Simmons citrate after incubation at 37 ºC for 16–24 hours (15, 20).
Biochemical confirmation of Salmonella enterica
Urease test
A portion of well isolated colony was streaked on the surface of a urea agar slant to detect the ability of an organism to produce an enzyme urease which splits urea to carbon dioxide and ammonia. Then it was left the cap on loosely and incubated the test tube at 370c in ambient air for up to 24 hours.
Triple sugar iron agar
A straight inoculating needle was used to pick up isolates from culture of isolated colony. The TSI slant was inoculated by stabbing the butt down to the bottom, and then streaked over the surface of the slant back and forth. The TSI slant was then incubated for 16 hours and 24 hours at temperature of 370C. The positive result for Salmonella was detected based on the properties blackening of the medium provided by hydrogen sulphide gas production. The typical reaction for Salmonella in TSI agar, a red (alkaline) slant, yellow(acid) butt and superimposed (black) H2S production (R/Y/H2S+) was observed(Table 3).
Lysine iron agar (LIA) test
Lysine iron agar was inoculated with a straight needle by stabbing to the base of the butt and streaking the slant. The caps of the tubes were replaced loosely so that aerobic conditions prevail on the slant. Then incubated at 37°C in ambient air for 24 hours. After 24 hours incubation period purple slant/black butt, color was observed (Fig. 4).
Citrate utilization test
Simmons citrate solid slant agar medium was inoculated with Salmonella isolated colony to test for ability to use citrate as carbon source. Then, the Simmons citrate slant was incubated at 35 0 C to 37 0 C for 18 to 24 hours. After 24 hours incubation blue color was observed (Fig. 5).
Table 1
Summary of biochemical tests results used to identify Salmonella enterica
Biochemical test
Positive reaction
Color change
H2S production
Yes, Black color
Yes, Black color
Citrate utilization test
Yes, Black color
Ureases test
Pale yellow color
Pale yellow color
No change in black color
Identification of Salmonella enterica by using Biolog GEN III microplate
Biolog is powerful carbon source utilization technology accurately identifies environmental and pathogenic microorganisms by producing a characteristic pattern or “metabolic fingerprint” from discrete test reactions performed within a 96 well microplate. The scope of the 96 assay reactions, coupled with sophisticated interpretation software, delivers a high level of accuracy that is comparable to molecular methods. The one minute per sample set up is much simpler and faster than DNA sequencing and the automated pattern matching eliminates the need for training and expertise in gene sequence interpretation.
13 Salmonella isolates were confirmed using biochemical tests from a total of 188 fecal samples. Then these 13 isolates were sent to Ethiopian Biodiversity institute for identification Salmonella enterica by using Biolog GEN III microplate. Agar plates was streaked using correct techniques on Biolog Universal growth (BUG) agar medium to generate well isolated colonies. A single colony grown on BUG agar medium was selected and emulsified into inoculating fluid A. According to the manufacturer‟s instructions, cell density of the bacterial inoculum was measured for a specified transmittance (90 to 98%) using a turbidimeter, as specified in the user guide. For each isolate, 100 µl of the cell suspension was inoculated in to each of the 96 well coated micro plates, using automatic multichannel pipette and incubated aerobically at 33°C for 22 hours. The OmniLog identification system automatically read each micro plate and provided identification called species/sub-species ID. The result was read in the BIOLOG Micro Station reader after 22 hours incubation outside GEN III incubation then printed (Annex III).
Antimicrobial susceptibility testing for isolated Salmonella enterica
Antimicrobial susceptibility testing of Salmonella enterica isolates was performed using disc diffusion method on Muller Hinton agar medium according to Office of International Epizootics Terrestrial Manual (OIE, 2012). Results, sizes of the zones of inhibition were interpreted in accordance with Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute guidelines (CLSI, 2016). The following 12 commonly antibiotic discs were used: ampicillin (10µg), amoxicillin + clavulanicacid (20/10µg), amikacin (30µg), chloramphenicol (30µg), cephalothin (30µg), ceftriaxone (30µg), ciprofloxacin (5µg), tetracycline(30µg), sulfamethoxazole + trimethoprim(23.75/1.25µg),sulfisozazole(0.25m g), streptomycin (10µg) and gentamycin (10µg). The antimicrobial susceptibility was determined according to the standard diameter of inhibition for each antibiotic used according to guidelines set by the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (22).
Table 2
Antimicrobial discs, concentration and interpretation standards of their action on Salmonella isolates
Antimicrobial agent
Disk content
Zone diameter interpretive criteria (nearest whole mm)
≥ 17
≤ 13
Amoxicillin clavulanic
20/10 µg
≥ 18
≤ 13
30 µg
≥ 17
≤ 14
≥ 18
≤ 12
≥ 18
≤ 14
≥ 23
≤ 19
Ciprofloxacin (CIP)
5 µg
≥ 21
≤ 15
≥ 15
≤ 11
Trimethoprim(1.25µg)- sulfamethoxazole
≥ 16
≤ 10
Sulfisoxazole (G)
≥ 17
≤ 12
≥ 15
≤ 11
≥ 15
≤ 12
Legend: µg = Microgram, S = Susceptible, I = Intermediate, R = Resistant strains, source (CLSI, 2016) |
Salmonella enterica serotyping
Salmonella enterica isolates identified by Biolog GEN III microplate were sent to Public Health Agency of Canada, National Microbiology Laboratory at Guelph Reference Service and Laboratory OIE Salmonella Reference Laboratory 110 Stone Rd. West, Guelph, Ontario for Salmonella typing. Serotyping of Salmonella enterica was done from National Microbiology Laboratory at Guelph Reference Service and Laboratory OIE Salmonella Reference Laboratory 110 Stone Rd. West, Guelph, Ontario, and NIG3W4 (519)822–3300 on the basis of their antigen.
Data Management and Analysis
Data which describing the diarrheagenic conditions suggestive of E.coli K99 and Salmonella enterica infection observed on calves along with age, sex, herd size, time of birth, type of delivery, colostrum fed within 24 hours and parity were classified, filtered and coded. Data after laboratory test result was recorded in Microsoft excel® 2010 from prepared result recording format paper. The data was then imported to the software STATA windows version 14 (StataCorp LP, College Station, Texas, USA) for appropriate statistical analysis. Pearson Chi-square (X2) test followed by multivariable logistic regression analysis was utilised to assess the degree of association between each risk factor and calf diarrhea causing E.coli K99 and Salmonella enterica. An association was regarded as significant if the p-value is < 0.05.
Ethical Clearance
This study was conducted after obtaining approval from Addis University Aklilu Lemma Institute of Pathobiology “Animal Experiments Ethics Committee”. In the study area there was a proper oral consent with the animal owner or household to collect fecal sample from their animal with the cooperation of veterinarians who give service to the pastoral community in the study site.