3.1. Acrylamide Plug Efficiently Trap Circular Forms of DNA
Previously, in 1982 Schindler and colleagues demonstrated a “DNA gel trapping” method wherein the electrophoretic behaviour of DNA molecules within solidifying Ag-plugs was contingent upon the conformation of the DNA isoforms. Although, this trapping phenomenon was found to immobilize a specific percentage of circular double-stranded DNA, while allowing the migration of double-stranded and single-stranded linear DNAs. However, single-stranded circular DNAs remains relatively unimpeded while large linear DNAs were also found entrapped under specific conditions, albeit with lower efficiency (Schindler et at. 1982). This suggest a need for an improvement of this gel-based circular molecule trapping methodology in order to implicate for circRNAs enrichment. Henceforth, we devised P-GeT assay, wherein we incorporated acrylamide, alongside agarose, as the gelatinous trapping matrix to investigate and compare the reliability of the two matrices for selective and efficient trapping of the circular isoforms of RNA.
Taking cues from the previously reported 1.5 % of agarose based DNA gel trapping, we first re-examined the movement of circular (~5.4 kb undigested pET28a(+) plasmid) and linear DNA (EcoRI digested pET28a(+) plasmid) in 2 % Ag-plugs (Fig. 2 (B, and C)). Following the preparatory steps in Fig. 2 (A), we added 2 μg of undigested pET28a(+) plasmid, 2 μg of EcoRI digested pET28a(+) plasmid individually and 2 μg of each mixed together within the solidifying Ag-plug. To our surprise, upon solidification followed by horizontal electrophoresis in 1 X TBE buffer system, we found a complete movement of both circular and linear isoforms of DNA out of the Ag-plugs within 3-4 hrs of electrophoresis at 50 volts (Fig. 2 (C(i), and C(ii)).
However, adding either circular (undigested pET28a(+)), linear (EcoRI digested pET28a(+)) DNA isoforms, or both in combination within the polymerising 3.5 % Ac-plugs (Fig. 2 (D)) followed by subsequent electrophoresis depicted contrasting outcomes from that of the Ag-plugs in Fig. 2 (C(i), and C(ii)). The circular form of plasmid was found confined within the plug matrix while the linear isoforms successfully migrated out of the Ac-plugs. In order to further strengthen these outcomes, circular plasmid within the Ac-plug was subjected to electrophoresis for up to 10 hrs at 100 volts (Fig. 2 (E)). The prolonged immobilisation of undigested circular plasmid underscores an efficient and selective topological linkage of the circular isoforms of DNA within the Ac-plug matrix when compared to the Ag-plugs.
3.2. Optimisation of the P-GeT Assay for Enhanced CircRNA Entrapment
Observing the efficiency of Ac-plugs in previous section, it is understood that that the Ac-plugs are more reliable than the Ag-plugs in selectively immobilizing the circular DNA forms over the linear molecules (Fig. 2). Owing to its mechanism of polymerisation, Ac-plugs stands with an added advantage over Ag-plugs. When different isoforms of nucleic acids are mixed with the Ac-plug components prior to its polymerisation, it is presumed that a knitting like mechanism between acrylamide and bis-acrylamide interlocks the DNA/RNA molecules initially irrespective of their conformations (Fig. 1 (F)). However, subjecting this set-up to a static electric filed allows a re-alignment of these interlocked negatively charged nucleic acids within the Ac-plugs and later electrically thrusting these molecules to move out of the matrix sieves (Fig. 1 (F)). Circular DNA/RNA molecules with their covalently linked ends would get tightly interlocked to the Ac-plug mesh and hence their migration would be impeded even after re-aligning along the electric field. Whereas, an opposite pattern can be visualised in case of open end linear DNA/RNA molecules as re-alignment and electric thrust would force these molecules to drift out of the Ac-plugs without any hindrance.
Alongside this mechanism, selective entrapment of circular molecules within the matrix are influenced by other factors such as matrix pore size, sample over-crowding. The movement of linear molecules might get obstructed if pore size is too small and increasing the pore size might increase the chance to lose a percentage of circular isoforms too. Similarly, if an excess amount of sample is affixed in the Ac-plugs, the pore might get blocked due to sample over-crowding and henceforth, might lead to false positive entrapment of linear isoforms within the matrix. Therefore, when designing this P-GeT assay, a gel-based technique, it is vital to focus on optimizing the percentage/composition of the gel matrix and the sample loading capacity. This optimization ensures balanced trapping efficiency, preventing leakage of circular transcripts, and avoiding the false entrapment of linear molecules.
Therefore, to verify above factors, 5 μg DNA-depleted RNA from rice (Fig. 3 (A(i)) and rat heart tissue (Fig. 3 (B(i)) was mixed separately with varying percentage of Ac-plugs ranging from 3.5 % to 8 % prior to polymerisation and was subjected to electrophoresis. Simultaneously, 5 μg RNA sample (without Ac-plug) was loaded and an empty 5 % Ac-plug was casted in the same gel in order to use as normalising standards during densitometric analysis.
Findings from the densitometric analysis indicates that a 4 % Ac-plug composed of A:B mixture (19.5:0.5) was optimal for effectively captivating the selective type of RNA molecules (majorly circRNAs, an idea derived from Fig. 2 within the Ac-plug while simultaneously allowing the movement of potentially linear transcripts. This outcome is deduced by measuring the EtBr stained intensities inside and outside the plugs. As observed from Fig. 3 (A(i), and B(i)), with a gradual increase in matrix percentage of Ac-plugs, a linear increase in the intensity inside the Ac-plug is obtained whereas the intensity outside reduces dramatically for higher percentage of Ac-plugs. This inverse relation between intensities inside and outside the Ac-plugs are suggestive that an increase in the percentage of matrix (ultimately reduces the plug pore size) results in the resistance to the movement of the otherwise linear transcripts inside the Ac-plugs. Also, we have found similar intensity patterns while using different compositions of Ac-plugs i.e. differing A:B ratio mixtures (data not shown). It is clear that increasing the bis-acrylamide percentage in A:B mixture, would greatly reduce the pore size for Ac-plugs and hence would reflect similar results as obtained from increasing matrix percentage of Ac-plugs.
Therefore, a precise cross-over of intensities inside and outside the Ac-plugs with increasing matrix percentage in Fig. 3 (A(ii), and B(ii)) reflects that a 4 % Ac-plug composition can exhibit superior performance with both plant and animal samples by optimally facilitating the trapping of potential circRNAs and passage of the linear isoforms. Alongside, different percentage of LMA Ag-plugs ranging from 1 % - 5 % were also tested for its ability to perform selective trapping using rice DNA-depleted RNA (Fig. 3 (C(i)). Densitometric analysis of the Ag-plug intensities inside and outside displays minimum or no EtBr signal in 1 % to 3 % Ag-plugs. A minuscule amount of intensity inside 4 % Ag-plug is observed, which increases to ~4-folds in 5 % Ag-plug. However, an increase of agarose to 5 % in Ag-plugs might allow a simultaneous unwanted enhancement in entrapment of potential linear transcripts (Figur-3 (IIIa, and IIIb)). Therefore, 4 % Ac-plug (19.5:0.5) in 1.2 % agarose bed gel is considered as optimal/superior P-GeT assay setup for selective immobilisation of circular forms of RNAs.
Additionally, we recognized that overloading of samples could lead to crowding within the plug matrix, potentially impeding the mobility of linear molecules and compromising the enrichment of circRNAs. To address this concern, different concentration of DNase-treated RNA sample from both rice (Fig. 4 (Ia)) and rat heart (Fig. 4 (IIa)) ranging from 2 μg to 8 μg was electrophoresed on 4 % Ac-plug coupled P-GeT assay setup. The densitometric observations (Fig. 4 (Ib, and IIb)) revealed that beyond 4 μg concentration of sample, the intensity of rRNA bands outside the Ac-plug gets stagnant likely due to the overcrowding of molecules in the sieves (Fig. 4 (Ia, and IIa)) and hence would hinder mobility of the RNA molecules. This would lead to undesirable trapping of linear RNA transcripts as well. Therefore, sample concentrations below 4 μg was found optimal, as it achieved sufficient intensity within the plugs referring to potential capturing of circular molecules while allowing the release of linear transcripts at the same time. Like previous section Intensity of rRNA bands from non-plug wells were used for normalization as calculated above (Fig. 4 (Ib, and IIb)).
3.3. Trapping Various Nucleic Acid Forms in P-GeT assay
Upon optimisation of P-GeT assay plug-gels, 4 % of Ac-plug and 4 % of Ag-plugs with 4 μg of sample loading capacity were selected to further investigating the comparative inclination of different matrix coupled P-GeT assay towards the circular isoforms. To achieve this, we examined the movement of different type of samples varying in size through these Ac/Ag-plugs and observed the response of P-GeT assay in selective trapping of these biomolecules.
We choose linear 1 kb double stranded DNA ladders (NEB Cat. No. N3232S), ~2 kb undigested pOK12 plasmid and undigested ~5.4 kb pET28a(+) plasmid, and supercoiled plasmid ladder (Cat. No. NEB #B7025), along with the DNase-treated RNA from rice (Fig. 5). Each of these samples were separately mixed with the Ac-plug and Ag-plug compositions and were allowed to polymerize prior to electrophoresis at a constant voltage of 100 volts at 4 °C. The intensities of samples within the Ac-plug or Ag-plugs were recorded at various time points during the electrophoresis, specifically at 5 hrs (Fig. 5 (A)), 12 hrs (Fig. 5 (B)), and 24 hrs (Fig. 5 (C)).
Comparative densitometry of the Ac-plug and Ag-plug intensities at different time intervals demonstrates the inclination of P-GeT assay towards selectively trapping the circular isoforms and, additionally, reveals that the Ac-plug in P-GeT assay out-performs the Ag-plug (Fig. 5 (D)). Examining the pattern in the densitometry graph, it becomes evident that both Ac-plug and Ag-plug are unable to restrain the linear ds DNA ladder at all time intervals.
In contrast, the circular plasmids (pOK12, pET28a(+), and plasmid ladder) are more effectively contained within the Ac-plugs compared to the Ag-plugs. In fact, the circular isoform capturing potential of Ag-plugs is much less when compared to the Ac-plugs (Fig. 5 (D)). Moreover, observing the plug intensities after 24 hrs of electrophoresis highlights the prolonged capturing ability of the Ac-plugs with respect to the circular plasmids (Fig. 5 (C)). Similarly, Ac-plugs loaded with DNA-depleted RNA showed a significant retention of RNA in the Ac-plug when compared to the Ag-plugs. This set of experiment was also repeated with the rat heart tissue RNA samples showcasing similar patterns (Online Resource-1).
3.4. P-GeT Assay Performance Confirmation
After electrophoresis, the RNA captivated in the Ac-plug and Ag-plug was eluted using their specific methodologies outlined in methods section. To confirm the efficicent entrapment of circular transcripts by these plugs, we designed divergent primer spanning the BSJs of randomly selected rice specific circRNAs identified via previously reported i-tdMDA-NGS method (Guria et at. 2022). Simultaneously, convergent primers were designed to check the levels of amplification of unwanted linear transcripts entrapped in plug matrices. Reverse transcribed random primed cDNA of Ac-plug and Ag-plug eluted RNA was utilised as template for RT-PCR in order to investigate the levels and types of transcripts trapped through P-GeT assay. For investigating a comparative circRNA enrichment by P-GeT assay, templates of random primed cDNAs derived from DNase treated RNA was also subjected to divergent RT-PCR. Equal concentrations of all templates were used to prevent errors caused by unequal template amounts during RT-PCR. Convergent primers equal concentration of RNA loaded on plugs eluted RNA from the plugs are converted into cDNA for diverent pcr confirmation. The starting sample taken is of equal concentration.
The densitometric analysis of divergent and convergent RT-PCR results reveals a significant finding. Circular transcript enrichment by P-GeT assay is confirmed by using rice specific divergent primers such as osi_circ_01, osi_circ_02, osi_circ_03 (Fig. 6 (A(i)), osi_circ_04, and osi_circ05 (Online Resource-2 (B, and C)) for circRNA namely 2_187437_187904_(-), 3_34220472_34220857_(-), 7:15534138-15534682_(-), 8:15854661-15861841_(+), and 2:19273316-20009087_(-) respectively by divergent RT-PCR. Conversely, the reduced occurrence of linear transcripts in P-GeT assay eluted RNA was validated by convergent primers such as osi_actin (Fig. 6 (A(i)), RJC1, osi_U6snRNA, and osi_5.8S_rRNA (Fig. 6 (B(i)) designed for amplyfying rice corresponding genes by convergent RT-PCR. Levels of circRNAs is further compared between cDNAs derived from total RNA and P-GeT assay-enriched circRNA. Effectiveness of P-GeT assay is clearly demonstrated by circRNA 2_187437_187904_(-) (amplified by osi_circ_01), and 3_34220472_34220857_(-) (amplified by osi_circ_02).These circRNAs which were not earlier amplified from total RNA derived cDNA are surprisingly multi-fold intensified in plug-RNA derived cDNA (Fig. 6 (A(i), and A(ii)). Furthermore, circRNA enrapment potential of Ac-plug is comparetively more than its compititor, Ag-plug. Osi_circ_01 shows a ~2-fold incease in its own entrapment in Ac-plug whereas, osi_circ_02 was dislayed to be captured ~3-fold higher in Ac-plugs as compared to the Ag-plugs (Fig. 6 (A(ii)). Addtionally, circRNA amplified using divergent osi_circ_03 primer showed a ~4-fold higher expression in P-GeT assay entrapped RNA in comparision to the total RNA . (Fig. 6 (A(i), and A(ii)). Moreover, osi_circ_03 primer amplified circRNA 7:15534138-15534682_(-) displayed an additional band of ~300 bp with plug entrapped RNA which otherwise was absent in total RNA (Fig. 6 (A(i)). This amplification could be the result of alternative backsplicing event giving rise to circRNA specific isoforms. Similar results were also obatined with osi_circ_05 primer in Ac-plug derived RNA where a putative isoform of ~ 500 bp fragment was amplified in addition to the expected ~312 bp sized circRNA (Online Resource-2 (C)) Specificity of the Ac-plugs is demonstrated by the absence of linear transcript (Fig. 6 (A(i) and Online Resource-2 (A)) and by using osi_circ_04 divergent primers, where the Ac-plug derived cDNA concentrated majorly the expected bands of ~118 bp and ~270 bp which otherwise were present with non-specific amplicons in total RNA (Online Resource-2 (B)).
In contrast, the linear transcript generated from rice specific convergent primers such as osi_actin (Fig. 6 (A(i), and A(ii)), RJC1, osi_U6snRNA, and osi_5.8S_rRNA (Fig. 6 (B(i), and B(ii)) was greatly reduced in Ac-plug derived template. This vouch for the differentiating ability of Ac-plug by retaining the circular transcript inside the plug and passaging out of the linear RNA molecules from the matrix. Although Ag-plug derived cDNA did not show amplification with osi_5.8S_rRNA, and RJC1 primers, a significant amplification was observed with osi_actin (Fig. 6 (A(i), and A(ii)) and osi_U6snRNA primers (Fig. 6 (B(i), and B(ii)) primers. This suggest the inconsitent nature of Ag-plug in digtinguishing between the linear and circular transcripts that are trapped inside the matrix inducing concisous hesitancy in employing the Ag-plugs for P-GeT assay.
To support the plug-based PCR validation of circRNA, northern hybridisation was performed. Previously, validated osi_cric_01 primer amplified PCR product, upon sanger sequencing, was utilised for probe preparation to target the BSJ region of the circRNA, 2_187437_187904_(-). The result displays Ac-plug entrapped ~8-folds higher circRNA (2_187437_187904_(-)) at a equal concentration and ~3-fold increase at half the concentration of RNA eluted from the Ag-plug (Fig. 7 (A(i), and A(ii)).