Initially, we compared HTDA, HMDA and CNA chitosans with the same FA (0.32) by hydrolysis using AaChio followed by SEC-RI-MS analysis of the products. Unexpectedly, very clear differences were observed in the RI signals generated by the oligomeric products of the enzymatic digestion when separated by DP (Fig. 1a). The products of the HMDA and CNA chitosans showed a very similar uniform DP distribution, with the highest proportion of products covering the range DP 3–5, whereas the DP distribution of the HTDA chitosan products was strikingly different, with DP 3, 6, 9 and 12 detected in unexpectedly large amounts. To quantify the overrepresentation of these DP = 3n products, we introduced a parameter known as triad strength (Fig. 1b). This is calculated using Eq. (1), where IDP x is the integrated RI signal of DP x (baseline from RI minimum between peaks for DP 6/7 and peaks for DP 2/3).
(1)\(triad strength= \frac{{I}_{DP 3}+{I}_{DP 6}}{{I}_{DP 2}+{I}_{DP 4}+{I}_{DP 5}}\)
The profiles of the AaChio products detected by MS also differed between the three types of chitosan (Supplementary Fig. S1a). Although absolute quantification is not possible due to differences in ionization efficiency between the oligomers, the data allow us to search for differences between samples, revealing that higher proportions of trimeric products (A1D2 and A2D1) were released from the HTDA chitosan compared to the others, consistent with the RI signals. We used these data to calculate the number average A- and D-block sizes (Supplementary Fig. S1b). Whereas the A-block sizes were comparable for all samples, the D-blocks were smaller for the HTDA chitosan. To rule out the unlikely possibility that these differences originate from different starting DP values, reflecting different weight average molecular weights (Mw) of the substrates (Supplementary Table S1), we compared AaChio products of HTDA and CNA samples with the same FA (0.17) and a similar Mw of ~ 110 kDa. The resulting RI chromatograms revealed the same trends in the FA = 0.17 samples (Supplementary Fig. S2) as seen for the FA = 0.32 samples (Fig. 1a). The corresponding triad strength values for the HTDA and CNA samples were 3.61 and 0.63, respectively.
Next, we checked whether these striking differences are indeed caused by the different production methods by analyzing a large set of HTDA, HMDA and CNA chitosans (Supplementary Table S1) spanning a range of FA values. Samples from different chitin sources were obtained from different producers, including chitosans that were deacetylated by freeze-pump out-thaw (FPT) cycles35. This confirmed that the previously observed differences are valid without exception: the triad strength was < 1 for all CNA chitosans over the whole FA range of 0.07–0.57 (Fig. 2) whether they were produced at the University of Münster or University of Lyon, or by the commercial supplier Heppe Medical Chitosan (HMC). The HMDA chitosans called Viscosans, produced by Flexichem AB, also showed low triad strength values. In contrast, HTDA samples from two different commercial suppliers showed triad strength values up to more than 5. For sample series taken over the course of a HTDA reaction, it became apparent that the triad strength increased over the course of the reaction as the FA decreased, with the triad strengths of early samples being comparable to those of HMDA and CNA chitosans. In addition, we noticed differences in the deacetylation series produced from shrimp (α-chitin) and squid (β-chitin) starting materials. As expected from previous studies14, HTDA is more efficient for the less crystalline β-chitin (Supplementary Fig. S3), whereas the effect of high triad strengths at low FA values is more pronounced for chitosans derived from α-chitin. Samples prepared by the more efficient FPT process (HTDA)35 of β-chitin behaved like other squid-derived HTDA chitosans. Interestingly, HMDA chitosans prepared from shrimp material by the Kjell Vårum group (Trondheim) show a behavior intermediate between shrimp-derived HTDA chitosans and CNA chitosans or HMDA chitosans from Flexichem AB (Viscosans).
Again, the differences between the HTDA, HMDA and CNA chitosans were also visible in the altered AaChio product profiles, which in turn lead to deviating number average A- and D-block sizes (Supplementary Fig. S4). For HMDA and CNA chitosans, the A-block size increases and D-block size decreases with increasing FA in a near linear manner over the entire FA range. HTDA chitosans show comparable block sizes for intermediate FA values > 0.3, but the A-block size is slightly higher and the D-block size slightly lower compared to CNA chitosans at lower FA values.
Overall, these data show striking differences between HTDA and HMDA/CNA chitosans, even for samples with comparable average FA and DP values. The strongest indicator is an overrepresentation of DP = 3n products, quantified by an increase in the triad strength, which was only observed for HTDA chitosans, and was stronger at lower FA values and more pronounced for chitosans derived from α-chitin.
Differences between chitosans are also apparent in chemical and other enzymatic hydrolysates
Next, we investigated the origin of the differences between HTDA and HMDA/CNA chitosans more closely by hydrolyzing the various FA = 0.32 samples using enzymes with different subsite preferences, as well as trifluoroacetic acid (TFA). The products were analyzed by SEC-RI-MS and the corresponding chromatograms are shown in Fig. 3. As discussed for the AaChio hydrolysates, HTDA chitosans were again cleaved into products where DP = 3n was overrepresented, but the strength of the effect varied between reactions. It was weakest for chitosanase CsnMN from Bacillus sp. MN39–41 (Fig. 3e), which strongly prefers D-units at subsites − 2 and − 1, but more pronounced for the GH18 chitinases TvChi from Trichoderma virens42 (Fig. 3a) and human chitotriosidase (ChT)43–45 (Fig. 3b), both of which have absolute specificity for A-units at subsite − 1. The effect was particularly strong for products of GH19 chitinases such as ChiG from Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2)46 (Fig. 3c) and AtChi from Arabidopsis thaliana (TAIR: AT3G54420) (Fig. 3d), both of which have absolute specificity for Aunits at subsites − 2 and + 1. Interestingly, the preferred formation of DP = 3n products was visible not only in the enzymatic hydrolysates but also following the chemical hydrolysis of HTDA chitosans using TFA (Fig. 3f). Given that A-A bonds and A-D bonds are hydrolyzed three times faster than D-A and D-D bonds under acidic conditions47, TFA hydrolysis corresponds to the behavior of an enzyme with a high preference for A-units at subsite − 1. The product profiles of all six reactions also differed between HTDA and HMDA/CNA chitosans (Supplementary Fig. S5). Furthermore, HTDA chitosan was hydrolyzed more efficiently by ChiG and less efficiently by ChT and TvChi, whereas the cleavage efficiency of all three chitosans was comparable for CsnMN and AtChi (Supplementary Table S2). Finally, the same trends were visible when HTDA and CNA chitosans of the same FA (0.17) and DP (Mw of ~ 110 kDa) were hydrolyzed (Supplementary Fig. S6).
In summary, the aberrant behavior of HTDA chitosans is visible in each hydrolysate, but the strength of the effect depends on the type of hydrolysis. This confirms that triad formation is not caused by the enzyme but is a property of the chitosan sample. Nevertheless, the sample must be hydrolyzed with certain specificity in terms of A-units and D-units to reveal the uniqueness of the HTDA samples, expressed by the irregular distribution of product DP values. Different average FA and/or DP values have been excluded as potential differences between the differently produced samples, and it would also be difficult to explain how these factors or their dispersity values (ĐFA and ĐDP) could lead to a higher proportion of trimers and hexamers in the hydrolysates. The only rational explanation is a PA in HTDA chitosans that differs from the random PA of HMDA or CNA chitosans and that possesses a certain regularity, which is reflected in the overrepresented products of the regular interval DP = 3n.
HTDA and HMDA/CNA chitosans and their hydrolysates show differences in bioactivity
To determine the significance of the more regular PA in HTDA chitosans in terms of bioactivity and potential applications, we tested the HTDA, HMDA and CNA chitosans (FA = 0.32) and their hydrolysates produced by chitosanase CsnMN39–41 and chitinase TvChi42 for the ability to elicit an immune response in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings. Compared to hydrolysates of HMDA/CNA chitosans, CsnMN cleaved the HTDA sample less efficiently and released small products of DP 2–6 that are more strongly deacetylated. TvChi was also less active on HTDA chitosan, and the respective DP 2–6 products appeared more highly acetylated than in the respective HMDA/CNA hydrolysates (Supplementary Fig. S7).
Oxidative burst assays were used to measure the amount of reactive oxygen species produced directly after treatment of A. thaliana seedlings with different concentrations of the polymers or hydrolysates as a central marker for an induced disease resistance reaction (Fig. 4). The HTDA polymer triggered the strongest oxidative burst and caused elicitation at low concentrations (Fig. 4a) whereas the CNA polymer had a weaker effect and higher concentrations were required for efficient elicitation. This tendency was even stronger for the HMDA polymer. Whereas the CsnMN hydrolysate of the HTDA sample was similar in activity to the undigested polymer, the CsnMN hydrolysis of the HMDA and CNA samples increased the oxidative burst (Fig. 4b). In contrast, enzymatic hydrolysis with TvChi reduced the elicitation activity of all three samples, especially the HTDA sample (Fig. 4c).
These results suggest that the more regular PA in HTDA polymers leads to a stronger immune response in plants compared to chitosan polymers with a random PA. For the latter, the cleavage of D-rich regions by CsnMN releases eliciting active products with A-rich centers, whereas the destruction of immunomodulatory A-rich parts by TvChi drastically reduces the elicitation activity*. Interestingly, hydrolysis of the HTDA sample using TvChi completely eliminated the initially very high bioactivity of this chitosan, although only limited hydrolysis occurred and a considerable amount of polymer remained. These differences in bioactivity indicate that the production of chitosans using different methods is interesting not only from an analytical perspective but also in the context of applications.
In silico models suggest A-units are present at every third position in HTDA chitosans
Our data strongly suggest that HTDA chitosans, contrary to current opinion, have neither a random nor a block-wise PA, but rather one with certain regularity, especially at lower FA values. But what PA would explain the preponderance of trimers, hexamers and nonamers? Deducing this from the products of CsnMN, TvChi, ChT, ChiG and AtChi is difficult because these enzymes show complex cleavage behaviors due to combinations of absolute specificities and preferences for A-units or Dunits at certain subsites. Therefore, we focused on the DP = 3n products of AaChio and chemical TFA hydrolysis. AaChio cleaves exclusively after the motif DA, whereas TFA hydrolysis preferentially occurs after an A-unit. Accordingly, the abundant DP = 3n products most often have an A-unit at their reducing end, corresponding to the patterns XXA, XXXXXA and XXXXXXXXA. For AaChio, the A-unit is preceded by a D-unit (XDA, XXXXDA and XXXXXXXDA). These products could in turn originate from a polymer in which A-units are overrepresented at every third position. We are not proposing that HTDA chitosans comprise the perfectly regular PA of (DDA)DP/3 or even (XXA)DP/3 but that the chitosans deviate from random and lean toward this more regular PA.
To model this, we used Python-based in silico methods to generate libraries of chitosan polymers with different average FA values and introduced different options for non-random PAs. The focus was on the overrepresentation of A-units at every third position to different extents, quantified by the parameter pattern strength ranging from 0 for a random PA to 1 for the PA closest to (DDA)DP/3 for the corresponding FA. The cleavage of these chitosan libraries was then simulated at specific positions corresponding to the subsite preferences of different enzymes (e.g., after each DA-motif to simulate hydrolysis by AaChio)37. The molar amounts of products of a certain DP released by AaChio from FA = 0.32 chitosans with different pattern strengths were then modeled in silico. For chitosan with a random PA, the products were evenly distributed with respect to DP (Fig. 5a). However, as soon as the overrepresentation of A-units at every third position was introduced (pattern strength 0.5), products of DP = 3n became more abundant compared to the products of neighboring DP values (Fig. 5b). This effect became more prevalent with increasing pattern strength up to the maximum value of 1 (Fig. 5c).
We also modeled how samples from later in the HTDA reaction might behave by limiting the deacetylation of units at every third position (which we named the pattern units) to FA = 0.75 while the overall FA decreased from 0.5 to 0.3. The extent of the overrepresentation of DP = 3n AaChio products increased with the decreasing average FA of the substrate, as observed in vitro (Supplementary Fig. S8). Similar to the simulated cleavage with AaChio, the in silico models for other hydrolysis reactions indicated that a PA deviating from random toward (DDA)DP/3 (pattern strength > 0) will lead to an overrepresentation of DP = 3n products (Supplementary Fig. S9). It should be noted that for all in silico reactions, simplified absolute specificities of the enzyme families and the acid were assumed at certain subsites, and possible preferences at other subsites were ignored.
If the PA of HTDA chitosans is indeed this regular, why do previous studies conclude that HTDA chitosans have either a random13,25,26,29,34 or a block-wise PA17,31–33, or combinations thereof14,30,35? First, there are authors that justify their conclusions based on the different physicochemical properties and enzymatic degradability of the chitosans they tested14,17,31,32. We argue that this deviating behavior may indeed indicate a non-random PA but not necessarily a block-wise PA as previously concluded. Second, DP distributions have previously been analyzed by SEC in the degradation products of differently produced chitosans following nitrous acid deamination29,30, which results in cleavage exclusively after D-units48. We modeled FA = 0.32 chitosan libraries with a random PA (pattern strength 0) as well as those with pattern strengths of 0.5 and 1, cleaved them in silico after D-units, and compared the DP distributions of the products (Supplementary Fig. S10). Just as previous studies reported, only small differences in the distributions for HTDA and HMDA chitosans and Bernoullian models for random PA, we found only small differences for pattern strengths of 0, 0.5 and even 1. Whereas the earlier studies claim that this indicates a random PA, we conclude that the method is not able to detect the more regular pattern as suggested here. Third, 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR analysis of HTDA chitosans yielded diad frequencies comparable to those calculated for a random PA13,25, or PA values in the random-dominated range (0.5 < PA < 1.5)26. To investigate this, we modeled chitosan populations with different pattern strengths over the entire FA range from 0 to 1, and used them to calculate the PA values as previously described26,27 (Supplementary Fig. S11). Interestingly, the maximum PA value (pattern strength 1, FA = 0.33), corresponding to the ideal (DDA)DP/3 pattern, is only 1.5, so still within the previously defined random-dominated range26. Furthermore, most commercial HTDA chitosans have FA values of ≤ 0.2 because customers favor low acetylated products. In combination with moderate pattern strengths, which we suspect to be more likely, the calculated PA values deviate only negligibly from 1 (random PA). Therefore, diad analysis is appropriate to distinguish between alternating, random and block-wise PA26,27, but cannot reveal longer repeated motifs, such as the pattern proposed here. Indeed, others have already suggested that diad analysis may report a random PA for certain block structures25,36, which is why the NMR analysis of triad frequencies is also required (not to be confused with the terms triad strength and triad formation in our study). Again, earlier authors predicted random PAs for HTDA chitosans but they also reported that the method typically has errors of at least 15%25. Our in silico models showed only slight deviations from random triad frequencies for small or intermediate pattern strengths (Supplementary Table S3), which fall within the typical error margins of the method. Accordingly, we conclude that both NMR-based diad and triad analysis are unable to detect the more regular PA in HTDA chitosans proposed herein.