The incidence of emergency neurosurgery for TBI in the general Norwegian population was 3.9/100 000 person years over the five-year study period. Insertion of an ICP-monitor was the most frequent procedure, followed by evacuation of an intracranial mass lesion. Overall, emergency neurosurgery was associated with male sex, RTA, low GCS and CT characteristics with midline shift and compressed/absent basal cisterns. The incidence of emergency neurosurgery decreased in elderly patients.
The frequencies of emergency neurosurgery are in accordance with previous research comparing subgroups within the TBI population (18–23). However, to our knowledge, this study is the first to describe a general population-based incidence of emergency neurosurgery. It must be taken into consideration that the type of injury mechanism differs globally; in low- and middle-income countries, RTA is the most common cause and access to neurosurgery is more limited (10). We found the incidence of emergency neurosurgery (3.9/100 000 person-years) to be quite low compared to the reported incidence of hospital-admitted TBI patients (83–287/100 000) (1–8). The discrepancy between the rate of emergency surgery and hospital admission rates can partly be explained by guideline recommendations for the initial management of head injuries. To identify the few patients in need of neurosurgery, screening with head CT must be performed with a rather low threshold, e.g., according to the Scandinavian guidelines for the initial management of minimal, mild and moderate head injuries (31). Thus, minor lesions less likely to require emergency neurosurgery are frequently identified. In line with previous studies, low GCS and CT characteristics such as midline shift and compressed basal cisterns, were strong predictors for emergency neurosurgery (13, 32, 33). Given the low rate of emergency neurosurgery, it is evident that only a few centers in each country or region can provide competent neurosurgical services. As patients with TBI are often admitted outside of ordinary working hours, it is important that competent personnel are available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week to provide the best possible treatment for TBI (24). To achieve this, optimal collaboration and organization between hospitals is imperative, irrespective of distance to the trauma center.
The incidence of emergency neurosurgery varied with age; it was low in children and peaked in the 60–70 year age group. To some extent, this reflects the epidemiological shift described over the last decade in high-income countries – the typical TBI patient has changed from a young male, injured in a high-energy trauma, to an elderly man or woman, often with significant comorbidity, injured in a low-energy fall (21, 23, 34, 35). Male sex was significantly associated with an increased probability of emergency neurosurgery in this study. Males are seemingly more likely to take risks (36), which may explain this overrepresentation. The incidence of emergency neurosurgery declined abruptly in patients above 85 years, which was somewhat unexpected since the incidence of TBI-related hospital admissions is highest for the eldest patients (21, 34). Decisions to limit treatment are more often made for older patients (37, 38), and for many of these patients, it is justified to refrain from emergency neurosurgery based on poor prognosis, severe comorbidity, and frailty (39, 40). The use of age alone as a criterion for treatment limitation must be practiced with caution, since several studies have shown that older patients may benefit from aggressive treatment and access to rehabilitation (41–47). A previous study from our institution demonstrated that the management intensity of hospitalized patients with TBI decreased with advanced age and that low management intensity was associated with an increased risk of 30-day mortality (48). Thus, the high mortality among elderly TBI patients may have an element of self-fulfilling prophecies and may, in the future, be reduced with a more aggressive management regimen.
The most frequently performed emergency neurosurgical procedure was the insertion of an ICP monitor. According to the BTF guidelines, ICP monitoring is recommended for all salvageable TBI patients with an abnormal head CT and a GCS ≤ 8 (12). In our study, GCS ≤ 8 was the strongest factor associated with insertion of an ICP monitor; 61% of patients with GCS ≤ 8 received an ICP monitor. This is in line with a European multicenter study where the proportion was 62% (23). In North American studies, the rate of ICP monitoring of severe TBI patients ranges from 10–65% (15, 16, 49).In our study, 26% of patients with GCS 9–12 also received an ICP monitor. The indication for ICP monitoring in this group was mainly prolonged surgery or expected prolonged ventilator treatment due to other injuries, which is in accordance with our local protocol. There is agreement between most published studies that the management of patients with severe head injury is facilitated by intracranial pressure monitoring (12, 50, 51). The superiority of ICP monitor-guided management was, however, questioned in a randomized controlled trial by Chesnut et al. (52), who found little difference between ICP monitoring and management guided by neurologic examination and serial CT imaging. The latter form of management poses difficulties with intubated patients and with the transfer of patients to and from the radiology department together with an added radiation dose exposure.
Evacuation of intracranial mass lesions was the second most frequent emergency neurosurgical procedure, with an incidence of 1.9/100 000. Overall, evacuation of mass lesions was performed in 13% of CT-verified TBI patients admitted to our institution, which is in line with other studies with similar patient populations, ranging from 9–18% (19, 21, 23). All patients with imaging-verified ASDH, EDH, or brain contusion should, according to the guidelines, be admitted for observation and surgical treatment if necessary (31, 53). ASDH was the most frequent mass lesion evacuated; it was performed in all age groups but more often in elderly patients, which is in line with other studies (23, 32–34). In our study, 16% of the patients with ASDH present on primary CT underwent craniotomy with evacuation of ASDH, which is in line with the 13% reported by Esposito et al. (18). EDH is known to be more frequent in younger people because the dura adheres more tightly to the skull with age (30). Thus, as expected, evacuation of EDH was most often performed in patients aged < 45 years. Of patients with EDH present on CT scan, 24% had a craniotomy, which is somewhat higher than the rate of 17% reported by Esposito et al. (18). Evacuation of cerebral contusions was most often done in patients aged 45–74 years, rarely in the younger and older patient groups, and in only 6% of those with contusion present on CT scan. This corresponds to the 2–10% reported by others (23, 33, 34). In the majority of patients observed in the hospital for a traumatic intracranial lesion, the lesion will not progress to a size requiring surgical evacuation. However, the rates of surgery presented here clearly indicate that close observation of admitted patients with intracranial mass lesions is necessary. The size of the mass lesion and midline shift are factors included in the decision algorithm for evacuation of traumatic intracranial mass lesions. In our study, a midline shift ≥ 5 mm on cerebral CT was the predominant factor associated with evacuation of mass lesions, along with compressed basal cisterns, while increasing age and the use of anticoagulants were associated with decreased probability. The size of the mass lesions was not measured in our study, but the degree of midline shift and the status of the basal cisterns are good indirect measures of the volume of intracranial mass lesions. Since volume measures were not done, it is difficult to evaluate if we succeeded in following the treatment recommendation for surgical evacuation of mass lesions given in Table 1.
At our institution, EVDs are used to reduce elevated ICP, and not primarily to monitor ICP. The main reason behind this treatment strategy is the risk of infection associated with EVD, and that an intraparenchymal ICP sensor causes less surgical trauma (54–56). The current trend in our department is to more actively use CSF drainage to decrease ICP with the intention of reducing the time on a ventilator and amount of sedation.
Decompressive craniectomy (DC) for severe TBI is still regarded as a treatment with limited documented benefit and is a treatment rarely documented in patients ≥ 65 years (44, 45, 57–59). The two main indications, as supported by published guidelines (60, 61), for DC at our institution have been as a last resort management option for refractory raised ICP and in cases with severe intraoperative brain swelling, similar to other European trauma centers (17).
Strength and limitations
This study presents a population-based incidence of real-world TBI emergency neurosurgical procedures over a total period of five years from a defined geographical region covering both large rural and urban areas. The region has a defined written criterion for emergency neurosurgery and a stable all-hour presence of neurosurgeons. Data were retrieved manually, thus avoiding bias of potential medical coding errors, which is a risk with aggregated data from national registries.
A limitation of this study is the lack of detailed information about the anatomical localization or volumetry of the traumatic intracranial mass lesions. Moreover, the study is restricted to what we defined as emergency neurosurgical procedures. Hence, we do not describe all neurosurgical procedures relevant for TBI patients; e.g., cranioplasty, dural repair or redo-surgery, and surgery at later stages, such as replacement of bone flaps, shunts and chronic subdural hematoma, were not included.