The goal of the current study was to ascertain whether sleep behavior and physiology are affected in individuals with isolated cerebellar degeneration, and to determine whether these changes in sleep impact cognition function. We report cognitive and sleep-related dysfunction in individuals with cerebellar degeneration compared to matched controls. Poor cognitive performance in certain domains – scores on the Cerebellar Cognitive Affective Syndrome (CCAS) Scale and baseline performance on the word-pair learning task – was found to be correlated with the extent of sleep fragmentation experienced. However, overnight change in memory performance on the word-pair learning task – a measure of sleep-dependent memory processing – was comparable across individuals with ataxia and controls, suggesting that the role of sleep in stabilizing formed memory associations may not be altered in individuals with cerebellar degeneration compared to their healthy counterparts.
Sleep measures
Actigraphy recording over one week showed that individuals with cerebellar ataxia demonstrated greater wake after sleep onset and greater time spent mobile during the night. These findings were confirmed using polysomnography sleep recordings: sleep was shown to be more fragmented in the ataxia group as reflected by the number of stage transitions per hour – i.e. the Sleep Fragmentation Index. The number of arousals, stage transitions, and awakenings during sleep increase with age and have been associated with age-related cortical thinning, particularly in the lateral orbitofrontal and inferior frontal cortices.37 Individuals with ataxia, however, demonstrated greater sleep fragmentation than cannot be explained by age-related structural brain changes alone given that their healthy age-matched counterparts did not experience the same levels of sleep fragmentation.
One possible mechanism for increased sleep fragmentation in individuals with cerebellar degeneration is through impaired cerebellar involvement in the neurophysiology of sleep state transitions. Sleep-wake and sleep stage transitions are orchestrated by subcortical neuronal ensembles that form a “flip-flop” switch.38 The wake-promoting reticular activating system and the sleep-promoting ventrolateral preoptic nucleus pathway are mutually inhibitory, and the activation (and inhibitory) patterns of the associated cell populations ensure the distinct electrophysiological patterns associated with a wakeful state, as well as with each sleep stage. Anatomical and electrophysiological studies in animal models provide evidence of a cerebellar role in fine-tuning signals responsible for transitions between physiological states, by means of its extensive bidirectional connections with neuronal populations involved in wake- and sleep-promotion.39,40 Damage to the cerebellum may therefore result in inefficient operation of this “flip-flop” switch and, consequently, in greater sleep fragmentation.
Although we found no evidence of sleep-disordered breathing in individuals with pure cerebellar disease – that is, above what would be expected in an aging sample, given the high incidence of obstructive sleep apnea in older adults24 – we did find greater periodic limb movement indices in individuals with ataxia relative to matched controls. Withdrawal of sedative medications such as benzodiazepines can precipitate Periodic Limb Movement Disorder, however the potentially offending medications were tapered very slowly over the course of weeks or even months in our study, making this an unlikely cause. Periodic limb movement disorder reflects dopaminergic dysfunction resulting from damage to basal ganglia circuits, particularly those involving the ventral striatum.41 Animal studies demonstrate a direct influence of the cerebellum on striatal function;42 therefore, cerebellar degeneration could exert deleterious effects on dopaminergic signaling pathways, thus resulting in symptoms of Periodic Limb Movement Disorder. Functional neuroimaging in individuals with the combined disorder of Periodic Limb Movement Disorder – Restless Leg Syndrome indicates a link between cerebellar and thalamic activation and the sensory symptoms associated with the disorder.43 To this point, administration of dopamine agonists alleviates Periodic Limb Movement Disorder symptoms in individuals with SCA2. The cerebellum therefore seems to engage in the pathophysiology of Periodic Limb Movement Disorder, a conclusion that will need further investigation by means of longitudinal studies and neuroimaging.
Cognitive measures
Individuals with pure cerebellar disease had significantly lower scores on the CCAS compared to matched controls. Impairments were observed particularly in the domains of verbal fluency and cognitive flexibility, while short-term and long-term memory, abstract reasoning, inhibitory control, and visuospatial abilities were comparable between the ataxia and control groups. Verbal fluency was assessed by means of both semantic and phonemic categories. These tasks recruit cerebral cortical areas involved in attention, memory, and temporal processing, namely, prefrontal (more engaged in phonemic processing) and temporal regions (more heavily involved in semantic fluency).44 In addition, fluency tasks incorporate cadence of response delivery, awareness of the temporal frame within which the test is operating, and attention shifting to maintain appropriateness of items being listed – all of which engage the cerebellum and cerebro-cerebellar networks.45,46,47
In the networks that contribute to cerebrocerebellar functional connectivity, two in particular stand out:48 the “salience network” which engages the anterior cingulate cortex, subcortical and paralimbic structures to continuously evaluate the salience of incoming stimuli, and the “executive control network” involving frontal and parietal regions that moderate sustained attention and working memory once stimuli have been identified as salient.49 Cerebellar degeneration might result in compromised activity in these neural networks, resulting in impaired ability to perform tasks of verbal fluency. The current study is consistent with previous reports of deficits in verbal fluency in individuals with cerebellar ataxia relative to controls.10,50,51,52 The underlying mechanisms leading to these deficits are an area of ongoing study.
Compared to healthy matched controls, individuals with ataxia demonstrated reduced cognitive flexibility measured by the “category switching” task of the CCAS. Participants were instructed to “name a vegetable, and then a profession, and then another vegetable, and so on” for the duration of one minute. Cognitive flexibility places demands on the prefrontal cortex, particularly the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex and the supplementary motor areas.53 The prefrontal cortex activation subserves sustained attention, response inhibition, working memory, and performance monitoring, all of which operate in concert to enable cognitive set shifting. An important prerequisite for cognitive flexibility is the prior formation of strong context-response associations. This is exemplified by experiential context, such as a category in the case of the category switching task, which evokes an automatic response54 – a process that is dependent on the cerebellum as contextual cues in tasks involving cognitive flexibility activate fronto-cerebellar pathways. Our findings in ataxia, together with previous studies that have reported impaired mental flexibility in individuals with cerebellar infarcts,55,56 provide further evidence for a role of the cerebellum in complex cognitive tasks.
Individuals with pure cerebellar disease were no different than healthy controls in the domains of short-term memory (digit span), long-term memory (verbal recall), visuospatial abilities (cube draw and cube copy), abstract reasoning (similarities), or response inhibition (Go/No-Go). Previous studies in individuals with isolated cerebellar disease and extracerebellar pathology demonstrated deficits in these cognitive domains,57,58,59 and it is possible that the extracerebellar pathology involving cerebral cortex, brainstem, thalamus, and basal ganglia22 contributed to the deficits. The essentially isolated cerebellar involvement in the current cohort avoids this potential confound and provides further insights into the cerebellum’s role in cognition.
On the word-pair learning task, individuals with cerebellar ataxia as well as controls demonstrated low retrieval accuracy compared to published performance in young adults.14,60 Age-related changes in retrieval are well described.61 Older age is associated with under-recruitment and non-specific recruitment of the medial temporal lobe and the prefrontal cortex, reflecting deficits in engaging effortful strategies.62 Notably, older adults with greater engagement of effortful retrieval strategies show young adult-like performance on episodic memory tasks.63 In our ataxia group, Immediate Recall, a robust measure of memory retrieval, was lower compared to the age-matched controls, suggesting the importance of cerebellar integrity to episodic memory retrieval. Using neuroimaging, Krause and colleagues (1999)64 demonstrated a bilateral increase in BOLD signal during the Encoding phase of a word-pair learning task in the cerebellum, precuneus, and anterior cingulate and prefrontal cortices. Cerebellar activation is greater during tasks that involve effortful recall of recently acquired information, also known as “retrieval effort,”65,66 while prefrontal and cerebellar-prefrontal functional connectivity have been linked to inhibition of irrelevant information, an important process in memory retrieval.65 The cerebellum has bidirectional connections with the hippocampus, which is essential for declarative learning,67 and the cerebellum’s role in hippocampal-dependent learning has been linked to the integration of the contextual aspects of declarative information, helping to maintain online awareness during learning.68
Our data show that despite impairments in learning the word-pairs, individuals with ataxia were comparable to healthy controls with respect to sleep-dependent memory processing. Specifically, the ataxia group’s performance on Delayed Recall was impaired relative to controls, but the change in accuracy from Immediate to Delayed Recall was comparable. One explanation for this finding is that both groups demonstrate equivalent age-related impairment in overnight consolidation of word-pairs. However, an alternative explanation is that the observed preservation of memory for the word-pairs learned prior to sleep in individuals with ataxia as well as controls reflects a passive role for sleep in protecting memories from waking interference, rather than an active role of sleep in strengthening and stabilizing the memory traces. To parse the passive and active roles of sleep in associative learning in individuals with pure cerebellar disease, future studies could focus on determining the post-sleep strength of the learned associations using an interference paradigm.60
We found a close link between sleep dysfunction and reduced cognitive function in our sample of participants with pure cerebellar syndrome: greater sleep fragmentation was associated with impaired executive function and declarative learning. This is consistent with previous studies that have demonstrated a robust association between sleep fragmentation and diminished performance on numerous tasks, particularly those requiring vigilance and attention (Kingshot et al., 200069; Short and Banks, 201470). Therefore, these findings further emphasize the connection between poor sleep and cognitive function and exemplify its clinical relevance in the context of neurodegenerative disorders. Importantly, impaired sleep can be a clinical marker of neurodegeneration, given that symptoms of disturbed sleep may even precede the onset of the symptoms associated with neurodegeneration by ten or more years.3 However, the precise etiology of sleep disorders associated with neurodegenerative disease is unknown, and future studies should examine this relationship more deeply.
The current study was the first to our knowledge to examine sleep behavior, physiology, and architecture, while simultaneously determining the impact of poor sleep on cognitive function in individuals with isolated cerebellar disease. Our findings support previous observations of cognitive impairment in individuals with pure cerebellar disease, provide novel evidence of sleep dysfunction in this population, and establish a link between objective measures of sleep physiology and cognitive function in this population. These insights into poor sleep and impaired cognition in individuals with neurodegeneration confined to the cerebellum have practical implications for management. Efforts to improve sleep may result in improving daytime functioning, self-sufficiency, and general well-being in individuals with cerebellar ataxia.