The overall oestrous response (96%) obtained in this study was revealed by the number of ewes responding to oestrous synchronisation. Comparable to oestrous response of 90% that has been reported during breeding (Vilariño et al., 2013; Swelum et al., 2015; Oliveira et al., 2016) and non-breeding seasons (Cox et al., 2012; Martinez et al., 2015a; Santos-Jimenez et al., 2020). The oestrous response obtained in this study for the short-term treatment without eCG was higher than other studies conducted during breeding season (Martinez-Ros. et al., 2018) and non-breeding season (Ahmed Amer et al., 2009) in short-term progesterone treatment without eCG. In the long-term treatment without eCG, oestrous response of the present study was lower than oestrous response obtained by Martinez-Ros et al (2018) during breeding season but higher than obtained by Ahmed Amer et al (2009) during non-breeding conducted in long-term progesterone treatment without eCG. The oestrous response of the short-term treatment with eCG for this study was higher than other studies during breeding season (Vilariño et al., 2013; Martinez-Ros et al., 2019) and non-breeding season (Ahmed Amer et al., 2009; Martinez et al., 2015a; Texeira et al., 2016) in the short-term progesterone treatment with eCG. For the long-term treatment, oestrous response of the present study was higher than other studies during breeding season (Martemucci et al., 2011; Swelum et al., 2015) and non-breeding season (Texeira et al., 2016; Nakafeeroa et al., 2020) but was lower to the oestrous response obtained by Martinez-Ros et al (2018 & 2019) during breeding and Armed Amer et al (2009) during non-breeding season in the long-term progesterone treatment. The positive oestrous response was due to the progesterone protocol and effective release of progesterone by the inserted CIDR device during the treatment period (Nakafeeroa et al., 2020).
Additionally, this high oestrous response may be credited to the CIDR device’s nature; it is non-absorbent silicone that does not absorb vaginal secretions and holds properly without tightly adhering to the vaginal mucosa (Swelum et al., 2018). The efficient synchrony of oestrus observed at 48 and 60 hours post CIDR removal in this study is supported by other researchers’ results (Vilariño et al., 2013; A. A. Swelum et al., 2015). The CIDR device’s effect on oestrous distribution can be related to the development stage of the follicle when the CIDR device is withdrawn. The efficient synchrony of oestrus shows that the ovulatory follicles are stimulated from a single wave (López-García et al., 2021), which is vital for fixed-time insemination. Recent studies still employ long-term progesterone treatments and have obtained an acceptable oestrous response and onset to oestrus (A. A. Swelum et al., 2015; Oliveira et al., 2016). Furthermore, Nakafeero et al. (2020) reported that both long and short-term progesterone treatments effectively synchronise oestrus in sheep.
In this study, the onset of oestrus was low from previous studies on the use of short-term treatment without eCG during breeding (Martinez-Ros. et al., 2018) but higher than other studies (Ahmed Amer et al., 2009) during non-breeding seasons conducted in short-term treatment without eCG. The onset of oestrus in this study’s long-term treatment without eCG was lower than onset of oestrus obtained by Martinez-Ros et al (2018) during breeding season but similar to Ahmed Armer et al (2009) during non-breeding season in long-term progesterone without eCG. In the short-term treatment with eCG, the onset of oestrus in this study was higher than other studies during breeding (Vilariño et al., 2013; Martinez-Ros. et al., 2018; Nakafeeroa et al., 2020) and non-breeding season (Ahmed Amer et al., 2009; Texeira et al., 2016) in the short-term progesterone treatment with eCG. The onset of oestrus in the long-term treatment with eCG in the present study was higher than other studies also during breeding (Martemucci et al., 2011; Martinez-Ros. et al., 2018; Nakafeeroa et al., 2020) and non-breeding season (Ahmed Amer et al., 2009; Texeira et al., 2016) conducted in the long-term progesterone treatment with eCG. Additionally, variations may be explained by differences in breed, nutrition and season. However, the lack of significance between the treatment groups was possibly due to the small number of ewes per treatment group. However, there was a tendency of earlier onset of oestrus in ewes inserted with the CIDR device for 11 days compared to those treated with CIDR for 14 days; this perhaps shows a faster follicular growth (Hasani et al., 2018). The similar oestrus response to the synchronisation and onset of oestrus between this study’s treatment groups, particularly regarding progesterone duration, suggests that long and short-term periods can effectively synchronise oestrus in a progesterone-based protocol during the non-breeding season.
This study’s results contradict with Harl (2014), who observed that short-term protocols resulted in a longer interval to oestrus compared to long-term protocols. Harl (2014) observed that ewes receiving a CIDR treatment for 14 days showed a shorter interval to oestrus. The shorter interval to oestrus observed in this study for all treatment groups could be because the more prolonged CIDR treatment period increased the possibility that the ewe’s existing corpus luteum regressed during treatment. However, short-term progesterone treatments decrease hormone usage quantities, offer the benefit of the CIDR device’s re-use (Vilariño et al., 2013) and also lead to the ovulation of high-quality follicles (Lado et al., 2016; Martinez-Ros. et al., 2018; Farahavar et al., 2020).
The similar interval to the onset of oestrus between the treatments with progesterone CIDR devices, with and without eCG, implies that both treatments stimulated a similar follicular growth pattern in ewes. Few studies have compared CIDR devices with eCG and without eCG at the end of treatment on progesterone treated ewes on the same flock or under the same conditions. An injection of eCG after CIDR removal not 48 hours before CIDR removal in this study, may explain the similarity in the interval to onset of oestrus between the groups treated with CIDR plus and without eCG. In studies where a dosage of 300 IU has been used, an increment in ovulation rate was observed (Cox et al., 2012; El-Mokadem et al., 2019; López-García et al., 2021), which resulted in an increase in the oestrous response and onset to oestrus (Swelum et al., 2018).
The addition of eCG to a progesterone protocol, which is known to increase the recruitment of new follicles, could perhaps stimulate an earlier onset to oestrus in both long and short-term progesterone treatments (Oliveira et al., 2016; Martinez-Ros et al., 2018; Biehl et al., 2019). This study’s results shows that using CIDR with or without eCG at the end of the progesterone treatment has similar effects on oestrous response and the onset of oestrus between treatment groups. Therefore, the results suggest that using CIDR alone at the end of progesterone treatment can be effective in progesterone-based oestrous synchronisation protocols during non-breeding season.
The duration of oestrus in the short-term treatment without eCG in this study, was lower than study conducted by Martinez-Ros et al (2018) during breeding season in the short-term progesterone treatment without eCG. For the long-term treatment without eCG, the duration of oestrus was also lower in this study compared to other studies (Martinez-Ros. et al., 2018) during breeding season conducted in the long-term progesterone treatment without eCG. The duration of oestrus obtained by Texeira et al (2016) during non-breeding and martinez-Ros et al (2018) during breeding season on the short-term treatment with eCG was higher than the duration of oestrus obtained in the present study in the short-term treatment with eCG. The duration of oestrus was lower for the long-term treatment with eCG in the present study than in other studies during breeding and non-breeding season (Texeira et al., 2016; Martinez-Ros. et al., 2018) performed in the long-term progesterone treatment with eCG. The progesterone treatments’ duration had no significant effect on the duration of oestrus between the treated groups in this study. The lack of a significant effect between the oestrous synchronisation protocols on the duration of oestrus may be due to similar effects of CIDR with and without eCG to induce LH surge. The mean duration of oestrus (26.5 ± 0.5 hours) found in this study is slightly comparable to that (30.07 ± 1.00 hours) obtained by Gore (2016). However, when comparing this study’s results with other studies, the duration of oestrus was shorter (Oliveira et al., 2016).
It is typical that the level of progesterone in blood increase rapidly after insertion of the CIDR device and decrease rapidly after the CIDR device’s withdrawal. In this study, the duration of progesterone or CIDR treatment did not significantly alter the serum progesterone concentration of the ewes at CIDR withdrawal and 48 hours post withdrawal. The progesterone level was similar in all the treatment groups at CIDR device insertion. Similar results have been observed in a study conducted by Vilariño et al. (2013) in sheep, who found that the progesterone levels were similar in all the treated groups at the CIDR device’s insertion. Furthermore, the progesterone level within a group was not different at the CIDR device’s removal in all groups.
Swelum et al. (2018) and Santos-Jimenez et al. (2020) observed that the CIDR insertion led to an effective increase in the serum progesterone concentration of sheep for 3 or 4 days, followed by a decrease 6 days after treatment. Furthermore, the increase in progesterone level due to insertion of the CIDR device resulted in ovarian activity inhibition via increasing the negative feedback mechanism on the hypothalamus, which further inhibits pituitary LH secretion (Smith et al., 2010; El-Mokadem et al., 2019). Hasani et al. (2018) had similar results and observed that continual exogenous progesterone administration adequately regressed the dominant follicles and suppressed the release of gonadotropin from the anterior pituitary until the time of progesterone withdrawal. Following the removal, the decline in progesterone concentration stimulated the initiation of ovarian activity through declining the negative feedback on LH secretion in the pituitary gland (A. A. Swelum et al., 2015; Manes et al., 2018; Martinez-Ros. et al., 2018). However, this study’s results +++contradict with those of Biehl et al. (2019), who observed that the level of progesterone at the insertion and withdrawal time was significantly higher in long than in short-term CIDR treatments.
The level of oestradiol concentration was significantly higher at the CIDR device’s removal and 48 hours post withdrawal; this is due to the stimulation of ovarian activity through decreasing the negative feedback mechanism on pituitary LH secretion following the decrease in progesterone concentration after the CIDR device’s withdrawal (Swelum et al., 2018). These results agree with those of Swelum et al. (2015; 2018), who observed that serum oestradiol levels were higher at the CIDR device’s removal and 48 hours post withdrawal (P > 0.05), providing an excellent advantage for fixed-time artificial insemination. It is well known that oestradiol is considered an excellent quality follicle marker during the oestrous cycle. This is because the level of oestradiol is directly proportional to the number of persistent or large follicles (Martinez-Ros et al., 2019). The duration of the CIDR treatment did not change the serum oestradiol concentration between the treatment groups at all stages of treatment. However, this may be due to the small number of ewes used for this study’s hormonal profiles. Similar results have been observed in other studies during both the breeding and non-breeding seasons (Vilariño et al., 2013; Swelum et al., 2015; Oliveira et al., 2016; Hasani et al., 2018; Swelum et al., 2018; Farahavar et al., 2020).