(I) Different etiologies of liver damage induce variant patterns of fibrosis
In a first step we compare fibrosis patterns of different etiologies to generate possible hypotheses on the generation of pericentral/septal fibrosis. Liver fibrosis patterns present as septal, biliary or pericellular types. In case of septal fibrosis, liver damage occurs in the pericentral compartment and then bridges between central veins (CV) of contiguous lobules. Repetitive (chronic) CCl4 intoxication is a well-studied animal model for septal fibrosis.
Picro-sirius red (PSR) staining of the liver after 12 CCl4 injections during 6 weeks shows bridging fibrosis between CVs, forming so-called “pseudolobules” (Fig. 1A). In biliary fibrosis, exemplified by the Abcb4KO mouse, collagen deposition starts periportal and bridges towards the adjacent portal veins in progressed disease (PV; Fig. 1B). In CCl4-induced fibrosis, crosslinked collagen fibers form a thin and sharp wall-like structure, whereas in the livers of Abcb4KO mice, collagen fibers remain scattered and build a periportal fibrosis area that bridges as a broader street net between portal fields (Fig. 1B). Early liver fibrosis in human appears in both pericentral and periportal regions (Fig. 1C) according to etiological factors, forming cirrhotic nodules in late disease stages17 (Fig. 1D). The view of the accumulated collagens of septal fibrosis in 3D shows that they form into a wall-shape structure (Fig. 1E). In conclusion, fibrosis patterns vary depending on disease etiology and type of injury. Currently, knowledge on the underlying mechanisms that explain the respective kind of ECM deposition pattern is limited. The sharp localisation of ECM in form of a narrow streak that is connecting two lobules, as present in CCl4 fibrosis, cannot be found in any disease stage of the Abcb4KO-mouse, but is representative for advanced fibrosis in human patients e.g. from NASH (Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis)/MASH (Metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis) (Fig. 1D). We analyze the spatial distribution of CCl4 metabolising (CYP2E1+) hepatocytes in correlation to collagen deposition during the dynamics of liver fibrosis by (immuno)staining of serial sections with PSR, CYP2E1 and CK19, the latter indicating bile duct epithelial cells representative for periportal locations. Thus, we observe that the fibrotic wall in CCl4-induced fibrosis is generated in the spatial region of CYP2E1+ hepatocytes, which localize around and form stripes connecting CVs, upon repetitive CCl4 injections (Supplementary Fig. 2). This indicates that the observed septal fibrosis pattern formation is associated with the dynamics of metabolic activity (CYP2E1 expression), damage, and proliferation of hepatocytes in response to the toxin-induced injury. This guides us to the main hypothesis, that the sharp fibrotic wall in septal fibrosis may be formed by compression of an initially scattered ECM, driven by mechanical forces that are exerted by the proliferating hepatocytes.
In order to handle the complexity of this scenario, and to be able to continuously integrate and exchange possible drivers of septal fibrosis patterns formation, we select a systems biology approach and develop a minimal liver Digital Twin (DT) that is able to simulate observed and hypothesized process steps leading to fibrotic scar formation, including intercellular signal processing, cell-cell communication and tissue biomechanics. The key components of the DT include different liver cell types, sinusoids, and collagen fibres (Fig. 1F), integrated in a two-hepatic lobule model for the process of fibrogenesis. We select a two-liver lobules DT, since the minimal fibrotic wall unit in septal fibrosis bridges two central veins (Fig. 1F). The micro-architecture and cell composition in the DT space unit is developed as an experimental equivalent of the starting state prior to the first administration of CCl4.
Next, we collect data to construct the spatial-temporal microarchitecture in the DT of liver fibrosis. The pursued strategy is to calibrate the DT with data on acute liver injury after a single dose of CCl4 and predict with the so calibrated DT the remodeling of liver tissue microarchitecture after repeated doses of CCl4. The predictions are then confronted with the experimental findings after repeated CCl4 injections (twice a week at days 3 and 7 of each week for 6 weeks).
(II) Experimental data-driven generation of a computational microarchitectural model for the formation of fibrotic scars resulting from acute drug-induced liver injury (DILI) following a single CCl4 injection.
Below the components of the DT are stepwise introduced, starting with the tissue microarchitecture, then extending to the hepatocytes presenting in various states, e.g. physiological, damaged (or dead), and proliferating. Following this, non-parenchymal cells, such as hepatic stellate cells and macrophages, are incorporated, along with the ECM. Each model element is outlined with its spatial depiction and potential dynamics. The chosen model constituents are crafted based on quantitative imaging of their designated structures.
A) Sinusoidal scaffold:
Previous research indicates that the sinusoidal network within the liver, often referred to as liver capillaries, sustains damage following CCl4 treatment, yet retains its principal structural framework28. Consequently, we utilize this framework as a foundational structure for the two-lobule DT. The sinusoids are conceptualized as semi-flexible chains of small spheres interconnected by springs (depicted in transparent red, Fig. 1F). This model representation enables the formulation of force balance equations for each sphere within the sinusoidal network, similar in structure to those governing the cells. Such a framework facilitates the simulation of sinusoid displacements. When neighboring cells exert compressive forces on a sinusoid, this reduces the apparent thickness of the sinusoidal diameter, thus emulating a compressive effect.
B) Hepatocytes:
To experimentally determine the fate and localization of different liver cell types, we utilize mouse livers from healthy controls and those harvested 3 days after a single CCl4 injection. This serves as a reference state to establish the initial configuration of the dynamic system. Day 3 is chosen, as it marks the initiation of fibrosis development, starting with administration of the second dose of CCl4. Following a solitary CCl4 injection, the liver undergoes complete regeneration of the lesion by day 7 (see ref28).
We quantify the proportions of healthy, necrotic, CYP2E1-expressing, and proliferating (BrdU-labeled) hepatocytes in the reference state. Initially, pericentral hepatocytes experience necrosis due to CCl4 metabolism (8.86±2.45% of the total area shows CYP2E1 positivity). Conversely, midzonal and periportal hepatocytes maintain a healthy appearance throughout the process. This is demonstrated and quantified on day 3 through HE and IgG staining (Fig. 2A, B; Supplementary Fig. 3A). Notably, the highest fraction of necrotic cells is observed 1 day after the initial dose, consistent with prior findings28.
Vanishing pericentral hepatocytes are confirmed by the complete loss of CYP2E1 positivity (Fig. 2A-C), a decrease in Cyp2e1-mRNA expression by day 2, and elevated plasma alanine transaminase (ALT) and aspartate transaminase (AST) levels on days 1, 2, and 3. Enzyme levels normalize as regeneration progresses (Fig. 2D). Necrotic regions nearly close by around day 5. CYP2E1 mRNA and protein expression do not fully return to their original levels and patterns, at least until day 30 in the regenerated liver. Moreover, a layer of midzonal peri-necrotic hepatocytes starts expressing CYP2E1 on day 3, forming a dumb-bell-shaped region connecting adjacent central veins (brownish region around the yellow center line of CYP2E1, Fig. 2A). The number of central veins connected by CYP2E1-positive cells remains elevated until day 30 in the regenerated livers (Fig. 2C). The remaining hepatocyte fraction on day 3 exhibits an increased count of BrdU/Ki-67 positive cells/nuclei, which are not uniformly distributed within the hepatic lobule, but are more prevalent in peri-necrotic areas (Fig. 2A, B, E, F; Supplementary Fig. 3A).
In the DT, each hepatocyte is individually modeled as a single unit, whereby the spatial resolution of the cell shape is made dependent on its proximity to the emerging necrotic lesion (Fig. 2G). Hepatocytes close to the lesion, interacting with the ECM fiber network during fibrosis formation, are simulated using a "deformable cell model (DCM)"23 that explicitly tracks cell shape changes (Fig. 2G, Supplementary Movie 1). Hepatocytes further away, not in contact with newly synthesized collagen fibers, are modeled using a "center-based model (CBM)", where forces on the cell are represented as forces on the cell's center. For simplicity, the shape of a cell in CBM is depicted as a sphere, as this is the shape the cell would assume in isolation.
CYP2E1-positive hepatocytes (yellow) are connecting two CV (Fig. 2G). CYP2E1-negative hepatocytes outside the lesion are classified as damage-resistant cells (green, Fig. 2G). CYP2E1-positive hepatocytes underwent cell death (necrotic cells, brown) following CCl4 injection. A portion of the remaining hepatocytes that proliferate (blue) to close the necrotic lesion is stochastically selected based on the time point after CCl4 treatment and their distance from the lesion. The spatio-temporal proliferation pattern is inferred from quantifying Ki-67-positive cells, as previously performed28. BrdU staining predominantly serves to illustrate a higher number of proliferating hepatocytes surrounding the necrotic lesions.
C) Non-parenchymal cells and the extracellular matrix (ECM):
Next, a spatial-temporal visualisation with a detailed analysis of the kinetics is conducted on HSC, recognized for their involvement in both regeneration and fibrogenesis, following a single CCl4 injection. The assessment encompasses a spatiotemporal approach, utilizing α-SMA, desmin, and PSR as markers to evaluate aHSC and total (aHSC plus qHSC), alongside ECM deposition and macrophage (Fig. 3A-E; Supplementary Fig. 4A). The spatial distribution of α-SMA-positive cells in regions between CVs at day 3 corresponds to a width of about four hepatocyte layers (80 μm, the size of the lesion; Supplementary Fig. 5). Notably, the stained area fraction for both desmin (5.54±0.48%) and α-SMA (3.73±1.57%) peak at day 3. Additionally, RNA expression levels of desmin and α-Sma are found to be upregulated on day 3.
The presence of PSR-positive fibers is mainly observed in the tunica adventitia of larger blood vessels, namely the CV, PV, and hepatic artery. Conversely, small, isolated, and scattered ECM fibers are evident on day 3 within necrotic areas. This observation aligns with the increased mRNA levels of Col1α1 and Col1α2 around this specific time point (Fig. 3D). Notably, an excessive deposition of ECM has not been previously reported in the context of acute toxic liver injury, and our study findings are consistent with this trend. This suggests that the isolated ECM fibers visualized within the necrotic region on day 3 are rapidly degraded following their production, ultimately diminishing over time during the process of liver regeneration.
In the DT, each HSC is conceptualized as a nucleus sphere linked to several chains of elastic springs, which represent the elongated protrusions of the cells. qHSCs are denoted in cyan, while aHSCs are depicted in light brown (dashed red boxes Fig. 3F). In the model, solely the aHSCs are endowed with the capacity to generate collagen fibers. These fibers congregate within the extracellular space, coalescing to form an intricate network (elaborated further in the Supplementary Information).
The ECM network is portrayed as a network of semi-flexible chains that necessitate energy to bend and compress along the bundle, effectively simulating their mechanical attributes (indicated in purple, as shown in Fig. 3F; Supplementary Fig. 6A). The density of the ECM network is contingent on the density of the collagen fibers. When the separation between two fibers, characterized by their shortest distance, falls below a specific threshold, they undergo crosslinking, illustrated by the introduction of an additional node (Supplementary Fig. 6B). The ECM network model is fine-tuned through bending and compression experiments conducted in vitro, in line with the work of Yang et al.41 (2008) and Ferruzzi et al.42 (2019). This calibration process ensures congruence between the modeled ECM network and the documented mechanical responses to bending and compressive stresses (Supplementary Fig. 6C-G).
In the next stage, we postulate that the cumulative ECM deposition is influenced by degradation processes, such as matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) secreted by resident macrophages (Kupffer cells), which act as ECM modulators. Consequently, we conduct an analysis of the spatiotemporal distribution of macrophage infiltration using F4/80 immunostaining. In healthy livers, F4/80-positive cells exhibited a predominantly uniform distribution within periportal (arrow 1 in Fig. 3A, day 0 of F4/80) and midzonal (arrow 2 in Fig. 3A, day 0 of F4/80) compartments, while in pericentral areas (arrow 3 in Fig. 3A, day 0 of F4/80), there are much fewer F4/80-positive cells (Fig. 3A; Supplementary Fig. 4A, B). However, at days 2 and 3 following CCl4 injection, there are many more F4/80-positive cells in the entire lobule (see exemplarily marked regions by black arrows), Supplementary Fig. 4A). This injury mediated spatial distribution of F4/80-positive cells required more than 16 days to return to a normalized state. Gene expression analysis revealed upregulated Cd68, a macrophage marker, as well as ECM modulators (Tgfβ1, Mmp9, and Timp1), within the first 4 days after CCl4 injection. Mphs engulf the bodies of necrotic hepatocytes43 and play a role in degrading collagen fibers44.
In the DT, macrophages are depicted as elastic spheres (dark blue, Mph, Fig. 3F), which upon contact, phagocytose necrotic hepatocytes and are able to degrade collagen fibers.
In summary, the experimental findings suggest a complex interplay involving hepatocytes (healthy, damaged source of DAMPs, and proliferating), qHSC, aHSC, ECM, and macrophages, forming a minimal set of building blocks to construct a dynamic model for studying the cycles of damage, regeneration/repair, and fibrogenesis after repetitive CCl4 injections (Fig. 3G). Notably, a subset of aHSC is known to revert to a quiescent state by cell communication with macrophages, and present with a “reverted” phenotype that displays a so-called memory response upon challenge with a new insult9,11,12, in this case from the 2nd injection of CCl4.
(III) Implementation of Processes Pertaining to Septal Fibrosis Formation Dynamics & Prediction of Disease Scenario
Subsequent to setting up the experimental design and observations leading to fibrotic wall formation, the DT is subjected to a simulation of six CCl4 injections over a three-week timeline (twice a week), mirroring the experimental schedule. CCl4 injections are performed at days 0 and 3 of each week, enumerating weekdays from 0 to 6. In this scheme, injections (enumerated in parenthesis) occur at days 0 (1), 3 (2), 7 (3), 10 (4), 14 (5), 17 (6), with a last histological analysis at day 20. Each CCl4 injection induces damage to the fraction of CYP2E1+ hepatocytes (Supplementary Fig. 7A), which is always reflected by upregulated AST and ALT levels in the blood of the mice (Supplementary Fig. 7B) compared to the levels in control mice (represented by time point zero in Fig. 2D).
In the experiments, only the cell layer adjacent to the necrotic lesion expresses CYP2E1 at day 3 after one CCl4 injection. The necrotic areas subsequently are restored by hepatocyte proliferation, whereby importantly, the newly generated hepatocytes are all expressing CYP2E1, indicating peri-central metabolic zonation, and therewith, sensitivity for the next CCl4 injection. CYP2E1 positive hepatocytes are now spatially organized to connect two neighboring CVs (note that the stripe of CYP2E1-expressing hepatocytes after 2, 4, or 6 injections of CCl4 is of very similar size; Supplementary Fig. 7A, C, D).
In the DT, hepatocytes filling the necrotic lesion are assumed to express CYP2E1. The reestablished CYP2E1-positive pattern guides the progression of damage over time and space, therewith shaping the spatial DAMP concentrations and ensuing responses, including recruitment of HSC and Mph, deposition of ECM, as well as compensatory hepatocyte proliferation, in order to repeatedly restore the lesion.
The proliferation profile is parameterized based on Ki-67 staining quantification on day 3 after the first CCl4 injection, consistent with previous studies28. Experimental quantification and spatial localization of hepatocyte proliferation after repeated CCl4 injections revealed that the healthy hepatocytes enter the cell cycle for proliferation. The proliferation rate is highest adjacent to the lesion and decreases gradually with increasing distance from the lesion (Fig. 2F).
A) DT predicts intermediate chicken-wire pattern:
In the DT, compromised CYP2E1-expressing hepatocytes are assumed to serve as the source of DAMPs, which among others attract HSC (Supplementary Fig. 8A, B), causing their activation and migration into the lesion. These HSCs eventually produce collagen fibres, initially distributed in a so-called “chicken wire” pattern, and captured by our model as shown in Supplementary Fig. 8C, D. In the experimental context, scattered fibers are observed a week after the second CCl4 injection, which progressively organize into a well-defined fibrotic wall after 4-6 doses. The collagen deposition pattern goes along with the spatial pattern of the desmin and α-SMA expressing cell population (Supplementary Fig. 9A). The temporal pattern of the mRNA expression of the ECM genes collagen 1α1 and 1α2 shows a similar increase as those of Desmin, α-SMA, Cd68, Mmp9 and Timp1 at RNA and protein levels (Supplementary Fig. 9B, C, D). No further accumulation of HSCs is found in response to doses from 4-6 CCl4 injections as shown in protein and mRNA levels of α-SMA.
The mechanism mediating spatial organization of secreted collagen fibres and its dynamic alterations to finally develop fibrotic walls is unknown. We hypothesize that the enzyme CYP2E1 is most probably shaping the overall spatial patterning of the ECM, as well as the occurrence of the ECM producers (aHSC), defined by desmin and α-SMA staining, even though it remains relatively disperse (Supplementary Fig. 9A). To test this hypothesis, we simulate the entire process of repeated CCl4-injections and the downstream events this triggers in the DT. We study six alternative scenarios (S) of collagen fibres deposition: (S1), as single fibres; (S2), as single fibres anchored to the nearest sinusoids; (S3), as crosslinked single fibres; (S4), as crosslinked single fibres anchored to the nearest sinusoids; (S5), as collagen fibres, which are firstly deposited as single fibres and then gradually crosslinked; (S6), as collagen fibres that are firstly deposited as single fibres anchored to the nearest sinusoids and are then gradually crosslinked (Supplementary Fig. 10A). In order to investigate how sensitive the collagen network in each of the scenarios is in response to biomechanical forces exerted by proliferating hepatocytes, we first simulate a simplified lesion without HSCs and Mphs in a stripe inside the two-lobules system with the DT (Supplementary Fig. 10B-D) for a time frame of 21 days.
B) Repeated rounds of CCl4-injection result in fibrotic wall formation in DT simulations through mechanical compression by hepatocyte proliferation:
The total mass of collagen fibres is initialized homogeneously distributed in the lesion region. There is no fibre deposition or degradation during the simulation. All collagen fibres are generated immediately after the first CCl4 injection. To pre-estimate the maximum density that the produced collagen adopts in the striped space, which we assume corresponds to the collagen density required for the formation of the experimentally observed fibrotic wall, different densities as described in the literature27 (0.4, 1.0, and 2.0 mg/mL) are tested in the simulations with the DT. Surprisingly, every time a wall-like fibrotic structure is resulted at day 20 after 6 repeated CCl4 injections. Nevertheless, some of the simulated scenarios exhibit variations in thickness, appearing either thinner or thicker than what is observed in the experimental data (see Supplementary Fig. 10B-G for details). Additional information regarding the extensive testing of various collagen densities can be found in the Supplementary Information section titled "Organizational Structure of the Collagen Network." This supplementary section provides detailed insights into the evaluation process of different collagen densities and their impact on the simulation results. Ultimately, scenario 5, which exhibits a collagen density of 1.0 mg/mL, closely resembles the experimental data and is chosen for further simulations and analysis. This scenario's plausibility stems from the concept that aHSCs generate and accumulate ECM fibers, which subsequently crosslink to form a comprehensive ECM network.
Following the selection of a plausible collagen density scenario (scenario 5) based on its similarity to experimental observations, the next step involved incorporating macrophages into the DT Model. This is done considering the dynamic changes in the numbers and distribution of F4/80-positive-stained Mph (dark blue; Fig. 3F and G). The assumption here is that these Mphs digest collagen fibers upon contact. Consequently, in the DT, collagen fibers start being generated by aHSC after the second CCl4 injection, followed by digestion of these fibers by Mphs within the lesion. After six doses of CCl4 injection in DT (Fig. 4A), the total amount of deposited collagen is experimentally quantified by measuring the PSR positive area over time (Fig. 4B).
In the DT, the interplay of ECM production (α-SMA positive cells), digestion (F4/80 positive cells), and biomechanical forces from hepatocyte division collectively modulate the thickness of the ECM network. This modulation is reflected in the changes of the gyration diameter, which captures the width of the collagen distribution, with the maximum distribution approximately aligned with the fibrotic streak connecting neighboring CV. This gyration diameter decreases from 46µm after the second CCl4 dose to about 20µm after 6 doses of CCl4, ultimately shaping the collagen network into a well-established fibrotic wall (Fig. 4C, D). This intricates interplay leads to the formation of the characteristic fibrotic patterns observed in experimental data (Fig. 4E; Supplementary Movie 2).
C) Repeated rounds of CCl4-injection in the experiments support DT-predicted scenario
In a parallel setup mirroring the chronic liver injury scenario over 3 weeks with two CCl4 injections per week, each CCl4 injection results in cell death of CYP2E1-expressing hepatocytes localized in the lesion (Supplementary Fig. 7A). PSR staining reveals that single collagen fibers are deposited in the liver starting from day 3 after the first CCl4 injection, gradually accumulating in the necrotic region after two doses, and coalescing into thick bundles after 4 doses (Fig. 4E). Following 6 doses of CCl4, a clear wall-shaped fibrosis pattern is established, spanning between, and surrounding the CVs. This sequential order of collagen fiber accumulation, along with the spatiotemporal distribution of fibers and aHSCs, is successfully simulated by the DT model (Fig. 4D, E). aHSCs migrate into the lesion following the first dose and accumulate over time in the region, where the wall-shaped collagen network is formed after 6 doses of CCl4 (Supplementary Fig. 9A). This accumulation of aHSCs is also reflected in the quantification of the α-SMA positive cell fractions over time (Fig. 4F).
As indicated by HE staining (Supplementary Fig. 7A), tissue infiltration of cells with small nuclei is observed in and around fibrotic areas. Some of these cells are Mphs, whose spatial distribution follows a pattern similar to aHSC as shown by F4/80 positivity. The accumulation of positively stained Mphs in the fibrotic region is confirmed by F4/80 staining after two doses of CCl4. After 4 doses, Mphs start to accumulate in wall-like patterns, linking CVs after 6 doses that in the 2D sections look like streaks (Supplementary Fig. 9A). Quantification of F4/80 positive cells indicates that the Mph numbers remain relatively stable after the second CCl4 dose (Fig. 4F). This stability is supported by RNA data, which show no further upregulation of Cd68, Mmp9, or Timp1 expression (Supplementary Fig. 9D).
In the DT, it has been established that Mphs migrate toward the gradient of DAMP concentrations following the first CCl4 dose and locate around the lesion in a scattered manner, even after 6 doses of CCl4 (Fig. 4D). Furthermore, the number of Mphs in the lesion is defined by the F4/80 positive fraction (Fig. 4F), which increases after the first CCl4 injection.
In summary, the spatiotemporal distribution patterns of the collagen network, aHSC, and Mph simulated by the DT align well with the experimental observations. The DT predicts that a gradient of DAMPs derived from CYP2E1-expressing cells determines the localization of ECM deposition around and between the closest CVs.
(IV) Spatial distribution of cells expressing CYP2E1 drives ECM deposition through the release of DAMPs, while the division of hepatocytes shapes the resulting pattern of ECM deposition.
In order to elucidate the origin of the observed patterns in ECM deposition, cells expressing CYP2E1 are pinpointed as the source of DAMPs, both temporally and spatially. In cases of acute liver injury induced by CCl4, the proportion of CV connected by CYP2E1-expressing hepatocytes increases from day 3 to average 2 connections per CV and remains constant until at least day 16 (Fig. 2C, Supplementary Fig. 3B). Surprisingly, in chronic liver injury, the majority of CVs display 3-4 connections with CYP2E1+ hepatocytes after 6 doses), which is 3-4 connections more than 3 days after the first injection (Supplementary Fig. 7D, and 2 connections more than 4 days after the first injection (Fig. 2C). The identified pattern of CYP2E1+ cells is integrated into the DT as a source of DAMPs for subsequent CCl4 injections (Supplementary Fig. 3A and 8A). Within this framework, the model predicts that spatial DAMPs lead to ECM deposition by attracting aHSC and Mph (Supplementary Fig. 3A, 4A, 8B, Supplementary Movie 3).
To test whether the spatial distribution of dying/damaged/stressed hepatocytes influences the shape of the observed collagen network, we conduct perturbation simulations (Fig. 5A). For instance, we consider a scenario with randomly distributed CYP2E1+ hepatocytes after the second CCl4 injection (Perturbation 1; P1, Fig. 5A), as compared to the reference case, where CYP2E1-expressing hepatocytes are confined to the lesion. In this case, the resulting collagen network has a larger diameter and a more homogeneous distribution of collagen fibers (without forming a wall pattern), unlike the reference case (P1, Fig. 5B, C, Supplementary Movie 4).
To experimentally validate the DT simulation for P1, mice with altered spatial and absolute expression of CYP2E1 are tested. This is achieved by deletion of GATA4 from the endothelial cell.In these mice, removal of the transcription factor GATA4 (GATA4LSEC-KO) from endothelial cells45 results in reduced Wnt2 expression. Wnt2 is a well-known upstream regulator of CYP2E1 expression46. Therefore, these mice show a reduction of CYP2E1 positive hepatocyte fraction due to reduction of Wnt2 expression from LSEC (Fig. 5D, E). These mice underwent chronic CCl4 intoxication with2 injections per week for 3 consecutive weeks. The resulting Cyp2E1+ hepatocyte pattern as known from the control mice is disrupted in chronic CCl4-treated GATA4LSEC-KO mice, presenting with a more randomly distributed pattern (Fig. 5F). As predicted, the ECM deposition pattern is also compromised in 75% (6 out of 8) of the tested GATA4LSEC-KO mice, showing a more uniformly distributed perisinusoidal fibrosis, as compared to control mice displaying the septal pattern (Fig. 5F). This perturbation experiment suggests that the spatial distribution of CYP2E1+ cells is responsible for the septal fibrosis patterns that develop in the mouse liver due to chronic CCl4 injections.
We also conduct in silico perturbations targeting hepatocyte proliferation, HSC activation, and Mph phagocytic activity, comparing the outcomes with the reference DT model (Fig. 5A). To assess the impact of biomechanical pressure from dividing hepatocytes on collagen organization, we run the DT simulation by excluding hepatocyte proliferation for 21 days (P2). The model predicts that fewer hepatocytes would be present in the lesion compared to the reference model. Interestingly, the same amount of deposited ECM in the injured regions fails to form a fibrotic wall, as observed in the reference model after 6 doses of CCl4. The collagen network diameter is much larger compared to the reference case (P2; Fig. 5B, C, Supplementary Movie 5). The relationship suggesting that fewer hepatocytes lead to a wider ECM network supports the conclusion that hepatocyte division is a significant driver of the experimentally observed septal fibrosis pattern, likely through biomechanically displacing and compressing the ECM fibres, which is absent in absence of hepatocyte proliferation (Supplementary Fig. 10B, C, D).
In another scenario, we investigate the influence of HSC phenotypes and activities on fibrosis pattern development and shaping. We conduct three independent perturbations. In the reference model, 50% of aHSCs undergo apoptosis while 50% revert to a quiescent state during regeneration (as determined in previous experimental studies11). In one perturbation, we assum that 70% of aHSCs become apoptotic (P3). In a second perturbation, aHSC migration is set to 0% (P4), and in a third perturbation, 100% of aHSCs convert to a quiescent phenotype (P5). These perturbations are simulated with the DT for 3 weeks, involving 6 CCl4 injections. In P3, the total number of deposited collagen fibers is significantly reduced, because 70% of aHSCs are lost after each round of CCl4 injection, resulting in 40% fewer aHSCs in the perturbation model compared to the reference model, thus leading to less collagen deposition (P3, Supplementary Fig. 11; Supplementary Movie 6). In P4, there are fewer collagen fibers distributed along the lesion boundary, because HSC lacking migratory activity remains in their original position (P4, Supplementary Fig. 11; Supplementary Movie 7).
As a consequence, fewer HSCs accumulate in the center of the lesion compared to the reference. In P5, collagen fiber deposition begins earlier compared to the reference model, around day 1.5 versus day 3 (Fig. 5B). This occurs because reverted HSCs are more responsive to DAMP-mediated activation. Perturbations P3 and P4 result in a compromised ECM deposition pattern, whereas P5 leads to the same dense fibrotic wall in the center of the lesion after 6 CCl4 injections. Although collagen fibers are generated earlier as compared to the reference, they are scattered within the lesion. The wall structure does not form earlier. This is evident in the gyration radii, where those of P3 and P4 are much larger, whereas that of P5 is very similar to the reference model. The HSC-directed perturbations do not noticeably affect the number of hepatocytes in the lesion (Fig. 5B, Supplementary Movie 8). In summary, the HSC-directed model perturbations suggest that the HSC phenotype primarily impacts the absolute amount of ECM deposition, while HSC migration is crucial for the formation of the septal fibrosis pattern.
Finally, we assess the phagocytic and migratory effects of Mph and conducted two separate Mph related perturbations with the DT. Mphs are transitioned to Ly6Clow after 5 days following each CCl4 injection, instead of the 12 hours as evident in the reference model (P6), or they are assumed to be deficient in migration ability (P7; Fig. 5A). Simulation P6 results in increased collagen fiber presence in the injured regions without altering the wall structure formation pattern (Fig. 5C; Supplementary Movie 9). Simulating Mph migration deficiency (P7) leads to the formation of a looser and more broadly distributed collagen fiber network (Fig. 5A, Supplementary Movie 10). Furthermore, the amount of deposited collagen increases, because the number of Mphs available in the lesion to degrade collagen fibers is decreased (Supplementary Fig. 11). The gyration radius of the collagen network in simulations P6 and P7 is slightly larger than that in the reference model (Fig. 5). Perturbations P6 and P7 have no impact on the number of hepatocytes in the lesion (Fig. 5B). The perturbation results indicate that Mph activity has a minor effect on the development of the septal fibrosis pattern.
In conclusion, we propose that the septal fibrosis pattern observed in CCl4-induced chronic liver disease in mice is primarily driven by the spatial distribution of CYP2E1+ hepatocytes, HSC activation and migration, and is shaped by mechanical pressure resulting from dividing hepatocytes.