Smaller social environments, as those modeled by the Non-random treatment, increase the opportunity for specific interactions between individuals and allow for greater prior knowledge in regard to decision-making. These are considered preconditions for the evolution of cooperation (Trivers 1971). Animal examples of cooperative behavior in smaller social groups come from vampire bats (Wilkinson 1984), where interaction opportunities were positively associated with cooperative feeding behavior, and from meercats (Rotics and Clutton-Brock, 2021), where larger social environments resulted in some loss of cooperation among individuals. Smaller social groupings are considered necessary prerequisites for increasing the probability of the evolution of cooperation (Ale et al. 2013). In general, the observed treatment effects, greater percentage of cooperation in the smaller group setting (Non-random), conforms with expectation regarding the evolution of cooperation.
Observed cooperation was low in both treatments (31.9%-45.9%), but not unexpected given game constraints regarding restrictions on the number of rounds players would interact. Though the number of interaction rounds varied from three to five, at the discretion of the game administrator, for any given class period the number of interaction rounds was set. This allowed students to develop end-game strategies that incentivized non-cooperation strategies. For example, pairwise cooperation in early rounds created an environment in which the first player to choose non-cooperation (defect) would be rewarded (Selten and Stoecker 1986). When there is a known finite number of rounds non-cooperation is considered an evolutionary stable strategy (ESS) (Axelrod and Hamilton 1981). Our overall percent cooperation results align with previous findings with multiplayer iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma game play (Grujic et al. 2012) where percent cooperation was approximately 30%, similar to random treatment observed percent cooperation, and to findings with global competition, a reward scenario similar to the one used in the present study, in which 44% cooperation was observed (West et al. 2006), similar to non-random treatment results.
Decision-making was observed in the context of two well-described PD game strategies: Tit-for-Tat (TFT) and Pavlov (Axelrod 1980, Axelrod and Hamilton 1981, Nowak and Sigmund 1993). Both strategies use prior knowledge to inform subsequent decisions, but do it in different ways. TFT starts with cooperation then replies in kind to the previous decision of the partner such that previous partner cooperation results in subsequent cooperation, and previous non-cooperation results in subsequent non-cooperation. Pavlov is considered a “win-stay, lose-shift” strategy (Nowak and Sigmund 1993) in which prior knowledge is used to maximize payoffs such that the winning decision for cooperation (when the partner also cooperates) or non-cooperation (when the also partner cooperates) results in the same behavioral decision the following round (win-stay). Any other combination, which results in the lowest point value for that decision, results in the behavioral shift the following round (lose-shift). While TFT is based on reciprocation, Pavlov is based on reward.
Both treatments suggested student players were much more likely to employ TFT-like decision making behavior, rather than Pavlov (Fig. 4). TFT is considered an ESS when prior knowledge plays a significant role in decision-making (Ale et al. 2013). In our game-play environment the Non-random treatment is assumed to have greater prior knowledge, as is the higher round number. Consistent with expectation higher round numbers resulted in higher frequencies of TFT (Fig. 4). However, the Non-random treatment did not result in higher TFT frequency compared to the random treatment. The Non-random treatment TFT plateau reached in round 3 may reflect a limit to reciprocal altruism in the face of an alternative Pavlov strategy. It should be noted that strategic game play was not discussed when the game was initiated in the classes. Students were left to discover decision-making strategies on their own.
Instructional content assessment scores, though low overall, showed significant post-game play gains (Fig. 5). Georgia Gwinnett College is a relatively new (established 2006) undergraduate degree granting institution in the University System of Georgia (USG). As such, assessments play an outsized role in the administration of educational content and policy. There may be some form of “assessment fatigue” among students that partially explains the overall low assessment scores. However, significant gains in content comprehension suggest PD game play and instructional methodology are effective educational tools regarding content related to the evolution of cooperation. Student responses to a qualitative assessment of the PD game were positive regarding ease of use, enjoyment, and application (Fig. 6). Using a Likert scale, students agreed with the statements “I think the game is easy to use”, and “I enjoy playing the game”. Students also found the game was applicable to their comprehension of instructional content, in general, and to the evolution of cooperation specifically. These results are not surprising given the wealth of data supporting active learning, in general, as useful tool for undergraduate engagement and comprehension (Michael 2006, Russell et al. 2015), and the PD game, specifically, in terms of education related to more advanced concepts related to conflicts of interest (Dennis 2015, Bruno et al. 2018).
The PD game is an active practice for students that can illustrate the conditions for the evolution of cooperation- namely prior knowledge and a considered response to cooperation or non-cooperation. Given the limitations of the game initiated at Georgia Gwinnett College, several future developments may be useful for further analysis of cooperative decision-making behavior, and education in evolution. Due to the end-game strategy option mentioned previously, which encourages non-cooperation (Selton and Stoecker 1986), increasing the number of interaction rounds per game may be useful for gauging the effect of end-game strategies on the evolution of cooperation. Another development that would involve a significant modification to the game would be to include a punishment option, in which players could choose to punish non-cooperative partners, at a cost, that would result in point deductions, similar to punishment options Leighton (2014) describes for public goods games. Punishment options provide the opportunity to disincentivize the temptation to not cooperate (Burguillo 2010). For a more complete analysis of the pedagogical efficacy of the PD game a control treatment in which the same instructional content, and preferably the same instructor, without the PD game could be used as a comparison to the experimental treatment. It may also be useful in future iterations of the PD game to incorporate periodic debriefing sessions (Bruno et al. 2018) in which students are encouraged to discuss applications of the game and strategic game-play options.