The aim of the current study was to analyse sex- and age-related differences in the development of motor coordination skills considering the subject’s ability to master the technique of basic tennis ball strokes.
In the current study, for the first time, an attempt was made to answer the question of how motor coordination skills change in 10-, 11-, and 12-year-old girls and boys at quarterly intervals in the annual training cycle and whether there are significant sex-related differences. Significant quarterly changes in all motor coordination skills of all tennis players were noted, regardless of sex. Data analyses revealed the largest annual change (42.2%, p<0.01) among 10-year-old tennis players in the balance test performance. In turn, among 11- and 12-year-olds, the largest annual change in performance was observed in the 100-ball test and wall game test equal to 27.89% (p<0.01) and 21.50% (p<0.01), respectively. This indicates that along with gaining tennis expertise, special preparatory training that incorporates technical aspects is important by coaches and players. The main reasons for the improvement of motor coordination skills of the examined groups of girls and boys were a substantial amount of training dedicated to shaping motor coordination during each training session on the court, and also changes resulting from biological development. It was previously shown that 11–14-year-old elite tennis players had better motor coordination skills than club-level tennis players [37], mostly as a result of a higher training volume.
The rate of 1-year developmental changes in simple and complex reaction times, hand–eye and plate tapping tests, measured by the beta coefficient, was highest in 12-year-old players. This indicates that fast-paced manual tasks are most susceptible to training later in the tennis training process. This could be explained by the maturation of the nervous system, wherein both, the myelination process and increasing axon diameter [38, 39] provide faster neuromuscular communication [40].
In a previous study, Kramer et al. [7] investigated 3-year changes in, among others, agility using the spider test, among 14–16-year-old tennis players. Overall, the 14–16-year-olds performed better than our participants who were younger (10–12 years old). However, the performance improvement over 1 years was more rapid in 10–12-year-olds than that in 14–16-year-olds, both boys (10% vs. 5.3%) and girls (7% vs. 2.5%). This indicates that the importance of development of unspecific agility performance declines or reaches an optimal level at 14-16-year-olds. This was supported by our observations with 10-year-old tennis players who showed the most rapid 1-year development of this skill, based on the beta coefficient of linear regression of quarterly changes. It should be pointed out that in the current study, measurements over 1 years consecutive years were derived from different participants, while in Kramer et al. [7], the longitudinal study was conducted in the same group.
In the overall European population, except for the balance, plate tapping, and sit-and-reach tests, the physical fitness of 10–12-year-old boys measured by the Eurofit test is better than that of peers [41]. In the current study, regardless of the repeated quarterly measurement, the Spalding, 100-ball, and wall game test results of 10-, 11-, and 12-year-old boys were significantly better than those of girls. In addition, 11 and 12-year-old male tennis players performed significantly better in the Spider test and plate tapping test than female tennis players. Considering the plate tapping test, it was shown that in the European population, until the age of 12, girls perform better than boys but the advantage of boys then increases, year upon year. In relation to that, the current study suggests that tennis training probably accelerates the typical development of this motor coordination skill among boys by approximately 1 year. This is in accordance with another study, which reported a better plate taping performance of 10–12 years male tennis players [42]. Of note, among 12–13-year-olds, tennis players as well as untrained peers, the tapping test performance decreased over the time period of 1992–2008; however, it is difficult to compare that to the outcomes of the current study, as we used the Eurofit test instead of counting the number of taps in 20 s [43]. The populational sex difference was also apparent with respect to the balance skills, with the girls performing slightly better across 10–12-year-olds and even older adolescents [41]. The same was observed here and was comparable to the finding of another study [42], yet the difference between boys and girls did not reach statistical significance. Finally, girls exhibited faster rate of 1-year development than boys, regardless of the age group.
The Spalding and spider tests are used for agility evaluation, wherein the former incorporates a short (8–10 m) sprinting section and is similar to the Eurofit’s 10´5 m shuttle run. Overall, the reported agility test performance of 10–12-year-old boys is better than that of girls [41]. The same outcome was observed in the current study; however, in the spider test, only 11- and 12-year-old boys performed better than girls. Better agility test performance among young male tennis players has also been reported in other studies [7, 44-47]. This observation could be explained by the nature of the spider test which, in comparison to other agility tests, also incorporates in the assessment the dexterity aspect of grabbing and placing the tennis ball on the designated spot (tennis racket): as mentioned above, 10-year-old female tennis players perform fast-paced dexterity tasks (plate taping test) better than 10-year-old male tennis players. Further, the rate of 1-year developmental changes in the Spalding test performance of male tennis players was higher than that of girls, regardless of the age group.
In the current study, 12-year-old female tennis players performed better than boys of the same age in only one motor coordination test, i.e. the hexagon jump test. This was similar to the findings of Roetert et al. [44], and was also reported for 14-year-old tennis players [46]. By contrast, Myburgh et al. [48] reported no sex-associated differences among 10–12-year-old elite tennis players performing the hexagon jump test. It appears that the performance of repeated jumping tasks by young female tennis players was slightly better because of better jumping precision, as they scored less errors during the hexagon jump test than boys. This was also apparent in the jump rope test, wherein 10-year-old female tennis players performed better than boys. Similar was observed among the 12-year-olds, but the difference with boys did not reach statistical significance. Analysis of the beta coefficients of 1-year quarterly changes in the performance of jump rope test revealed that the rate of development was the lowest among 12-year-old female tennis players, probably because they have achieved an optimal potential earlier than other groups.
In the current study, the 12-year-old male tennis players also performed better than girls in the simple and complex reaction tests, and in the Starosta’s test. It was previously shown that the simple reaction time of boys is better than that of girls, with the major improvement in this skill between the ages of 9 and 11 [49, 50]. However, Lynn and Ja-Song [51] pointed out that that is true only in terms of the movement speed not the decision time. For the Starosta’s test, data on children and adolescents are lacking; however, young untrained male adults also perform better than females [52]. Interestingly, while 12-year-old female tennis players performed relatively worse in the complex reaction test, they showed higher 1-year rate of development of complex reaction performance, regardless of the age group. This suggests that girls were catching up with the development level of this particular motor coordination skill that boys have achieved earlier.
Furthermore, the 10–12-year-old male tennis players performed better in many of the investigated motor coordination tests (e.g. 6/10 tests in the case of 12-year-old boys), and were also more skilled in terms of tennis-specific coordination tests: the 100-ball and wall game tests. These findings are in opposition to those of Theodoros et al. [53], who reported no difference between male and female tennis players in terms of the accuracy of backhand, forehand, and service strokes. This could be explained by the notion that the 100-ball test equally evaluates the accuracy and impact strength, and male tennis players exhibit higher muscle strength and, as a result, higher acceleration of the tennis ball, than female tennis players. The quarterly change analysis revealed that among 12-year-olds, girls exhibited a higher rate of technical skill development in the 100-ball test than boys. To an extent, this could be explained by some maturation processes that take place earlier in girls than in boys. Nonetheless, their performance was much worse than that of 12-year-old male tennis players. It should be also noted that the observed sex-associated differences in the developmental changes in the coordination motor skills and special fitness of tennis players occurred while boys and girls were following the same sports training program in tennis and physical education.
It appears that the 100-ball test involves more of the tested motor coordination skills than the wall game test. Interestingly, female tennis players seemed to rely on motor coordination to a greater extent than males, especially in tests involving agility and precision, e.g. hexagon jump, jump rope, and hand–eye tests. As mentioned earlier, the 100-ball test has a muscle strength component, and thus boys probably rely on this factor more than girls. On the other hand, the wall game test relies almost exclusively on the agility aspects of motor coordination in terms of as are the Spalding, spider, hexagon, and Starosta’s tests, which focus on the ability to change the direction of movement.
One of the limitations of the current study is that we did not control for the children’s maturity status and, hence, some of the outcome could be influenced by puberty, especially among girls. However, based on the analysis of physical characteristics of the investigated age groups, no differences in stature or body mass were apparent between boys and girls in any particular age group. Therefore, their puberty status was similar and the impact of physical development should have been comparable in both sexes.