The morbidity and mortality associated with shunt infection is a significant concern. As most shunt infections occur intraoperatively[9], prompting the development of standardized protocols aimed at reducing such occurrences. Despite the differences in the components of the protocols, various studies have demonstrated that adherence to a standardized protocol leads to a decrease in infection rates. Within the last decades, protocols used in KBC Zagreb University Hospital in Croatia, protocol of des Enfants Hospital in France, no-touch technique protocol of University of Florida Health Science Center, sterile protocol of Erasme Hospital of Belgium, Calgary Shunt Protocol, protocol of Great Ormond Street Hospital, and HCRN protocols, could significantly reduce the rate of shunt infection[4, 10, 16, 17, 29, 30, 32, 38, 44]. Even though, it remained unclear whether the results of adhering to a standardized protocol could be generalized to centers in LMICs, with lower standards of care and hygiene. To address this gap, this study proposed an institutional protocol, established based on the published evidence, to fit the available resources and infrastructures. The results of the study demonstrated that adhering to the adapted protocol (figure-1) resulted in the 6-month infection rate of 8.5% and overall infection rate of 10.5%, following first-time VPS insertion in a high-volume center of a LMIC. Although no pre-protocol rate is available for comparison, the 6-month infection rate of 13.3% in a series of infants who formerly underwent VP shunting in this center was used as a reference for comparison[27]. Although, it cannot be determined whether this decreased rate is attributable to either amendment of protocol or improved attitude of surgical staff about preserving sterility.
Importantly, patient age at the time of surgery was the only variable which was independently associated with shunt infection, consistent with previous studies investigating shunt infection risk factors [9, 38, 41]. Patients who experienced shunt infection following first-time VPS insertion had a significantly higher number of further inserted shunts and revision rates, underscoring the potential burden of such complications on both the healthcare system and patients.
Institutional modified Protocol compared to HCRN protocol
Our study introduced some additional items to those outlined in the HCRN protocols [16, 17].
The air conditioner was turned off before surgical site preparation and unpacking surgical instruments. The effect of different air conditioner systems on surgical site infections is debated. The working principle of standard systems is the suction of operation room air and introduction of filtered air to the operation room [40, 43]. but such air filters are lacking in the ventilation systems used in our center. Although modern laminar flow air conditioning systems have been shown to reduce airborne bacteria [40, 43], conventional air conditioning systems utilized in our center may cause higher infection risk. Hence, the air conditioner keeps off during the procedure. Otherwise, the lack of air filtering in proper directions, which theoretically helps reducing the burden of airborne bacteria, would have acted as a factor increasing the rate of infection in our series.
Suction devices were not utilized throughout the procedure, since it was assumed that suction devices would have high rates of bacterial colonization which increases the risk of surgical field contamination [19, 31]. However, there is no strong evidence to show that removing suction devices has any independent role in reducing postoperative infection.
In HCRN protocols, chlorhexidine and isopropyl alcohol were used for preoperative skin disinfection [16, 17, 44]. In the current study, Povidone-iodine was utilized as the main disinfectant for surgical site preparation due to lower cost and better accessibility, added to the broad spectrum of coverage [22]. Though the potential risk of neurotoxicity of chlorhexidine has been previously proposed [8, 24], disinfectant agents never come to direct contact with nervous tissues during shunt surgeries, and chlorhexidine has been safely used by HCRN groups and other centers. Several studies had demonstrated that chlorohexidine was superior disinfectant to povidone-iodine for preoperative disinfection [8, 24, 26]. Accordingly, the study on Calgary Protocol proved that chlorhexidine was associated with fewer shunt infections than iodine-based skin preparation [44]. Consequently, one probable reason for more shunt infections in our center could be applying povidone-iodine instead of chlorohexidine/alcohol. Nevertheless, Okamura et al applied povidone-iodine as the disinfectant agent, and demonstrated no shunt infection after shunt protocol administration [28]. Therefore, a definitive verdict about this issue requires further studies.
Preoperative antibiotic administration has been recommended by World Health Organization (WHO) as a component of the surgical safety checklist [6, 4]. Intravenous cefazoline is the most frequently used prophylactic preoperative antibiotic for neurosurgical procedures [2]. Considering the 30-minute interval to culminate following intravenous injection [21], we administered cefazoline 30 minutes prior to skin incision and continued 24 hours postoperatively. The adapted protocol recommended impregnating the shunt devices in antibiotic (Gentamycin), added to injection into shunt system just before implantation. Nevertheless, antibiotic-impregnated catheters (AICs) are not routinely available in our center and the whole country. There are controversial results about the role of AICs in preventing shunt infection. The first HCRN protocol in 2011 did not offer AICs [17]. In 2016, the simplified 5-step protocol plus AICs showed the same infection rate as the first protocol [16]. Subsequently in 2019, Calgary Shunt Protocol, an external validation of HCRN protocol, showed that the types of ventricular catheters, including antibiotic impregnated or barium impregnated types, were not independently associated with fewer shunt infections [44]. Concurrently, perioperative protocol in Great Ormond Street Hospital incorporated AICs, and the protocol decreased the overall infections rare with no report for independent role of AICs [29]. In 2022, the third further simplified 5-step HCRN protocol, with optional use of AICs, demonstrated that AICs was significantly associated with the lower infection rate [5]. Regardless the mentioned controversial results, the lack of AICs can be a potential culprit for higher shunt infection rate in the current series.
The rate of shunt infection in the current series compared to series of other countries
The 6-month and overall shunt infection rate in this study was 8.5% and 10.5% respectively, which is consistent with studies conducted in developing countries with the infection rates of 9–13.8%[12, 18, 42]. The 6-month infection rate in a series of young infants who underwent shunt implantation in our center between 2003 and 2006 was 13.3%[27]. While a set of protection strategies was routinely followed at that era, the rate of infection has reduced in the current series. Nevertheless, the infection rate in our center is higher than the rates reported from developed countries including centers collaborating with HCRN group [5, 16, 17]. The pre-protocol infection rate in HCRN reports was 8.7% which reduced to 5.7% after the first protocol and remained at 6.0% by employing the second protocol [16, 17]. Hence, the rate of infection control in our center is similar to the pre-protocol rate of HCRN centers. There are some proposed causes for this difference, including patient’s backgrounds, difference in the overall level of hygiene, different description of infection, difference in compliance with protocol, and dissimilar materials and surgical equipment.
One possible cause of this discrepancy might be younger age of patients in this study. It is established that younger age at the time of surgery significantly correlates with the risk of shunt infection [7, 9, 41]. Therefore, the younger age of the patients (median: 5 months versus 5.2 years in the HCRN study)[17] might have acted in the opposite direction of positive effects of implementing a standardized shunt protocol. Furthermore, there was a high prevalence of hydrocephalus due to IVH of prematurity (34.9%) in the current series. Though neither original nor further HCRN studies reported the frequency of IVH of prematurity in their sample population, IVH has been previously proposed as a risk factor and might have contributed to the higher infection rates in this study.
The next probable cause can be related to the definition of shunt infection. According to HCRN, shunt infection was defined as positive CSF culture or gram stain, shunt erosion, and abdominal pseudocyst [16]. We also considered patients with anomalous CSF pleocytosis with symptoms of intracranial hypertension or shunt malfunctioning, regardless of microorganism detection.
The further possible cause of higher infection rate in the current series would be the different degrees of adherence to the protocol and the staff compliance over the time. Considering the presence of new surgical staff over time, the probable different compliance rates between this study and previous literature might be another possible reason for the higher infection rate. Though, the compliance rates for each step of the protocol were not recorded in this study. Instead, the overall protocol adherence was checked, and the procedures without overall adherence to the protocol were excluded.
The differences might originate from limitations in material and equipment. Lack of AICs and chlorhexidine disinfection were earlier discussed [5, 16, 17, 44]. Moreover, some other equipment, like disposable tunnellers, are lacking in our center. Though, the role of such devices has not been assessed so far, it can be a topic for further researches. The overall level of hygiene and social determinants of health, including socioeconomic conditions, could be of value as well.
The microorganisms of shunt infection
In line with the previous studies[11, 23, 44], staphylococci and gram-negative bacilli were the most common pathogens. However, this study highlighted a high number of shunt infections by C. albicans. One of the most common source of candida infection would be colonization of EVD [3]. However, those with prior EVD placement were excluded from this study. The Predominance of IVH of prematurity in this series is another factor which may contributed to this finding[1, 25]. Other well-known causes for candida shunt infection include excessive use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, immunocompromised state, and indwelling urinary and central venous catheters [1, 25], which were not accessible for analyses in this retrospective study.
Downward trend of shunt infection over time
One important finding of this study was the downward trend of shunt infection between 2011 and 2021 (Figure-2). Moreover, the infection rate in the current series was lower compared to the former series performed between 2003 and 2006[27]. This downward trend is comparable with other studies. The original HCRN shunt protocol study demonstrated that compliance rates to the shunt protocol gradually increased during the study period [16, 17]. Though the exact rates of compliance with individual protocol steps were not recorded in this study, the observed downward trend might be due to the increasing proficiency of the surgical team with the protocol steps.
Limitation and drawbacks
This study is subject to inherent drawbacks of the retrospective design, including retrospective data collection in a single high-volume center which made it susceptible to selection bias. The study was single-arm, and historical literature was used to compare the results. The compliance rate to each step of the protocol was not recorded, but the overall protocol adherence was checked and the procedures without overall adherence to the protocol were excluded. Considering the rarity of the primary outcome (37 cases), the regression analyses may lack enough statistical power.
Accordingly, future studies should check compliance rates for each step of the protocol and assess the correlation of each with shunt infection. Furthermore, assessing the compliance rates for each step to each surgical member may enhance their performance and increase the compliance to the protocol. Conducting multi-center studies may reveal the extent of generalizability of these findings to low- and medium-volume centers in different regions of the country. The consequent increase in sample size will also increase the frequency of the primary outcome and improve the statistical power of the regression analyses.