Chapter four describes the analytical methods used for the survey questionnaire data and presents the results. The analysis used a statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS v 29 and SPSS AMOS 28) to analyse the data. Firstly, descriptive statistics of the means and standard deviation samples and the multiple regression analysis using SPSS v29, whereby the multiple regression contrasts the planned hypotheses and also studies the correlations among the dependent variable y - and the independent variables x - (Blaž, Janez, et al. 2021) through the estimation of the regression r-square and coefficient that determine the influence that the variations of the (x) have on the (y) behaviour.
The model uses structural equation modelling with SPSS AMOS to create a model that validates the distinctiveness and correlations of the various variables. This analysis includes the five factors model personality traits and team members (Belbin, 2010; Barrick et al., 2012; LePine et al., 2012; Kendra, 2019) and role behaviour (Mathieu et al., 2015), job performance (Raja 2019). Therefore, to determine if personality traits do not directly correlate with project success and job performance, the two models were tested separately, with various paths to hypothesise the entire model. Bollen and Long (1993) noted the correctness of hypothesis testing in model fitting, even as the necessary distributional assumptions are attained and consistently examined.
4. 1 Descriptive Analysis with SPSS
Performing the correlation analysis between the variables shows a partial analysis with multiple regression analyses. The model tests the corresponding theory of personality traits to project success through role behaviour and job performance, measuring the fit of the regression model and the fit of the dataset. The model summary table 4.1 supported this output by indicating the hypothesis testing results, with a good observation of the data point. The R measures the strength of the linear relationship associating the independent variables and the dependent variables (Chin, 2012). R is also known as the correlation coefficient, whereby an R of one (1) value shows a strong linear relationship, and an R with a zero (0) value implies no linear relationship (Field et al., 2019). The R for this study model is .957, which implies a strong linear relationship relating to the independent variables of personality traits, role behaviour and job performance and the dependent variable of project success.
4.1.1 Evaluating the Fit of the Model.
The r-square, which is also known as the coefficient of determination, is the proportion of the variance in the dependent variable - project success that could described by the independent variables – personality traits, role behaviour and job performance. The value for R-squared ranges from zero (0), which shows that the dependent variable cannot described by the independent variables, and the value of one (1), which signifies that the dependent variable can sufficiently be described deprived of error by the independent variables. The R-squared value for this study model is 0.916, which signifies that personality traits, role behaviour and job performance can describe 92% of the variance in the project's success. This r-square value means the regression model justifies the variability observed in the target variables. Thus, the r-square is employed to confirm the percentage of the influence of the independent variables on the dependent variable.
Table 4.1. Regression Model Summary
The adjusted R-squared is the revised version of the R-squared that is adjusted for the number of independent variables in the model (Van den Cruijce and Endres 2022), often lower than the R-squared. Nonetheless, it can be helpful in evaluating the fit of several regression models. This study model adjusted R-squared is 0.908. Lastly, the standard error of the regression is the average distance that the detected values decrease from the regression line (Van den Cruijce and Endres 2022), as the observed values in this model fall an average of 0.4051 units from the regression line.
4.1.2 Analysing the Overall Significance of the Regression Model.
The ANOVA table presents the degrees of freedom, the sum of squares, mean squares, F statistics and the overall significance of the regression model. The regression degrees of freedom for this model are 10 – 1 = 9. These findings imply that the model has one intercept term, which is the dependent variable and nine (9) independent variables, making the model have a total of ten (10) regression coefficients. This computation is consistent with the proposition that regression degrees of freedom are the number that is equivalent to the figure of regression coefficients – 1. However, the total degrees of freedom df is the number to the number of observations – 1, which is 105 – 1 = 104. Observation in regression is the dataset, and the observation for this study dataset is one hundred and five (105).
Table 4.2. ANOVA
The residual degree of freedom is the number that is equal to the total df – regression df. For this output, residual degrees of freedom are 104 – 9 = 95. Meanwhile, the means squares are calculated by the regression sum of squares divided by regression degrees of freedom. Thus, in this regression, means squares = 170.097/9 = 18.899666. The residual means squares are computed by the residual sum of squares divided by the residual degree of freedoms, which in this model is 15.595/95 = 0.16415. The F statistics is computed as regression mean square divided by residual mean square, which is 18.900/.164 = 115.2439. These values are in alignment with the proposition that F statistics implies if the regression model presents an appropriate fit to the data than a model that includes no independent variables.
In principle, F statistics assays if the regression model as an entire is helpful. Largely, if no independent variables in the model are statistically significant, the overall F statistics are also not statistically significant (Field 2019). Thus, a lower corresponding p-value of (p < .001 ) indicates a statistically significant value. We presumed that there was a statistically significant difference; thus, we rejected the null hypothesis of the ANOVA.
Additionally, the p-value is correlated with F statistics to observe if the overall regression model is significant. Thus, in this model, the p-value of <0.001 is within the accepted value of 0.05 or 0.10, implying that the entire regression model is statistically significant and fits the data.
4.2. Regression Analysis
The study examined the variables from the descriptive statistics, coefficient and correlation between variables. The coefficient matrix of the variables and determination analysis defines the accuracy of the analytical model (Field 2012). The value of the coefficient is a means to measure the influence of the observed and predictor-independent variables on the variation of the dependent variable of project success. Therefore, the regression analysis shows in (Appendix 1) that the p-values of job performance p < .001 and team members p < .001 as predictor variables are statistically significant based on the solid evidence against the null hypothesis favouring the alternative. This result is consistent with Tuckman (1990) and Belbin (2010) on team composition and performance. This understanding is because team members' management is characterised by Tuckman's (1990) theory and Belbin's (2010) theory on team formation and roles, including resources, investigators, team workers, coordinators, monitors, and implementers.
This proposition provides an understanding of how employees function within their project teams. It also highlights the significance of insights and using various individual skill sets and strengths in a team. These skill sets and strengths could be linked to some dimension of personality traits. Conversely, personality traits have a p < .091, which could be seen as a borderline significant trend but more remarkable than the usual significance level of 0.05. This output of p < .091 means a probability of 9% of finding that result by chance when the variable has no actual impact.
4.3 Correlations Analysis
The outcome of this correlation analysis on these variables expresses the strong point and direction of the linear relationship involving the two variables. Pearson's r for the correlation between the personality traits value of .276 to project success shows that the correlation is positively significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed) with a p-value of .004; job performance value of .909 to project success shows a strong significant correlation at the 0.01 level (2-tailed) with a p-value of < .001; team members value of .912 to project success, which means that the correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed) with a p-value of < .001; conscientiousness value of -.201 to project success that the correlation is strong significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed) with a p-value of .040, and agreeableness value of -.229 to project success that signifies a correlation that is significant at 0.05 level (2-tailed) with a p-value of .019. These independent variables' values are positive and mean a strong relationship exists between team members, job performance, personality traits and dimensions of agreeableness and conscientiousness with the project success variable. A change in these variables strongly correlates with changes in the project's success. The sig (2-tailed ) value for team members and job performance is less than .05. Thus, we can conclude that there is a positive statistically significant correlation between these variables and project success.
Table 4.3. Correlation between Variables
Additionally, role behaviour value of .241 to personality traits shows that the positive correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed) with a p-value of 0.013, team members value of .223 to personality traits presents that the correlation is strongly significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed) with a p-value of 0.022, job performance value of .250 to personality traits indicates that the correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed) with a p-value of 0.10. However, the correlation concerning personality traits and job performance p-value is above the 0.05 threshold, which in some cases is acceptable based on the direction with the higher statistical power, such as the 2-tailed that doubles the significance level.
Agreeableness has a value of -.336 to role behaviour, showing that the correlation is a strong significant value at the 0.01 level (2-tailed) with a p-value of < 0.001. In contrast, team members' value of .826 to job performance indicates that the correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed) with a p-value < 0.001. Again, agreeableness with a value of .197 to neuroticism indicates a significant correlation at 0.05 level (2-tailed) and a p-value of 0.04. Openness with a value of .918 to neuroticism has a significant correlation at 0.01 level (2-tailed) and p-value of < 0.001. Lastly, the conscientiousness value of -.266 to job performance signifies a significant correlation at 0.01 level (2-tailed) with a p-value of 0.006. Again, a conscientiousness value of -.212 to team members indicates a significant correlation at the 0.05 level (2-tailed) with a p-value of 0.03. These independent (predictors) variables that the correlation is statistically significant in this model are consistent with the proposition by Lepine et al. (2011), Barbee (2020) and Wen et al. (2021) stated in chapter 2.1 on the impact of personality traits on job performance. Likewise, Barrick et al. (1998), Raja (2019) and Maryam (2020) argue and suggest that some dimensions of personality traits influence job performance and project success. Mathieu et al. (2015) TREO theory also supported the role behaviour impact on project success, as Belbin's (1993, 2010) contribution of team members' roles and formation in project success. For these reasons, we can conclude that there is a strong correlation between team members and some dimensions of personality traits and job performance to project success.
Given the findings, we assumed that the direction of the relationship that extraversion as one dimension of personality traits has a p-value of .137, which is not significant to project success, trigged a concern because of its characteristics that comprise sociability, assertiveness, active, and positive emotionality. These extraversion features, according to Barry and Stewart (1997), enhance performance and process (Mu et al., 2022), drive the work environment and are akin to team formation and collaboration.
4.4 Coefficient
Using the coefficient p-values to decide the inclusion of variables in the final model is an acceptable practice. This proposition explains the linear regression coefficient insight about the model as the positive coefficient shows that the increase in value of the independent variables also implies an increase in the dependent variable. The coefficient provides the number that is essential to report the estimated regression equation: Y=b0+b1x1+b2x2. For this model, the estimated regression equation is project success = -6.192+.600+-.132+.810+5.440+.106+-.147+.117+-.863+-.329 = -0.59. This value shows that each coefficient is explained as the average increase in the dependent variable for each one-unit rise in a given independent variable, believing that all other independent variables are constant. For instance, for each personality trait, the average likely increases in value by .600 points, assuming that the number of other variables and personality trait dimensions are constant.
On the other hand, the intercept (constant) is interpreted as the expected project success for team member's personality traits, role behaviour, and job performance aligned with the team collaboration and delivery. For instance, the project success score is -6.192 if the independent variables are statistically significant based on the expected p-values.
Table 4.4. Coefficient
Therefore, we can resolve that the pathway of the correlation that team members and job performance variables have on project success has a strong correlation pathway indicated by the positive value (b). This means a positive correlation exists between team members, job performance, and project success. These empirical findings are consistent with Kaplan et al. (2010) and Belbin (2010) studies that enable team members' participation and direct collaboration in an organisation.
In contrast, the negative coefficient implies that the dependent variables reduce as the independent variable increases. Additionally, Hair et al. (2010) and Pallant (2010) argued that when the maximum scale of variance inflation factors (VIFs) is less than the value of 10, that indicates no multicollinearity. Multicollinearity is the condition of very high inter-relationships between the independent variables (x), which signifies a data distribution. However, when this happens in the data, the statistical assumption decision concerning the data could not be consistent.
Therefore, to measure multicollinearity, probing tolerance and the variance inflation factors are based on the r-square value discovered by regressing a predictor on all the other predictors in the model or analysis. All the independent variables are within the accepted scale for this coefficient table, indicating no multicollinearity according to Durbin and Watson's (1971) scale range. This study has no problem with the VIF values.
4.5 Model Results with SPSS AMOS v 28.
The path diagram for this model presents the unstandardised coefficients with the covariance and slopes and the standardised coefficients of correlation and beta weights. The Chi-tests the null hypothesis that the overidentified and just-identified model fits the data. In the just-identified model, there is a direct path from each variable to each other variable but not through an intervening variable. This action could have made the Chi-square have a value of zero.
For instance, the nonsignificant Chi-square shows that the fit concerning the overidentified model and the data is not significantly flawed compared to the fit relating to the just-identified mode and the data. Thus, we can conclude that this model is a good fit because the model produces the variance-covariance matrix – correlation matrix – from the path coefficients. However, the minimum result for this study analysis was achieved with Chi-square = 12.774, degrees of freedom = 14 and probability level = .544 (See Appendix 1).
4.5.1 The Maximum Likelihood Estimates
The parameters for this model are estimated by the maximum likelihood (ML) methods rather than by ordinary least squares (OLS) methods. Bollen and Long (1993) noted that OLS methods reduce the squared deviations between the values of the standard variable and those predicted by the model. For instance, in ML, an iterative process endeavours to maximise the probability that attained values of the standard variable will be adequately predicted (See Appendix 1).
4.5.2 Standardised Regression Weights: (Group number 1 – Default model).
The path coefficients below correspond with the earlier ones obtained by multiple regression. Table 4.2 estimates of standardised regressions present that when team members go up by one (1) standard deviation, project success goes up by .543 standard deviations. When team members go up by one (1) standard deviation, job performance increases by .823 standard deviations. When team members go up by one (1) standard deviation, roles behaviour goes up by .045 standard deviations (See Appendix 1).
Additionally, when personality traits increase by one (1) standard deviation, project success increases by .046 standard deviations. These values are accepted in model fit indices of between 0.05 and 0.08, according to Hu and Bentler (1998) and Kline (2005) on AMOS confirmatory factors analysis and standard equation modelling.
4.5.3 The squared multiple correlations: (Group number 1 – Default model)
The below squared multiple correlation coefficient is in the five multiple regressions. The total impact of one variable on another can be divided into direct impacts – no intervening variables involved – and indirect impacts, that is, through one of the intervening (team members) variables (See Appendix 1).
The impact of job performance on project success. The direct impact is .447 – the path coefficient from job performance to project success. The indirect impact, through team members, is calculated (Kline 2005) as the product of the path coefficient from job performance to team members and the path coefficient from team members to project success.
4.6 Testing the Hypotheses
The regression models were applied to test the hypotheses that concentrate on the individual and team correlations with the variables, as the regression analyses also support the illustration of each dimension of the personality traits on role behaviour and job performance. Remarkably, job performance and role behaviour were regressed on the constructs related to individual and team factors to test the scope to which it connected to personality traits and project success.
4.6.1 Personality Traits and Project Success
Multiple regression was run to predict project success from the dimensions of personality traits. The study combined the sample test outcomes into one table and marked them appropriately. However, as shown in Table 4.3, the model using the personality dimensions to predict project success did not indicate a suitable model fit r-square .015, indicating that these personality traits contribute to individual and team members' project success concerns.
Hypothesis 1 is linked with driving project success by predicting the dimensions of the five factors' personality traits related to project success. To test the hypothesis, the estimated regression models with results reported in Table 4.4, coefficient with a 95.0% confidence interval (CI) bound. The sample team members were significantly linked with project success (β = .5.440, 95%, CI is 6.586 > 4.294; β = .577, 95%). These lower-level CI and upper-level CI show a high positive relationship between these variables as the accurate population correlation because the percentages demoted a high confidence level. Thus, explain the valid population parameter of the attributes of the entire sample size from the drawn sample.
This result supported hypothesis 3, indicating that team member performance predicts project success. This result aligns with job performance that conceptualised two team members' perspectives of process or action and outcome (Belbin, 2010; Kramer, 2014). that signifies how individuals perform a job, the action itself (Campbell et al., 1993; Maryam, 2020).
4.6.2 Roles Behaviour and Project Success
Multiple regression analysis was performed to predict project success from role behaviour, and the result is presented in Tables 4.3 and 4.4. Correlation and coefficient. The regression discovered that using role behaviour to predict project success created an unaccepted model fit for the sample of p < .142, which is above the standard value of 0.05. This value shows the no fit on the amount of variance in the dependent variable described by the independent variable.
However, role behaviour is assumed to predict individual and team role behaviour in project success, as indicated in Table 4.4 coefficient. The standard beta coefficient range β = -.048 and p-v .142 is no statistically significant difference to project success because the value exceeds the accepted p-value range of 0.05.
4.6.3 Job Performance Configuration and Project Success
Hypothesis 3 suggested that job performance configuration is operationalised by the mean value of team members' composition, skill sets, and teamwork, which is significantly associated with project success. The study included the mean value of job performance into the model using team members to predict project success and perceived a significant increase in the adjusted r-square value of .908. This explains that adding control variables through the mean value of job performance into the model could increase its predictive power to project success.
Table 4.4 also presents a standardised coefficient beta β = .487 and (sig) p <.001 on the job performance influence on project success. This result indicates a substantial impact on the dependent variable. Additionally, the regression coefficient implies that job performance configuration operationalised through the value of the team members' characteristics significantly predicts project success.
4.7 Chapter Summary
The analysis of the quantitative approach discovered many applicable results concerning the theorised hypotheses. This study analysis indicates that team members' characteristics with some personality traits significantly predict job performance and project success. Additionally, the results revealed that some dimensions of personality traits supported the project success relationship. When these team members' contextual factors were low, personality traits could be expressed as moderated job performance; the personality traits and team members' relationship improved when the individual contextual factors were high. The quantitative outcome established that team members and job performance configuration predicted project success, although the data did not support some hypotheses, such as role behaviour.