Study design
This is a real-life observational screening study with independent prospective validation, conducted at Rostock University Medical Center, Rostock, Germany. The design contains a large discovery cohort of postmenopausal women (aged ≥49 years) and an age-matched independent validation cohort of women with repeated seasonal follow-ups. Within the discovery cohort, we identified breath markers and corresponding quantitative cutoff values for osteoporosis risk assessment and applied those onto the validation cohort including seasonal follow-ups.
Sample size estimation in both cohorts
Sample size in each cohort was calculated via analysis of variance (ANOVA) coupled with Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons (between three groups of bone densities).
Given the high mass-resolving power of the PTR-ToF-MS used in this study, a minimal detectable difference in mean VOC intensities of 20 ncps (normalized counts pers second) allowed us to detect <5% difference in quantified trace (up to mid pptV range) concentrations of exhaled endogenous metabolites in both cohorts.
As per the real-life screening scenario and interindividual variations, we estimated a relatively high standard deviation of ± 30 ncps for the discovery cohort. Thus, in order to attain a test-power of 0.99 at 95% confidence interval (i.e., represented by a Bonferroni corrected alpha value of 0.016) the sample size of the discovery cohort resulted in 118 subjects.
Within the independent validation cohort, we applied the actual standard deviation of ±17 ncps obtained from the discovery cohort outcomes. Consequently, within the validation cohort, the alpha value of the discovery cohort was also readjusted further via Bonferroni correction and resulted as 0.005. Therefore, to achieve a test-power of 0.99 at 95% confidence interval the sample size in the independent validation cohort resulted in 45 subjects.
Recruitment of postmenopausal subjects
Ethical approvals (EA-No.: A 2017-0183 and A 2019-0040 for the discovery- and validation study, respectively) for clinical measurements were obtained from the institutional ethics committee (IEC) of Rostock University Medical Center (Germany) and all experiments were carried out in accordance with the amended Declaration of Helsinki guidelines.
All postmenopausal subjects were recruited from our clinical screening campaign of osteoporosis. Prior to participation, the study design and conduct were clearly explained to each participant by the principal investigator and a written and signed informed consent was obtained from each subject. These participants appeared to the clinic either by seeing the online advertisements of ongoing bone health screening campaign or due to a sudden radial fracture. Local travel costs of the participants were covered by institutional funds.
All recruitments and repeated (twice in a month) measurements within the discovery cohort took place from March until September 2018. The majority of these measurements were executed during the summer months (June – August 2018).
Initial recruitments in the independent validation cohort took place from October 2019 until March 2020. The majority of these initial measurements were executed during the winter months (December – February 2019). Thereafter, in order to abide by the mandatory safety regulations of the COVID-19 pandemic, we had to completely pause the follow-up measurements for 7 months. After resuming measurements during October – November 2020, these subjects were followed-up 6 months apart (during summer months of 2021) to observe any seasonal effect.
Exclusion criteria and measured parameters
In order to explicitly focus on bone health and to reduce extrinsic and intrinsic confounding factors, subjects with any severe acute or chronic comorbidity (excluding diabetes, hypothyroidism and hypertension), chronic/regular smoking and alcohol drinking habits, use of any special diet, supplement, medication (except oral medications for diabetes, hypothyroidism and hypertension) or therapy (except those with mandatory SARS-CoV-2 vaccinations and fracture treatments within the validation cohort) were excluded from final analysis. Subjects with abnormal respiratory rate (e.g., respiratory hyperventilation) were excluded. Similarly, in order to concentrate on early onset of the disease, subjects with immediate bone fracture other than in the radius were also excluded from data analysis.
Thus, we considered 120 subjects (out of 127 recruitments) from the discovery cohort and another 49 subjects (amongst 52 recruitments) from the independent validation cohort for actual data analysis and interpretations. These numbers also satisfied the above-estimated sample sizes.
After recording demography, lifestyle and clinical history related information, assessment of bone density index (via pulse-echo ultrasonography of bone) and grip strength were executed by experienced clinicians at the Dept. of Traumatology, Hand and Reconstructive Surgery. Within the next hour, real-time mass-spectrometric (PTR-ToF-MS) analysis of exhaled breath metabolites in these subjects were carried out at the Dept. of Anesthesiology, Intensive Care Medicine and Pain Therapy by an experienced medical scientist. Peripheral venous blood samples were collected for timely analysis of serum bone markers via commercially available biochemical assays at the Dept. of Pediatrics.
In case of follow-ups, approximately the same measurement time of the day was used for the same participant.
Assessment of bone density
The Bindex® device (Bone Index Finland, Kuopio, Finland) was used for determination of bone density essentially as described previously (60). Briefly, measurements were taken at the distal radius and at two positions from the ipsilateral tibia. The ultrasound probe was placed at one third of radial length, i.e., the distance between the olecranon and the ulna styloid as well as one third of the tibial length below and above the top of the medial condyle and the medial malleolus, respectively. Ultrasound gel was applied and the probe was gently moved at the region of interest (ROI) and orthogonal to the surface of the underlying bone. Per ROI three valid signals were recorded. The proprietary software provided with the instrument (Bindex® software version 2.5) translated this information together with individual data on age, weight and height into a bone density [g/cm2] and a probability of osteoporosis (12).
As per age, gender and ethnicity-based recommendations of the Bindex® software, we considered BMD scores of >0.876 g/cm2, 0.803 – 0.876 g/cm2 and <0.803 g/cm2 as normal, at risk (i.e., osteopenia) and at high-risk of osteoporosis, respectively.
Grip force monitoring
The Jamar® dynamometer (Type G200 from Biometrics Ltd., Newport, UK) was used for quantitative determination of grip force essentially as described (61). Briefly, participants were placed on a chair with the shoulder in a neutral position, the elbow 90° flexed and loosely gripping the handle of the dynamometer (62). Participants were asked to grab the dynamometer with maximum strength for 5 seconds, rest for 10 seconds and three repetitions per hand (61). The mean of three measurements was calculated and converted into Newton (i.e., equals to 0.224 pound).
Laboratory investigations
Blood was sampled in a plastic serum separator tube (Sarstedt, Nümbrecht, Germany), immediately transferred to the laboratory, allowed to clot at room temperature for approximately 20 min and centrifuged (2000 g, 15 min). Subsequently, samples were aliquoted and stored at -80°C until further analysis. In particular, the activities of the bone specific phosphatase (BAP) and tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP5b) as well as the concentrations of sclerostin, soluble α-Klotho and intact fibroblast growth factor-23 (FGF23) were determined. To this purpose, assays for BAP and TRAP5b were purchased from IDS (Immunodiagnostic Systems Limited, Boldon Colliery, UK), the ones used for quantification of sclerostin, soluble α-Klotho and iFGF23 were obtained from TECO Medical Group (Sissach, Swiss), IBL (Immuno-Biological Laboratories, Minneapolis, USA) and Kainos Laboratories (Tokyo, Japan), respectively. All assays were used essentially as described and all samples were tested in duplicate (63, 64).
Breath sampling, VOC data analysis and quantification
Spontaneously breathing postmenopausal women maintained sitting posture (65) and performed oral breathing (45) via a customized mouthpiece (66) by following our state-of-the-are sampling procedure (67). Continuous side-stream sampling (flow: 20 mL/min) from the mouthpiece was performed via the heated (75 °C) transfer-line of a PTR-ToF-MS-8000 (Ionicon Analytik GmbH, Innsbruck, Austria) under optimized conditions (68, 69). We used a PTR time-resolution of 200 ms, drift-tube temperature of 75 °C, pressure of 2.3 mbar and voltage of 610 V in order to reach the E/N ratio of 139 Td (22, 27, 55). The mass scale was recalibrated automatically based on three masses viz., 21.0226 (H3O+-isotope), 29.998 (NO+) and 59.049 (protonated C3H6O) after each minute of data accusation.
A PTR-MS viewer software (version 3.228) was used for raw data processing. VOCs were measured continuously in counts per second (cps), which were normalized onto the corresponding counts (i.e., to obtain VOC data in ncps) of the primary ion (H3O+). Breath-by-breath assignment of inspired (room air) and expired (alveolar/end-tidal) phases of breath were performed via custom-made ‘breath tracker’ algorithm (70, 71). Here, an endogenous VOC (e.g., acetone) with orders of magnitudes higher concentration in exhalation than in room air was used as the tracker mass.
We quantified the VOCs either via reaction rate constant (k-rates) between the volatile and H3O+ ion (at the E/N ratio of 140 Td) or via multi-component VOC standard mixture under breath adapted humidity and CO2 conditions by using a liquid calibration unit (LCU, Ionicon Analytik GmbH, Innsbruck, Austria)(72).
Statistical analysis
For statistical comparisons of bone health, postmenopausal subjects in either cohort were categorized separately upon BMD scores and biological age. BMD wise categorization of subjects was based on normal (>0.876 g/cm2), at risk (0.803 – 0.876 g/cm2) and at high-risk (<0.803 g/cm2) ranges of bone density scores. Age wise distributions of subjects were based on 49 – 59 years, 60 – 69 years and 70 – 90 years.
In order to observe any effect of fractures, subjects from both cohorts with old fractures (i.e., occurring >1 year before the recruitment), recent radius fracture (i.e., occurring within 12 months prior to enrolment) and without a history of fractures were categorized upon three levels of BMD sores.
In order to check the type of distribution, either by a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (where N ≥50) or a Shapiro-Wilk (where N <50) test for normality (that failed at p <0.050) was applied.
In case of parametric data, we used mean values and statistically significant differences between study groups were tested independently within each cohort by means of one-way ANOVA test followed by a pairwise multiple comparisons test via post-hoc Dunn’s method (at p <0.05) due to unequal group sizes.
In case of non-parametric data, we used median values and statistically significant differences between study groups were tested independently within each cohort by means of Kruskal-Willis H test (i.e., a one-way ANOVA on Ranks test for non-parametric data) followed by the pairwise multiple comparisons test via post-hoc Dunn’s method (at p <0.05) due to unequal group sizes.
Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were generated from the discovery cohorts, based on subject’s biological age, grip strength, bone markers and exhaled alveolar concentrations of dimethyl sulfide, allyl-methyl sulfide, butanethiol, and butyric acid. Area under the curve (AUC) and cutoff values were calculated with corresponding standard error and statistical significance (p <0.05).
Discovery cohort derived cutoff values of parameter(s) with high classification accuracy (where AUC value was >0.85, standard error was <5% and asymptotic significance level was p <0.005) were applied to predict the subjects with “BMD at high-risk” of osteoporosis within the validation cohort including follow-ups. Resulting ROC curves with corresponding test sensitivity and specificity are presented.