3.1. Study area
Cevennes National Park (CNP) is the oldest French National Park (created in 1970) located in the southern part of the Massif Central Mountain range. This inhabited park covers an area of approximately 3,000 square kilometers – including a core zone of 938 km2 – overlapping four biogeographical areas (the Causses, Cévennes, Aigoual and Mont Lozère). Because of its location in the transition zone between Mediterranean and Atlantic climates and a wide range of altitudes (from 200 to 1,500 meters above sea), CNP hosts a rich and unique biodiversity with a high rate of endemism.
Human activities, in particular pastoralism and crop cultivation in terraces, have shaped CNP landscapes over centuries. As such, CNP has been a UNESCO World Heritage site since 2011, with an explicit focus on preserving ecosystems and human activities that are part of CNP landscapes (PNC 2021). Consequently, even in the core area of CNP, the only one with permanent inhabitants in France, persevering so-called ‘traditional’ human activities such as hunting and certain agricultural practices are part of the park’s management plan (Larrère 2009). Finally, CNP is a key touristic area where people can enjoy different outdoor activities (e.g. hiking, canyoning, biking), learn about non-human entities (e.g. botany, zoology, geology), and get more familiar with the history, livelihoods and culture of CNP residents (e.g. silk, chestnut and onion cultivation, agrotourism, literature and gastronomy).
For this study, we focused on the Val d’Aigoual commune which is located in the southern part of the CNP buffer zone (aire d’adhésion in French; Fig. 1). The valley is characterized by its steep slopes and deep gorges, which have been carved over time by the Hérault and Tarn River and their tributaries. Its hilly landscapes comprise hamlets, pastoral areas, forests, terraced agricultural lands, and inhabited areas. The Aigoual Massif includes the highest peak in the Cevennes range, Mont Aigoual, which culminates at 1,567m. While the region used to be dominated by open grazing areas and is known for its silk industry (Cabanel 2013), it has been subject to a dynamic of forest encroachment since the end of the 19th century, caused by two joint phenomena. First, since 1882, different reforestation plans have been enforced by the National Forest Office, which resulted in the plantation of resinous tree species. Second, rural exodus has led to a dynamic of spontaneous afforestation in formerly cultivated terraces and grazed areas, which are now dominated by chestnut, holm oak and beech trees depending on the local environmental conditions (Cornu 2003). Even though sheep and goat-based pastoral systems persist thanks to local goat cheese markets and the promotion of the region's touristic and heritage value (Napoléone et al. 2015), CNP area harbors today a higher proportion of forests than in the middle of the 20th century.
3.2. Sampling design and respondent selection
Using convenience and quota sampling strategies, we recruited a total of 100 respondents to capture a diversity of profiles in terms of age, gender, place of residence and origin. First, we went to different locations, including villages, hiking trails, roads and rivers, which allowed us to recruit 75 respondents. As interviews progressed, respondents were selected to obtain a balanced sample of age and gender. Yet, this approach was not suited to grasp local residents. As a consequence, we also went to farms and other habitations, which allowed us to recruit 25 additional respondents.
Our final sample of 100 informants was well-balanced in terms of gender and status (local residents vs tourists), while variables such as age class, people’s origin (native vs non-native from Cevennes) and professional activity were not homogenously distributed (Table 1). Yet each modality was sufficiently represented to allow statistical analyses.
Table 1
Description of respondents’ socio-demographic characteristics.
Socio-demographic variables | Variable modalities | No. of respondents |
GENDER | Woman | 47 |
Man | 53 |
AGE CLASS (years) | 18–29 | 24 |
30–44 | 15 |
45–59 | 31 |
60–74 | 22 |
75–91 | 8 |
STATUS | Local | 52 |
Tourist | 48 |
ORIGIN | Native from Cevennes | 19 |
Not native from Cevennes | 81 |
JOB | Farmers | 4 |
Craftsmen, traders, and entrepreneurs | 7 |
Executives and higher intellectual professions | 9 |
Intermediate professions | 15 |
Employees | 11 |
Workers | 5 |
Retirees | 23 |
People with no formal job | 26 |
3.3. Interview procedure and ethics
Interviews were structured around three successive steps that aimed at (i) assessing animal cognitive salience, (ii) collecting respondents’ emotions and attitudes towards cited animals, and (iii) gathering explanations from respondents regarding their emotions and attitudes. We relied on free-listings to pursue the first objective; the two other objectives were pursued through semi-structured interviews (Fig. 2).
We initiated the free-listing with the following statement: "I would like you to list all the animals that come to your mind and that you associate with Cevennes landscapes." No time limit was set and the listing was stopped when respondents considered they had no more animals to add. On this basis, the 100 free-lists we obtained were used to calculate an index of cognitive salience for each cited item.
Following the free-listing, a semi-structured interview (see SI. Interview guideline) was meant to gather respondents’ attitudes and emotions towards animals, as well as explanations about these (Fig. 2). For attitudes, we aimed at taking into account the multidimensionality of people judgement about an animal, i.e., the fact that an animal can be seen as positive for some aspects (e.g., wolves are positive for tourism) and negative for other (e.g., wolves are negative for livestock farming). As a consequence, we asked respondents to identify from their list the animals they considered beneficial, detrimental and neutral to five material and non-material domains that are central to CNP landscapes and management policies: (i) crop cultivation, (ii) livestock farming, (iii) ecosystem functioning and preservation, (iv) CNP touristic interest and (v) CNP heritage value. Respondents were asked to explain their responses for each animal and domain. ‘No opinion’ answers were welcome. To collect emotions induced by animals, respondents were asked about how they would feel to cross or observe them. Here again, we welcomed all kinds of emotions as expressed by people.
Finally, we asked respondents for socio-demographic details, including their age, gender, profession, origin and status regarding CNP (i.e., permanent resident, temporary resident, or tourist). Interviews were strictly anonymous as we did not collect people’s names and did not record them. Consequently, no personal data as defined in the European General Data Protection Regulation was collected. After explaining the study’s context and objectives, we nonetheless obtained the Free Prior and Informed Consent of respondents orally. Depending on people’s willingness to discuss and availability, interviews lasted between 20 and 40 minutes. All interviews were conducted by the first author from August to September 2021.
3.4. Free-list analysis and cognitive salience
All statistical analyses were conducted under the R environment (R Core Team 2022). First, we cleaned free-lists by checking for synonyms and spelling mistakes, and translating the cited items from French to English. Instead of using scientific taxonomy, we kept the items as cited by people to remain as close as possible to their representations. For example, items such as ‘stag’ (cerf in French) and ‘hind’ (biche) were kept separate instead of merging them into a unique ‘deer’ item corresponding to Cervus elaphus.
Second, we classified cited items to facilitate result interpretations. A first grouping (animal status) was meant to distinguish wild vs domestic animals. A second grouping (animal group) was meant to distinguish amphibians, arthropods, birds, fishes, mammals, reptiles and fungi.
Third, we processed the 100 free-lists with FLARES (Free List Analysis under R Environment using Shiny, Wencelius et al. 2017). We calculated the most common cognitive salience indexes that take into account both item citation frequency and rank of citation, including Smith index (Smith and Borgatti 1997), Sutrop index (Sutrop 2001) and B’ score (Robbins et al. 2017). Because the three indices were highly correlated, we solely rely in this paper on the Smith cognitive salience index which is given by the following formula:
$$Sa=\frac{{\sum }_{i=1}^{N}\frac{Li-Rai+1}{Li}}{N}$$
S a = Smith cognitive salience index for animal a
L i = length of the list of respondent i
R ai = rank of citation of animal a in the list i
N = total number of lists (or respondents)
Finally, we used the Henley index to calculate the distance between the different items based on the average difference of citation ranks for every pair of items (Henley 1969). Multidimensional scaling was processed using the distance matrix to explore item citation patterns. Because of analytical limitations regarding the management of rare items, this analysis focused on the items mentioned by at least 5% of the respondents.
3.5. Analyzing attitudes, emotions, and cognitive bias
Based on semi-structured interviews, each emotion and attitude expressed by each respondent for each animal was classified as positive (e.g., pleasure, interest, curiosity, amazement) negative (e.g., annoyance, fear, disgust), or neutral. For attitudes, we also had a ‘no opinion’ category. We then summarized the dataset at animal level by summing the number of respondents based on their answers for each domain.
In a preliminary step, we calculated from this dataset an index of positivity for each animal (ratio between positive opinions and the number of respondents asked about the animal) and for each domain (i.e., emotions, crop cultivation, livestock farming, ecosystems, tourism, heritage value). Yet, this led to a dataset with many zero values because for a specific domain (e.g., tourism), many animals were considered neutral (e.g., beetles, spiders, slow worms).
To solve this problem, we decided to switch to a categorical approach and classified each animal as positive, neutral or negative for a given domain based on the most frequent respondents' attitudes and emotions. As a result, each animal was characterized by six categorical variables (each variable corresponding to a domain: emotions, crop cultivation, livestock farming, ecosystems, tourism, heritage), with three possible modalities for each variable: positive, negative, and neutral.
On the basis of this dataset, we computed a Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) and a Hierarchical Clustering on Principal Components (HCPC) with the FactoMineR package (Lê et al. 2008). The MCA was used to synthesize the information gathered on people’s emotions and attitudes towards animals and better understand the most discriminating emotions and attitudes. The HCPC then allowed identifying five clusters of animals based on people’s emotions and attitudes. To do so, we relied on the Manhattan distance associated with Ward’s agglomeration method, we calculated the number of clusters as the one with the higher relative loss of inertia, and we applied 1,000 iterations for the k-means consolidation.
Finally, to analyse the relationships between (i) animal cognitive salience and (ii) people’s emotions and attitudes towards animals, we processed a one-way ANOVA between Smith cognitive salience indexes and the clusters identified by the HCPC. Before processing the ANOVA, we operated a logarithmic transformation of the Smith cognitive salience index to meet the normality assumption. The normal distribution of the new log(S) variable was confirmed with a Shapiro test (Fig. S1, p = 0.43), and the homogeneity of variance between groups was checked with Levene tests (p = 0.27). Lastly, we computed Tukey post-hoc analyses that allowed to test the significance of the difference in log(S) between all pairs of animal clusters. The ANOVA and Tukey analyses were computed with the rstatix R package (Kassambara 2023).