3.1 Comparison of microbial community structure
The T-RFLP results for the three restriction enzymes of the boreholes F1UB (Figure SI 1) and F2UB (Figure SI 2) were highly complex. Within the 29 sediment samples, 40, 70 and 37 different RFs higher than 1% of the total area were detected for MspI, HhaI and HaeIII, respectively (Figures SI 1 and 2). For the sediment and groundwater samples, 47, 77 and 45 different RFs for MspI, HhaI and HaeIII, respectively (Figures SI 1, 2 and 3) were detected, with at least eight new RFs in the groundwater. The statistical of cluster analysis treatment (Figures SI 4, 5 and 6) showed no conclusive results, as the samples were grouped in different clusters for each enzyme. Specifically, the microbial communities with higher richness were located in different clusters for each restriction enzyme. The distribution of the samples within each cluster proved that there were some similarities between communities, but none could be explained by its location or a single set of environmental variables. The environmental data tested included the total amount of chloroethene, PCE, TCE, cis dichloroethane (cisDCE), Corg, Mn and Fe, the depth and predominant lithology. There was no dominant variable controlling the composition and distribution of the microbial communities, but there was a group of variables that differed in importance depending on the location. Microbial communities in the presence of contaminants developed in a more complex way given the increased heterogeneity of the medium. Communities developed and had different metabolism depending on: 1) the characteristics of the surface to which they were attached; 2) the balance of nutrients and contaminants between the solid, liquid and gaseous phases; and 3) the concentration of the pollutants. In these cases, we are talking about heterogeneity on a centimetre scale.
A comparative analysis of the three restriction enzymes of each sample allowed the fingerprints of the 10 most abundant populations to be determined (Table 1). These ten populations were selected as they are the dominant population in at least one of the characterized communities. Each set of three RFs was analysed using the philogenetic assignment tool (PAT, Kent et al., 2003) and double checked with the results of the clone library (Puigserver et al. 2016).
RF1 was identified by PAT and clone library as Propionibacterium acnes, an anaerobic microorganism that produces propionic acid by fermentation (Green 1992), and is also related to the reductive dehalogenation of PCE and TCE (Chang et al. 2011; Moreno et al. 2011). This RF was found almost ubiquitously in the whole study area, in sediments and groundwater, and especially in the contact areas of the different hydrostratigraphic units and the upper and lower levels of the pool of PCE (Fig. 2A and B). RF2 by PAT was identified as Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, a facultative aerobic organism capable of reducing Fe3+ (Ohmura et al. 2002). This RF was distributed heterogeneously along the two boreholes, although it was related to the most oxidant conditions of the upper part of the aquifer and of the unsaturated zone of F1UB (Fig. 2A) and to the groundwater of the upper and lower part of the aquifer (Fig. 2B). RF3 was identified by PAT as Streptomyces sp. or Arthrobacter sp.. This RF was distributed homogeneously in the UDTA and UPA in the F2UB borehole (Fig. 2A). RF4 was identified by PAT as Streptococcus sp. and was positively identified by the clone library as Aerococcus viridans. The Aerococcus genera is microaerophilic (Vela et al. 2007) and autochthonous to groundwater (Cruz-Perez et al. 1996). There was a high proportion of RF4 in the UDTA, the TZBA and the BA, while it was practically absent from the UZ and in the UPA, and it increased in the TZBA (Fig. 2A). Also, RF4 was found in the groundwater at the centre of the aquifer (Fig. 2.B). RF5 was identified by PAT as Staphylococcus sp. and was positively identified by the clone library as Aeribacillus pallidus. RF5 was found in the UZ, the UDTA and the UPA of F1UB, and in the BA of F2UB (Fig. 2A), and in the groundwater of the TZBA of F2UB (Fig. 2B). RF6 was identified by PAT as Microbacterium sp. or Terrabacter sp. and was found at the base of the TZBA and the BA of F1UB (Fig. 2A) and in the groundwater of the central part of the aquifer in F1UB (Fig. 2B). RF7 was identified by PAT and the clone library as Acinetobacter junii, an aerobic bacterium that is found ubiquitously in the soil and water and is able to degrade a wide variety of organic compounds (Towner 1992). RF7 was found mainly in the UZ of F1UB, and in the interphase of the UDTA and the UPA and the upper part of the BA of F2UB (Fig. 2A). RF8 was identified by PAT as Haemophilus sp.. RF8 was detected at the interphase between the UDTA and the UPA and in the upper part of the BA of the F2UB borehole and in F1UB at the bottom part of the BA (Fig. 2A). RF9 was not identified by PAT and was located mainly in the UDTA of F1UB and the BA of both boreholes (Fig. 2A). RF10 was identified by PAT and the clone library as Variovorax paradoxus, an aerobic bacterium related to oxidative dehalogenation (Futamata et al. 2005; Humphries et al. 2005). RF10 was located above the peak of PCE of the UZ and the TZBA of F1UB and in the UPA and the BA of F2UB (Fig. 2A).
The RFs (Fig. 2) were more easily connected to the environmental data, as it was possible to identify the main factors determining the distribution of the microbial populations, and therefore, the structure of the microbial communities. These factors were grouped into four groups: geological factors (majority granulometry, percentage of fines), hydrogeological factors (capacity to be transported in an aqueous medium), terminal electron-accepting processes (TEAP, e.g. Corg, Mn, Fe, metabolism of the identified populations), and conditioning factors due to the presence of contamination (concentration of PCE and evidence of its degradation).
Table 1
Most abundant microbial populations, quantified by the restriction fragments (RFs) and identified by the phylogenetic assignment tool (PAT). +: identified by clone library and PAT. *identical fingerprint to bacteria in anaerobic fermentation reactor (GU454879.1.1495), microbial biofilm (DQ499314.1.1492), and groundwater contaminated with nitric acid bearing uranium waste (AY662046.1.1527), among others.
RF | HaeIII | HhaI | MspI | Bacteria | Phylum |
1 | 62.5 | 675 | 165 | Propionibacterium acnes (+) | Actinobacteria |
2 | 251 | 205 | 485 | Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans | γ-Proteobacteria |
3 | 226 | 468 | 160 | Streptomyces, Arthrobacter | Actinobacteria |
4 | 308 | 585 | 560 | Streptococcus, Aerococcus viridans (+) | Firmicutes (Bacilli) |
5 | 308 | 236 | 153 | Aeribacillus pallidus (+), Staphylococcus sp. | Firmicutes (Bacilli) |
6 | 230 | 143 | 279 | Microbacterium sp., Terrabacter sp. | Actinobacteria |
7 | 253 | 207 | 491 | Acinetobacter junii (+) | γ-Proteobacteria |
8 | 204 | 363 | 491 | Haemophilus sp. | γ-Proteobacteria |
9 | 196 | 204 | 140 | Uncultered bacterium*. | |
10 | 217 | 62 | 485 | Variovorax paradoxus (+) | β- Proteobacteria |
3.2 Geological factors
There is a bivariate correlation between the distributions of fine materials, from fine sand to clay (diameter less than 0.25 mm), and certain microorganisms (Fig. 3A, B and C). The RF4, RF6 and RF9 populations were mainly found in the hydrostratigraphic units with more fine materials (UDTA and BA), and in the UPA and TZBA levels with more fine materials (Fig. 2). In fact, RF4 and RF9 were not detected in samples with less than 40% of fine materials (Fig. 3A and C), and RF6 was only found in the levels with a minimum of 80% of fine materials (Fig. 3B). Other microorganisms, such as RF1, RF2 and RF5, do not show a dependence on sediment granulometry and were distributed throughout the different hydrostratigraphic units (Fig. 2).
The absence or very low proportion of specific microbial populations (RF4, RF6 and RF9) in the UZ, the UPA and the coarser levels of the TZBA, compared to a higher proportion in the finer particle size levels such as the UDTA and the BA, can be explained in several ways. On the one hand, the finer levels are those with a higher proportion of organic carbon, and the populations may therefore be adapted to its degradation. Another explanation could be the non-dependence of the nutrient supply (bioavailability) on saturated sections that are hydraulically more conductive. This would mean that there are populations more capable of taking advantage of the contributions of groundwater. Another explanation may be that these populations are not adapted to changes in the physical parameters (such as temperature) or the hydrochemical parameters (such as dissolved oxygen, dissolved organic matter, redox potential, phosphates, nitrates, among others) of the groundwater.
On the other hand, all populations that were identified in the saturated zones (UPA and TZBA) were found in the BA. It can therefore be concluded that pore size is not a limiting factor in the distribution of the majority populations. This differs from other studies (e.g. Puigserver et al., 2020) that found that, pore size limits the colonisation of some bacteria at the finest levels.
3.3 Hydrogeological factors
The ability of bacteria to colonise sediment through the flow of groundwater is another factor that explains the distribution of microbial populations. As can be seen in Figs. 2A and B, RF3, RF7, RF8 and RF10 were only found in sediments and not in groundwater. In the case of RF7 and RF8 this can be explained by their low presence in sediments in the UPA and TZBA, and RF3 and RF10 may not be able to survive in planktonic form or to form floccules.
The presence of RF1, RF2, and RF5 in the groundwater seems to demonstrate that these microorganisms can colonise other areas of the aquifer, either as floccules, planktonic cells, or attached to clays or silts (Griebler and Lueders 2009). These populations are also related to active biogeochemical processes (denitrification and reduction of Mn and Fe), as they were found in the upper and lower part of the aquifer. These two zones have been defined as ecotones by Herrero et al. (2021).
The presence of RF4, RF6 and RF9 in the groundwater may be related to whether these bacteria are attached to clays or silts in suspension in the groundwater. On the one hand, these populations are related to the fine materials (previous section) and, on the other hand, they were mostly detected in the centre of the aquifer, where no biogeochemical process was detected at a hydrochemical level (Herrero et al. 2021a). In relation to this, Zhao et al. (2012) show that Streptococcus (RF4) is able to adhere and travel in clay size particles.
3.4 Oxygen Tolerance
The tolerance of microorganisms to fluctuating oxygen levels is a limiting factor. The aquifer (UPA and TZBA) has dissolved oxygen concentrations that vary in depth and time (from 12.30 to 0.12 mg/L). Although the medium is generally oxic, there are micro-niches with gradations of oxygen concentration and redox conditions on a millimetre scale, which allow anaerobic microorganisms to metabolise (Rivett et al. 2008; Perović et al. 2017). These gradations are more important when there is more geological heterogeneity, as is the case in the TZBA compared to the UPA (Puigserver et al. 2016). In fact, denitrification and the reduction of Mn were detected in the upper part of the UPA, and denitrification, the reduction of Mn and Fe and sulphate-reduction in the lower part of the TZBA (Herrero et al. 2021a).
Under these conditions, the widely distributed populations of RF1, RF2, RF3 and RF4 in the boreholes are identified as facultative microorganisms. Propionibacterium acnes (RF1 Table 1) is mostly considered to be an anaerobic bacterium, although some strains have been identified as facultative or microaerophilic (Stackebrandt et al., 2006). Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, (RF2 Table 1) is a facultative aerobic organism that, in the absence of oxygen, is able to use Fe3+ as a final electron acceptor (Ohmura et al. 2002). RF3, identified as an aerobic bacterium of the genera Streptomyces and/or Arthrobacter, as Streptomyces sp., is capable of growing under microaerobic conditions and surviving under anaerobic conditions (Van Keulen et al. 2007), and Arthrobacter sp. can grow under anaerobic conditions using fermentation and nitrate ammonification (Eschbach et al. 2003). RF4 was identified as Streptococcus sp. and/or Aerococcus sp. Streptococcus is a facultative organism (Hardie and Whiley 2006), probably derived from agricultural fertilisers that have adapted to the environment (Zhao et al., 2012) and Aerococcus sp. is an aerobic facultative organism (Das and Kazy 2014).
In the oxygen and redox conditions detected, it is possible that biofilms were present, given the capacity of Propionibacterium sp. (Tyner and Patel 2016), Streptomyces sp. (Liermann et al. 2000), Terrabacter sp. (Piazza et al. 2019) and RF10 (DQ499314.1.1492) among others, to produce them. The formation of biofilm would allow a gradient of redox potential and oxygen, which would allow anaerobic microorganisms to have an active metabolism (Davey and O’Toole, 2000).
3.5 Anaerobic TEAP– reduction of Fe and reductive dehalogenation
The ability of microorganisms to reduce and/or oxidise Mn and Fe is another factor that determines the distribution of microbial populations. The complexity of the processes of the reduction and oxidation of Mn and Fe and the formation of new minerals has not allowed any statistical correlation to be found between any RF and the total Mn and Fe content in the sediment. However, the identification of several populations capable of reducing and/or oxidising these metals is well known. Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans (RF2) oxidises Fe2+ under aerobic conditions, and under anaerobic conditions it is capable of reducing Fe3+ (Ohmura et al. 2002). Terrabacter sp. (RF6) is related to the ability to oxidise Mn, and to microbial communities that oxidise Fe (Piazza et al. 2019). Staphylococcus sp. (RF5) and Arthrobacter sp. (RF3) have the capacity to reduce Fe3+ (Paul et al. 2015).
The reductive dehalogenation of chloroethenes occurs in environments in which there are anaerobic TEAPs (Nijenhuis and Kuntze 2016). The presence or absence of reductive dehalogenation processes can be identified from an increase in metabolic rates (e.g., an increase of TCE with respect to PCE or an increase of cisDCE with respect to TCE (Puigserver et al., 2016)) and the presence of isotopically enriched PCE (Herrero et al. 2021b). The bivariant correlation of RF2 and RF10 with the process of reductive dehalogenation (Fig. 3H and I) does not imply that these populations can develop such a process. RF2 (Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans) is related to Fe3+ reduction (Ohmura et al. 2002) and RF10 to an unidentified bacterium found in an anaerobic bioreactor (GU454879. 1.1495). Consequently, it is assumed that this relationship is due to the more anoxic conditions in which these populations are found.
3.6 Factors arising from the presence of contamination
Toxicity, evaluated via the sum of chloroethenes (CE) in the porewater, was evident for the 10TZBA-F1 (18.900 µmol CE/L) and 2UZ-F1 (10.500 µmol CE/L) samples, was lower in the 12BA-F1 (4.760 µmol CE/L) sample and was not detected in the other samples, where the concentration was lower than 2.500 µmol CE/L. Toxicity is one of the variables that decreases microbial diversity and the degree of development (10TZBA-F1 and 2UZ-F1, Fig. 3F and G, had lower values than the adjacent microbial communities). The same effect was detected in the most abundant populations of the site, RF1 and RF2 (Fig. 3H and I).
On the other hand, a relative increase in RF3 was detected in 10TZBA-F1 and in 7TZBA-F2, with the maximums of PCE in the TZBA, and of RF5 in 2UZ-F1, and a maximum of PCE in the UZ (Sect. 2.5 and Fig. 1). This increase is attributed to an absence of the toxicity effect in RF3 and RF5 and to inhibition by toxicity in the other populations.