In contrast to expectations, results of this study demonstrate that Alligator Gar from the inland Brazos River have higher mean Hg muscle concentrations than coastal Alligator Gar. This refutes our initial hypothesis that increased atmospheric Hg deposition around Lake Jackson, Texas coupled with accumulation and biomagnification processes would result in higher Alligator Gar Hg concentrations. Additionally, we observed the inland Alligator Gar population had higher δ15N values which suggests the magnitude of Hg biomagnification through trophic levels in this region is likely higher than the coastal region. We conclude that regional variation in food web dynamics is an important modulator of Hg uptake into Alligator Gar, and likely drives the observed elevated Hg body burdens in gar from the inland Brazos River population. While aerial deposition rates are certainly an important factor, they are likely not the main drivers of observed differences in Hg body burdens in this study.
Accumulation of Hg into food webs is linked to bioavailability of Hg in the environment, and production of bioavailable MeHg is positively associated with certain biogeochemical conditions conducive to Hg methylation, specifically anoxia, slightly acidic pH, high dissolved nutrients, warm temperatures, and the presence of sulfur reducing bacteria (Hammerschmidt and Fitzgerald 2006; Hutcheson et al. 2008, Farmer et al. 2010; Driscoll et al. 2013; Chen et al. 2014; Smylie et al. 2016). Conversely, bioavailable Hg is negatively correlated with salinity, chiefly because higher salinity environments have an abundance of sulfate which when reduced to sulfide can remove Hg from methylation pathways in sulfate reducing bacteria and consequently limit Hg and other cation availability (Compeau and Bartha 1985; Devereux et al., 1996; Benoit et al. 1999; King et al., 1999; Fry and Chumchal 2012). A further cause for reduced Hg bioavailability is biodilution, a process where nutrient dynamics, primary production, and trophic state (i.e., ecosystem-level characteristics) limit the amount of bioavailable Hg into the food web (Rypel 2010). This creates negative correlations between phytoplankton density and Hg burdens in phytoplankton and their consumers, particularly fishes (Chen and Folt 2005). Such complexity is difficult to pattern, and we acknowledge such effects on Hg bioavailability from habitat type, geological morphology, phytoplankton density, and water chemistry among our two study regions. These need to be further assessed to understand accumulation into the food web. However, we maintain the idea that the coastal region could have less bioavailable Hg due to biodilution processes or from being immobilized in Hg sulfides. Because of this, primary consumers and benthic foraging species from coastal regions may be less likely to encounter bioavailable Hg while feeding and thus less Hg would accumulate into the basal level of the food web and Alligator Gar prey (Benoit et al. 1999; Marziali et al. 2021).
The primary route of Hg uptake in fish is diet with trophic feeding level and biogeochemical factors governing biomagnification processes into diet items (Hall et al.1997; Zillioux 2015). In response, we speculate the reason for dissimilarity of Hg concentrations in Alligator Gar between our two regions is likely linked to different Hg levels in their prey species (Hall et al. 1997). For example, studies show Alligator Gar are opportunistic predators on the most abundant prey items available in their environments, with inland Alligator Gar feeding primarily upon Gizzard Shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) and buffalo (Ictiobus sp.), and coastal Alligator Gar eating mainly Gulf Menhaden (Brevoortia patronus) and Striped Mullet (Mugil cephalus) (Smith et al. 2019; Marsaly et al. 2023). In the literature, we observed that Hg concentrations in tissue from these respective prey species appear to reflect those of the Alligator Gar in this study. Case in point, buffalo and Gizzard Shad Hg concentrations from inland freshwater systems reportedly range from 0.28–1.04 mg/kg and 0.08–0.22 mg/kg, respectively, whereas Striped Mullet and Gulf Menhaden Hg from estuarine environments exhibit lower concentrations of 0.049–0.057 mg/kg and 0.023–0.03 mg/kg, respectively (Chalmers et al. 2011; Chumchal et al. 2011; Fry and Chumchal 2012; Gold Quiros 2018). While these values do not come from fish in our sample regions, they are from similar type habitats and collectively provide a plausible explanation for why we observed differences in Alligator Gar Hg in our two regions.
Biomagnification along with trophic feeding level are other key factors affecting Hg uptake and ones we believe most contributed to regional differences in Hg concentrations of the studied Alligator Gar. A myriad of studies show Hg increases with fish size and age along with their trophic status (Kidd et al. 1995; Eagles-Smith et al. 2008; Depew et al. 2013; Poste et al. 2015; Bradley et al. 2017). This is an important consideration because inland Alligator Gar prey upon buffalo that live anywhere from 60 to 112 years (Smallmouth and Bigmouth Buffalo, respectively) which is 10 to 20 times longer than Gizzard Shad, Striped Mullet, and Gulf Menhaden (Lackmann et al. 2019; Long et al. 2023). Additionally, buffalos grow considerably larger, and this combined with longer lifespans means the amount of Hg in buffalo ingested by an Alligator Gar could be higher than other prey species. Further supporting our biomagnification hypothesis were our observed δ15N values from inland Alligator Gar being ~ 2‰ higher than coastal Alligator Gar. In the literature, we observed δ15N values reported in Smallmouth Buffalo ranged from 13–16‰, and Gulf Menhaden and Mullets ranged from 8–14‰ (Akin and Winemiller 2008; Lebreton et al. 2011; Olsen et al. 2014; Coulter et al. 2019; Keppeler et al. 2019). Again, we acknowledge that these reported values do not come from our sample areas, which is a limitation that could be addressed in future research. However, these patterns do support our supposition that biomagnification of Hg into Alligator Gar is a result of regional diet differences and Hg levels in their prey.
Regarding accumulation and biomagnification of Hg into Alligator Gar, we expected Hg to increase with length and age like other fish species (Murphy et al. 2007; Barbosa et al. 2011; Gewurtz et al. 2011; Bradley et al. 2017). However, we observed a weak relationship between Hg and length in both the inland and coastal populations. This result was similar to Smylie et al. (2016), who reported Hg in Longnose Gar (Lepisosteus osseus) to have a weak relationship with length. This result could be due to sex-ratios with multiple studies suggesting they are a major factor impacting Hg concentrations. For example, Harried et al. (2021) suggested female Alligator Gar could offload Hg into their eggs after they spawn, similar to other large predators like Goliath Grouper (Malinowski et al. 2021), and Smylie et al. (2016) observed that male Longnose Gar had higher Hg concentrations than females. These are major considerations because female Alligator Gar exhibit sex-specific growth rates, living longer and growing larger than males (Daugherty et al. 2019). Simultaneously, a male the same age as a female will be much smaller, however they would have had as much time to bioaccumulate Hg, which could be the reason for higher Hg concentrations in mid-length individuals.
Alligator Gar in this study presented Hg concentrations shown to cause reproductive impairment in fish and exceed human consumption limits. Levels of 0.2 mg/kg wet weight have been demonstrated to reduce fish plasma testosterone and 17beta-estradiol, inhibit gonadal development, and reduce spawning success (Drevnick and Sandheinrich 2003; Sandheinrich et al. 2011). We observed that 36% (34/93) of Alligator Gar in our study exceeded 0.2 mg/kg, with inland region Alligator Gar representing a higher percentage of individuals over this threshold compared to the coastal population (57%, 26/45 versus 17%, 8/48). This indicates that the inland population may be at a greater risk from Hg-induced reproductive impairment (Crump and Trudeau 2009). Additionally, we observed 58% (54/93), 12% (11/93), and 0% percent of the fish in this study exceeded the levels set by the WHO (0.15 mg/kg ww), USEPA (0.3 mg/kg ww), and TXDHS (0.7 mg/kg ww), respectively, which illuminates the inconsistency of Hg regulations between world, federal and state agencies. Our exceedance analysis demonstrates that Alligator Gar, especially those > 1600mm, have an increased probability of exceeding the consumption advisories set by these respective agencies. This observation applies most to Alligator Gar from the inland region, with almost all sizes of fish having > 50% chance of exceeding WHO consumption advisories, and fish > 1600 mm were nearly 100% likely to exceed this consumption limit. In response to these observations, we suggest that potential reproductive impairment and risks associated with human consumption (particularly in fish > 1600 mm) should be considered, in addition to conservation concerns, when crafting Alligator Gar fishing regulations.
This research creates additional questions that merit further study. First, the literature suggests atmospheric deposition of Hg to be highly impacted by anthropogenic industrial activities, and that increased atmospheric deposition is linked to higher concentrations in aquatic life (Hammerschmidt and Fitzgerald 2006; Hutcheson et al. 2008). This served as the basis of our primary hypothesis that the coastal region south of Houston, Texas, USA would be exposed to larger amounts of atmospheric Hg deposition than the inland region, as was indicated by the NADP database, which would facilitate higher Hg concentrations in coastal Alligator Gar. This was not the case, as we observed higher Hg concentrations in the inland Alligator Gar, compared to coastal Alligator Gar. In response, we suggest future studies examine the pathways of bioavailable Hg in these two regions. It is possible that the coastal region contains more Hg, however, due to sulfates and different geochemical processes, its availability may be limited. In addition, our observed δ15N values gave us reason to theorize that inland Alligator Gar may be feeding at a higher trophic level, meaning that biomagnification is higher inland than at the coast (Smylie et al. 2016; Eagles-Smith et al. 2008). However, without baseline values we are unable to definitively make this conclusion, and therefore suggest future studies focus on tracing Hg and δ15N transfer to Alligator Gar through the food web, with a focus on contributions from buffalos, Gizzard Shad, Striped Mullet, and Gulf Menhaden. We additionally recommend that future studies consider other factors impacting Hg concentration differences in Alligator Gar, such as sex-ratios, age, and growth.