5Growth aims at developing and validating a business model for the use cases in a coordinated way, directly engaging all the stakeholders involved, especially vertical actors and their customers, whilst protecting strategic EU IP and ensuring long-term social acceptance and economic sustainability, extending beyond the lifespan of the project through a joint commercialization plan. This business model enables involved stakeholders and external international actors to understand and exploit the project results. For this reason, a methodology devoted to understanding the economic advantages of the adoption of the 5G in general and the solutions envisaged in 5Growth has been considered and adopted to the project’s use cases.
Traditional business analysis (e.g., the one performed by the 5G-Crosshaul project described in [1] ) focuses on the difference in expenditures between a given situation with and without the innovative solution. Since 5G and its application (i.e. 5Growth Innovations) represent a real revolution and not only provides the same results with lower costs, but opens a door to new services and products, this classic approach is not enough. Therefore, a new methodology will take into account not only the traditional cost-reduction approach, but it will also consider the new product/services developed and the new revenue streams associated.
Having as our main goal to show the benefits introduced by 5G and 5Growth and to demonstrate that the project use cases are economically viable, the study includes the benefits for all the stakeholders involved, including EU citizens. Towards that end, we performed a detailed analysis, identifying for each pilot a set of items where the introduction of new technologies (i.e. 5G and all the solutions envisaged by 5Growth) can bring benefits from an economical point of view. Some benefits refer to investment (i.e. Capital Expenditures - CapEx), other to operation (i.e. Operational Expenditures – OpEx) and finally new revenues (RE).
Some of these savings, specially CapEx savings, are often long-term savings that should be annualized to be able to be compared. By adding all the values, annualized when required, we obtain the Yearly Total Value (YTV), which is the parameter that will allow us to compare between legacy and new solution networks:
In order to harmonize the sum, each CapEx has to be annualized, splitting the investment by the appropriate Amortization Period (AP). This is the easiest way to calculate the Total Value of a system taking into account CapEx, OpEx and new revenues, neglecting inflation and cost of the money used for investment (for example interests on outstanding debts like bonds, bank loans, etc.). The analysis performed so far in 5Growth allows us to project these benefits to a European scale.
3.1 General Considerations
Despite the differences evidenced by each of the pilots, there are common items of expenditure and savings that we highlight here, based on three main pillars:
- Spectrum;
- Reduction of installation and maintenance costs;
- Better service.
Spectrum can actually represent a cost, instead of a savings item. Concretely, operators have access to 5G frequencies by paying nation states for spectrum portions. However, in the end, this cost is actually passed down to end users, representing an expense that was not present in solutions that did not include wireless communications. However, this expenditure can be regarded as an investment, as it enables 5G capability and, therefore, the technologies that open the door for other savings related with the two following pillars. Additionally, it also enables savings or increase in revenues associated to the individual use cases, which will be analyzed in detail in the following sections.
Regarding reduction of installation and maintenance costs, personnel costs pose one of the largest cost factors in a company’s budget. New technologies relying on 5G connectivity allow greater flexibility for the installation, upgrade, and maintenance of production and control elements. Commonly, such operations no longer require the presence of an operator in the premises (which impose long and expensive transfers), and can instead be managed remotely. Consequently, it will reduce operating costs and, when more important upgrades are at stake, will also reduce investments.
For the better service pillar, 5G connectivity, along with with advanced visualization and sensor systems, allows to obtain unprecedented new levels of control on safety and quality. As a result, better work quality can be achieved and better products and services can be offered to customers. In the manufacturing sector, a more streamlined and efficient quality control allows to reduce the amount of semi-finished products that are discarded due to low quality and to speed up the production chain. This translates into an increase in the number of finished products per unit of time and, therefore, an increase in revenue.
We provide next a detailed analysis of the two vertical Pilots, reporting numerical preliminary evaluations about savings and new revenues obtained by the adoption of the 5G (not only 5G as a general technology, but also from the 5Growth-specific) envisaged innovations and solutions.
3.2 Transportation Pilot
3.2.1 Train Accidents
The use of 5G in level crossing (LC) scenarios will reinforce the safety conditions and may reduce the number of train accidents. These benefits can have a significant impact in the costs associated with damages (material) and human lives (persons who can die or be injured) [2] .
According to [3] , there are currently about 120000 level crossings (LC) in the EU. Therefore, there are, on average, 50 LC per 100 line-Km. Half of these LC are active and have some level of automation and the other ones have no type of active equipment meaning that are only equipped with a St. Andrew’s cross traffic sign (passive). There is a relationship between the kind of LC (active, passive/unprotected) and the number of accidents meaning that the number of train accidents is higher at unprotected LCs. The statistics show that LC accidents occur at passive LCs (39,8 %) while at active LCs this percentage ranges from 4,1% to 30,6% depending on the level of automation.
According to these considerations, we believe that the European market can accommodate 60000 new generation level crossings (automated and supporting advanced communication technologies).
Our estimations consider 5% of Safety benefits in terms of human lives, using automation and video images to reinforce the safety conditions (use case 1 and use case 2 of the Transportation Pilot). Taking in consideration total costs estimated at €1 billion per year [2] , the safety benefits represent 50000 M€ per year. EFACEC_S is considering that the average cost of transforming a passive LC in an active LC is about 150 k€. Therefore, for the estimated 60000 new LC, the total investment will be about 9000 M€, which means that only considering the economic value the benefits are considerable. This represents an average safety benefit of 683 k€ every year per Level Crossing. For the calculations we are considering that the amortization time is 20 years.
3.2.2 Installation Cost
The installation costs will be reduced once the 5G technology is adopted. The savings are related to the fact that there is no need to dig cable ditches or to install cable ducts (civil works and cable installation services).
Considering a Level crossing where a cable duct of 1200 meters (average) is needed, the installation cost is typically 30% of the total amount of the solution (an average of 140 k€ was estimated). Therefore, the CapEx savings per Level Crossing are about 40 k€.
We must consider a total cost of about 20 € per year regarding SIM cost.
3.2.3 Maintenance Cost
A traditional cable solution installation requires some maintenance services to assure the availability and communications integrity (failures, robberies) of the Level Crossing. A maintenance contract involving on average a value of 1000 € per year for each LC (2 annual site visit) is common for this kind of solution.
Since the 5G technology will overtake this type of restrictions, we estimate a reduction of maintenance cost (site visits) by 20%. This represents a 200 € benefits per year per LC (OpEx savings).
3.2.4 Cable Cost
In a traditional Level crossing (wired solution) the communication between the trigger point (detecting a train is approaching the level crossing) and the LX controller is assured by a data cable.
Taking a reference scenario of 1200 meters (trigger point to LX controller), a cable of 1600 meters is needed for this type of communication. This cost is eliminated by the use of 5G wireless solutions.
This represent a cable cost saving of 6400 € per Level Crossing.
3.2.5 Spectrum
The ANACOM[1] (Portuguese national communication regulatory entity) expects to raise a minimum of 237.96 million euros for the 5G spectrum. Penetration of mobile services reached 120.9 SIMs per 100 inhabitants in Portugal. Therefore, 12M 5G SIMs are expected, not considering the future IoT services. The spectrum cost is 19.75€ per SIM to be amortized during the license lifetime (20 years), less than one euro per year per SIM. The pilot (which represents a LC) uses 3 SIMs: video camera and two sensors.
3.2.6 Network Operational Cost
Automated network management and configuration enabled by vertical orchestration and slicing, reduces human intervention and allows a significant decrease on Operations Expenditures/costs.
Assuming a 3 sectors macro site, the estimated OpEx is 1300€ per year [4] (a ASN - Automated Sliced Network - results in a 9% lower CapEx relative to PCN - Physical CSP network), the major contribution to TCO reductions comes from a 23% decrease in OpEx [5] . Therefore, OpEx savings of 300€ per site can be expected.
3.2.7 Network Resources Optimization
Automated network management and configuration enabled by vertical orchestration and slicing, optimize the usage of the infrastructure which impacts CapEx savings. Assuming a 3 sectors macro site the estimated CapEx is 20K€ per year [4] and ASN results in a 9% lower CapEx relative to PCN, the major contribution to TCO reductions comes from a 23% decrease in OpEx . Therefore, CapEx savings of 1800€ per site can be expected.
3.2.8 Edge Computing
The edge computing is a fundamental technology to guarantee QoS with URLLC for sensors but also to offload network traffic, providing an optimized use of the network transport resources. Achieving less than 1 ms end-to-end communication latency, required for certain 5G services and use cases is an ambitious goal; towards that end the service infrastructure and User Plane Function (UPF) optimal placement at the network edge is crucial. The right placement can get over 20% cost savings for the service infrastructure deployment [6] . Considering the specifics of this pilot, CapEx savings of 4K€ can be expected.
3.2.9 Consultancy
A consultancy service is offered towards verticals and network operators with regards to architecture design, identification, selection and overall operational guidelines towards 5G/cloud deployment and usage. It also includes HW/SW trials for validation and certification of communication equipment. The cost associated mostly concerns human resources and overheads (special certification trialing may require equipment purchasing but these are discarded). For each consultancy action, it is expected that a full scientific team is able to operate within a 1-month timeframe. The first 2-weeks would be associated with the architectural training of the 5G consultancy client (either the vertical or the network operator), and the second 2-weeks would be a follow-up consultancy, in order to validate and/or certify the deployment. The main benefits that consulting brings are a potential increase in the institution funding, from added consultancy opportunities throughout Europe, due to acquired specialization on 5G+Vertical integration.
3.2.10 Summary of the Pilot Analysis
The final outcome is a preliminary evaluation on the benefits – from an economic point of view – of the solutions envisaged by the project, facilitated by the adoption of 5G. To achieve this goal, we made the effort to project the savings/increasing revenues of one level crossing to the European scale and split the contribution of 5G in general and the share specifically due to 5Growth. Table 1 reports the preliminary numerical evaluation of the economic benefits. The table addresses the previously identified economic items, and classifies them according to type, namely Growing Revenues (GR), Savings CAPEX (SC) and Savings OPEX (SO). The next column measures, for each economic item, the amount saved by deploying a wireless 5G link instead of a cable link. This is followed by the definition and indication in number of the multiplying factors associated to (in this case) the number of possible LX in EU. The following items pertain to totals, amortization time in years, and the percentage of contribution from the enhancements done in 5Growth, versus the base 5G architecture.
Economic item
Difference (cable vs 5G) [k€]
Multiply factor
Total EU
Amortization time [years]
Total EU (yearly) [k€]
% 5Growth contrib.
Total Europe (yearly) [k€] 5Growth contrib.
Train accidents
# (new) 5G Level Crossing in EU
Installation Cost
# (new) 5G Level Crossing in EU
Installation time
# (new) 5G Level Crossing in EU
Maintenance cost
# (new) 5G Level Crossing in EU
Cable cost
# (new) 5G Level Crossing in EU
# (new) 5G Level Crossing in EU
Network Operational cost
# (new) 5G Level Crossing in EU
Network resources optimization
# (new) 5G Level Crossing in EU
Edge Computing
# (new) 5G Level Crossing in EU
# (new) 5G Level Crossing in EU
3.3 Energy Pilot
3.3.1 QoS - System Average Interruption Duration Index
One of the main key performance indicators used to evaluate the quality of service (QoS) of a Distribution Service Operator (DSO) is the SAIDI, or System Average Interruption Duration Index. The SAIDI measures the average of the total long interruptions weighted by delivery points for a given year. SAIDI is often the indicator used by the regulators to assess the DSOs performance in terms of the Quality of Service provided to the end consumer. The legislation is rather heterogeneous across Europe and EU itself. In some countries the DSO face penalties if a given limit is surpassed, while in others there is a reward if the DSO manages to go below a given SAIDI figure. In any case, there is a financial impact in the DSO, even if the stronger impact of SAIDI is felt by the end consumer. A 20% (DSO) to 80% (End Consumer) distribution is considered.
The adoption of 5G mobile communications in the secondary substations and along the low voltage electrical grid allows the DSOs to increase the level of automation in the low voltage distribution electrical grid, and that way to react fast in the occurrence of outages keeping the service downtime at lower levels.
According to the Portuguese main DSO, comparing to the actual scenario, the adoption of 5G communications along the low voltage electrical grid supporting the described use cases can lead SAIDI LV (due to Low Voltage network interruptions) to decrease by 15%.
If we take into account that the current average value of SAIDI LV for the EU countries is according to [3] around 120 min/consumer*year, and that only a part of this value is due to incidents occurring in the low voltage network ( 1/3, according to the Portuguese DSO), the implementation of a large scale 5G infrastructure supporting the automation of the low voltage electric grid would allow to lower the SAIDI LV to .
This decrease will have a positive effect in the DSO costs, and also a positive effect in the end consumers electrical energy service quality.
However, due to several different approaches to the QoS from the national regulatory institutions across EU, it is not possible to monetize the SAIDI reduction effect on DSO side, on EU scale.
3.3.2 QoS - Energy Not Supplied
One of the concepts used to understand the effect of the contingencies in the electrical network operation is the ENS - Energy Not Supplied. Also referred as Power Not Supplied (PNS), it represents the amount of energy that normally would be delivered, but now is not because of an outage.
To monetize the effect of reducing lost load during contingency periods, the Value of Lost Load (VOLL) can be used. The VOLL is indeed a measure of the cost of ENS (the energy that would have been supplied if there had been no outage) to consumer.
According to the Portuguese main DSO, comparing to the actual scenario, the adoption of 5G communications supporting the automation along the low voltage electrical grid can lead ENS to decrease by 5%.
A strong constraint when extending the impact to EU scale is the fact that the VOLL can vary dramatically between European countries, and there is no overall European reference VOLL.
There are different methodologies for obtaining a credible estimate of the VOLL, the most accurate being based on surveys, and this calculation is crucial in estimating the social cost associated with energy not served.
According to [7] , the VOLL across EU countries vary between and 26€/kWh.
According to [8] , there are 260M connected customers across EU, and are delivered by EU DSOs to the connected customers.
According to [9] , the average SAIDI LV across UE member states is around .
On the other and, the European project [9] states that the electricity consumption per household is around 4000 kWh per year for the EU average, being the number of households in UE around 195M according to [10] .
Taking all these figures into account, we can estimate the ENS in EU in a 1 year period due to low voltage incidents to be: 2*4000/(24*365) = 0.91 kWh per household, reaching an EU overall of 0.91*195M = 178GWh. A reduction of 5% in this value will represent a decrease of 9GWh in ENS in EU in 1 year.
According to the VOLL range mentioned above, this will lead to savings on EU consumers side between 98M€ and 232M€ per year due to the reduction of energy not supplied to the households.
3.3.3 Control of non-authorized access
Perimeter security is an important issue in electric grid installations that stand without regular human presence like the secondary substations. Every year a significant amount is spent in maintenance and in material/equipment renewal to overcome the effects of stolen or damaged material inside the electric network installations.
The indoor camera and sensor help to prevent non-authorized access damaging and stealing or at least the identification and recovery of the stolen goods. The improvement of security in the power network installations will lower the financial impact due to willful actions perpetrated by humans, having a direct and positive impact over the DSO OPEX. This economical KPI will impact the DSO only (100%).
Unfortunately, due to the lack of available data from the EU DSOs it is not possible to monetize the impact of this economic item.
3.3.4 Local Maintenance cost
The remote monitoring of the Secondary Substations and low voltage power grid allows a more planned and timely maintenance response. With a better knowledge about the location, nature and extension of the outage event, the DSO can optimize the Work Force Management concerning maintenance teams.
According to the Portuguese main DSO, in the latest years there was an average of 7500 incidents per year in the low voltage electrical grid needing local intervention of maintenance teams.
The average duration of incident location and repair is about 100 min per incident. 50% of it is due to location time effort. It is predicted that this component could be neglected if last gasp functionality, supported by 5G communication infrastructure would be in place in the whole low voltage grid.
In the calculations below an estimated 30€ unit cost (maintenance personnel cost per hour) will be considered.
Taking the Portuguese scenario described above as reference, scoping an electrical low voltage grid size of 70000 secondary substations, and extrapolating for the EU electrical grid size considering a potential market for the automation of 3M secondary substations in Europe [8] , we can calculate the local maintenance cost savings as follows:
Therefore, the cost savings in local maintenance to the LV grid in EU per year will be . The DSO may have its own maintenance teams, or subcontracts maintenance services to specialized companies. Either way, the company will get a direct reduction in its OPEX. This economical KPI will impact the DSO only (100%).
3.3.5 Remote Maintenance cost
Upgrading the low voltage electrical grid communications infrastructure to 5G will heavily impact in the operations cost of EFACEC, allowing savings in highly skilled manpower concerning remote maintenance plans.
According to internal reports regarding the maintenance contract with the Portuguese DSO concerning the low voltage grid automation and considering a currently covered LV grid size of about 6500 secondary substations, it is foreseen that cost savings around 11k€ per year can be achieved with the implementation of a 5G communications infrastructure supporting the LV grid automation.
Therefore, assuming the EFACEC scenario described above as reference and extrapolating to the EU electrical grid size considering a potential market for the automation of 3M secondary substations in Europe [8] , we can calculate savings as follows:
Remote maintenance cost savings = . Remote Maintenance is a service provided by the Vertical to the DSO. The cost reduction providing that service will mainly impact the Vertical, but it shall be considered that a part of those savings may be use to get an economical advantage over the competition when offering the service to potential clients. That said, an 80% (Vertical) - 20% (DSO) distribution is considered.
3.3.6 Spectrum, Network Operational Cost, Network Resources Optimization, Edge Computing and Consultancy
The characterization of the savings aspects associated with spectrum, Network Operational Cost, Network Resources Optimization, Edge Computing and Consultancy are the same as in the Transportation pilot, pointed out in sections 3.2.5 to 3.2.9, respectively.
3.3.7 Summary of the Pilot Analysis
The outcome is a preliminary computation on how the solutions envisaged by the project facilitated by the adoption of 5G can give their contribution from an economic point of view.
In order to estimate the impact of the economic benefits in the European Union hence demonstrating the benefits of 5Growth project, it is important to select appropriate criteria to scale the data to the EU size.
Scaling to EU size is not an easy job since the information related to electrical energy market is not available evenly across the EU countries and across EU DSOs. For instance, concerning the electrical distribution grid infrastructure, we can establish a fairly good ground for Portuguese case, but it is not possible to do the same for all the EU countries. For some cases it is possible to have an average across EU, but not for all.
Therefore, the considered needed deployment for the scale of a single pilot can be as follows:
- 1x SIM + 1x CPE per SS; 1x Secondary Substation
- 1x SIM per LV sensor in low voltage feeder; 2x LV sensors per low voltage feeder; 1x LV feeder
- 1x SIM + 1x 5G Mobile device per maintenance team; 1x maintenance team
The following table provides and insight on the comparison of the deployment at the Portuguese scale compared with an EU scale.
Table 2 - Comparison of Portuguese and EU deployment scales for the pilot
Secondary Substations
5G CPEs needed
LV sensors in grid
5G devices needed
In order to establish a more realistic ground to scale up for EU size, rather than consider the full size of power network and reached end consumers, the following assumptions are made:
- Giving the current presence of EFACEC in Europeen DSOs, and the latest years growth, It is considered that EFACEC may target 10% of the EU market in the upcoming years.
- It is not realistic to consider that all the Secondary Substations will be automated any time soon. Therefore, a 50% quota is considered here.
- This will lead to:
- 150k targeted Secondary Substations; 150k 5G CPEs
- 2,4M LV targeted sensors in LV Grid; 2,4M 5G devices
- 19,5M households reached
Table 3 reports the preliminary numerical evaluation of the economic benefits. The structure of the table is based on the one shown in table Table 1 and explained in section 3.2.10.
Economic item
Difference (cable vs 5G) [k€]
Multiply factor
Total EU
Amortization time [years]
Total EU (yearly) [k€]
% 5Growth contrib.
Total Europe (yearly) [k€] 5Growth contrib.
Secondary Substations
0.5 to 1.2
98 to 232
98 to 232
Control of non-authorized access
Secondary Substations
Local Maintenance cost
Secondary Substations
Remote Maintenance cost
Secondary Substations
- 60
Secondary Substations
Network Operational cost
Secondary Substations
Network resources optimization
Secondary Substations
Edge Computing
Secondary Substations
Main European DSOs (> 100k customers)
110,6 to 244,6
[1] https://www.anacom.pt/