The results of preliminary experiments demonstrating the capabilities of the experimental interaction model are presented. Muscle strips of the atrium and the ventricle can operate in isolation in a physiological contraction mode and can interact virtually according to the software algorithm we developed (Fig. 3). Phases of the physiological contraction mode: isometric - analogous to the development of isovolumic pressure in the whole heart; isotonic - analogous to systolic ejection; isometric relaxation - analogous to the beginning of diastole; stretching - analogous to diastolic filling.
Representative recording curves of the change in force of the rat right atrial a and ventricular b strips in isolation (black curves) and when modeling the interaction during the cardiac cycle with a delay of 20 ms in the contraction excitation of the ventricular strip (gray curves) and changes in their lengths c and d, respectively. Panel a shows the contraction phases of the atrial strip during interaction with the ventricular strip. Panel b shows the contraction phases of the ventricular strip during the interaction. The temperature of the solution is 35°C, the stimulation frequency is 2 Hz, the working length (Lw) is 95% of the maximal length (Lmax) for both muscle strips
In isolation, both muscle samples contract in physiological loading mode. A relative afterload of 0.5 P/P0 was chosen for the ventricular strips (because such a load is physiological for the ventricle) and 0.2 P/P0 for the atrial strips (because the atrial load is less than the ventricular load). When simulating the interaction, the onset of contraction of the ventricular strips is delayed by 20 ms.
The control algorithm performs all phases of force and length value changes of the atrial and ventricular strips during their interaction in cardiac cycle. In the booster or active phase, the atrial strip shortens after reaching its afterload level (Fig. 3a and 3c, gray curves) and stretches the ventricular strip (Fig. 3d, gray curve). In the reservoir phase, the ventricular strip shortens as it reaches its afterload (Fig. 3b and 3d, gray curves) and stretches the atrial strip (Fig. 3c, gray curve). The conduit phase corresponds to the relaxation phase of the ventricular strip and the passive restitution of the atrial strip.
Representative superposition of length-force loops (a) of the rat right atrial strip registered in isolation (black lines) and in simulated interaction (gray lines) during the cardiac cycle at different values of the excitation delay duration of the ventricular strip. The duration of the excitation delay of the ventricular strip is given in the legend to the figure and near the corresponding length-force loop. For a more detailed understanding of the change in loop shape depending on the excitation delay, some loops are shown in separate panels (b, c, d, e, and f) of the figure. The arrows indicate the direction of loop development. Counterclockwise loop development means that the work performed by the heart muscle has a positive value (the muscle shortens under the influence of its own afterload). Clockwise loop development means that the work performed by the heart muscle has a negative value (the muscle is stretched under the influence of external forces)
Representative superposition of length-force loops (a) of the rat right ventricular strip registered in isolation (black lines) and in simulated interaction (gray lines) during the cardiac cycle at different values of the excitation delay duration of the ventricular strip. The duration of the excitation delay of the ventricular strip is given in the legend to the figure and near the corresponding length-force loop. For a more detailed understanding of the change in loop shape depending on the excitation delay, some loops are shown in separate panels (b, c, d, e, and f) of the figure. The arrows indicate the direction of loop development. Counterclockwise loop development means that the work performed by the heart muscle has a positive value (the muscle shortens under the influence of its own afterload)
In length-force coordinates, the loop for the atrial strip is represented as a figure of eight (Fig. 4a), similar to the pressure-volume loop for the whole atrium [30]. The force-length loop of the atrial strip at zero excitation delay is located predominantly to the right of the loop obtained in isolation and has a clockwise course (Fig. 4a and 4b). The amount of work of the atrial loop (corresponding to the area of this loop) at zero excitation delay is negative. With increasing duration of the excitation delay, the loops expand to the left and partially repeat the contour of the loop obtained in isolation (Fig. 4a, left part of the loop). The second part of the loop of the atrial strip, located on the right side in the same figure, expands to the right with increasing duration of the excitation delay (Fig. 4a, 4c-4f).
The force-length loops of the ventricular strip expand to the right with increasing excitation delay compared to the loop obtained in isolation (Fig. 5a, 5b-5f). The direction of loop development does not change with the duration of the excitation delay. The area of the length-force loop for the ventricular strip is always positive. During the interaction, the loop area of the ventricular strip is larger than the loop area obtained in isolation. This indicates an increase in the amount of work performed by the ventricle and an increase in its ejection efficiency.
Dependence of the amount of work performed by the rat right atrial (RA) and ventricular (RV) strips during modeling cardiac cycle interactions on the duration of the ventricular strip excitation delay. The amount of work is presented as a percentage of the amount of work performed by the heart muscle in isolation. Data are presented as mean ± SD
The work values of the atrial strips at zero excitation delay average about − 100% (Fig. 6, gray curve) as it is stretched by the ventricle. As the duration of the excitation delay increases, the work values also increase and reach a maximum value of 90% (at an excitation delay of 20 ms). After reaching the maximum, there is a slow decrease and stabilization of the work values at 45% after an excitation delay of 50 ms.
In the ventricular strips, the work values are above 100% for all positive excitation delays. At zero excitation delay (simultaneous excitation of both cardiac muscles), the work values are minimal and average 108%. As the duration of the excitation delay increases, the work values increase and reach a level of 125% (at an excitation delay of 35 ms) and stabilize approximately at this level.
The shortening amplitude of the right atrial strip increases with an increase in the duration of the excitation delay from 0 to 35 ms. This results in an increase in the level of pre-stretch of the right ventricular strip before contraction (Fig. 5). In the experimental interaction model, the length of the myocardial strip is an analog of the volume of the cardiac chamber, and the force developed is an analog of the pressure. According to the Frank-Starling law, an increase in volume increases the pressure developed by the ventricle. The level of preload at the right ventricular strip is constant, only the amplitude of shortening increases by the level of pre-stretch. At a delay of 35 ms, the level of right ventricular pre-stretch is maximal under these contraction conditions. In the same way, the area of the length-force loop of the right ventricular strip changes (Fig. 5), and therefore the work performed per cycle. For excitation delay durations greater than 35 ms, the right ventricular pre-stretch level remains at the maximal level. In this way, the atrium modulates the performance of the ventricle by pre-stretching.