According to the experts' perspective, the challenges related to pedestrian’s safety were classified under six categories including "Challenges related to pedestrians", "Challenges related to drivers", "Management system challenges", "Environmental infrastructure challenges", "Educational and media challenges" and "Challenges of legislation and enforcement" (Table 3).
Table 3: Challenges related to pedestrian safety classified in six categories
Challenges related to pedestrians
Not caring for one's safety
“Pedestrians do not care about their own vulnerability when crossing streets and highways, where all cars are passing at high speeds. They do not want to use the overpasses” (p22)
Lack of demand by community members
“A part of the budget has to be paid for the development of urban infrastructure, but it doesn't happen in a reasonable amount unless the public demands of the community are effective. The people have to be demanding” (P18)
Becoming accustomed to perform unsafe behaviors
"Pedestrians have become accustomed to risky behaviors; that is, people have become accustomed to a previous wrong culture. They think that they can get in car at the crossroads or making transverse passage where they want". (P3)
Lack of knowledge, awareness, and literacy about traffic rules
"Most people are not aware of the traffic principles since they were not trained. They do not have the required knowledge". (P23) “A number of traffic problems are related to the low traffic literacy of people in the community. It is true that there is works in this field, but it is still not enough” (P 14)
Poor perceived risk
"In occupational safety issues, perceived risk is much more important than knowing about the risk. In other words, being aware of a risk does not guarantee performing safe behaviors. Individuals have to perceive the traffic risk, properly". (P11)
Adherence to people's unsafe behaviors
"The other point is that when you see that no one is following the traffic rules, you say why should not I do it?" (P10)
Parents as poor role models
“For example, father or mother in a family usually crosses the street without paying attention to road signs and symptoms, ignoring that their children are looking at them. You now, parents play as role models for their children". (P12)
Challenges related to drivers
Drivers' poor perceived risk
"The drivers have not yet perceived how much the risk of increasing speed from 60 to 80 km/h is in causing a deadly accident with a pedestrian. They do not understand that pedestrians are really vulnerable ". (P14)
Traffic rule violations by drivers
"Sometimes, drivers perform high-risk behaviors, like high-speed, which cause fear and confusion to pedestrians ". (P13) "Many times, I observe that the sidewalks are not safe and secure. At any moment, a motorcyclist may approach from behind and cause an accident". (P24)
Distracting driving behaviors
“Most drivers either talk on their cell phones or send SMS, and they still don't follow the rules!” (P23)
Management system challenges
Improper urban planning management related to traffic and transport
"Passenger overpasses have become a place for addicts or drug dealers. Nobody dares to use an overpass after 12 a.m.". (P17) "Things need to be more cohesive; all relevant organizations should be actively involved in traffic and transport issues”. (P6) "For instance, Tabriz Urban Traffic and Transport System has only one to two traffic experts; the other employees are from unrelated fields". (P22) "In my opinion, the issues of 'pedestrians' are neglected in urban furniture design. This subject has received less attention in our country." (P20) "A way to reduce traffic accidents is to create a leading organization. A leading organization headed by urban transport experts and policy makers could manage many aspects of the issue". (
Lack of contact channels between people and officials
People do not know where to go to complain about pedestrian safety and if they do, will they be effective?" (P15)
Poor policy making while planning pedestrian safety programs
"Our most important priority in the issue of pedestrian safety is the formulation of policies that have not well been implemented. If we consider this issue, our problems in public education, vehicle safety, and road safety will be resolved". (P7) "Decision-making based on scientific evidence is necessary to promote pedestrian safety. But, a majority of our stakeholders do not pay attention to it ". (P8) "When they want to build a pedestrian overpass, they need to conduct a need assessment and determine the busiest areas of the street where people pass by ." (P4)
Lack of health-oriented perspective in the traffic and transport management system
"In fact, there should be a systemic approach with health promotion perspective to traffic safety. The related organizations should not act independently. We solve the problems through trial and error, and we now pay the price". (P11) "In the developed countries, traffic issues and pedestrian safety are considered from the aspect of health promotion, but this is a recent subject in our country." (P14)
Lack of proper vehicle manufacturing
"Another measure that can be taken to protect pedestrians is related to vehicles. Cars manufactured in the country are poorly designed”. (P4) Nowadays, pedestrian-friendly vehicles have been designed that do not damage pedestrians too much while accidents". (P9)
Environmental infrastructure challenges
Inappropriate or lack of safe pedestrian lanes
"In many places, we don't have pedestrian bridges, or a lot of pedestrian bridges are not mechanized, and in many cases people prefer to take the risk and cross the street instead of climbing lots of stairs!, especially in this regard, the older and the disabled people are not considered." (P1)
"Many of our streets don't even have sidewalks, and you know that all the streets must have sidewalks." (P9)
"In our boulevards, pedestrians are not well visible in some places. Due to improper tree planting, drivers cannot see pedestrians when they enter the street." (P5)
Inappropriate/poor traffic signs and equipment
"In the developed countries, there are pedestrian lights, but practically there are few numbers of such things in our country. At a majority of intersections, there are pedestrian crossings, but no pedestrian lights". (P10) "Over and over again, we have seen either half painted or poorly-colored pedestrian crossings on the streets, which means that painting was left incomplete or done with poor quality ." (P19) "If I want to use pedestrian overpasses, I have to walk 50-100 meters further down the street, go up the stairs about 50 steps, and then come down; so, I definitely do not use the overpass and cross the street!". (P2)
Poor aesthetic pedestrian lanes
"Most overpasses are made from steel with no fascinating design, which do not attract pedestrians. I think the designers have not done a good practice in urban beauty". (P4)
Obstruction of sidewalks
"Pedestrian crossings or sidewalks are blocked because of construction debris from construction works". (P20)
Educational and media challenges
Lack of pedestrian rights course in the national driving licensing curriculum
"At some point in time, all individuals have to apply for a driving license. One thing that should be educated to the applicants is pedestrians' rights, an important topic that is ignored in the national course plan". (P2) "Well, a person who gets a driving license of course drives based on the received trainings and does not pay much attention to pedestrians rights”. (P17)
Lack of training students about pedestrian safety at schools
"There is a training gap in this field at schools. We do not have any educational course or book in this regards. Pedestrian safety should be embedded in the educational programs of the schools". (P7)
Lack of mass media in acculturalization of traffic behaviors and pedestrian safety
"When an actor is talking on a cell phone while driving, crossing a street while talking either on a cell phone or with a friend, you know, people especially teenagers and young adults perceive such unsafe behaviors as the true way of crossing." (P6) "In my opinion, broadcasting organization can have a remarkable mission in this regard. It can have a wide range of educational programs to train people; they can highlight the consequences of not obeying traffic safety rules to the people”. (P18)
Challenges of legislation and enforcement
Poor traffic and transport legislation
"We have fines for traffic violations of car drivers, but unfortunately we have no fine for pedestrians". (P16)
Weakness in law enforcement
"The laws allow the police to fine offending pedestrians, but its mechanism and manner are not clear. I mean, this law is not applicable and the most of discussions are focused on drivers." (P12)
Challenges related to pedestrians
As our participants believed, a wide range of pedestrian safety challenges is related to pedestrians themselves:
1- Not caring for one's safety
According to participants’ opinion, a significant number of pedestrians were not careful about their safety:
"Pedestrians do not care about their own vulnerability when crossing streets and highways, where all cars are passing at high speeds. They do not want to use the overpasses". (p22)
2- Lack of demand by community members:
One area that a majority of participants mentioned was lack of demand from community members to resolve pedestrian safety issues. A contributor stated that:
“A part of the budget has to be paid for the development of urban infrastructure, but it doesn't happen in a reasonable amount unless the public demands of the community are effective. The people have to be demanding” (P18)
3- Becoming accustomed to perform unsafe behaviors
The habit of engaging in risky behaviors was one of the areas that most participants mentioned: "Pedestrians have become accustomed to risky behaviors; that is, people have become accustomed to a previous wrong culture. They think that they can get in car at the crossroads or making transverse passage where they want". (P3)
4- Lack of knowledge, awareness, and literacy about traffic rules
Poor traffic literacy, lack of knowledge and awareness about traffic were some of the areas that many participants mentioned in various ways:
"Most people are not aware of the traffic principles since they were not trained. They do not have the required knowledge. ". (P23)
5 –Poor perceived risk
Lack of risk perception was also mentioned as a challenge for the pedestrians' safety.
"In occupational safety issues, perceived risk is much more important than knowing about the risk. In other words, being aware of a risk does not guarantee performing safe behaviors. Individuals have to perceive the traffic risk, properly". (P11)
6- Adherence to people's unsafe behaviors
In most cases, participants noted that the pedestrians usually follow the people's unsafe behaviors as they see.
"The other point is that when you see that no one is following the traffic rules, you say why should not I do it?" (P10)
7- Parents as poor role models
A majority of participants believed that children emulate parental behaviors, including their unsafe traffic behaviors.
“For example, father or mother in a family usually crosses the street without paying attention to road signs and symptoms, ignoring that their children are looking at them. You now, parents play as role models for their children". (P12)
Challenges related to drivers
1- Drivers' poor perceived risk
Most participants reported the drivers' poor risk perception as one of the challenges and obstacles to the safety of pedestrians.
"The drivers have not yet perceived how much the risk of increasing speed from 60 to 80 km/h is in causing a deadly accident with a pedestrian. They do not understand that pedestrians are really vulnerable ". (P14)
2- Traffic rule violations by drivers
Traffic rule violations and unsafe behaviors of drivers, such as disregarding to pedestrians' right-of-way, crossing the green light, high speed, stopping on the pedestrian crossing, parking cars on the sidewalks, and motorcycling on the sidewalks were also mentioned by our participants as challenges to pedestrians’ safety.
"Sometimes, drivers perform high-risk behaviors, like high-speed, which cause fear and confusion to pedestrians ". (P13)
3- Distracting driving behaviors
A majority of participants reported behaviors like sending short messages, talking on a cell phone, talking to a passenger, and watching a monitor while driving as the challenges that endanger pedestrians’ safety:
“Most drivers either talk on their cell phones or send SMS, and they still don't follow the rules!” (P23)
Environmental infrastructure challenges
1- Inappropriate or lack of safe pedestrian lanes
lack of pedestrian bridges and underpasses, non-mechanized pedestrian bridges, unsuitable pedestrian bridges for older adults and the disabled persons, as well as having potholes on the sidewalks, multiple disconnections in the sidewalks along a route, rugged and/or narrow sidewalks, the presence of stairs on sidewalks, trees planted in improper places of sidewalks and even absence of sidewalks on some streets were among the pedestrian lane challenges reported by participants:
"Many of our streets don't even have sidewalks, and you know that all the streets must have sidewalks." (P9)
2- Inappropriate/poor traffic signs and equipment
As participants reported, inappropriate or lack of traffic and transport signs and equipment including out of service red lights, absence of pedestrian crossings in some routes, inappropriate location of pedestrian crossings, lack of lighting in the sidewalks, and mismatch between pedestrian crossings and traffic lights caused problems to pedestrian safety:
"In the developed countries, there are pedestrian lights, but practically there are few numbers of such things in our country. At a majority of intersections, there are pedestrian crossings, but no pedestrian lights". (P10)
3- Poor aesthetic pedestrian lanes
Poorly aesthetic design of pedestrian lanes and crossings was another infrastructure challenge mentioned by a majority of the participants:
"Most overpasses are made from steel with no fascinating design, which do not attract pedestrians. I think the designers have not done a good practice in urban beauty". (P4)
4- Obstruction of sidewalks
A majority of participants reported the obstruction of sidewalks due to vendors, shopkeepers' stands, and leaving construction materials. As they believed, such obstructions impede the pedestrians to cross over the sidewalks, and thus they inevitably walk on the street.
"Pedestrian crossings or sidewalks are blocked because of construction debris from construction works". (P20)
Educational and media challenges
1- Lack of pedestrian rights course in the national driving licensing curriculum
Lack of training driving license applicants on pedestrian's rights was a challenge perceived by participants. As they believed, outlines on pedestrian safety have to be included in the national driving licensing course plan:
"Well, a person who gets a driving license of course drives based on the received trainings and does not pay much attention to pedestrians rights”. (P17)
2- Lack of training students about pedestrian safety at schools
Participants also pointed out to the lack of training students about traffic rules and pedestrian safety at schools. They believed that there is a gap in the academic courses of all grades, from elementary to high school.
"There is a training gap in this field at schools. We do not have any educational course or book in this regards. Pedestrian safety should be embedded in the educational programs of the schools". (P7)
3- Lack of mass media in acculturalization of traffic behaviors and pedestrian safety
Participants believed that mass media (e.g. television and radio) in the country lacks in developing the culture of traffic and pedestrian safety throughout the society. As an instance, they pointed out to the poor role modeling of actors in the movies:
"When an actor is talking on a cell phone while driving, crossing a street while talking either on a cell phone or with a friend, you know, people especially teenagers and young adults perceive such unsafe behaviors as the true way of crossing." (P6)
challenges related to traffic and transport management system
1- Improper urban planning management related to traffic and transport
In terms of poor urban planning associated to pedestrian safety, participants reported a wide range of challenges, including ignoring pedestrian rights in designing urban furniture, lack of safety at a number of sidewalks for pedestrians (e.g. the presence of addicts, drug dealers and bag-rubbers, particularly at nights), poor inter-sectoral collaboration for pedestrian safety, and not employing the true specialists in the field of traffic and transport.
"In my opinion, the issues of 'pedestrians' are neglected in urban furniture design. This subject has received less attention in our country." (P20)
As they believed, the origin of these problems is the lack of a unique traffic and transport management system within the country, which has resulted in aggravating the urban traffic and transport issues:
"A way to reduce traffic accidents is to create a leading organization. A leading organization headed by urban transport experts and policy makers could manage many aspects of the issue". (P8)
2- Lack of contact channels between people and officials
According to participants, lack of communication channels for people to contact urban traffic and transport officials was an important challenge for pedestrian safety.
"People do not know where to go to complain about pedestrian safety and if they do, will they be effective?" (P15)
3- Poor policy making while planning pedestrian safety programs
As reported by participants, poor traffic and transport policy making, non-reliance on evidence to promote pedestrian safety, lack of comprehensive need assessments, non-compliance with pedestrian safety standards, poor budget allocation, and not employing private sector in implementing the programs were example of poor policy making related issues in planning pedestrian safety programs.
"Decision-making based on scientific evidence is necessary to promote pedestrian safety. But, a majority of our stakeholders do not pay attention to it ". (P8)
4- Lack of health-oriented perspective in the traffic and transport management system
Absence of health-oriented perspective on urban transportation was one of the major management challenges addressed by a majority of participants.
"In the developed countries, traffic issues and pedestrian safety are considered from the aspect of health promotion, but this is a recent subject in our country." (P14)
5- Lack of proper vehicle manufacturing
A majority of participants pointed out to the improper design of domestic vehicles, which is associated to pedestrian safety while accidents. Poor brake system, early depreciation and non-adaptation with pedestrian safety were the mainly reported issues by participants that endanger pedestrian health.
"Another measure that can be taken to protect pedestrians is related to vehicles. Cars manufactured in the country are poorly designed”. (P4)
Challenges of legislation and enforcement
1- Poor traffic and transport legislation
As most participants believed, lack of legal boundaries contributed to the pedestrian and drivers' behaviors as well as lack of a penal/incentive system for pedestrian behaviors were among the challenges of pedestrian safety.
"We have fines for traffic violations of car drivers, but unfortunately we have no fine for pedestrians". (P16)
2- Weakness in law enforcement
The most participants stated the lack of penalties for drivers who disregard the rights of pedestrians, failure in enforcing the existing laws for pedestrian safety, improper enforcement of urban traffic laws, and poor inspection of traffic law enforcement.
"The laws allow the police to fine offending pedestrians, but its mechanism and manner are not clear. I mean, this law is not applicable and the most of discussions are focused on drivers." (P12)