In this study we have for the first time investigated nemabiome in 158 larval culture samples from 61 commercial sheep farms in Sweden. The aims were to find out how nematode community structure (species composition and diversity) were influenced: i) by host age (in ewes and lambs), ii) in the short-term following recent anthelmintic treatment with ABZ, IVM or LEV, and iii) longitudinally in samples collected several years apart. For this we used DNA extracted from composite larval cultures which then were analyzed using a PacBio NGS pipeline generating sequence data (amplicons) that were clustered into OTUs with a specifically designed analysis framework developed for eukaryotes (SCATA) [35–37]. We identified five common OTUs representing 97% of the reads, among which H. contortus and T. circumcincta were the two dominant species. There were no significant differences in nemabiome post-treatment between ewes and lambs. It can be argued that a limitation is that the number of samples differed. The lambs across both time periods and the adults were n=84 and n=74 respectively. In contrast, use of anthelmintics had a short-term dramatic effect, but not on nemabiome in post-treatment larval culture samples collected several years apart indicating there was no long-term effect.
In total, 16 OTUs were identified, five of which are well-known and globally distributed strongyle nematodes associated with sheep: i.e. C. ovina, H. contortus, T. circumcincta, Trichostrongylus vitrinus and Oesophagostomum venulosum. This group of big-five constituted the majority of reads (97%). All of these had a match of ≥99 to 100 in query cover and identity according to BLAST searches and were therefore considered as valid species. We also recognized five other species reported from sheep with the same confidence in most cases (Table 1). These were represented by two strongylids: Bunostomum trigonocephalum and Cooperia curticei, plus three metastrongylids (small lungworms): Cystocaulus ocreatus, Muellerius capillaris and a species related to Varestrongylus eleguneniensis. All had an identity of ≥99 and with the exception of the match to Varestrongylus eleguneniensis and a query cover of 100%. However, combined these five represented less than 1% of the total reads and they were only found in a few samples. This indicates that the epidemiological consequences and clinical impact of these parasites are probably of less importance for sheep raised under Swedish conditions. With the exception of T. colubriformis, which was absent in our data set, we recognized all eight major species found in UK sheep based on data generated with a similar approach [19]. However, the relative abundance of the distinctive species differed. In our study five species dominated the nemabiomes with H. contortus being more prevalent in Swedish compared to UK sheep. It is possible that the observed differences in the nemabiomes are related to differences in climatic conditions. Thus, microclimatic influences would be worthwhile to investigate especially in the light of the possible impact of climate change.
In addition to the above species, we identified five species usually not found in sheep. Among these, three species are mainly linked to cattle: Cooperia oncophora, Ostertagia leptospicularis, and O. ostertagi [2]. We also identified four cyathostomins associated with equids showing high query cover and identity (98% to 100%), indicating that these findings were valid. To the best of our knowledge transmission of equid nematodes to sheep do not occur. Thus, it cannot be excluded that these findings were due to a trace contamination at either DNA or parasitological level, especially as the number of samples were low (Table 1).
In contrast, opportunities for cross-infections between cattle and sheep nematodes have been studied through experimental cross-infections [38]. It was shown that both Cooperia spp. and Ostertagia spp. can infect lambs, however there are varying degrees of host specificity in these genera, with C. oncophora and O. ostertagi being more adapted to cattle than to sheep. However, as stated by Herlich (1971), it cannot be precluded that small numbers of O. ostertagi may attain sexual maturity in sheep under natural grazing conditions, which is in line with our findings.
Interestingly, we recognized no species primarily associated with wildlife., However, there are generalist known to infect a wide range of wildlife ungulates in Europe [7]. Not at least roe-deer in Spain [40], Italy [41], Turkey [42], and France [43], is known to be infected with species identified herein. Among these, particularly H. contortus is the most pathogenic nematode of sheep in Sweden [3] and is therefore of major interest. Although, roe-deer is abundant in Sweden, knowledge about its nemabiome and its role as a reservoir of livestock parasites is presently unknown. Thus, this needs to be studied in the future, especially with focus on H. contortus, not at least in face of climatic change and its propensity to develop resistance to anthelmintic drugs and the possibility of roe-deer acting as a reservoir and spreading it widely. Since it is known that there are cryptic species that appear identical but are genetically distinct, particularly among members of the superfamily Trichostrongyloidea that hybridize [44], we are convinced that nemabiome analysis is well suited for this.
Clearly, the culturing conditions for nematode eggs can also have an impact the nemabiome composition [45]. For example, it has been shown that fewer eggs of T. circumcincta develop to the third stage than for T. colubriformis. Also, the development of larvae of other strongyles are heavily influenced by refrigeration [45]. Extracting DNA from fecal matter or from larval cultures both had advantages and disadvantages. 1) DNA from fecal samples would contain DNA from all eggs and might contain inhibitors while fecal samples containing few parasite eggs might lead to an underestimation of species diversity and contain inhibitors, 2) Larval culture samples will contain more parasite larvae, while the hatchability might be impared due to storage. Besides from the input material, the number of recognized OTUs are also influenced: i) by primer design and PCR conditions, ii) the choice of NGS platform and bioinformatics pipeline for OTU clustering and recognition, and not at least iii) available sequence information in the sequence databases. In this study we took advantage of the commonly used primers NC1 and NC2 and compared the obtained sequence with information in NCBI. In line with previous studies, these universal primers spanning the second (ITS2) internal transcribed spacer in the nuclear ribosomal DNA array not only amplify a wide range of livestock genera of nematodes of veterinary interest (i.e. Bunostomum, Chabertia, Cooperia, Dictyocaulus, Haemonchus, Nematodirus, Oesophagostomum, Ostertagia, Varestrongylus, Teladorsagia, and Trichostrongylus), but also provide suitable genetic markers for species delimitation (for a review see Gasser et al., 2008). In our study, most of these genera were found as well as five additional genera (Table 1.). Still, it is unclear where to define the cut-off for discriminating between nematode species, as genetic isolation is generally used to define species boundaries rather than DNA differences [46]. Nevertheless, in agreement with previously studies on nemabiome in livestock and horses [16–20], a cut-off identity threshold of ≥99 seems reasonable. However, as shown in our study, the query cover also needs to be considered. Still, when targeting the ITS region it has been shown that PacBio sequencing better reflects the composition of fungal communities better than Illumina MiSeq due to sequence length variation [37]. However, in this study the ITS2 for the different OTUs varied between 266 and 455 bp (Table 1). This might explain why metastrongyles (411-455 bp) were detected in a few samples. To what extent the relative species abundance of nemabiome communities are affected by sequence length variation needs to be explored in more detail. Further investigations also need to address factors that may introduce sequencing bias.
We observed an effect in relation to host age and long-term effects were observed when we compared the larval culture samples collected in 2007 and 2013-2016 (Fig.2, 3). The observation that adults had less diversity than lambs is expected as adults can build up resistance to some parasites. It is also illustrated by that some species dominated the nemabiomes in adults. It is clear that use of anthelmintics drastically influenced the nemabiome composition (Fig. 4). In this context it is important to consider that the use of the tested drugs has changed during the last decades. In Sweden, the drug of first choice whenever H. contortus is present has, from the 1960’s until recently, changed from ABZ to IVM [47]. However, with emerging evidence for double resistant H. contortus strains, this practice has changed. Today, LEV is increasingly used, but currently only on farms that neither respond adequately to IVM nor ABZ. Interestingly our data show that the identified nematode species responded differently to these drugs. Of particular practical interest is that both IVM and ABZ were unable to control H. contortus on several farms, whereas LEV still has a reasonable efficacy. However, despite there was always zero-egg counts post-treatment with LEV it is evident that in particular H. contortus survived at a low level. Likewise, T. circumcincta, which is the second most important nematode in Swedish sheep, survived treatment with either ivermectin or ABZ, but then to a lesser extent than H. contortus, whereas not at all after LEV treatment. This is partly in contrast to the situation reported several years ago in a global context, when resistance to LEV was widely prevalent among several trichostrongylid nematodes of sheep [48]. Overall, we believe the observed patterns reflect the current anthelmintic resistance situation in GIN of sheep in Sweden. Of major practical concern is whether LEV resistant H. contortus will appear with increasing use of this drug. In countries with more intense sheep production (e.g. New Zealand), the use of LEV has decreased in favor of other drugs or drug combinations with increased reports of resistance [49]. In the past when LEV was used as a single compound in sheep, high levels of resistance emerged, like for most other commonly used anthelmintics [50]. In light of this, our observations showing low levels of surviving H. contortus is of great concern.