Patient cohort
The Human Ethics Committee of the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University approved the trial, and informed consent was acquired before the DSSEP tests. The single-center retrospective study included 38 CSM patients with preoperative DSSEP, MRI, and dynamic X-ray tests and later had surgery at the Spine Surgery Department, First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University (Guangzhou, China) between 2015 to 2017. All participants had at least two years follow-up. Patients with congenital spinal deformity, a history of stroke, surgical treatment, peripheral neurological disease, ulnar or carpal tunnel syndrome, or diabetes were excluded. Demographic data collected included sex, age, and critical comorbidities. Measures of neurological disability included the modified Japanese Orthopaedic Association (mJOA) score[16] and Nurick grade[17]. Ataxia were defined as the absence of dysarthria, nystagmus, abnormal eye movements, and the presence of abnormal joint position senses and a positive Romberg sign with gait disorder in this study[18]. The 2-year postoperative mJOA scores were used to calculate the recovery rates with the Hirabayashi method[19]: Recovery rate = [postoperative mJOA score - preoperative mJOA score] / [21 - preoperative mJOA score] × 100%.
Realization and measurement of DSSEP
An electrophysiological monitoring system (Nicolet Endeavor CR) was used to elicit and record the SSEPs. Median and ulnar nerve SEPs were examined using established methods[20]. The ulnar and median nerves were stimulated with 0.2 msec square wave pulses delivered at a rate of 5 Hz with an impedance of less than 5000 W. Visible contraction of the abductor pollicis brevis muscle was used as an indicator of appropriate stimulus intensity. SSEPs were recorded using subdermal needle electrodes placed at Erb's point ipsilateral to the stimulation (Erb's) and spinous processes of the second cervical vertebrae (C2s-Fz) with the reference electrode at Fz. Another two electrodes were placed at the sensory cortex of the left and right hemisphere (about 1cm medial-posterior to the C3 and C4 points according to the international 10–20 system, marked as C4’-C3’). The SSEPs were measured with the cervical spine in a neutral position. Patients were then positioned at about 35° flexion and after which at about 20° extension of the cervical spine using a device for elevating the head and neck with minimal discomfort to the subject. (Figure. 1) To confirm the reproducibility of the SSEPs, each measurement was carried out at least three times by a spine surgeon and two electrophysiologists.
The amplitudes for each recording position labeled Erb's, C2s-Fz, and C4’-C3’ were recorded as N9, N13, and N20, respectively. We also simultaneously recorded the response latencies. Both the ulnar and median nerve stimuli were recorded. According to our previous study[15], only the N13 amplitudes and their percent changes have been used for statistical analysis in this study.
Imaging methods and analysis protocol
All MR examinations were performed with a 3.0-T MR imager (Siemens Trio) with the patients lying in a supine position on a spine-array coil. The authors evaluated compressed spinal cords using standard imaging sequences. T1 and T2-weighted spin-echo sagittal sequences were performed using the following parameters: T1: TR 650, TE 10, Slice thickness 3mm, dist 0.3mm gap, FA 150˚, TA 1’36”, Matrix 320×224; T2: TR 2800, TE 97, Slice thickness 3mm, dist 0.3mm gap, FA 160˚, TA 2’10”, Matrix 384×308. T1 and T2-weighted spin-echo axial sequences were performed using the following parameters: T1: TR 466, TE 11, Slice thickness 4mm, dist 0.4mm gap, FA 120˚, TA 2’26”, Matrix 256×205; T2: TR 3260, TE 90, Slice thickness 4mm, dist 0.4mm gap, FA 150˚, TA 1’52”, Matrix 320×256.
The measurements of the cervical spinal cord in MRI T2WI axial images were performed with Photoshop CC (Adobe, San Jose, California). The transverse area of the spinal canal and spinal cord were respectively measured. The Cord/Canal_Area_Ratio was defined as follows: Cord/Canal_Area_Ratio= Area of the spinal cord / Area of the canal. The linear parameters including transverse diameter (TD), central sagittal diameter (CSD) and sagittal diameter (SD) were measured, and the Central_Ratio, Compression_Ratio and 1/4-Lateral_Compression_Ratio were calculated. (Figure. 2) The Ax-CCM classification system is defined as follows[8]: type 0 = normal signal intensity of spinal cord without any intramedullary T2 hyperintensity, type 1 = diffuse pattern of intramedullary T2 hyperintensity occupying more than two-thirds of the axial dimension of the spinal cord with an obscure and faint border, type 2 = focal intramedullary T2 hyperintensity with an obscure and faint border, type 3 = focal intramedullary T2 hyperintensity with a well-defined and distinct margin.
Extension-Flexion (dynamic) X-ray studies of all 38 patients were analyzed. Cervical segmental instability was determined according to the White-Panjabi standard[9]: (1) translational instability: more than 3.5 mm horizontal displacement of one vertebra in relation to an adjacent vertebra, either anteriorly or posteriorly; (2) rotational instability: more than 11-degree rotational difference to that of either adjacent vertebrae. Patients with cervical segmental instability in dynamic X-rays were classified as the "Unstable" group, and others were classified as the "Stable" group.
The MRI and dynamic X-ray films of the cervical spines were studied three times by two spine surgeons and a radiologist, and the mean values were used. The measurements were performed in a blind fashion, so that patients’ names, clinical characteristics, and the results of the electrophysiological studies were unknown to the observers.
Statistical Analysis.
Amplitudes of left and right sides of the DSSEP N13 or N20 waves were averaged first. Then the N13 or N20 amplitude ratios at extension and flexion were calculated and recorded as N13_E, N20_E, N13_F, N20_F, respectively. We defined the DSSEP amplitude ratio as the following: amplitude ratio = (Amplitude_extension or Amplitude_flexion ÷ Amplitude_neutral) × 100%. For absent N13 or N20 waves, their latencies were excluded and their amplitudes were set as the baseline value (0mV) for statistical analysis[14]. For CSM patients whose DSSEP waves at neutral position were lost, amplitude ratios of their corresponding DSSEP waves were also set as 0.
Student t-test, Pearson or Spearman correlation method and one-way analysis of variance analysis (ANOVA) were applied in this study. All data were presented as mean ± SD, and a P-value < 0.05 was considered significant. The statistical software R (R version 3.6.0) was used for statistical analysis.