Propagation of hBM-MSCs
The hBM-MSCs were procured commercially and were successfully cultured and propagated. The cells achieved a confluency of ~80-90% in 6-7 days of revival and it was observed that passaging of the cells at less than 60-70% confluency resulted in extremely slow proliferation of the cells, thereby, suggesting the importance of cell-cell contact during expansion of hBM-MSCs in ex vivo culture. Figure 1 shows the images of the cells during propagation, wherein, long spindle-shaped and flattened cells were observed in the culture dishes, which is a characteristic morphological feature of the mesenchymal stem cells. Fig 1A represents cells observed at 3-4 days post culturing, whereas Fig 1B, represents cells observed after 6-7 days post culturing. It was noted that the cells grew in a healthy manner till passage 2, however, subsequently their growth rate was decreased. Hence, passage 2 cells were employed for all the studies.
Confocal microscopy of hBM-MSCs infected with M. tb
To verify the infection of cultured hBM-MSCs with M. tb, we performed confocal microscopy to visualize GFP expressing M. tb in hBM-MSCs after infection. Briefly, the cells were infected with M. tb H37Rv-GFP strain by employing the protocol described in the 'materials and methods' section. The cells were fixed post infection and were stained with PKH26 dye and DAPI to label the cell membrane and the nucleus of the cells, respectively. It was observed that the bacteria were intracellularly localised inside hBM-MSCs as observed by GFP fluorescence in the cells (Figure 1C and 1D). Thus, this confirmed the localisation of the M. tb inside hBM-MSCs and provided a validation for the infection protocol.
Virulent M. tb persists inside hBM-MSCs
In order to perform a global proteomics study of hBM-MSCs infected with M. tb, it was required that the sample for proteomics analysis comprised of a high number of M. tb infected viable cells. In other similar ex-vivo studies involving M. tb infection, varying multiplicity of infections (MOIs) in the range of 1:10 to 1:50 have been employed (8, 17-18). Hence, we evaluated the percent infection of hBM-MSCs at two high MOIs i.e, 1:30 and 1:50. We observed that an infection with MOI 1:50 resulted in greater than 60% of infection without any significant loss of cellular viability, while an MOI of 1:30 led to ~49% infection (Figure 1E and 1F). Hence, the MOI of 1:50 for M. tb infection of hBM-MSCs for conducting proteomic study was selected.MSCs have been shown earlier to provide a protective niche to M. tb. It was shown that M. tb possesses the ability to survive and persist inside BM-MSCs by evading the immune surveillance and antibiotic treatment, however, the mechanisms responsible for the same are poorly understood. Therefore, we performed an untargeted global LC-MS/MS based proteomics which would reflect the dynamic state of the cellular proteome and will provide accurate overall protein signatures of a genome. Identifying various host proteins/pathways that are altered in hBM-MSCs by M. tb infection would help in bridging the gaps in the understanding of the mechanism(s) of pathogen’s survival inside hBM-MSCs. Moreover, along with the virulent M. tb strain, we have also employed the avirulent M. tb H37Ra strain to specifically identify the proteins/pathways modulated inside hBM-MSCs upon infection with virulent M. tb. Towards this, a growth kinetic study was carried out for both the strains of M. tb i.e., virulent M. tb H37Rv and aviruent M. tb H37Ra, in order to determine the growth rates of these strains inside hBM-MSCs. It was observed that the virulent M. tb H37Rv strain was able to replicate inside hBM-MSCs till day 4 and thereafter, bacteria remained viable in a non-replicative manner albeit constantly maintaining the bacterial CFU. This observation corroborated with the earlier observation of M. tb reaching a dormant state in hBM-MSCs (3, 10). However, the avirulent M. tb H37Ra strain, replicated initially till day 4 inside hBM-MSCs with a subsequent decline in the bacterial CFU from day 6 onwards. At day 10, the avirulent strain exhibited ~0.5 log reduced CFU as compared to the virulent strain (Figure 1G). Thus, the virulent M. tb is able to adapt more efficiently and remains dormant and in non-replicating state inside hBM-MSCs as compared to the avirulent M. tb, wherein, the host is able to combat the infection as observed by a decline in the CFU of avirulent M. tb. This differential ability of the host can be understood by global proteome profiling of virulent versus avirulent M. tb infected hBM-MSCs to delineate the mechanisms hijacked specifically by virulent M. tb for its own advantage and survival.
M. tb infection drives global cellular proteomic remodelling in hBM-MSCs
Figure 2A shows the design of the experimental protocol followed to conduct the proteomics study. We detected 2476 proteins in H37Rv infected hBM-MSCs lysate; whereas 2519 proteins were identified in H37Ra infected hBM-MSC lysate and a total of 2503 proteins were detected in uninfected control sample. This represented ~12.5% of the total human proteins that were detected in our investigation. Before further analysis, various statistical models were employed (2D-PCA and correlation matrix) in the study to determine the uniformity, robustness and reproducibility of the protein abundance levels obtained after MS (Figure 2B-2D) (19-21). Downstream analysis of expressed proteome using amica showed significant reproducibility among the independent replicates. We observed varied global profiles in the protein data sets across different groups (M. tb H37Rv-infected, M. tb H37Ra-infected and uninfected hBM-MSCs with less variation among the three independent replicates of a particular group (Figure 2B and 2C). This suggested that the independent replicates were highly reproducible and the overall proteome of the hBM-MSCs altered significantly after infection as compared to uninfected state. As expected, we also observed that the virulent and avirulent strains of the bacteria evoke different protein expression outcomes in the host.
After establishing the reproducibility between the replicates, the proteomes of M. tb H37Rv-infected and M. tb H37Ra-infected hBM-MSCs were thoroughly analysed to determine the differentially expressed proteins (DEPs) induced as a result of bacterial infection. For this, three analysis groups were employed, namely, M. tb H37Rv-infected hBM-MSCs versus uninfected hBM-MSCs control (Rv Vs UI), M. tb H37Ra-infected hBM-MSCs versus uninfected hBM-MSCs control (Ra Vs UI) and M. tb H37Rv-infected hBM-MSCs versus M. tb H37Ra-infected hBM-MSCs (Rv Vs Ra) (Supplementary information S1). Critical evaluation of the differentially expressed proteins (DEPs) (>log2FC, pValue <0.05) by visualizing the volcano plots and unsupervised hierarchical clusters showed notable and reproducible pattern of enriched and depleted proteins (Figure 3). Volcano plots and Heat map analysis for comparison of the relative protein expression profiles amongst the three analysis groups reflected that the levels of majority of the host proteins altered upon virulent M. tb H37Rv infection in hBM-MSCs had decreased expression in comparison to the DEPs of hBM-MSCs infected with avirulent M. tb H37Ra strain (Figure 3A-3F, Table 1). In the venn diagram-based distribution analysis of DEPs upon infection with M. tb H37Rv in comparison to uninfected and intra-infection (M. tb H37Ra), proteome profile again revealed that the virulent infection resultant changes were more towards translational inhibition (downregulation of proteome) rather than increased synthesis (upregulation of proteome) (Figure 3G, 3H). Comparison of DEPs of M. tb H37Rv infected versus M. tb H37Ra infected hBM-MSCs led to the identification of 141 distinct host proteins whose expression levels were altered exclusively by virulent M. tb infection. Out of these, the expression levels of 33 proteins were increased and the levels of 108 proteins were decreased significantly in the hBM-MSCs. Thus, these results clearly indicate that the virulent M. tb infection reshapes the host machinery and cellular pathways majorly by suppressing the levels of several proteins to survive inside the host hBM-MSCs. We also observed that 46.5% of the repressed proteins were representative of the virulent M. tb H37Rv infection as compared to the avirulent M. tb H37Ra infection while 66% of the proteins whose expression was induced upon infection were from the avirulent M. tb infection as compared to the infection with the virulent strain (Figure 3G, 3H). Moreover, it was observed that there is strain specific dysregulation of protein expression that suggests integration of mRNA and miRNA expression levels with protein levels that can be investigated further.
Gene Ontology (GO) and pathway analysis-insights into specific cellular changes in host upon infection
To elucidate the functional and biological relevance of the bacterial infection derived DEPs of hBM-MSCs, all the DEPs were subjected to identification of key gene ontology (GO) and pathways that were enriched harboring the DEPs in a statistically significant manner (Supplementary information S2). Clustering of enriched GO and pathways was performed and visualized as Balloon plot. A total of 19 GO and pathways were identified such as amino acid biosynthesis, calcium signaling, cell adhesion, cell adhesion and migration, collagen, extracellular matrix (ECM), host-pathogen interaction, immune response, lipoproteins, mitochondrial electron transport function, mitochondrial function, ROS response, proteases, protein ubiquitination, protein folding, vesicle trafficking, secretory protein transport, translation, and splicing (Figure 4A, 4B). Moreover, it was observed that most of the altered proteins whether it showed increased or decreased expression in any of the infected groups, belonged to the pathways related to host-pathogen interactions, collagen/cell adhesion, immune response, mitochondrial function, lipoproteins, splicing/translation, and vesicle trafficking (Figure 4 A, 4B). On further analysis, we observed that in the case of avirulent M. tb H37Ra infected hBM-MSCs versus uninfected hBM-MSCs, proteins belonging to pathways such as ROS response, ubiquitin proteolysis pathway, mitochondrial electron transport function (bioenergetics) and lipoproteins were found to be enriched, whereas proteins of these pathways were either unchanged or exhibited decreased expression in the M. tb H37Rv infected cells versus uninfected cells (Figure 4 A, 4B). The enrichment of these specific pathway proteins in host hBM-MSCs infected with avirulent M. tb suggests their involvement in the host mechanisms to kill M. tb H37Ra, whereas, the decreased expression of these proteins in the virulent M. tb infected hBM-MSCs, further substantiates that these proteins are required by the host cells to combat infection and virulent M. tb suppresses them for its own survival advantage. In the case of analysis group virulent M. tb H37Rv infected hBM-MSCs versus uninfected, it was observed that proteins belonging to pathways related to vesicle trafficking, cell adhesion and migration, collagen, host-pathogen interactions, proteases, protein transport, and mitochondrial function were depleted, which were mostly unchanged in avirulent M. tb infected host cells, again pointing out to the fact that the virulent M. tb infection suppressed various pathways. This was interesting to note that there was an overall shutdown/suppression of the various key pathways by virulent M. tb infection that might be one of the strategies of this smart pathogen for its survival in the host cells and cause rewiring of these host immune-protective mechanisms for its own advantage. These enriched GO and pathways were considered as bridges and DEPs were considered as the nodes that connect the bridges. All the DEPs along with their biological role (GO and pathways) that was provided as input to RegNet algorithm (Theomics international Pvt. Ltd.) resulted in the modeling of protein:protein, protein:pathway, and protein:ontology along with the fold change and p-value (Student’s t-test) for each of the DEP. The nodes were coloured according to their log2 ratios (abundance ratio) for each group. The bridge file output of the algorithm was visualized using Cytoscape v 2.8.3 to resolve the core protein network encompassing the DEPs like IL1B, COL1A1, CTGF, COL1A2, COL3A1, CXCL8, COL5A1, MMP14, MMP13, THBS2, COL12A1, CXCL1, LAMB1, APOE etc., that regulates host-pathogen interaction, immune response, collagen, ECM, cell adhesion and migration, and mitochondrial function (Figure 4C-E).
The DEPs of pathways such as collagen, ECM, cell adhesion, proteases were strongly clustered and inter-related while host-pathogen interaction and immunity related DEPs formed another strong cluster. Most of the proteins found in ‘Rv Vs UI’ were altered as against their basal levels in uninfected cells suggesting that the proteome profile of hBM-MSCs was severely modulated by M. tb infection (Figure 4C) while the same proteins were mostly unchanged in case of infection with avirulent M. tb H37Ra infection (Figure 4D). Moreover, in the most critical network analysis group (Rv Vs Ra), the repressed protein nodes were of utmost importance because these proteins were suppressed in the host cells due to M. tb H37Rv infection, but were either unchanged or enriched in M. tb H37Ra infected hBM-MSCs (Figure 4E). Therefore, they might represent the specific protein players involved in bacterial killing mechanism by the host. The pathways altered upon infection with virulent M. tb strain were further categorized into seven categories namely, RNA binding/alternate splicing, autophagy/vesicle fusion, ubiquinone synthesis/mitochondrial bioenergetics, metalloproteases, phagosome-endosome fusion, immune response related, and collagen/ECM/cell adhesion (Figure 4F). Supplementary information S1 lists the DEPs associated with these pathways.
Thus, the proteins regulating these pathways offer a chance for further investigation to target virulent bacteria residing inside the hBM-MSCs.
Expression analysis for genes encoding DEPs
To experimentally validate the proteomics results, we performed real time PCR analysis for a few genes encoding the DEPs namely, cxcl-10, mmp13, col1a2, clecb3, grem-1, uqcrh, gpx-1, and hnrnpk. For this, the total RNA was isolated from hBM-MSCs infected with virulent /avirulent M. tb strains/uninfected cells and was converted into cDNA by using the protocol mentioned in the ‘materials and methods’ section. Real time PCR was conducted for each sample by employing gene specific primers (Table 2) and ΔCt values were calculated after normalising the Ct values with gapdh (Figure 4G). It was found that the mRNA levels of cxcl-10, clecb3 and grem-1 were significantly upregulated and the expression levels of uqcrh, gpx-1 and hnrnpk were downregulated in virulent M. tb infected hBM-MSCs as compared to avirulent M. tb infected and uninfected cells. Additionally, no significant difference was observed for the expression levels of mmp13 and col1a2 between the hBM-MSCs infected with M. tb H37Rv and H37Ra strains, however, on comparing M. tb H37Rv infected hBM-MSCs with uninfected cells, the expression levels of mmp13 and col1a2 was increased and decreased, respectively, suggesting a global alteration of these genes in the host cell in response to infection. The alterations observed in the levels of mRNA were consistent with the protein abundance levels of these genes products in the proteomics results. Hence, these results substantiated our observations that infection with M. tb indeed alters the relative protein quantities in hBM-MSCs.