Many attempts have been made to use virtual reality in the settings of MRIs, however few yielded results that are comparable to our own due to having different study designs or lack of analogous data.
Nakarada-Kordic et al. explored the use of a VR simulation of an MRI in comparison to a mock-MRI in healthy adult volunteers, finding no significant differences regarding anxiety experienced by the patients between the two [5]. However, they concluded that VR has the potential to be a more accessible alternative to mock MRIs and could be used to improve patient experience and reduce the amount of costly aborted exams [5].
Stunden et al. created a more elaborate VR experience aimed at children with the aim of making them pass a simulated MRI exam [4]. They compared their VR experience to their standard preparatory manual and their child life program to see which achieved the highest MRI simulator success (judged as less than 4 mm of movement during the six-minute simulated MRI exam), reduced child and caregiver anxiety as well as improved their procedure overall using a number of metrics [4]. In their VR experience, they guided the patients through the whole process of entering the hospital’s radiology department and the steps that go into the preparation for the MRI exam [4]. They also included a mini-game requiring the patient to stay still despite distractions in order to win [4]. Like our results, which did not demonstrate any differences in terms of MRI success rates between the groups, they did not find any significant differences between their three groups in terms of success rates of their virtual MRI test [4]. Interestingly, they also had most patients who declared themselves to be anxiety free at all stages of the process, like what we found during our experiment [4]. Furthermore, they found that there were no differences in caregiver anxiety between the groups but found that the time taken to prepare the patients was significantly different amongst the groups, with the VR preparation taking the longest [4]. When they compared the children’s satisfaction, the child life program was preferred, with 90% approval, followed by the VR and preparation manual at 80% and 73.5% respectively. Similarly, our patients also showed a high degree of satisfaction with the virtual reality experience, though we did not attempt to gauge the satisfaction of the control group.
Ashmore et al. used a 360-degree video viewable using VR glasses, which was downloaded by patients and used before their visit [6]. In their video Ashmore et al. took a similar approach to Stunden et al. by allowing patients to see the entire process of the MRI exam, starting with the arrival in the radiology department, experiencing the exam and ending with saying goodbye at the end [4, 6]. Contrary to our reasoning, Ashmore et al. believed that using a 360-degree video rather than computer-generated content would facilitate scalability, whereas we reasoned that a VR experience created using the software would, in the future, allow each department to create a setting that matched their MRI exactly [6]. They were able to take footage from within their 1.5T MRI machine, finding that their camera was still functional despite having some ferromagnetic components [6]. They used the video with five patients that were initially thought to require general anaesthesia for their exam but, after the use of their solution, were able to undergo the exam without the need for anaesthesia [6].
Brown et al. created a VR experience like ours by creating a 3D recreation of their MRI room that was viewable from a smartphone but did not proceed to perform an experiment to judge its benefit [11]. They believed that virtual reality was superior to 360-degree video due to the distortions and therefore planned to make the VR room in order to alleviate claustrophobia in their patients [11].
In 2017 Liszio et al created a virtual MRI simulation, using a smartphone-based VR device, where the patients, aged 8 to 12, was introduced to an MRI via a narrative involving penguins as the protagonists [8]. Once the patients entered the VR experience, they were first informed about the MRI, observed the MRI, saw the MRI in use on the penguins and then experienced the MRI and were told to hold still for 5 minutes [8]. They first conducted a study on seven children, five of which had prior MRI experience, to see if VR would be accepted, finding that they found the experience enjoyable [8]. They performed a second experiment on thirteen children, nine of which had previous MRI experience, aged 8 to 15 years old [8]. Of the six patients in their experimental group, all had previous MRI experience [8]. They measured the patient’s anxiety using a State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children questionnaire at identical intervals as in our study (pre-VR, post-VR and post-MRI for the experimental group and pre-MRI and post-MRI for the control group) [8]. Their results were very similar to ours, finding no significant differences between the scores of the children at different time points or between the groups [8]. They found a trend of decreasing anxiety scores between the pre-VR and post-VR scores but, unlike our study, their results were not significant [8].
In 2020 Liszio et al also performed another test using similar software to their prior experiment on 29 children to whom they sent a package at home which allowed them to train for the MRI over an average of 14 days, once again using a smartphone-based system [7]. However, this system was far more time consuming and complicated, requiring patients to participate from home using a guardian’s smartphone mounted in a VR device, answer repeated questionnaires, remember a “courage formula” intended to help them be brave and complete a booklet [7]. They found significant reductions in anxiety as well as negative sentiment towards the exam, whilst seeing positive sentiment significantly increased [7]. With this paper they showed that repeated and prolonged exposure to the setting of an MRI in VR is better than one-shot exposure [7].
The research of Liszio et al is particularly interesting as their first paper was comparable to ours and yielded similar results and the second paper, conducted over a longer time-frame, showed a significant benefit. We believe that this suggests that longer term, and repeated, exposure should be favoured over the single exposure approach.
In 2020, Liszio et al. also created “Penguinauts: Star Journey”, an in-bore MRI game, which allowed children to either have a passive or interactive virtual reality game experience within the MRI and during the examination itself but were unable to test their solution due to restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic [2].
Our study had limitations, which we found mainly to be related to the setting of a tertiary paediatric hospital. Firstly, it is impossible to perform blinding in such studies, as patients obviously are aware of which group they are in. Secondly, due to the recruitment problems and limited timeframe, the number of enrolled patients was limited to 30. As our hospital treats many chronic patients, most MRI slots are occupied by patients who are undergoing follow-up exams and therefore a large proportion of children included in the study had previously undergone MRIs, limiting their initial anxiety and fear due to their habituation. Our study was also limited by the shyness of many children, who were unable to provide answers beyond “I don’t know” when questioned as to the reasons for their fear and anxiety regarding the MRI exam. The equipment we used also resulted in a limited ability to follow what the child was doing during the MRI experience, with researchers being unable to directly see what the child was experiencing. In one instance, the patient managed to exit the simulation by reverting to the main menu of the Meta Quest 2. This was promptly rectified, with the timer being stopped whilst the simulation was re-initiated.
Furthermore, although we believe that our simulation provided an adequate approximation of our MRI room, it was by no means a perfect recreation or completely realistic. It is possible that a simulation with a more detailed environment and better image quality, which was limited by our hardware, may yield more promising results. Finally, future projects should consider including motion activated features, such as the simulation starting with a specific input or examination table entering the MRI machine when the patient lies down, which we believe would be feasible using the motion detectors that are integrated in most modern VR headsets.