Our paper examined the evolution over time of average temperatures and then of precipitation. Corresponding curves relating the different recorded temperatures have been traced and confined in (Fig. 3) and (Fig. 4) for temperatures. Average temperatures have been reported in order to have a more detailed and more explicit view, and to see, after if there is a relation between them and rain. A calculation of the linear regression line then a second degree polynomial interpolation which remains largely explicit, have been conducted in order to obtain a more mathematical view of the phenomena encountered.
During the beginning of the period one notice that the evolution of temperatures is not stable, it is as if the trend hesitates to assert itself. Let's thus notice that temperatures oscillate greatly between decreasing and increasing trends. It is only during the middle of the period that these temperatures begin to stabilize and increase almost regularly. Towards the end of the period examined, temperature changes follow exactly the quadratic curve which tends to flatten out and the increase in temperature becomes less pronounced. One have the impression that it is a thermodynamic physical system which, after a certain transitional start-up period, has arrived at a stabilization plateau in which average temperatures would practically no longer increase and would follow a fairly regular plateau.
One could imagine that it could be that by following this trend, one reaches a maximum increase in average temperatures and the Earth would therefore be able to dissipate adequately the temperature received more efficiently than it did there over thirty or forty years ago. It appears, therefore, that a temperature close to 17°C seems to be an asymptotic temperature and that the average temperature in our region will probably not become higher than this value around 2036 according to our evaluation. It is obvious that this reasoning no longer applies if one only consider the linear regression line which would tend to increase to infinity, which would be totally utopian. Would this mean that the Earth will not warm more than that? The future will perhaps tell us if in the meantime humanity does not adopt more environmentally friendly behavior by trying as much as possible to make the supreme effort to reduce, just a little, its high greenhouse effect gas emissions.
Then, the first impression is that average temperatures have greatly increased from the beginning of the period to its end. One can see, at first glance, that there are certain time parts with different slopes of evolution, it is not a straight line, certain slopes are steeper than others and there is even a practically horizontal level, this which means that the evolutions were not linear, although one did not know exactly why, since there are several factors affecting this parameter due to the geographical location of our region.
One started with an average temperature of 14.25°C to end at 18.75°C, a phenomenal increase of more than 04.50°C in more than forty years. Nevertheless, this evolution was not made in a linear or rectilinear way but rather in the form of periods in which the increases succeeded the decreases but with an overall tendency towards the increase. However, one can divide this evolution into three main parts in which one have for the first part a wave or ramp evolution going from 14.25°C to nearly 17°C in 2000, i.e. more than twenty years with a slope of 0.14°C of irregular increase per year, to settle on a plateau and this until practically 2020, i.e. also about twenty years with a less pronounced slope of 0.038°C per year to end up finding a strong tendency to the increase over the last two years with a slope of 0.5°C per year.
This demonstrates the strong irregularity of the evolutions of the average temperatures with a clear tendency towards the heighten, which augurs of a true greenhouse effect leading inevitably towards a worsening of the global warming.
Nevertheless, it has been realized that when examining this figure, the trend is towards a reduction in the amount in the increase in temperatures and that the latter tend to want to reach a plateau or a horizontal asymptote which would describe a maximum potential temperatures that our atmospheric system can reach. This is a hypothesis that remains posed, because we do not know what the reaction of this atmosphere would be to a continued increase in average temperatures and will this increase continue when it reaches its maximum saturation with greenhouse gases .
Using the Fast Fourier transform with four smoothing points we can see that the trend is not regular, and that although hesitant at the beginning, then stable in the middle, the average temperatures tend to increase dramatically towards the end of the period, and especially from these last three years which have been particularly trying with strong heatwaves periods.
For precipitations data have been confined in (Fig. 5) and then processed as the same manner as temperatures.
From the examination of (Fig. 5), one can see at first sight that the evolution of precipitation is also absolutely irregular since there are quite pronounced ups and downs throughout the considered period. Here too, one could divide our overall time interval into periods that one would call rainy and others that seemed to be drier, and this over several years. The evolution, too, is not very regular although in the long run it has an upward trend like average temperatures. For this purpose, one can also divide this period into three periods, one of which therefore begins in 1980 and ends in 2008 with a remarkable average rainfall of around 325 mm to experience good growth between 2009 until around 2019 with an average of about 455 mm to suffer an unfortunate episode of drought in the last three years with a little over 200 mm as an average since 2020.
Nevertheless, by examining the linear curve of the rainfall averages, it can be noted a slight tendency to increase in these precipitations starting from an average of 325 mm to that of 375 mm, i.e. a net gain of nearly 50 mm per year, and this despite the remarkable last three years. In a first and strictly linear approach, one would think that although the climate is frankly tending to become warmer, there is also a significant increase in the average precipitation.
The average precipitation is 355 mm over the period extending from 1980 to 2022. Examination of Fig. 6 shows us that the variations in this precipitation compared to the average calculated over the period concerned are absolutely not regular. There is an alternation between "rainy" years and "dry" years compared to this average. However, there are periods, more or less long, in which trends assert themselves more or less strongly and for more or less time.
Between 1980 and 1986 there is a perfect alternation, then a succession of three dry years, followed by a wetter year to give way to a series of five particularly dry years to return to an almost alternation followed by around ten fairly dry years until 2009, which was a particularly wet year which would bring in its wake nearly a decade of particularly wet years. However, from 2019 one was witnessing a significantly severe drying with precipitation which is dangerously around the 200 mm isohyet which corresponds to the limit between a semi-arid zone and an arid zone. What is also remarkable is the fact that the number of "wet" years is equal to the number of "dry" years, always compared to the average, i.e. 21 years. However, between 1980 and 2001, the first half of the period, there were 9 wet years and 12 dry years, while during the second half of the period considered the wet years were 12. order of 12 while the dry ones are of the order of 9, i.e. a remarkable symmetry. Likewise, and surprisingly, the pivotal year of 2001 was a year that was just average. However, what remains to be deplored is that the last, most recent period is almost the driest.
The average precipitation between 1980 and 2000 is 322 mm, or 10% lower than the average, while that of the second half of the period concerned, i.e. from 2001 to 2022, is around 386 mm, or nearly 9% higher than the average for the entire period.
However, the curve of the quadratic variations clearly shows that there is an inflection in the average precipitation and that the climate tends to become warmer and less humid. Nevertheless, one think that this relative increase in precipitation would be due to the relative proximity of the ocean masses to the North Atlantic Ocean and to the fact of the increase in temperatures which induced an increase in the rate of evaporation, hence increased humidity and during the meeting of these cloudy masses with the foothills of Tessala which dominate the city of Sidi Bel Abbes to the north there is cooling and precipitation on the plain of the Mekerra and the first foothills of the Tellian Atlas during the relaxation of the cloudy masses. One note, therefore, that it is somehow difficult to affirm whether global warming is automatically accompanied by a decrease in precipitation, because in our case, although average temperatures have undeniably increased in recent years as shown in (Fig. 7), precipitation has also increased, making this assertion rather awkward.