Morphological properties
The purpose of the FE-SEM examination is to clarify the density and distribution of the nanoparticles in the manufactured polymeric film, as the images showed a homogeneous distribution of ZnO within the polymer. The image also showed that the ZnO nanoparticles appear to have been coated with the polymeric material (PVA)look in Fig. (1)[3]. Increasing the number of ZnO molecules represented in a network in the polymer matrix increases the conductivity due to its ability to accelerate electron motion, and this is the main reason that justifies the reduction in the Eg[15]. Other nanomaterials, such as graphene, can be used[16]. Figure 2 illustrates the FTIR study of (PVA/ZnO) nanocomposites, the O-H bond is responsible for the absorption peak observed at 3321.33 cm− 1 that indicates the polymer and serves as its identity. It traps water from the air, which is typical in humidity sensor applications[3]. The vibration peaks that appeared at 1567.03and1010cm− 1 indicate the weak Zn-o and Zno2 bonds. When adding )ZnO) nanomaterials to the polymer and varying the concentration, some changes were observed in the vibration peaks, and no creep of the peaks was observed. This means that the reaction occurring is physical[2–3].
Optical properties
Figure 3 showed the absorption for samples with a thickness of 270 ± 5 micrometers. The absorption in the ultraviolet region is high and began to decrease from a wavelength of 400 nm. Additionally, with increasing concentration of the (ZnO) nanomaterial, the absorption decrease even with increasing wavelength[17]. The absorption coefficient can be calculated from Eq. 1. Show Fig. 4: With increasing energy, the absorption coefficient increases, through which the type of electronic transitions can be determined. This increase is due to an increase in the concentration of zno, which leads to electronic crossing between the partial orbitals, with the help of phonons, and the electronic momentum is preserved[3, 18]. It is possible to draw a tangent slope for all films, which shows the energy gap versus the photon energy. The results also showed that by increasing the concentration of nanomaterials (ZnO), the energy gap decreases, which explains the narrowing of the crossing region from the valence band to the conduction band and the increase in the movement of electrons[19]. Figure 5 showed that the energy gap decreased (2.8–2.5) eV, the reason for this decrease is the creation of local levels as a result of the increase in nanomaterials ZnO in the polymer. This nanocomposites shows that it can be used as a humidity sensor. These nanocomposites are also used in optical applications[19.20]. The increase in the concentration of nanomaterials (ZnO) increased the extinction coefficient, as shown in Fig. 6 [21]. Because of the link between them, the extinction coefficient curve behavior of nanocomposites is comparable to the absorption coefficient (see Eq. 3) [9]. Furthermore, the sharp increase in the extinction coefficient occurred at the absorption edge. These results could be ascribed to both increase absorbance because of the transmission phase, and increase scattering due to increase, this matches the FE-SEM images in morphological characteristics[22–23]. Figure 7 shows that when the concentration of nanomaterials (ZnO) increases, so does the refractive index. The optical energy gap and reflectivity of the films are to blame. The packing density and greater orientation are related to variations in (n) value[24]. The amount by which a substance slows the speed of light is proportional to its real component. The imaginary fraction, Ɛi, shows how a dielectric absorbs energy from an electric field through dipole motion. As a result of kₒ2 being less than n2 look in Eq. 5, the behavior of ̐ Ɛr in Fig. 8 is comparable to the refractive index performance. In Fig. 9, however, Ɛi mostly depends on the value of the extinction coefficient (kₒ) look in Eq. 6 [25].
AC Electrical
Using Eq. (9), the dielectric constant (ε') of (PVA-ZnO) nanocomposites was determined. Figures (10) illustrates the behavior of the (PVA-ZnO) nanocomposites' dielectric constant with frequency. The dielectric constant is found to decrease with increasing frequency in all samples. This phenomenon can be attributed to the dipoles in nanocomposites turning in the direction of the applied electric field and the reduction of space charges or interfacial polarization to overall polarization. [26]. Figures (11) illustrates how the dielectric constant of (PVA-ZnO) nanocomposites varies with the amount of nanoparticles present at f = 100 Hz. This indicates that the dielectric constant of (PVA-ZnO) nanocomposites rises as the amount of (ZnO) nanoparticles grows. It is noted that for all samples of nanocomposites, increases with increasing nanoparticle loading. Interfacial polarisation within the nanocomposites in the applied field alternating electric field and an increase in charge carriers could be used to characterise these processes. [27]. This indicates that produced nanocomposites have low loss, or low energy loss, making them appropriate for use in pressure sensor and nanoelectronics applications.
The dielectric loss (\({\epsilon }^{{\prime }{\prime }}\)) was calculated from equation (9). Figure (12) demonstration the behavior of dielectric loss for (PVA-ZnO) nanocomposites with frequency. It has been observed that as frequency increases, the dielectric loss of (PVA-ZnO) nanocomposites decreases, which is caused by a decrease in the influence of space charge polarisation. The dielectric loss is highest at low frequencies and decreases as frequency increases. This is because the electric dipoles have adequate time to align with the electric field before changing direction [28]. The effect of (ZnO) concentration on the dielectric loss of (PVA) polymeric at f = 100 Hz is seen in Fig. 13. An increase in the amount of nanoparticles causes a rise in the dielectric loss values, which is explained by an increase in the quantity of charge carriers [29]. Clusters are formed when the amount of nanoparticles in the nanocomposites is minimal, but when the concentration is high-up to 6%wt they combine to form networks. The dielectric loss of nanocomposites rises as the amount of (ZnO) NPs in them grows, as the figures illustrate. As the amount of ZnO NPs in the polymeric (PVA) grows, so does its dielectric loss value, which is explained by the increase in charge carriers for the nanocomposites [30].
To measure the A.C electrical conductivity of nanocomposites, use equation (8). Nanoparticles produce a route network inside the nanocomposite at high concentrations of nanoparticles (6wt.%) for (PVA) polymer. Figures (14) displays the fluctuation in electrical conductivity of PVA-ZnO nanocomposites with frequency. As demonstrated in the Figures, for all prepared nanocomposites, the electrical conductivity rises as the electric field frequency increases. This behaviour is caused by both the hopping process, which moves charge carriers, and space charge polarisation, which happens at low frequencies. For (PVA-ZnO) nanocomposites, the electrical conductivity rises with increasing frequency due to the enhanced mobility of charge carriers in the high-frequency region[31].In Fig. 15 shows how (ZnO) nanoparticles affect the electrical conductivity of (PVA) polymer at 100 Hz. According to the figures, by increasing the concentration of (ZnO) nanoparticles. Because of the composition of the dopant nanoparticles, which gradually reduce the resistance of nanocomposites and increase the electrical conductivity, the growth in electrical conductivity with growing content of (ZnO) nanoparticles is attributed to an increase in the number of charge carriers. This aligns with the findings of the study [32–33].