2.1. Introduction
The aim of this research is to produce a functional aluminum-based composite material with carbon nanotube particles using the FSP method and to investigate the properties of this composite material. The effect of process parameters, i.e. rotational speed, linear speed and tool angle, on fracture energy was investigated. Then, the effect of the percentage of particles on the microhardness and also the effect of the process parameters on the hardness of the composite is investigated and finally the microstructure of the produced composites is studied (Figure 3).
2.2. Impact Tests
In this study, the response level method and Design Expert and Minitab software were used to design and analyze the experiments. The BBD method was used to develop the experimental design matrix. A total of 14 samples were prepared and subjected to the process based on the experimental design used in the current study. Table 4 shows the experimental design matrix and the fracture energy resulting from each situation (problem solving). In studies based on the statistical design of experiments, the accuracy of the model is determined, among other things, by the value of the coefficient of determination (R-squared) and the adjusted coefficient of determination (adjusted R-squared). The closer the value of these components is to 1 or 100 percent, the higher the accuracy of the model fit and the higher the quality of the proposed model. The coefficients of the statistical model used in this study are shown in Table 5. A 95 confidence level was used in the statistical analysis and the ANOVA technique was used to test the involvement and effectiveness of the model factors. Table 6 shows the ANOVA for the fracture energy parameter.
The fracture energy for the starting material was measured to be 31.6, but the fracture energy for all manufactured samples was less than 60% of the base material. From the decrease in fracture energy, it can be seen that the reason for this is that our material was subjected to a thermal process and the change in particle size led to a decrease in fracture energy, as did the severe deformation of the plastic that the particles were subjected to during the process. Reduces the size of the aluminum grains. By reducing the grain size of the aluminum matrix, the grain boundary density has greatly increased, and since grain boundaries are one of the obstacles to the movement of dislocations, the increase in grain boundaries restricts mobility and reduces flexibility. Figure 4 shows the influence of the three parameters of rotational speed, linear speed and tool angle on the amount of fracture energy. Figure 4 shows that the higher the rotational speed and the more brittle the material, the lower the fracture energy. As the rotational speed decreases, the fracture energy increases and the optimum speed reaches 950 rpm. Since less heat is generated at low speeds, the disturbance is also more uniform and there is adequate plastic deformation by the pin and the shoulder of the tool. In other words, at higher rotational speeds, the heat and stress created by the comb and pin increase and cause structural porosity and create holes in the composite. On the other hand, the process carried out improves the casting defects caused by solidification, which helps increase the mechanical properties. Also, at rotational speeds higher than 1225 rpm, the rotation of the pin and shoulder of the tool with the sample causes a lot of unwanted heat, which results in a decrease in the cooling rate, which causes undesirable material flow. This undesirable material flow leads to holes and other defects in the FSP region. The presence of these defects is the main reason for the reduction of mechanical properties and fractured energy at a rotational speed of 1500 rpm. According to Figure 4, with the increase in the advance speed, the fracture energy decreased and as it can be seen, the fracture energy had a decreasing trend at a linear speed of 45 mm/min. Increasing the traverse speed causes the input heat to decrease and not reach the optimal value, and also the process is not performed well, as a result, it creates defects that cause the failure energy to decrease. According to Figure 4, it can be concluded that the higher the tilt angle, the lower the fracture energy. The tilting angle of the tool causes the materials that are trapped and plasticized under the shoulder of the tool during the penetration and movement of the tool to return to the part with high pressure using the forging force behind the tool. With the forging, the plastic flow collected in the tool trail area creates a suitable compression and interference, which will lead to the reduction of process defects such as defects and holes in the center of the FSP area. It should be noted that the tilt angle of the tool is also a factor with an optimal limit and should be established at its optimal limit. By increasing the tilt angle from the permissible limit, the amount of interaction and contact surface between the shoulder of the tool and the workpiece in the forehead region of the tool decreases. This issue will lead to a decrease in heat production and vertical plastic flow created by the tool shoulder, and will ultimately cause a decrease in the mechanical and metallurgical quality of the FSP region. Using an optimal tilt angle will increase the strength and create a homogeneous and uniform microstructure in the FSP region.
2.3. Validation of the model , Optimization and Microhardness test
To verify the validity of the model, three other tests that were not included in the test design table have been performed. Table 7 shows the parameters of three experiments with the size obtained from the model and the size obtained from the impact test. According to the numbers on Table 7 and the percentage of errors from the tests, it can be seen that the model is reliable.
To optimize the fracture energy, ten points with the highest fracture energy are considered. The obtained optimal points are shown in Table 8. According to Table 9, ten optimal points have been obtained, which show that the highest fracture energy occurs when the rotational speed is close to 950 rpm and the linear speed is 30 mm/min with an angle close to 2 degrees. The Microhardness test results of five samples 5, 8, 13, 11 and 12 and the base sample are shown on Table 9 . The backward region is shown with negative numbers and the forward region is shown with positive numbers.
As it is clear from Table 9 and, the highest and lowest hardness values were measured in the center of the agitation zone and near the base metal, respectively. Considering that the hardness value of the used aluminum alloy Al6061 T6 was measured as 106 Vickers, and since aluminum alloy 6061 is one of the alloys that can be heat treated, the frictional stir process of a soft area around the center of the processing area in a number of Aluminum alloys produce heat treatment, this condition is caused by the annealing conditions as a result of the dissolution of reinforcing deposits in the processed area, which have undergone severe plastic deformation and experienced high temperatures during the FSP process. So, by doing the process, the hardness of this alloy decreases. Also, due to the fact that plastic deformation is more in the regressive region and the grain size is finer, the hardness of this region is higher than the advancing region of the samples, and this issue can be understood according to the diagram and hardness values. According to the obtained results, it can be said that reducing the size of particles and increasing their number, the fineness of grains in the turbulent region caused by dynamic recrystallization, as well as creating a more homogeneous structure in stir regions, under the influence of heat and under the influence of mechanical work, are important reasons for increasing the hardness of the sample. The processed samples are in the disturbed area, which is clear in the graphs, and the samples have the highest hardness in the middle of the processed area. The hardness in the aluminum-based composite area depends on the grain size, density of dislocations, nano-reinforcement particles and heat input to this area. According to the Hall-Patch relation, hardness increases with decreasing grain size. The dislocations that are created as a result of the heterogeneous distribution of nano particles in the metal field causes an increase in hardness. Reinforcing particles has a double effect on hardness. Both the particles themselves have high hardness and the effect they leave due to the phenomenon of locking increases in the hardness of the samples. In the absence of nano particles, the only effective factor is the input heat, which, despite the granulation inside the FSP region, greatly reduces the hardness of this region. On the other hand, the input heat caused by the continuous friction stir process does not allow the hardness to increase to a great extent, the reason being the complete annealing effect. On the other hand, the heterogeneous distribution of nanotube particles in the FSP region, and as a result, the improper flow of materials during the process can be one of the main reasons for the strong clumping of reinforcing particles in these samples and sometimes local reduction of hardness.
2.4. Investigating effect of three important parameters
The two samples 5 and 6 were used to investigate the effects of the rotational speed of the tool. For these samples, the linear speed is the same and is 37.5 mm/min, and the tool angle is also 2 degrees for both samples. Sample 5 has a rotational speed of 950 rpm and sample 6 has a rotational speed of 1500 rpm. From Table 8, it can be seen that the hardness of sample 5 is higher than that of sample 6. It can be said that by increasing the rotational speed, the heat applied increases, and since the heat applied decreases the hardness, and also when the heat is higher than the optimum value, it causes the grains to increase in size and decreases the hardness, so the increase in rotational speed causes a decrease in hardness. Sample 6 is compared with sample 5. Two samples 11 and 12 were tested for the effects of traverse speed on hardness. Both samples have the same rotational speed and the same angle of 1225 rpm or 4 degrees. The traverse speed for sample 11 is 30 mm / min and for sample 12 ,45 mm / min. According to the results of the microhardness test of these two samples, the hardness of sample 12 is higher than that of sample 11. The reason for this is that by reducing the traverse speed, the heat input increases and the grains of the sample become larger, resulting in a decrease in hardness. Two samples 6 and 8 were used to investigate the influence of the tool angle on the hardness measurement. A rotational speed of 1500 rpm and the traverse speed of 37.5 mm / min were taken into account for the two samples 6 and 8. Sample 6 has an angle of 2 degrees and sample 8 has an angle of 4 degrees. From the results obtained, it can be concluded that the hardness of the tool decreased with the increase in the angle of inclination. This decrease is due to the fact that the contact area between the shoulder of the tool and the surface of the workpiece is smaller at an angle of 4 degrees, the force and heat required to carry out the process are not generated, thus causing a decrease in mechanical quality and hardness. As mentioned above, FGM material was produced in this study in which the proportion of particles increases from the lower layers to the top. Therefore, the effect of particle content on the hardness of the composite material was also investigated. For this purpose, the hardness of the points of three samples 8, 5 and 6 was measured from bottom to top. If you increase the percentage of particles and their quantity, the size of the particles decreases and they increase the hardness. The nanoparticles themselves also have a high hardness and the hardness increases with the increase in the volume percentage of the particles (Figure 5, Figure 6, Figure 7). SEM images of sample 5 with the highest fracture energy and sample 8 with the lowest fracture energy were taken to check the microstructure of the fracture region of the three base samples. Figure 14 shows the fracture surface of the samples mentioned. Figure 8 (a) shows the fracture cross-section of the base material. In this figure, depressions and pits can be seen, which shows that our base sample has a flexible fracture. In Figure 8 (b), where the fracture surface of sample 5 can be seen, the pits and pits have become larger and the crack line can also be seen, indicating a brittle and soft mixed fracture. Figure 8 (c) shows the fracture cross-section of sample 8, which indicates a brittle fracture based on the crack line. Examination of Figure 8 shows that the process has caused the soft fracture to transform into a brittle/soft fracture, indicating the presence of a pit. The larger cracks and the crack lines are evidence of this claim, and these results are consistent with the results of the notched impact test, which show that the basic sample is more flexible than the manufactured composites, and also sample 5 is tougher than sample 8. Figures 9 and 10 show the distribution of particles in the base material. In the electron micrographs, the back electron detector components of the structures that have a higher average atomic number can be seen brighter,
while the structural components that have a lower atomic number can be seen darker. Figures 9 and 10 show the distribution of the nanoparticles as seen in the SEM images. The background is aluminum alloy 6061 and has a higher average atomic number than the CNTs, it can be seen lighter and the particles dispersed in the alloy, which are darker, are the aggregation of the carbon nanotubes.
The examination of the composites materials shows an inhomogeneous distribution, in other words a clumping of the particles. This fact can be related to the low wettability of the aluminum alloy and the carbon nanotubes, as well as this dispersion, the non-uniform distribution and the different orientations of the CNTs caused by different types of deformation. FSP produces complex plastic deformation, and the flow direction is along the rotation direction of the pin, the pin is round, and the CNTs cannot be oriented in a certain direction. Another reason for this kind of uneven distribution is that when a reinforcing material is used in a metallic substrate, the bonding phase of the substrate and the reinforcing component is very important. Due to the fact that carbon nanotubes are highly agglomerated due to their nanometer size and high specific surface area (100 m2/gr). In sample 5 (Figure 9), the distribution of nanoparticles is more uniform than in sample 8, which is due to the process with more mechanical stress due to the lower angle of the tool and more optimal heat due to the lower rotational speed, which reduced the gaps between the common layers of the processing area and structural defects. The distribution of nanoparticles in sample 8 (Figure 10) is more in the form of an accumulation, mostly trapped at the sites of discontinuities and cracks in the bonding layer of some mixed layers, which is due to less disruption and weaker mechanical mixing of the nanotubes. Sample 8 is carbon with base metal material. Based on the larger clusters of carbon nanotubes in this sample, which can be seen in the images, it can be said that sample 8 is less flexible than sample 5. Looking at Figures 9 and 10, it can be seen that at low rotational speed, heat generation is lower and stirring is more uniform, resulting in adequate plastic deformation by the pin and shoulder of the tool. In other words, at a higher rotational speed, the heat generation and stress generated by the comb and pin increase, causing structural porosity and holes in the composite, as shown in Figure 10. In addition, the nanoparticles in sample 8 are larger than in sample 5 and agglomerated.