The purpose of this study was to compare DNA sequences between T. cruzi GenBank M21331, which codes for Ag 36, and human immune genes using bioinformatics analysis. The NW Algorithm was used to compare the GenBank M21331 gene sequence to TRIM genes, and human IFN and IL genes. This algorithm produced a Significance score for each comparison. The score is a probability function that quantitates the possibility that the result could occur from random associations and penalizes gaps that are inserted to make the matches. Generally, a score over 10 indicates non-randomness. All the significant identity results had NW Significance scores over 82 for IFNs (Figure 1), and over 100 for the TRIM comparisons (Table 2), indicating that the identities are not random or by chance. In addition, we find stretches, for example of 68% similarity with human IFN gene compared with GenBank M21331. It is of note that human INF- α had a 13.6% identity (134.0 score); INF-β had a 12.6% identity (102.0 score); and INF-γ had a 17.9% identity (82.5 score). In addition, human IL-1 α had a 9.8% identity with a 127.5 score and IL 2 had a 12.5% identity with a 85.5 score to GenBank M21331 (Table 3). Therefore, the results indicated similarity of GenBank M21331 with TRIM genes, IFN, IL-1 α, genes that code for innate immunity, and IL-2 for adaptive immunity. In addition, a BLAST-p from was used to determine the number and identity of genes in the T. cruzi genome that can produce the Ag 36 amino acid sequence. That BLAST-p revealed that the Ag 36 gene of T. cruzi had 14 homologous genes sequences (MAP genes with 100% amino acid sequence identity to GenBank M21331).
The IFN gene identities are compelling since IFN-γ stimulates T-cells that recognize T. cruzi, and IFN-α and IFN-β stimulates innate immune cells during T. cruzi intracellular infection (Hidron et al. 2010; Winkler and Pan 2010). We propose at the T. cruzi mRNAs for the 51 MAP-like proteins (14 homologues plus 37 with 94% identity), may affect expression of IFN-α or IFN-γ, for example, if the parasite mRNAs found their way into the host cell. As evidence that RNAs can find its way into host cytoplasm, Bayer-Santos et al. (2013) report that extracellular vesicles secreted from metacyclic T. cruzi trypomastigotes contain parasite mRNAs, in addition to other varieties of small and larger RNAs. Similarly, the transfer to host of parasite mRNA may also affect (by an unknown mechanism) translation or regulation of RNAs so that the levels of TRIM proteins such as human TRIM37, TRIM40, or TRIM21 (Bayer-Santos et al. 2013) are affected.
The human TRIM37 genes notably showed regions of high sequence identity to MAP genes, with 12 consecutive nucleotide matches to GenBank M21331. Two possibilities that are known for down-regulation of TRIM37 by hybridization of a complementary RNA are RNA silencing, and RNA Interference. RNA silencing requires at least 17 to 19 complementary nucleotides (Ge et al. 2010) whereas RNA Interference requires at least 19 complementary nucleotides (Lv et al. 2019). Therefore, 12 or fewer nucleotides will not suppress TRIM37 by these means. However, it is possible that there is an unknown mechanism for them to recognize and inhibit TRIM37 through host RNA, soluble interfering RNA (siRNA), or micro-RNA. In this regard, it is intriguing that in Mulibrey nanism syndrome (a rare autosomal recessive congenital disorder) that mutated TRIM37 gene causes severe cardiomyopathy and growth failure of the muscles, liver, brain and eye among other birth defects when mutated in humans (Avela et al. 2000; Eerola et al. 2007; Brigant et al. 2019), which is similar to the cardiac pathogenesis that occurs in Chagas’ disease.
TRIM40 showed the highest identity of any TRIMs to Ag 36 gene. Similar to TRIM37 and TRIM21, TRIM40 is also an E3 ubiquitin ligase that plays a vital role in mammalian immune signaling pathways and may also target proteins for destruction (Jia et al. 2021). This TRIM multigene family has a key regulatory role during the immune response against pathogens. When pathogens are recognized by the immune system through the pattern-recognition receptors, several immune responses are initiated, such as the production of interferons (IFNs), leading to the expression of TRIM proteins. The upregulation of TRIM genes in response to IFN-γ has been reported in human monocytes and macrophages. Cell invasion into these types of immune cells by T. cruzi and a type I IFN response has been reported (Costales 2017). Over-expression and upregulation of TRIM40 may be linked to the control of both IFNs and the stability of the cytoskeleton network and its function(s). A three-dimensional cytoskeletal network is formed which consists of actin, microtubules, and intermediate filaments which are interlinked by protein interactions. Microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) belonging to the MAP1, 2, 4 family, Tau proteins, and actin are involved in crosslinking or bridging these cytoskeletons (Patel et al. 2009; Mohan and John 2015). TRIM40 may also modify transcription factors for IFN and other cytokines similar to TRIM21 in T. cruzi, and is intriguing since there is a 9.7% identity to GenBank M21331. TRIM40 directly targets Rho-associated coiled-coil-containing protein kinase 1 (ROCK1), which is involved in supporting cell-cell junctions, decreasing the phosphorylation of signaling factors in stabilization and the development of actin. This causes an inflammatory response from failure of the function of the epithelial barrier. The association of actin filaments with microtubules is crucial for cell division, migration, vesicle and organelle transport, and axonal growth (Patel et al. 2009; Mohan and John 2015). TRIM40 has also been shown to be pathogenic driver of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) (Kang et al. 2023) and this association may perhaps have an effect on Chagas’ disease megacolon often seen in patients with Chronic Chagas’ disease. The Ag 36 gene of T. cruzi, GenBank M21331, was found to have 14 homologous and 37 highly similar genes in the T. cruzi genome. Its prevalence in the genome is reflected in its use in next-generation tests for antibodies to Chagas’ disease, where one of its peptides, p12 (a MAP - TcCLB.511633.79) (Ibañez et al. 1988), showed 76% sensitivity in 61 samples of infected sera (Mucci et al. 2017). It is therefore conserved in a majority of strains of T. cruzi and can perhaps be used universally where Chagas’ disease testing is necessary (Negrette et al. 2008; Majeau et al. 2024).
When human IFN genes were compared with Ag 36 (GenBank M21331), IFN-α was 13.6% identical, IFN-β was 12.6% identical, and IFN-γ was 17.9% identical. Studies by Cunha-Neto et al. 2005 and Marin-Neto et al. 2007 suggest that IFN-γ signaling in the myocardium is associated with human CCC as well as with membrane cofactor protein-1, which is increased with the expression of atrial natriuretic factors. These both are markers of cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and heart failure in neonatal murine cardiomyocytes. These findings suggest that IFN- γ mediated chronic myocardial inflammation could contribute to the pathogenesis of CCC. In addition, the cytokine profile associated with Chagas myocarditis is shifted toward Th1 cytokines, with elevated IFN- γ levels, and decreased IL-10 levels which may theoretically prolong an ongoing inflammatory process (Gomes et al. 2003; Marin-Neto et al. 2007; Hidron et al. 2010). Recent studies of a useful mouse model of CCC revealed the additional roles of fibrosis and residual parasites and the associated signaling pathways in CCC (Hoffman et al. 2019, 2021).
As an additional study, the significance of gene similarity of Ag 36 to human TRIM21 was verified by comparing the T. cruzi Ag 36 gene sequence with various mammalian TRIM21 gene sequences (TRIM21 being the most sequenced of the mammalian TRIM genes). These results correlated with the mammalian phylogeny. Primate TRIM21 was most similar to Ag 36, followed by dog, shrew, ferret, bat and cat. More distant mammals to humans, such as sheep, rats, and mice, were not similar. Of these species, humans and dogs have been shown to have CCC after T. cruzi infection (Jansen et al. 2017).
The 14 MAP genes homologous to Ag 36 form a family of genes which mimic human immune genes in the IFN and TRIM families. This mimicry is mimicry of gene sequences and not of their protein products or epitopes that might be associated with autoimmunity. Molecular mimicry associated with T. cruzi has been hypothesized to be associated with autoimmunity, due to mimicry of surface antigens and epitopes, resulting in symptomology of CCC (Cunha-Neto et al. 2006). The underlying mechanisms are due to activation of T- and B-cells by the parasite (Eisen and Kahn 1991; Gironès et al. 2005) with increased local expression of the cytokines IFN-γ, TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-4, as well as HLA class I/class II molecules and adhesion molecules (Iwai et al. 2005).
In Plasmodium (malaria) infections, where RIFIN proteins mimic the human Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC), to block human killer cells from recognizing malaria infected red blood cells (Harrison et al. 2020). RIFINs are a second gene family (rif), which is associated with variant proteins (var) at subtelomeric sites in the malaria genome, that encodes clonally variant proteins (RIFINs) that are expressed on the surface of red cells infected with P. falciparum. An especially vivid example of parasite molecular mimicry in T. cruzi was found by Van Voorhis et al. (1991), who describe a 12-amino acid peptide sequence that mimics an antigenic epitope in human nerve tissue. In their study, humans with T. cruzi infection were liable to nerve destruction exhibiting megacolon and megaesophagus conditions, and their sera contained antibodies to the 12 amino acid peptide sequence and the nerve antigen sequence. This molecular mimicry by T. cruzi of a human nerve protein is analogous to our results, which is mimicry of human immune genes by T. cruzi genes. Although molecular mimicry has been reported between host and pathogen in other parasites (Abu-Shakra et al. 1999), it appears that ours is the first report and investigation of mimicry of human immune genes by a protozoan parasite.
Another related phenomenon occurs in Trypanosoma brucei spp. (African Trypanosomes), which uses antigenic variation to evade the immune response (Cross et al. 2014). This mechanism consists of a successive expression of a single or a multiple number of antigenic surface variants taking place within the mammalian host. Once the host immune response controls the foremost variant the parasite switches to a new variant, thus again evading the immune response and the cycle continues. This one factor at a time (OFAT) method is henceforth an effective strategy when the parasite is continuously exposed to antibody-mediated immune modulated mechanisms. This is an example of a sophisticated genetic program by a Trypanosome to overcome the host immune response. Although in the order Kinetoplastida, T. cruzi, unlike T. brucei, takes a dissimilar approach to antigenic variation by producing multiple, very large families of repetitive genes which may encode surface and secreted proteins. These are expressed concurrently instead of serially. It is hypothesized that this method may assist the amastigote form of T. cruzi to survive and propagate in susceptible hosts and evading recognition by T-cells. Additionally, investigations into the biological mechanisms of T. cruzi are perplexing due to the multifaceted nature and unique characteristics of its genes. Over 50% of the T. cruzi genome is composed of repetitive sequences, simple tandem repeats (El-Sayed et al. 2005; De Pablos and Osuna 2012); and numerous families of surface proteins (e.g. mucins and mucin-associated surface proteins (Di Noia et al. 1995; Herreros-Cabello et al. 2020); and trans-sialidases (Pan and McMahon-Pratt 1989; Low and Tarleton 1997; Herreros-Cabello et al. 2020).
Trypanosoma cruzi largely avoids the adaptive immune system during its intracellular residence but is still faced with attack from the host cell innate immune system. The T. cruzi MAP genes partial identities to those human immune genes, which are conserved over the hundreds of millions of years separating Protozoa and Humans, may be relevant to the parasite’s resistance to the mammalian innate immune system during infection. Experiments to test this hypothesis would measure levels of the host IFN-α, IFN-β, and IFN-γ and TRIM37, TRIM40 and TRIM21 proteins during infection compared with non-infected cells. In the case of TRIM21, quantitation of the proteins in infected or non-non-infected cells could be accomplished by commercial immunoassay. Measurement could also be accomplished by selected ion protein mass spectrometry to quantitate those proteins. Lower quantities per cell of these proteins compared with non-infected controls may provide evidence that these gene similarities affect the expression of these immune system proteins.