Animal and treatment
The use of animals and the experimental protocols were approved by the Animal Care Committee of Nanjing University in accordance with the Institutional Animal Care and Use guidelines (2020AE01113). C57BL/6J mice were from Gempharmatech Co., Ltd., Nanjing, China. We intended to generate osteoblastic Gpx4 knockout mice by crossing Gpx4-flox mice (Gpx4fl/fl, Strain NO. T050827) and Col1a1-Cre mice (Strain NO. T004734, both were of C57BL/6J background, GemPharmatech, Nanjing, China), but only obtained Gpx4 haplo-deficient (Gpx4-/+) progenies. The PCR genotyping was performed on mouse toe DNAs with primers F1: GTACTGCAACAGCTCCGAGTTC; R1: ACTTATCCAGGCAGACCATGTG; R2: AACTCCAATTCCCAGGACTCAC as depicted in figure 7A. All mice were housed under specific pathogen-free and standard 25 ± 2 °C, 50 ± 5% humidity and a 12 h/12 h light/dark cycle conditions.
A mouse OP model was established with a bilateral ovariectomy protocol 33. Briefly, the experimental mice were anesthetized with isoflurane and the bilateral ovaries of Ovx mice were removed through a midline incision of the skin and flank incisions of the peritoneum. The skin incision was then closed with metallic clips. Sham operation was processed similarly without ovary removal. For intervention study, female C57BL/6J mice of around 10-12 weeks old were divided into four groups: (1) Sham surgery group; (2) SGI-1027 (2.5 mg/kg, HY-13962) or Ferrostatin-1 (Fer-1, 5 mg/kg, HY-100579) from MCE, USA, dissolved in 2% DMSO, 30% PEG 300 and 2% Tween 80 administered by daily intraperitoneal injection; (3) The Ovx group; (4) SGI-1027/Fer-1 intervention group. For assay to determine the role of GPX4 in SGI-1027 intervention, C57BL/6J mice treated with or without RSL3 (100 mg/kg, HY-100218A, MCE, USA), or Gpx4-/+ mice and the control Gpx4fl/fl were subjected to sham, Ovx and SGI-1027 intervention described above. The experiments went for six weeks, and then mice were sacrificed by excessive isoflurane and the mouse femurs were collected and stored at -80oC or treated with paraformaldehyde for further analysis.
Human samples
Human samples were collected from the Northern Jiangsu People's Hospital, the Teaching Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School. OP is defined as a T score of ≤−2.5, and a T score of ≥−1 is considered normal bone density according to the National Osteoporosis Foundation. Osteoporotic lumbar were obtained from 6 female patients with lumbar fracture who received percutaneous vertebroplasty (62–82 years old) with an average bone densitometry T score of −3.9 (−3.6, −4.8, −4.4, −4.5, −3.8 and −2.8). The control non-OP lumbar were from six age-matched patients receiving internal fixation treatment (58–79 years old) with an average T score of −0.5 (−0.3, −0.6, −0.2, −0.6, -0.3 and −0.9). The T scores were determined by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. The samples were stored at −80 °C before further protein, histology and MSP analyses. The study was approved by the ethics committee of the Northern Jiangsu People's Hospital (2023ky232), and written informed consent was received from all subjects. Patients or members of the public are not involved in the design, conduct, reporting, or dissemination plans of the research.
Bone micro-CT analysis
Trabecular microstructure analysis was performed as described previously 57 with freshly-removed mouse right femurs fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde for 24 h. The micro-CT scanner (Scanco Medical, Bruettisellen, Switzerland) was set at 55 kV, 145 μA and 15.6 μm voxel with 250 ms integration time. Femoral mid-diaphysis above the growth plate and distal metaphysis were selected as the region of interest (ROI). For each sample, a total of 100 slices were evaluated to generate the three dimensional (3D) trabecular images, and ratio of the sectional trabecular volume to total bone tissue volume (BV/TV), trabecular number (Tb.N), trabecular thickness (Tb.Th) and trabecular separation (Tb.Sp) were calculated.
Histological, immunohistochemical (IHC), Perl's Prussian blue, TUNEL and immunofluorescent staining
The mouse femural sections were processed with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E), Perl's Prussian blue or IHC staining essentially as described before 58. For IHC staining, the sectioned slides were incubated overnight at 4 °C with primary antibodies against GPX4 (A11243, Abclonal, China), osteocalcin (OCN, 23418-1-AP, proteintech, China), and then with HRP-conjugated secondary antibodies. Afterward, the slides were processed with a DAB horseradish peroxidase color development kit (PR30010, proteintech, china) and counterstained with hematin, the IHC Profiler plug-in in Image J was used to automatically score the staining status of samples (High positive (3), Positive (2), Low Positive (1) and Negative (0)). Perl's Prussian blue staining (G1029, Servicebio, china) and TUNEL (TdT-mediated dUTP Nick-End Labeling, A111-01, Vazyme, China) followed the instructions in the kit. The percentages of TUNEL-positively-stained cells over total cells from 10 randomly-selected fields were counted in a double-blinded manner.
Immunofluorescent double-staining of murine femural sections were performed essentially as before 59. The sections were first incubated overnight with primary antibody mouse anti-GPX4 (67763-1-Ig, proteintech, China) plus rabbit anti-OCN or rabbit anti-CTSK (11239-1-AP, proteintech, China), respectively. Next day, the sections were incubated with secondary antibody CoraLite488-conjugated Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG (SA00013-2, Proteintech, China) and CoraLite594-conjugated goat anti-mouse IgG (SA00013-3, Proteintech, China) followed by nuclear DAPI (C1005, Beyotime, China) staining. A laser confocal microscope (Olympus, Tokyo, Japan) was used for image capturing.
RNA sequencing data analysis
We downloaded the transcriptome data of bone tissue from Sham and Ovx mice ( The reads from mice data were aligned against mm10 genome assembly with hisat 2.1.0. SAM files were sorted and converted to BAM with samtools v1.4. Reads with QS < 20 were excluded. For each sample, unique map reads with map quality score ≥20 were reserved for subsequent analyses. HT Seq Python package (version 0.9.1) was used to count the number of reads of a unique map for each gene. The DESeq2 R package was used to perform differential expression analysis. Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were assessed by |log2FC|≥1 and P value < 0.05.
Transmission Electron microscopy (TEM) examination
Fresh murine femurs were placed in a fixative containing 2% PFA and 2.5% glutaraldehyde (G5882, Sigma-Aldrich, USA), rinsed sequentially according to a conventional TEM sample preparation protocol, and fixed again in 1% osmium tetroxide. After dehydration and embedding in Epon812 (45345, Sigma-Aldrich,USA), the ultrathin sections were stained with lead citrate and uranyl acetate and observed under JEOL-1200EX microscope (Japan) at Shandong Weiya Laboratory, China.
Primary Cell culture
Primary osteoblasts were extracted as previously described 60 from 3-day-young mice. Briefly, calvarial bones were dissected and digested with 0.1% collagenase type I (SCR103, Sigma, USA) for three rounds after periosteum removal, and the final cell pellets were collected and cultured in fresh α-MEM media (SH30265.01B, HyClone, USA) containing 10% FBS(FSD500, ExCell, China) and 1% penicillin/ streptomycin(15140122, Gibco, USA). For osteoblast differentiation, the cells were changed the medium to osteogenic medium (PD-003; Procell, Wuhan, China)which contain 50 μg/mL ascorbic acid, 5 mM β-glycerophosphate, and 10 nM dexamethasone.
For primary osteoclast culture, bone marrow monocytes (BMMs) were isolated from 3-week-old mice by flushing the bone marrow of long bones and cultured in complete α-MEM medium containing 10% FBS and M-CSF (Macrophage colony-stimulating factor, 30 ng/mL, CB34, Novoprotein, China) as before 61. Three days later, RANKL (Receptor activator for nuclear factor-κB ligand, 50 ng/mL, CR06, Novoprotein, China) was added to induce osteoclast differentiation.
ALP or TRAP activity staining
For osteoblast ALP activity assay, FAC was added for 48 hours, washed with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) and then fixed with 4% formaldehyde for 15 min. After rinsing with PBS again, cells were stained for ALP activity with the BCIP/NBT ALP color development kit (Beyotime, Nanjing, China). Image J software was used to evaluate the positively stained areas over the total areas from 5 predetermined fixed locations.
For osteoclast TRAP activity assay, the differentiated primary osteoclast treated with FAC for 48 h or mouse femoral sections were fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde and stained for TRAP activities with a commercial kit (Sigma, 387A-1 KT, USA) according to the manufacturer's instructions. For primary osteoclast staining, the positively stained cell areas over the whole fields from 5 pre-set fixed locations were quantified using Image J software. For mouse femural staining, the sections were counterstained with methyl green and the average numbers of TRAP-positively stained cells in 10 randomly selected fields were calculated in a double-blind manner.
C11-BODIPY staining
A fluorescent radioprobe C11-BODIPY(581/591, D3861, Thermo Fisher, USA) was used to assess lipid peroxidation in osteoblasts. Briefly, the primary osteoblasts inoculated in 6-well plates under various treatments were treated with C11-BODIPY dye (10 μM dissolved in DMSO) for 1 hour at 37oC in dark. After excess C11-BODIPY were removed by washing, the cells were observed under a confocal fluorescence microscope with excitation/emission wavelengths of 488/510 nm for oxidized BODIPY (green) and 581/591 nm for non-oxidized BODIPY (red). The average fluorescence intensities were based on six randomly-selected view fields, adjusted for the number of cells of view and.calculated using ImageJ software.
Western blotting
Western blot assays of mouse hind limb bones or cell homogenates were performed essentially as before 62. The primary antibodies used were: NFATc1(AF06823) and DNMT3b (AF300068) from AiFangbiological, China; Col1 (Collagen I, GB114197) and OPN (Osteopontin, GB112328) from Servicebio, China; GPX4 (A1933), MeCP2 (A0707) and β-actin (AC026) from ABclonal, China; 4-HNE (4 Hydroxynonenal, ab46545, Abcam, Cambridge, UK); MDA (Malondialdehyde, abx445120, Abbexa, Cambridge, UK); CTSK (DF6614), KLF5 (AF7542), KFL2 (DF13602), NCoR (AF0270) SMRT (DF8896), SnoN (DF3088) from Affinity Biosciences, China. The horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-conjugated secondary antibodies were purchased from proteintech, China. Western blots were visualized with fully automated chemiluminescence image analysis system (5200, Tanon, China) and the protein quantities were analyzed by Image J software.
Methylated specific PCR (MSP) and bisulfite-sequencing PCR (BSP)
Prediction of CpG islands in Gpx4 promoters and primer design for methylation-specific PCR (MSP) and bisulfite-sequencing PCR (BSP) were performed with online software MethPrimer ( DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit (69504, QIAGEN, Germany) was used to isolated total DNA, and DNA Bisulfite Conversion Kit (DP215, TIANGEN Biotech, China) was used to convert unmethylated cytosine to uracil according to manufacturer’s instructions. MSP and BSP were performed following previously-established protocols 63.
The mouse Gpx4 promoter methylation was assayed by MSP with methylated forward primer 5’-TTTTTTAAGGGGATGATTTTGATAC (-247/-223) and reverse primer 5’- ATACCCAATAATAAAAACGCGA A (-78/-100); unmethylated forward primer 5’-TTTTAAGGGGATGATTTTGATATGT (-245/-221) and reverse primer 5’-CATACC CAATAATAAAAACACAAA (-77/-100); and input DNA control forward primer 5’-CTCTTTAAGGGGATGACTTTGACAC and reverse primer 5’-ATGCCCAGTGAT AGGGACGCGGG. The human GPX4 promoter methylation was assayed by MSP with methylated forward primer 5’-AGTATTTTTAGGTTGTTTGGTTTGC (7/33) and reverse primer 5’-CGAACGTACGAACTTATTATTAACGA (152/179); unmethylated forward primer 5’-GTATTTTTAGGTTGTTTGGTTTGTG (8/34) and reverse primer 5’- CAAA CATACAAACTTATTATTAACAAC (152/180); and input DNA control forward primer 5’-TAGACACAAGCGA GCATGCGCAGTC and reverse primer 5’- CCAGAGCGCTCATTGGTCAGACG. The PCR products were analyzed on a 2% agarose gel and visualized under ultraviolet light, and densitometric analysis was performed using ImageJ software. The methylation status was assayed by BSP with forward primer 5’- GTTTTTTAAGGGGATGATTTTGATA (-248/-224) and reverse primer 5’- CCCTACAA CCAATAAA AAACTAAATA (5/-22). The PCR products were separated by electrophoresis, and the target DNA fragments were purified and cloned into pGEM T Easy Vector (A1360; Promega). Five colonies from each mouse/PCR reaction were randomly chosen for sequencing, and the percentages of methylated cytosines over total cytosines within the cloned fragment were calculated.
Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)
Total RNA from mouse and human bone tissues was extracted essentially as before 64. After cDNA synthesis, PCR was performed with following mouse Gpx4 primers Gpx4F: CCCATTCCTGAACCTTTCAA and Gpx4R: GCACACGAAACCCCT GTACT; ActbF: GATCATTGCTCC TCCTGAGC and ActbR: TGCACCGCAAGTGCT TCTA as internal control and human GPX4 primers Gpx4F: GAAGCAGGAGCCAG GGAGTA and Gpx4R: ATGGCATTTCCCAGGATGCC; Actb primers ActbF: GCCTT CCTTCCTGGGCAT and ActbR: CTTCATTGTGCTGGGTGCC, respectively. PCR products were resolved on a 1.5% agarose gel and visualized under UV light.
Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP)
ChIP assay was performed with mouse bone tissues as before 65. The immunoprecipitation was performed with ChIP quality antibodies to KLF5, NCoR , SMRT and SnoN. The starting (input) and immunoprecipitated DNAs were analyzed by PCR and quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) using primer sets for Gpx4 promoter (Forward, 5’-GGGGATGACTTTGACACGC and Reverse, 5’-GCCTGAATGAAGGGA CGG, which covered the -239 to -14 locus containing a putative KLF5 binding motif (-43/gccccgccca). Regular PCR products were separated on 1.5% agarose gels and analysis of PCR product densitometry were performed with Image J Software.
Luciferase assay
Primary osteoblasts were transiently transfected (FuGENE® HD Transfection Reagent, Promega, USA) with Gpx4 promoter reporter plasmid Gpx4p-luc (containing 2000 bp of the Gpx4 proximal promoter, costumer-constructed by Genechem, China) plus a renilla luciferase reporter (Genechem, China) as internal control. After the cells received various treatments, the luciferase activities from cell lysates were assayed using a dual luciferase reporter assay kit (Promega, USA). The luciferase activities of Gpx4p-luc were normalized to renilla luciferase levels and expressed as relative fold changes.
Statistical analysis
The data normal distribution and assumption of homogeneity of variances were assessed by Shapiro-Wilk test and Levene’s test, respectively. The data quantitation and graphic plotting were accomplished with GraphpadPrism. Main effect P and effect size η2 (large effect size, η2 ≥0.1379; medium effect size, 0.0588 ≤ η2 < 0.1379; small effect size, 0.0099 ≤ η2 < 0.0588) were calculated by SPSS V22.0 software. Data were expressed as means ± SEM for animal studies or ± SD for cell assays. The Box-and-whisker plots were defined as follows: midline represents median, box is the 25th-75th percentiles, and whiskers are minimum and maximum. The group differences were analyzed by Student’s t test, two-way ANOVA, or two-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post-hoc test. The thresholds of P < 0.05 were set as statistically significant.