3.1. Evaluation of the original biosensor strain in a low-volume microtiter plate lector.
In order to establish a starting point and evaluate the suitability of this strain for our purposes we assayed different melatonin concentrations ranging from 100 µM to 0.1 nM (-4 to -10 log[M]), adapting the assay to a small volume of 96-well plates. Initial results showed a curve fitting with an EC50 of 117 nM (27 ng·mL-1), and an operational range of 3.5 orders of magnitude (Figure 1A). Similar results were also observed in the original study [21].
As the performed assay implies diluting 30 µL of sample in a total volume of 250 µL, a determined concentration of 117 nM in assay corresponds to 977 nM of melatonin from the original source. Currently, the highest amounts of melatonin detected as a result of natural yeast metabolism do not exceed 160 ng·mL-1 in wine samples [24,25], and, in this type of samples that rarely achieve more than 100 ng·mL-1, the matrix complexity must be taken into account when using a fluorescent based biosensor strain as the richness of polyphenols and other aromatic compounds with optical properties may affect final readings and interpretation. As the final goal of this work encompasses the adaption of the existing biosensor to a natural yeast-produced melatonin detection and quantitation, the improvement of sensitivity becomes a priority. So far, the operational range and sensitivity of this strain and the possibility of using a minimum sample dilution represent a challenging but plausible starting point for our purpose.
3.2. Enhancing of yeast biosensor capacity for melatonin detection
The biosensor strain with multiple integrations of melatonin receptor MTNR1A (hereafter called yRB1002 strain) was assayed under the same melatonin concentrations described above, obtaining an EC50 of 22.4 nM (5-fold less than the original yeast biosensor) and a similar operational range as the original strain (Figure 2A). Despite the significant improvement in sensitivity we wanted to explore if a further enhancement was possible following the similar approach of inserting more copies of the reporter system to obtain a better signal over background output, especially at low concentrations. The elements of the reporter cassette (Figure 1C) were integrated into previously characterized genomic locations, Chr. X-4 (one copy) and Ty2Cons (multiple copies) [22,26], to generate the yRB1012 and yRB1022 strains, respectively.
The strain with an extra copy of the reporter system (yRB1012) showed a reduced EC50 when compared to the original strain, but also when compared to yRB1002 strain (Figure 2B). Surprisingly, yRB1012 strain showed a narrower operational range than the two previous strains, covering nearly 2.2 orders of magnitude. When we integrated more than one extra copy of the reporter system into the yRB1002 modified strain, we observed a further improvement of EC50 value (2.6 nM), but at the expense of a great reduction in the maximum output signal, and a drastic reduction of the operational range when compared to original and yRB1002 strain, only covering 2 orders of magnitude (Figure 2C).
The integration of extra copies of the reporter cassette notably changed the dose-response curves in a fashion previously observed when a synthetic feedback loop into the MAPK cascade is introduced (Ingolia and Murray, 2007). But, in our case, using a synthetic transcriptional factor should prevent any autoregulatory feedback that Ste12 may exert through its native promoter. This change in the dose-response is more likely to occur due to an imbalance between Gα and Gβγ subunits when Gpa1 is overexpressed to such levels. Varying G protein signalling component stoichiometries has been demonstrated to alter the maximum output, as an incorrect trafficking of Gβγ in the absence of free Gα may decrease GFP signal in the original biosensor strain [21]. Although in the last modifications we have increased the expression of Gα (GPA1), and therefore an excess of free Gα is expected, to integrate one or more extra copies of GPA1 under a strong constitutive promoter such as PGK1p can lead to a certain metabolic burden, protein misfolding or altered protein turnover rates that appears to be directly impacting signal transduction behaviour.
Biosensor strain with the integration of a single extra copy of the reporter system yRB1012 displayed a higher output signal and lower sensitivity when compared to original strain (Figure 2B). Despite of showing a narrower operational range, the EC value of 11.6 nM offers a great potential for our screening purposes as this value equals a 22.5 ng·mL-1 concentration in a hypothetical sample (2.7 ng·mL-1 x 30µL/250 µL), which is a concentration value that can be naturally produced by yeasts. Regarding strain yRB1022 (Figure 2C), including more copies of the reporter system resulted in a strikingly lower output signal. This early GFP saturation at low intensities triggered by low concentrations can difficult a quality reading for quantitation purposes, although it might be of interest when looking for a bimodal response rather than a quantitative method to interpolate fluorescence intensity values.
3.3. Biosensor evaluation
Once the proposed modifications were made to the biosensor strain, we tested the sensing capacity of the yRB1012 strain on YNB80 media and compared it to the control strain, as we use this growth medium, enriched in the basic precursor for melatonin production, tryptophan, to test melatonin biosynthesis on different yeast strains. We believe the use of a defined synthetic media is adequate to start testing a variety of strains for melatonin production in this biosensor system due to its simplicity, as more complex matrixes may negatively impact our detection system, and as in previous studies, other synthetic media with tryptophan supplementation have been also used for melatonin production purposes [17,28]. To evaluate the biosensor strains in this medium, we first tested their response to melatonin when it is dissolved in YNB80 to determine the matrix effect of it, i.e. how it affects the dose-response curve when the ligand is dissolved in this medium instead of distilled water. As expected, the dose-response curves were affected by the medium, causing a loss of sensitivity and decrease of the maximum signal intensities, especially noticeable in the original strain (Figure 3A). Such reduction of sensitivity was not as notorious in the yRB1012 strain, which EC50 changed from 11.6 to 29.4 nM (Figure 3B). We also assayed melatonin concentrations ranging from 100 nM to 0.1 nM in YNB80 in the strain with multiple integrations of the reporter cassette (yRB1022) and the early output signal saturation at low intensities when compared to the other strains was still maintained (Figure 3C). However, we did not observe a strong matrix effect, even resulting in a slightly better dose-response curve.
In order to assess accuracy and precision of the selected modified strain yRB1012, we performed recovery assays from samples of YNB80 spiked with known concentrations of melatonin in a low range that resemble the expected concentrations on positive melatonin natural producers. Melatonin concentrations in these assays ranged from 3 to 30 ng·mL-1, and recovery rates showed this method offers a good accuracy (80 to 120%) between the assayed values, although precision can be affected when using this growth medium and considerable errors can be expected (Table 1). With these established parameters we believe it is feasible to determine differences in melatonin concentration in YNB80 medium due to yeast metabolism since enough variability in melatonin production among different species and strains is expected under the same growth conditions.
Table 1. Recovery assays from known concentrations of melatonin spiked in YNB80 media. Each recovery assay was performed in triplicates and repeated three times in three different days. Recovery rates (R) are expressed in percentage of melatonin detected in relation to the real known concentration. Coefficient of variation (CV) agglutinates the errors between samples and between assays performed on different days and thus reflecting the repeatability of the assay when similar matrix and concentrations are expected.
Spiked melatonin (ng/L)
Sample dilution
R (%)
CV (%)
3.4. Rapid screening of yeast melatonin production from 101 different strains
With the advantages achieved by our selected strain, and after assessing the potential and limitations of its use on YNB80 media, as a proof-of-concept, we decided to analyse a collection of 101 yeast strains from diverse origins, i.e. isolates from natural, brewing or winemaking environments and also commercial strains (Table S.4). In the same screening we included a control sample consisting of YNB80 medium with a known concentration of melatonin (25 nM) and the detected concentration was 21.4 nM (data not shown), which indicated a recovery of 85.6 ± 0.1%. As another positive control, a genetically modified laboratory strain with a BY4743 background, and the ability to overproduce melatonin, was included in the analysis (strain G12). Strain G12 carries genetic modifications based on the described melatonin producer strain from Germann et al. [28], and in its case we detected 0.15 mg·L-1 of melatonin (664 nM), which is, as expected, an amount that clearly stands out from the rest of the samples analysed (Figure 4). As expected, most of the strains were indistinguishable from each other in terms of melatonin concentration, since the spontaneous natural production of melatonin by yeasts occurs in a very inconspicuous manner. However, some of the strains tested had a clearly distinct melatonin concentration, which allowed us to distinguish perfectly those with a greater capacity to produce melatonin under the conditions tested.
Most of the strains with the highest melatonin production belong to S. cerevisiae, among which those isolated from wine-related environments stand out. Melatonin synthesis in yeast have been associated with an antioxidant role [29–31] and a protective molecule against ethanol stress [32]. Wine fermentation is a very stressful process which can promote the adaptation to this harsh environment by promoting the synthesis of these protective molecules against the multiple stresses. In other words, the differences between the responses of environmental and wine S. cerevisiae strains could be related to genetic differences shaped by human activity (domestication). A Lodderomyces elongisporus strain, also isolated from a contaminated wine, also stood out. Finally, it is worth mentioning that most of the S. uvarum and S. kudriavzevii were above the average of melatonin production.
3.5. Direct detection in recently fermented wines
We used our collaboration with some local wineries to collect a representative number of wines whose fermentation was completed in less than a week, to avoid any possible degradation of melatonin during wine storage. Direct detection of melatonin from a complex matrix such as wine poses a great analytical challenge, primarily due to the usual low concentrations expected, but also for its optical properties where multiple wine components such as polyphenols, anthocyanins or catechins, among others, may exert a wavelength absorption and emission that overlap with that from our reporter fluorophore GFP. To partially tackle this issue, a mild pretreatment of the samples with polyvinylpolypyrrolidone (PVPP) was employed before the sample analyses [33]. Four different wines representing different grape must fermentations and coded V9, V22, G34 and MA48 (Table S.5) were spiked with different concentrations of melatonin and standard curves were elaborated with them and assayed on the modified biosensor stranis yRB1012 and yRB1022. The same assay was performed on the original strain (yWS1544) which served as a control. A general increase of EC50 for every tested strain was observed when using these matrices to detect melatonin and thus making difficult the use of these strains for quantitative purposes (Figure 5). The great differences observed between the EC50 from the different strains when the calibration curve is dissolved in water were drastically reduced, and the strain yRB1022 exhibited the lowest value in all cases, as expected, being around 15 ng/mL on assay (Table S.6).
Acknowledging the limitations on quantifying concentrations and with the purpose of harnessing the great sensitivity of yRB1022 strain, we assayed thirteen different recently fermented wines with the objective of detecting differences on the output signal between samples in a qualitative manner. Fluorescence intensities for this assay ranged from 6.6% to 8.1% (Figure 6), which as expected, fell below the linear range of the standard curve, nevertheless, interesting differences can be observed between samples, especially those from red wines.