Our results show the important role of three sub-Antarctic areas, the MPAN-BB, the BC and the AS, in carbon storage, with higher carbon content in sediments than in the benthic biomass and, therefore, highlighting their NCP value. Despite the differences between traditional BCEs (mangroves, salt marshes and seagrasses), which have been noted for their potential to retain large amounts of carbon, and benthic ecosystems in BC and BB (e.g., depth, primary production, latitudinal location, etc.), both are important for C storage and could be potential hotspots for C sequestration. The total C storage in the sediments of the studied areas was similar to that reported in other BCE and Antarctic sediments. However, major differences were detected between the OC and IC fractions. Our studied sub-Antarctic systems presented much greater amounts of inorganic carbon and consequently lower amounts of organic carbon than those reported in the BCE, including southern Atlantic salt marshes7,35–37. Compared to the Antarctic locations, BB and BC showed similar organic matter (OM) contents in sediments to those reported in the Bellingshausen Sea and higher organic matter contents than those registered in the Bransfield Strait and three fjords in the West Antarctic Peninsula10,38. This comparison is based on OM instead of carbon because carbon values were not available in those studies. Unlike benthic invertebrate biomasses, which generally consist of approximately 50% of carbon in the OM, the proportion of carbon in sediments is more variable. Our studied areas presented different carbon contents in the OM of sediments (BB ~8%, AS ~38% and BC ~15%). These values are comparable to the C:OM fraction reported for mangroves and sea grasses, where the C in the OM was reportedly 14% and 4.2%, respectively7,39. In Antarctic fjords, an estimated 20% of the C in the OM has been reported10,39,40.
In our study area, the biomass carbon storage was lower than that reported for BCE carbon stocks7,41–44. Nevertheless, the benthic biomass was not evenly distributed among sites and areas, presenting marked differences among samples at our three studied sites (Figure 5). For instance, in the coastal areas of BC, the forests of the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera yield high organic carbon content and high abundances of associated fauna, whereas some other areas of BC present very low biomasses45. A similar pattern of marked differences in carbon content was recorded in BB, with stations differing by more than an order of magnitude in carbon storage (Figure 5C). However, the benthic assemblages of these sub-Antarctic areas still have lower carbon contents than those of the BCE. However, there are also other factors to consider that could represent advantages for long-term C storage in these high-latitude areas, especially the oceanic MPAN-BB. On the one hand, carbon contained in deeper benthic organisms is likely to be isolated from the ocean-atmosphere carbon cycle for longer time periods. On the other hand, BCEs are exposed to more risks, especially anthropogenic activities that threaten entire ecosystems and therefore carbon stocks, which are not present or are at least reduced, at the moment, in our sampled areas, especially BB, which are MPAs with a high protection status46.
Although the carbon content in the benthic biomass in the three sampled areas was lower than that in the BCE, it was similar to the levels reported in other high-latitude regions. In the BB, benthic assemblages had a greater carbon content (0.0008 kg/m2, Figure 4) than some near Antarctic locations, such as the Bellingshausen Sea (0.0007 kg/m2), the Weddell Sea shelf (0.0001 kg/m2) or even continental shelves at South Georgia (0.00017 kg/m2), but lower than others, such as in the South Orkneys (0.002 kg/m2)30,31. Our values of total carbon in the benthic assemblages of the three sampling sites are one order of magnitude smaller than those in the Barents Sea (from 0.003 to 0.020 kg/m2)33. In Antarctica, the high biomass of benthic organisms is related to high phytoplankton blooms47. In the MPAN-BB surface, phytoplanktonic production is low; however, a high zooplankton abundance in spring and summer, together with high benthic secondary production, suggests the presence of allochthonous energy sources48. However, C sources from the tychoplanctonic diatom Rhizosolenia crassa should not be disregarded, as they may constitute 98% of the phytoplanktonic subsuperficial biomass of 120 µg Chlorophyl L-1 49. On the other hand, in Antarctica, the benthic assemblages at >1000 m showed high variability in the IC stock: in the eastern Weddell Sea and at the tip of the western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP), the IC in the benthic assemblages was one order of magnitude greater than our estimates for BB, AS and BC. Notwithstanding, our figures of IC of benthic biomass were similar to those from the WAP south of 64°S50. These estimations in Antarctica have not corrected for the CO2 resulting from the production of CaCO3, and thus, they may be overestimated.
For many years, blue carbon studies across different ecosystems have neglected or did not consider the inorganic C fraction. Only recently have carbonates entered the scene of blue carbon assessments. This could be due, at least in part, to the inherent difficulties in assessing straightforward ways to properly include carbonates in carbon estimations. An appropriate IC estimation could involve considering one atom of C in a CaCO3 molecule and then proceeding with the calculation, where 12% of the CaCO3 mass is C. Finally, this can be estimated as the net uptake of atmospheric CO2. This relation has been calculated and reported in many studies14,33,50. However, biogenic CaCO3 production and IC chemistry in seawater are much more complex. There is still a debate about the net balance of C storage and how to consider carbonates in C stock biogenic CaCO3 production, including carbon capture and the reduction in CO2 solubility in sea water that causes the liberation of CO2 to the atmosphere. As a general estimation, one mole of precipitated CaCO3 will release 0.6 moles of CO2 to the atmosphere. However, this proportion is dependent on many factors, such as temperature, which has an important impact on the carbonate saturation state51. Particularly in the three sampled areas, the factor used should be 0.8. This implies that for each precipitated molecule of CaCO3, 0.8% of C is released into the atmosphere34. On the other hand, CaCO3 dissolution has the opposite potential, with the sea acting as a CO2 sink in a reverse relation.
Despite its potential to offset the role of the BCE as a C reservoir, inorganic carbon has been overlooked52. Many studies on C stocks in the BCE have focused only on organic carbon, but few studies that have considered carbonate content have reported high carbonate percentages, similar to our data. In seagrasses, values of carbonate in sediments could suggest even a net production of CO2 (from ~30% to ~50% of dry mass)32,53–55. Moreover, the mean carbonate content in mangrove forests and tidal marshes was also high (from ~13% to ~38%), and some of them even grew over carbonate banks54,56,57. Since carbonate production releases CO2, it should be subtracted from the total C stock, and studies that included IC into C stocks used different calculation methods on the basis of different approaches (Table 2). In terms of total stored C, the most negative assessment is directly subtracting the IC from the total C estimation32. Carbonates are considered exclusively a source of atmospheric CO2. In contrast, some studies have highlighted the potential advantages that carbonates can provide to C storage and sequestration, and these advantages should also be considered. For instance, carbonates in living organisms provide protection to organic carbon, a function that is consistent across calcifying taxa, facilitating organic C storage for a longer period. Therefore, these studies considered the IC (12% of CaCO3 mass) together with the OC in the total C assessment14,33. In sediments, carbonates can also protect particulate OC by adsorbing OC to mineral surfaces. Carbonates contain and preserve organic matter through both intracrystalline and nonintracrystalline structures. This serves as an efficient pathway for the preservation of organic matter, making remineralization more difficult and delayed. Consequently, this process promotes carbon sequestration58.
The timescales and locations of CaCO3 precipitation, whether from local production within the studied ecosystem or of allochthonous origin, have also been included in the C balance. This inclusion helps address whether a particular ecosystem can act as a sink or a source of C. Due to the highly complex carbonate cycle, which involves numerous uncertainties, such as the actual flux of oceanic CO2 to the atmosphere, it becomes challenging to establish a straightforward and standardized estimation method. As a result, there is still a debate on whether certain ecosystems, such as coral reefs or the BCE, can act as CO2 sources or CO2 sinks54,59. In our analysis, we incorporated the C trapped in CaCO3 along with the organic C for total C estimation. Additionally, we estimated and subtracted the CO2 produced in carbonate precipitation from the ratio (ψ) CO2 flux:CaCO3 precipitation according to depth and latitude, which in this case was 0.8 instead of the more extensively used 0.634. Using BB as an example of a different method for estimating IC, the results vary by an order of magnitude for both biomass and sediment C storage; therefore, depending on the calculation method, the system could be a C source or sink (Table 2). We therefore emphasize the importance of taking into account the carbonate content in total carbon estimation.
Another key aspect of carbonates is their potential dissolution, mainly under current ocean warming and acidification conditions. The concentration of carbonate ions determines whether calcification or dissolution occurs. Since this depends on both the water pH and the shoaling depth of the carbonate saturation horizons due to ocean acidification, dissolution could be a possible scenario, mostly in cold waters where CO2 is more soluble60. This possible dissolution would have two main consequences. First, animals with hard skeletons (corals, molluscs, echinoderms) would have slower growth rates, reductions in size, and/or lower larval survival61. Second, carbonates could represent deposits of fossilized alkalinity favouring oceanic CO2 uptake59. Both of these consequences could be important in BB. On the one hand, there are abundant phyla (Bryozoa, Echinodermata, Arthropoda) with hard skeletons and high carbonate content that can dissolve. On the other hand, we found high abundances of carbonates at our deepest sampling site (~9% of IC). Carbonates represent the major fraction of the C reservoir in sediments. Carbonates stored at greater depths and in colder waters will dissolve earlier than those stored in coastal and tropical or temperate ecosystems, such as mangroves, salt marshes and sea grasses. Currently, in the sampled areas, the aragonite saturation horizon (ASH) is approximately 1000 m deep, and projections made with the current CO2 emission rate indicate that ASH could be <100 m deep for 210062. Therefore, the greatest abundance of scleractinian corals within the 500-1000 m depth, including our deepest site (710 m), may be constrained by the depth of the ASH63. Moreover, the skeletons of echinoderms, which constitute a high proportion of carbonate biomass content in the three sampled areas (~9%, ~43% and ~16% in BC, AS and BB, respectively), have high Mg-calcite content. According to previous studies, this high Mg-calcite content could be the first to dissolve64. Indeed, the highest carbonate content in BB sediments was found at the deepest site (1000 m).
According to our results, in the three sampled areas, the benthic biomass stores more organic carbon than inorganic carbon. Conversely, the opposite relationship was observed in the sediments. This suggests, on the one hand, a high remineralization rate at least in the upper 10 cm of the sea bottom and, on the other hand, that the accumulated carbonates are very old, suggesting a very low sedimentation rate. Moreover, in addition to the amount of C stored per unit area, it is very important to consider the total area of the ecosystems to understand their storage capacity. Considering the total area of these MPAs, our study revealed that BB sediments store 25-30% of the C stored in mangrove, seagrass or salt marsh sediments (Table 3).
Understanding how climate change and ocean acidification will affect marine life and carbon stocks is critical for conservation management. Although the number of MPAs has grown exponentially worldwide, MPA effectiveness has been shown to be correlated with levels of protection65. The climate benefits strongly depend on the effectiveness of the MPA in protecting, for example, stored carbon in biomass from bottom trawls20. Our findings have important implications for MPAN-BB management and for the assessment of carbon storage in future environmental changes. This study has estimated, for the first time, the C stock in macrobenthic biomass and in sediments of a sub-Antarctic channel and in an open sea Marine Protected Area of Argentina from a natural resource management perspective by taking into account benthic assemblages and their relation to carbon storage. Moreover, this study contributes to the assessment of global carbon inventories under current climate change scenarios. These cold ecosystems, for which the carbon content had not been estimated prior to this study, could be included in the biological pump inventories due to their capacity to store carbon for long periods and their large area.