The calculation of up-to-date, accurate carbon (C) budgets is essential for climate change mitigation and adaptation plans 1,2. There has been a large amount of work developing C budgets, especially in terrestrial and oceanic environments, however, more work is required to understand the C budgets of inland waters 1,3,4. Inland waters have previously been considered as passive ‘pipes’ transporting terrestrial C to the oceans, however, recently there has been work showing the active role of inland waters in global C cycling 3,5–7. Globally, the majority of C in inland waters (streams, rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and ponds) is from terrestrial sources (5.8 Pg C/yr; inorganic and organic C) with a small amount contributed from aquatic primary productivity (0.3 Pg C/yr; organic C), of this C supply, 4.4 Pg C/yr is emitted to the atmosphere, 1.1 Pg C/yr is exported to the oceans, while just 0.6 Pg C/yr is buried in aquatic sediments 7.
Although the annual rate of carbon burial in lakes is a relatively small, sedimentation in inland waters presents a long-term carbon storage pathway 3,6,8. Lake size and primary productivity have been identified as key factors determining sedimentation rates, in addition, cultural eutrophication has been shown to increase C sedimentation rates by increasing primary productivity 8–11. [NO_PRINTED_FORM] 11, estimated that European lakes had an average pre-industrial organic C burial rate of 5–10 g C/m2/yr, which increased to an average of 60 g C/m2/yr post-1950. In North America, [NO_PRINTED_FORM] 10 calculated an average organic C burial rate of 88 g C/m2/yr across eight lakes in the Midwestern region of the United States. In the Great Lakes, Lake Erie and Ontario have higher primary productivity compared to the upper lakes (Huron, Superior, and Michigan), and organic C burial rates mirror this trend (19.07–30 vs. 0.97–4.84 g C/m2/yr), despite the smaller size of the downstream lakes 12. Additionally, in the Great Lakes, dreissenid mussel filtration has been explored as a factor influencing C sedimentation as it consumes large amounts of algae and takes up calcium for shell growth, reducing its concentrations for precipitation 13–16.
While organic C burial is increasingly well resolved in freshwater ecosystems, the inorganic C cycle of inland waters has not been as extensively explored, despite the important role that inorganic C plays in inland water C cycling 17–20. In marine systems, a study on high Arctic fjords found inorganic C burial rates ranged between 10.7–45.7 g C/m2/yr, with inorganic C burial dominating organic C at one of the two fjords sampled 21. [NO_PRINTED_FORM] 21, attributed the dominance of inorganic C burial to a greater activity of calciferous organisms and spread of carbonates in the area. The role of inorganic C burial has also been investigated for coastal blue carbon (CO2 stored in coastal saltwater environments) and global inorganic C burial rates were estimated at 0.8 Tg C/yr for mangrove ecosystems and 15–62 Tg C/yr in seagrass ecosystems 22. However, when determining the impact of inorganic C in bottom sediments on C budgets, it is essential to consider the C source. Allochthonous inorganic C originates from terrestrial respiration and is transported to aquatic ecosystems (via runoff and groundwater), where it may be taken up for primary production or degassed to the atmosphere 3,22. Counterintuitively, the burial of inorganic C via mineralization increases CO2 concentrations as CO2 is a byproduct of CaCO3 mineralization (Eq. 1). Additionally, the reverse reaction, dissolution of CaCO3, results in an uptake in CO2. Consequently, the net inorganic C burial from mineralization offsets the CO2 sink from organic C burial, in the case of the blue carbon ecosystems described above, a ~ 30% offset was calculated 22. Thus, it is evident that omitting inorganic C burial in inland water C budgets can result in inaccurate carbon pool evaluations, especially in systems associated with high mineralization from calciferous organisms 3,23. Although the above examples provide insights on inorganic C burial from calciferous organisms on marine C budgets, there is a gap in their consideration for freshwater environments 7,12,22.
Although the indirect impacts of dreissenid filter feeding have been briefly explored in relation to organic C sedimentation 13, the impact of shell calcification and burial has not previously been considered for inland C cycling 14,15.
Equation 1. \({2HCO}_{3}^{-}+{Ca}^{2+}{\leftrightarrow CaCO}_{3}+{CO}_{2}+{H}_{2}O\)
In the above stated studies inorganic C from calcification was considered a source of CO2 to the environment, however this may not be entirely accurate as it depends on the C source for calcification 24–26. Previously, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) was considered the sole source of mussel shell C and thus that C isotopes in shell were thought to directly reflect their environmental conditions, just as stable isotope analysis of oxygen in shells has been used to reflect ambient temperature throughout a mussel’s lifetime 27. More recently, it has become clear that metabolic C can make up a notable proportion of mussel shell C (%CM), ~ 12% in marine mussels but up to 25–40% in freshwater mussels 25,26,28,29. Specifically, a study of the North American freshwater mussel, Elliptio complanata, found an average %CM of 20 ± 10%, the large uncertainty represents the variation due to factors including ontogenic shifts, metabolic rates, and food source and selectivity 28. Determining the relative proportion of C sources is not only important for paleo work, but also to understand the impact of modern mineralization on C cycling. While shell mineralization from DIC results in the release of a CO2 molecule, when organic C is the original source a molecule of CO2 from respiration is diverted from the release to the environment. Thus, the relative proportion of C sources for shell growth in dreissenid mussels need to be determined to understand their impact on inland C cycling (Fig. 1).
The Laurentian Great Lakes (hereafter Great Lakes) contain ~ 18% of the world’s liquid, surficial freshwater, with a watershed of approximately 1.0 million km2 30. Due to cultural eutrophication, most of the budget calculations in the Great Lakes focused on nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) rather than on carbon. Preliminary calculation indicates that the carbon budget is dominated by autochthonous production, followed by inorganic and organic C inputs from stream and groundwater and surface runoff 12. Previous work has also identified the Great Lakes as a net source of CO2 to the atmosphere, although CO2 saturation decreases from the upstream to downstream lakes, and varies seasonally 13,31–33. Additionally, [NO_PRINTED_FORM] 13, found an increase in Great Lakes pCO2 saturation following the establishment of large quagga mussel (Dreissena bugensis) populations and hypothesized that this was due to the alteration of lake water biogeochemistry via decreased primary productivity, increased water clarity, and respiration from the large mussel populations. This finding draws from a large body of work examining the physicochemical impacts of invasive dreissenid mussels 34,35, especially in the Great Lakes 36–40. Although the impacts of living dreissenid mussels are well understood in the Great Lakes and other invaded territories, there has been very little work examining the impacts of the accumulating mass of mussel shells on the carbon budget in these lakes 38,41,42.
There has been some work exploring the scale and role of dreissenid mussel shells in inland lakes, however, as of yet, the Great Lakes, the largest freshwater ecosystem on Earth, have not been considered in this field. In Europe, a study investigated the impact of dreissenid mussel shell accumulation on a shallow lakes’ life span, and found that the invasion of D. bugensis could shorten the life span of the lake by one- to two-thirds by filling it with spent shells 43. Additionally, [NO_PRINTED_FORM] 44, investigated shell decay rates for native and invasive bivalves in North American waters and found that Dreissena spp. can produce standing stocks of spent shells on the scale of > 10 kg dry mass/m2 under appropriate conditions (low flow, high calcium) 44. [NO_PRINTED_FORM] 45, collected benthic samples from ten Minnesota lakes and although they found high variability in empty shell mass across lakes, they determined that dead shell material accounted for an average of 322% of lake particulate organic carbon (POC). Finally, the most comprehensive study of dreissenid shell accumulation in a large lake, was conducted in Lake Simcoe, Ontario, Canada (SA = 722 km2) 46. Based on samples collected from 0–32 m depths, a total dead shell mass of 1 141 000 tonnes was estimated 46. Additionally, the authors found that approximately 1 000 000 tonnes of shells are produced annually in Lake Simcoe, containing ~ 115 600 tonnes of C.
Since their invasion of the Great Lakes in the late 1980s, dreissenid mussel populations have had consistent growth, with an initial growth of the zebra mussel (D. polymorpha) population followed by the delayed establishment of quagga mussels 47–49. The establishment of quagga mussels not only increased dreissenid density in previously established zebra mussel habitat, but also expanded to much greater depths (> 90 m) and softer substrates 47,50,51. The growing dreissenid mussel population was also able to withstand predation pressure from waterfowl, lake whitefish, and their native predator, the round goby (Neogobius melanostomus), which established Great Lake populations in the early 2000s 40,50,52. Predation rates vary by habitat, but previous work has estimated round goby predation of dreissenid mussels in Lake Erie to be six kT/yr (270 T Cshell/yr), and lake whitefish consumption of 109 and 820 kT/yr (500 and 3800 T Cshell/yr) in Lakes Michigan and Huron, respectively 40,53.
While dreissenid predation has increased with long-term establishment, there is minimal evidence that these predators are reducing dreissenid abundance, although a shift in size structure has been observed 52,54,55. Predation rate and the dreissenid population impact the turnover rate of dreissenid mussels (and production of empty mussel shells), through their impact on the production: biomass (P:B) ratio. The stable dreissenid population maintains biomass (B), while the increased predation rate results in increased dreissenid production (P) (Astorg et al., 2022; Kipp & Ricciardi, 2012; Naddafi & Rudstam, 2014). Therefore, the combination of stable dreissenid populations with increased predation suggests that dreissenid mussel turnover has increased, thus increasing the rate of dreissenid shell mineralization in the Great Lakes (Fig. 2).
The evidence of large-scale inorganic C sequestration in much smaller North American lakes and a large stable dreissenid population in the Great Lakes makes a clear case for calculating C sequestered in empty mussel shells in the Great Lakes. Altogether it is evident that dreissenids are persistent ecosystem engineers in the Great Lakes 34,36,50, however, the impact of nutrient sequestration in their shells that are continuously accumulating at the bottom of these lakes has not previously been considered as a component of their engineering role. Here we provide an estimation of the C mass in empty dreissenid shells in the four dreissenid-invaded Great Lakes (Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario). This quantification provides a starting point for considering another pathway that dreissenid mussels have altered C dynamics in the Great Lakes. Finally, we suggest future work that will better resolve the impacts of this pathway on C budgets.