Understanding the distribution of biodiversity on Earth is the prerequisite for effective conservation and for mitigating the loss of species and their functions under rapid environmental change9–13. Recent work has highlighted the range of implications arising from an uneven geographic distribution of biodiversity, such as vast differences in countries’ conservation responsibilities14 and heterogenous representation in protected areas15,16. These geographic differences in cause and consequence extend to, and are often exacerbated for, the functional and phylogenetic aspects of biodiversity17, which are recognized as central for supporting ecosystem resilience and preserving critical evolutionary heritage18–20.
The same motivation for a more comprehensive understanding extends to different taxa. For terrestrial vertebrates, the thus far dominant model system for global ecology and conservation10,13,21,22, prior work has documented marked differences in diversity patterns of endothermic and ectothermic taxa. While birds and mammals (endotherms) share 75% of their richness and rarity hotspots, their respective overlap with amphibians and reptiles (ectotherms) is not strong20,21. The extent to which these differences apply to plants and invertebrates remains poorly understood. This is especially true for insects, despite their essential ecosystem functions2,5, outstanding diversity, and alarming decline3. For ants, species richness and rarity hotspots are uniquely concentrated in regions with dry conditions that reflect the xeric preference and advantages of the groups’ social organization23. These recognized differences exemplify the precarious foundation of the current knowledgebase for global biodiversity at large scales and leave insect biodiversity poorly represented.
The uneven distribution of biodiversity takes on an additional weight when hotspots cluster into distinct portions of the climate space that are particularly strongly impacted by anthropogenic change22,24. One prominent case are mountains. Owing to their historical role in supporting species’ survival and speciation through long-term climate dynamics and their own isolation, many mountain systems are centers of biodiversity25–27. Over 40% of terrestrial vertebrate species are mountain endemics28, but despite the strong implication for conservation whether and how this extends to insects remains unknown. At the same time, temperature-induced up-slope shifts and losses in habitat combined with strong geographic isolation put mountain biodiversity in great peril29–32. Impacts from warming might be particularly severe for insects due to their known strong temperature sensitivity33–36, but to date a global assessment of the geographic coincidence of diversity, rarity, and climate change threats for an insect system does not exist.
Here we address these issues using butterflies as global insect system. Given their ecological importance5, high surrogacy for insect diversity4, and their uniquely comprehensive distributional and phylogenetic information6,7, butterflies offer pivotal insights into complementary priorities for insect conservation. To achieve global coverage, we mobilized, modelled, and validated species distribution information for 12,119 species based on over 8 million occurrence records and newly digitized expert range maps (Supplementary Figs. 1, 2 and Table 1).
Richness, rarity and phylogenetic diversity
Across our 110 km-resolution analysis grid, butterfly species richness (SR) increases toward lower latitudes and higher elevation (Fig. 1a), peaking near the equator and at approximately 2500 m mean elevation (see methods and supplement for additional results addressing data gap species). In contrast, average range rarity (RR), defined as the average inverse of species’ global range sizes per assemblage – a continuous measure of endemism, bimodally peaks at around 20° and 40° latitude and 3500 m elevation (Fig. 1b). Notably in most realms, both metrics show limited congruence, particularly for peaks in narrow-ranged species, which are usually of greatest conservation concern (Spearman’s rank SR-RR: ρ = 0.40, n = 12,515). These differences become more evident in an assessment of global hotspots, defined as the top 5% of assemblages of the six major biogeographical realms (Fig. 2). Only 10% of richness and range rarity hotspots are shared globally, with no overlap in the Indomalayan and Afrotropic realms and as few as 2% in the Afrotropic and 4% in the Palearctic realms. This suggests that the hotspot disparity previously documented for vertebrates10,11,13, and hence the limited value of richness hotspots for identifying places of greatest global conservation concern, also extends to butterflies.
A recently completed comprehensive phylogenetic framework7 enables us to consider the geography of butterfly phylogenetic diversity. Assessments of the phylogenetic aspect of insect biodiversity at large scale are still sparse, but offer important opportunities to determine the degree of congruence with traditional diversity measures20. We find that phylogenetic diversity (PD, defined as deviation from a realm-level null expectation) peaks at about 20° latitude and at elevations of 3000 m and 4000 m (Fig 1c). This PD only weakly correlates with species richness and range rarity (SR-PD: ρ = 0.17, RR-PD: ρ = 0.29; n = 12,515), and respective global hotspots show only limited congruence (SR-PD: 29%; RR-PD: 15%). The mismatch is particularly strong in the central Neotropics, south-east Palearctic and central Indomalaya (Fig. 2), all representing global centers of PD. These centers of PD (Fig. 1c; see also Supplementary Fig. 3 for an alternative PD measure) match the previously argued hotspots of deep lineage diversification and potential evolutionary origin of butterflies based on phylogeographical reconstructions7. The limited congruence between PD and other measures of diversity we uncover, highlights the importance of geographically targeted efforts to protect the evolutionary heritage of butterflies.
Cross-taxon congruence
Research on global priorities for biodiversity conservation has offered important insights, but remains mostly limited to terrestrial vertebrates10,11,13,20. Because of their ectothermic physiology and thus direct dependence on ambient temperature34,37, we expected butterfly richness patterns to be more similar with those of amphibians, reptiles, and ants than with birds and mammals. Within ectotherm taxa, we expect the diversity of butterflies and ants to be more congruent with one another than with vertebrates, given that insects are orders of magnitude smaller and differ in both scale of habitat selection and physiological rates from vertebrates34,35. Due to the known co-evolutionary association7, we also predict a particularly high association between the richness patterns of butterflies and plants. Given a much lesser dominance of a minority of wide-ranging species in driving range rarity38 and a stronger signature of idiosyncratic biogeographic histories, we expect overall weaker associations for this measure than for species richness patterns33.
We find that across the assessed 110 km-resolution assemblages, the species richness of butterflies is moderately positively associated with those of plants, mammals, birds, and amphibians (all ρ > 0.70, n = 12,515), but less so with that of ants (0.67) and reptiles (ρ = 0.55; Fig. 3). This suggests that differences in thermal strategies or ecophysiology play a limited role for driving richness differences at this scale. Instead, the environmental drivers of immigration and survival that ultimately underpin richness patterns appear shared among taxa. While the exact contributions of evolutionary, abiotic, and biotic factors shaping cross-taxon richness similarities remain largely unknown33, our results for insects, vertebrates, and plants emphasize the potential to derive generalities of broad relevance for biodiversity28,39,40.
Range rarity hotspots harbor many species not occurring anywhere else, and their recognition is thus of extraordinary conservation concern. Compared to geographical congruence in species richness, cross-taxon similarity in range rarity patterns is much weaker (all ρ > 0.50, n = 12,515), and particularly poor with amphibians (ρ = 0.39). Even stronger cross-taxon mismatches emerge when comparing the top 5% diversity centers per realm and taxon (Fig. 3, 4). For these hotspots, overlap among taxa is generally poor, varying from 19% to 36% for species richness and 14% to 33% for range rarity. Notably, over 41% of the butterfly range rarity hotspots – approximately 4% of the land surface – are not shared with a single terrestrial vertebrate group (Fig. 4). Only 16% of butterfly range rarity hotspots overlap with a currently recognized rarity hotspot of ants. The hotspots areas distinct to butterflies include parts of the SW US, W Madagascar, S Asian highlands and select other locations. These results indicate that priority areas identified based on vertebrates miss critical places needed to safeguard the diversity of insects. Advancing the information foundation and conservation actions for these newly recognized butterfly hotspots should be of highest urgency17,20 (Fig. 4).
The unique role of mountains
Owing to their geographically isolated nature, strong topographic heterogeneity, and rapid environmental turnover, mountains are well-recognized for their role as catalysts for speciation and for offering refugia for species survival27,28,41,42. All of these factors are expected to contribute to the large number of butterfly species found to be concentrated in, or endemic to, mountain regions. In addition, a broad range of insects possesses physiological adaptations to cold conditions43–46. We thus expected mountains to play an important role in supporting exceptionally high levels of species richness and range rarity of butterflies compared to vertebrates. Our results confirm several of these expectations. Although mountains represent only 38% of the world’s terrestrial surface outside the polar regions at our study grain, they harbor 72% and 76% of global hotspots of species richness and range rarity, respectively (Figs. 2, 4; odds ratio of 4.29 and 5.24, respectively). This proportion is lower for phylogenetic diversity (59%), but still more than twice as high than expected by chance alone (odd ratio of 2.35). On the species level, these differences are reflected in the much greater portion of butterflies’ geographic ranges in mountains than elsewhere (violin plots in Fig. 2). The importance of mountains differs among realms, with generally lower mountain association in tropical compared to temperate realms (all hotspots combined: 1.43 to 7.09; bar plots in Fig. 2).
Our findings corroborate existing work recognizing the evolutionary and conservation significance of mountains for biodiversity26–28,42, but also highlight that their role might be even greater than previously thought. Greater concentrations of insect compared to vertebrate diversity toward higher elevations have been documented at local scales47, but at broad scales remain untested. We find that the concentration of butterfly diversity in mountains substantially exceeds that of almost all globally studied taxa, especially so for range rarity (Fig. 5a). Toward higher average elevations, butterfly richness decreases weakly, and butterfly rarity increases much more strongly than found in ants and terrestrial vertebrates. Above 2000 m, plant and butterfly richness remain relatively high, and butterfly range rarity markedly exceeds that of other taxa. We attribute this to several factors, including physiological adaptations such as color- and size-based thermoregulation of butterflies43,46 supporting short windows of activity48 even in cold, high-elevation settings. The remarkably strong association of butterflies with mountains seems to be further driven by their strong co-evolution with plants7 and its impact on resource availability in colder climates49. Specifically, grasslands and open habitats above the tree line are known to support mountain-top endemics, including Erebia and Parnassius species highly specialized to grasses (mostly Poaceae) and other alpine plants (e.g. Sedum)50,51. For instance, in the European Alpes alone at least 30% (1,489) of all European Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths) species occur and 15% (220) are endemic to the alpine region51. This extraordinary concentration in narrow parts of geographical and environmental space39 highlights a precarious situation of butterflies in a rapidly changing world.
Projected erosion of butterfly niches
Through their role as buffers for past climatic change, their diversity of microclimatic conditions, and their isolation, mountains have repeatedly served as fundamental refugium for terrestrial global biodiversity26–28,31,33,42. During the projected upcoming period of rapid global warming, the same attributes have been hypothesized to convert mountain habitats from safe havens26 to graves, especially in combination with growing land-use pressures52–54. To gauge this threat, we assess the relative temperature exposure and niche erosion of butterfly hotspots in a future warmer world using ensemble predictions of change in mean annual temperature between now and 2070 (see methods).
Assessing the availability of temperatures within realms while accounting for the inherently small portion of hotspot assemblages55 reveals that even minor warming can have severe impacts on hotspots of species richness, range rarity, and phylogenetic diversity (Fig. 6). For example, the rare cold temperatures of Afrotropical richness hotspots are predicted to erode by 60% despite a comparatively minor temperature increase of 2.6°C (RCP 8.5). This temperature niche loss is five times greater than for Afrotropical non-hotspots, which are mainly encompassing warmer conditions. Similar trends underpin other realms, especially in the tropics. Butterfly hotspot temperature niche loss ranges from 13% to 64% (mean: 31%) for species richness, from 6% to 14% (mean: 11%) for range rarity, and from 9% to 60% (mean: 33%) for PD, respectively (Fig. 6a, Extended Data Fig. 4).
In almost all cases, the niche loss is greater for hotspots compared to non-hotspots (Fig. 6a) even though non-hotspots usually experience greater projected increase in absolute temperature (Extended Data Fig. 5). However, because temperature regimes of biodiversity hotspots are distinct and within a realm geographically much rarer compared to non-hotspots, they are more susceptible to niche loss (Fig. 6 and Extended Data Fig. 2, 3). For butterfly hotspots, we found a negative relationship between projected warming and resulting niche loss (RCP 4.5 and 8.5: Spearman’s ρ = –0.43 and –0.53; P = 0.072 and 0.023; Fig. 6c and Supplementary Fig. 4). Together, these findings reveal that under the anticipated rapid global warming, mountains do not function as safe havens, but instead might be traps for butterfly biodiversity.
Assessments of climate change impacts often neglect niche availability, for instance because they are based on absolute climate changes in focal areas56–58, or rely on simple, binary scenarios of whether or not species might track their niches59,60. Our results suggest that quantifying geographic niche availability is crucial for understanding threats to mountain biodiversity, due to the nuanced and gradual decline of specific temperature regimes at upslope locations following warming. These trends are mirrored by local population declines at highest elevations despite concurrent up-slope range shifts in the last decades29,61. However, we note that additional dispersal constraints not accounted for in our analysis might cause yet greater niche losses in island endemics (e.g. range rarity hotspots in Australasia and Indomalaya) and in regions where the latitudinal orientation of mountain ranges hinders northward shifts (Fig. 6 and Extended Data Fig. 4).
Despite a growing recognition of their worldwide populations declines3, less than 1% of all insects and under 8% of butterflies have so far been assessed for their global threat status). Our study uncovered that the global conservation hotspots for butterflies vary strongly across different aspects of diversity, show limited overlap with other taxa, and are unusually strongly exposed to global warming. This threat arises from butterflies’ strong concentration at higher elevations that differs markedly from other species groups assessed globally to date. Mountains play a pivotal role for this species group yet due to their geographically rare and isolated environmental conditions are now bound to become ecological dead ends. There is an urgent need for targeted conservation strategies that address the connectivity, protection, and restoration of mountain areas where identified rarity and threat most strongly coincide. Our findings sound a clarion call for a more comprehensive global biogeographic knowledgebase to ensure the recognition of imminent threats to biodiversity and guide effective biodiversity conservation and management.