Previously, we and others have used cantilever-based techniques to measure droplet friction on various surfaces, but typically at low speeds U < 1 mm s-1; at higher speeds, friction measurements become inaccurate because of ringing artefacts. Here, we are able to eliminate the ringing noise using a critically damped cantilever. We measured droplet friction on a superhydrophobic surface over a wide range of speeds U = 10−5– 10−1 m s−1 and identified two regimes corresponding to two different physical origins of droplet friction. At low speeds U < 1 cm s−1, the droplet is in contact with the top-most solid (Cassie-Baxter), and friction is dominated by contact-line pinning with Ffric that is independent of U. In contrast, at high speeds U > 1 cm s−1, the droplet lifts off the surface, and friction is dominated by viscous dissipation in the air layer with Ffric ∝ U2/3 consistent with Landau-Levich-Derjaguin predictions.