Historically, the diagnosis of IEIs relied on clinical evaluation, family history, laboratory diagnostics, and immunophenotyping. However, the landscape has evolved with the integration of NGS into clinical practice. While hypogammaglobulinemia characterizes CVID and Ig replacement therapy is fundamental, pinpointing specific causative genes can unveil novel treatment targets. This advancement has revolutionized diagnostic and therapeutical approaches by enabling the identification of causative genetic mutations. In case of CVID, accumulating data on genetic variants and their disease-causing potential underscore the importance of genetic analysis. Nevertheless, the genetic underpinnings of CVID remain complex, necessitating further exploration of disease pathogenesis [22, 23]. In this study we characterized from a clinical, immunological and genetic point of view, a cohort of pediatric and adolescent patients meeting the ESID diagnostic criteria for CVID. In addition to the typical clinical manifestations related to CVID, in our cohort of patients several atypical symptoms involving different systems were detected, requiring multidisciplinary follow-up and different treatment strategies. CVID, as all the other IEIs, are multisystemic complex diseases that can be characterized by an heterogeneous cohort of symptoms involving all organs and systems, and that therefore often require a multidisciplinary approach with the collaboration of several specialists.
As previously reported [24, 25], our results confirm that the most frequent clinical manifestations of CVID at onset are recurrent infection (in more than a half of our patients), especially recurrent respiratory infections, followed by immune dysregulation (in a quarter of our patients)
The diagnostic delay in our cohort was similar to that one reported for IEIs [26, 27], but lower considering only CVID patients, in particular adult cohorts [28, 29].
Although immunophenotyping plays an important role in the diagnosis and prognostic stratification of CVID patients, scarce data is available about immunophenotype-genotype correlations. In our cohort we couldn’t identify any statistically significant difference in immunophenotype classifications (EUROclass, Freiburg, Paris) between different clinical phenotypes or between gene-positive and gene-negative patients group and neither a significant phenotype-genotype correlation.
Performing a clinical WES in our cohort of patients, we identified pathogenic/likely pathogenic variants, VUS or mutations associated with IEIs in more than a half of the patients. Previously reported mutations in SLC39A7, PRKCD, STAT3, NFKB1, PIK3R1, PLCG2, RFXANK, PRKDC, TNFRSF13B genes and new variants in SPI1 and NFKB1 were found in our cohort.
To enhance the diagnostic performance of our analysis, according with the bi-annual revision of IUIS EC on IEIs classification we perform a periodic re-analysis of negative WES analysis. In our cohort, the exome re-analyses with the IUIS classification update led us to the identification of genetic mutations in two patients. Indeed, WES analyses of the patient with the mutation on SPI1 gene was negative in 2020, while the re-analysis in 2022 showed the mutation on SPI1 gene that was not reported in the 2019 IUIS classification [7, 30]. Similarly, the identification of SLC39A7 mutation was possible only after the 2019 IUIS update because the gene was not reported in the 2017 IUIS version [31]. To the best of our knowledge this is the cohort in which the higher proportion of genetic diagnosis has been made compared to previous studies on genetic etiologies of CVID and these data confirm that WES is the best diagnostic genetic approach to pediatric CVID. Identification of the causative gene and its functional significance in patients with a CVID phenotype may significantly alter the management modalities from Ig replacement to hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) or specific targeted therapy [32]. In our cohort of patients, genetic analysis led us to the identification of different target therapy for example Rapamune in the patient with mutation in PRKCD gene, Janus kinase-inhibitor in the girl with STAT3 mutation, selective phosphoinositide 3-kinase-delta (PI3Kδ) inhibitor in the patient with PIK3R1 mutation, HSCT in patients with RFXANK mutations.
Going to evaluate the individual mutations found surprised us, only three of the mutated genes identified in our cohort are reported in the CVID phenotype table of the IUIS 2022 classification. For the other patients, while meeting the ESID diagnostic criteria for CVID, we identified variants in 7 genes included in different IEIs tables [7], for example CID, SCID, agammaglobulinemia, disease of immune dysregulation and autoinflammatory disorders. Considering the patients with mutations in typical CVID-genes we identified 5 patients with variants in the transmembrane activator and calcium-modulating cyclophilin ligand interactor (TACI, TNFRSF13B); the mutations were monoallelic in three patients and biallelic in two patients (one compound heterozygous and one homozygous). Mutations on TNFRSF13B have been identified in about 8%-10% of CVID patients but sometimes found also in healthy subjects who were not hypogammaglobulinemic [33–35]. These genetic variants are generally considered disease-associated rather than pathogenic [36–38].
Martinez-Gallo et al. demonstrated that family members with the same TACI mutations in heterozygous or homozygous form, although not hypogammaglobulinemic, have impaired B-cell TACI expression and reduced ligand binding, showing a selective in vitro activation defect [39]. Interestingly, the three patients in our cohort with a monoallelic mutation on TNFRSF13B had a mild CVID phenotype characterized mainly by recurrent respiratory infections and IgG subclasses deficiency, while their mothers with two different mutations on the gene had a more complex phenotype, characterized by granulomatous form of CVID or severe hypogammaglobulinemia. This finding confirms that the loss of 1 functional allele might lead to degree of haploinsufficiency, as previously reported [40].
To date, there are no clinical or laboratory guidelines regarding the genetic workup of patients presenting with CVID and there is a lack of structured guidance on how to give priority to genetic tests within clinical genetic services. Prioritization should be based on considerations of health need, medical benefit, and costs; according to the accountability for reasonableness principles one of the prioritization criteria for genetic testing is the ‘likelihood of disease’ meaning the patient-specific likelihood of being affected by the disease/genetic mutation tested for [41]. Therefore we aimed to create a scoring system that could help clinicians to decide when a genetic test should be performed and to prioritize the analysis in pediatric patient with CVID likelihood of being affected by a specific gene mutation. Comparing our gene-positive and gene-negative cohorts of patients, we demonstrated that a monogenic cause is more likely to be found in case of early disease onset (in infancy or early childhood), positive family history, presence of several autoimmune and lymphoproliferative manifestations, and specific immunological alterations (pan hypogammaglobulinemia and defect in switched B memory cells on total B cells). Using these clinical and laboratory criteria, we developed a pediatric Mo-CVID scoring system to hypothesize when a patient is likely or unlikely to have a genetic mutation causing CVID.
The Mo-CVID score holds potential value not only in resource-constrained developing countries but also in high and middle-income nations, where it can aid in prioritizing clinical genetic testing and conserving both economic and human resources. This scoring system could assist clinicians in identifying pediatric CVID patients for whom clinical WES is recommended or less likely to yield a genetic mutation. A low monogenic CVID score probability may alleviate family concerns, while a high Mo-CVID score would necessitate genetic analysis. Moreover, we posit that the Mo-CVID score is crucial for determining candidates for further genetic testing. For instance, individuals with a high Mo-CVID score ("probable") but negative genetic analysis could benefit from exome re-analysis or more comprehensive genetic testing methods.
Nevertheless, patients with a low Mo-CVID score should still be followed and investigated even if at different times compared to others, because disease-causing genes with hypomorphic roles or with "redundant" functions could still be involved.
A limitation of the study was the limited number of patients included. A multicentric study with a larger pediatric CVID cohort to further evaluate our score could be interesting and useful to demonstrate its feasibility and efficacy in different clinical settings.