The links between floral diversity and bee functioning and between floral species composition and bee functioning are unclear, and a better integration of the approaches and frameworks scattered among various studies is needed2,22,23,36,37. Here, we provide a point of view rooted in organismal bee physiology and further extend it over the whole ecosystem, of which the bee population and the floral composition form a part. We suggest that bee fitness may be shaped by the availability of vital nutrients at specific concentrations associated with specific key plant species. We conclude that more diverse floras provide bees with the opportunity to use their preferred resources; however, the direct mechanism driving the increase in bee fitness in diverse environments is the diet balance achieved with the pollen of key plant species.
In our study, the pollen mixtures that were both the most diverse and the least diverse in terms of floral species had limiting effects on bee growth, development and fitness. This phenomenon was associated with the presence of specific plant species that are responsible for dietary imbalances in terms of certain nutrient elements. Diminished concentrations of Cu and Zn were associated with the dominance of Brassica napus; a lack of K and P was associated with a predominance of Anthriscus sp., and other Brassicaceae; and a lack of Na and P was associated with a predominance of Aesculus sp. Interestingly, the two diets (-CuZn1 and -CuZn2) with a high percentage of B. napus pollen were characterized by similar dominance D indices but relatively distinct Fisher’s alpha indices, and both diets had similar negative effects on bee survivability and development. However, the addition of Cu and Zn to these diets mitigated their negative effects. Therefore, B. napus pollen, if highly concentrated in the larval diet, increases bee mortality, decreases body mass, and inhibits cocoon development, and this effect is driven by the scarcity of Cu and Zn. Our results are in accordance with those of previous studies37,38. Klaus et al.37 observed diminished reproduction of O. bicornis in monofloral habitats (100% oilseed rape) compared with that in habitats with more complex floral resources (50% wildflowers: 50% oilseed rape) in a semifield experiment with pesticides. Holzschuh et al.38 in turn found that almost no O. bicornis reproduction occurred in isolated oilseed rape fields that were not adjacent to grasslands, whereas reproduction was prominent in oilseed rape fields that were adjacent to grasslands as well as in grasslands that were adjacent to oilseed rape fields. Our study is the first to reveal the mechanism behind the widely known phenomenon of the need for diverse floral resources in the vicinity of B. napus monocultures, namely, the deficiency of specific nutritional elements (Cu and Zn), which in turn can be mitigated by the presence of specific plant species whose pollen is rich in those elements, e.g., Filipendula sp.
A negative effect was also imposed on bee growth, development and fitness by the two most diverse diets, which had either no dominant pollen species (treatment -KP) or moderately dominant pollen species (treatment -NaP). This negative effect was most likely caused by the specific species composition of these diets, which resulted in a scarcity of vital nutrients (either K and P or Na and P); however, additional causal factors cannot be excluded. The supplementation of -KP with K or both K and P had no effect on females. In males, the supplementation of the -KP pollen pool had a positive effect on cocoon development and mass, indicating that to some extent, the negative effects were associated with K and P deficiency. Regarding -NaP, the positive effect on the studied parameters after supplementation was more pronounced than that in the supplemented -KP diets, but the survival, cocoon development and masses still did not reach the levels of the control individuals. In general, the relatively high diversity indices calculated for -KP and -NaP do not imply an adequate diet, and even supplementation did not mitigate the negative effects of these diets; certain other factors may have been related to the observed results, e.g., colimiting nutrients (apart from K and P) or the presence of poisonous substances39. These additional effects might also be related to the specific species composition of the pollen, with -KP having a 25% concentration of Anthriscus pollen and -NaP having a 65% concentration of Aesculus pollen.
In contrast, the pollen diet collected in nature by O. bicornis (Control-Osmia) and the two Apis diets (Apis1 and Apis2), which did not have any negative effects on the bees, had moderate pollen species diversity and dominance. What differentiated these diets from the limiting diets was the specific pollen species composition, which resulted in a stoichiometric phenotype that was nutritionally balanced for O. bicornis. Therefore, we infer that, considering the pollen pool available directly to bee larvae, the species composition of the larval pollen diet is more important to an adequate nutritional balance than the diversity of the larval pollen diet. However, we emphasize that the pollen pool that is directly available to bee larvae is not identical to the pollen pool provided by particular flora in the environment to adult bees that collect pollen for their larvae. Therefore, below, we extend our point of view to the whole ecosystem.
The ontogenetic development of individuals and the transfers of energy and matter that occur during this development have implications for the functioning of populations and communities40 as well as for the whole food web and the functioning of ecosystems41. In this study, we have shown how the capability of wild bees to compose a nutritionally balanced diet influences the mortality and development of individuals. The results of our study may be further translated to the population level, as described later in this paragraph and in Fig. 7. Let us consider two populations of O. bicornis with the same number of individuals and with a sex ratio of 0.5 females:0.5 males (for clarity, regardless of the sex ratios that are most common in nature). Both populations are established in seminatural environments consisting of a rapeseed monoculture surrounded by many flowering plants and some trees that produce large amounts of pollen from early to late spring, i.e. during the time window utilized by O. bicornis females to collect pollen for their progeny. Population (a) is established in a diverse flora offering eight pollen species (Fig. 7a), and population (b) is established in a poor flora offering only four pollen species (Fig. 7b). Population (a) thrives and prospers because the bees are able to collect pollen from their preferred species and thereby compose a nutritionally balanced diet that allows for proper larval development. Therefore, in the next generation, the number of individuals increases, and the bees are appropriately sized and healthy. In the case of population (b), the poor flora offers mainly stoichiometrically unbalanced pollen, resulting in stoichiometric mismatches25,26 for the bees. The bees experience high mortality, generate underdeveloped cocoons that further increase their mortality and have small body sizes. Since the negative effects of dietary imbalances affect females to a greater degree than males, as shown in the current study, the next generation is dominated by males. Moreover, smaller bees can fly only shorter distances and can carry less pollen to their progeny than larger bees, which further negatively affects future generations. Overall, population (b) is in decline in this scenario. Therefore, even though all the pollen species occurring in flora (b) also occurred in flora (a), the additional species that occurred only in flora (a) allowed bee population (a) to thrive and prosper. This positive effect on bee populations happens more often in diverse floras than in poor floras simply by chance – the more plant species are available, the greater the chance of finding pollen that allows a nutritionally balanced diet. Therefore, the floral composition may shape bee populations by controlling the nutritional supply available to bees. The occurrence of key plant species that provide the correct dietary stoichiometric balance for bees may be a factor in shaping bee populations. Access to these key plant species is essential for bee growth and development regardless of whether the pollen from these plants is gathered intentionally or not. Bee populations are influenced by the nutritional balance of the bee larval diet, and this balance depends on the floral composition of the bee habitat (the stochiometric niche). High floral diversity may be necessary to maintain populations of pollen eaters by providing key plant species that allow for dietary nutrient balancing; single-species crop plantations, even if they are rich in nectar and pollen, might limit bee development. Consequently, changes in local floral communities may shape bee colonies, populations and communities. Therefore, not only the quantity but also the quality of food sources for bees should be considered in intervention strategies aimed at improving the nutritional base for bees.
The demand for resources for growth and development, as reflected in organismal stoichiometry, is usually studied by comparing different species, but research has also started to focus on individual variations in the chemical compositions of bodies; much of this variation is expected to be attributable to sex differences19,31,32. This is expected because processes involved in life history evolution and population dynamics are likely to differentially affect females and males, thus imposing sex-specific nutritional limitations27,32. By considering such within-species variance, evaluations of resource limitations in a given species can increase their ecological relevance. In our previous study, we presented the idea that both sexes of O. bicornis have different stoichiometric niches19. It has also been hypothesized that O. bicornis females collect pollen species in proportions that reflect the sex-specific nutritional needs of their daughters and sons10,42. Sex-specific differences in stoichiometric phenotypes that can be reflected in stoichiometric niches have also been detected in other invertebrates, including amphipods and spiders31,43. Our preliminary experiment showed that the scarcity of specific nutrients in a larval diet indeed impacted bee development in a sex-dependent manner18, as predicted by theoretical calculations based on stoichiometric phenotypes and stoichiometric mismatches between consumers and their food10. The current study provides the first detailed insight into this phenomenon that is based on a large pool of specimens utilizing different nutritional treatments. We have shown that the scarcity of specific nutrients (atoms of vital chemical elements) in bee larval food shapes the fitness of bee individuals in a sex-dependent manner. Females were strongly negatively affected by the scarcity of Na and P, which resulted in higher mortality rates for females than for males. In fact, the Na- and P-scarce treatment was the only treatment resulting in 100% mortality (only for females); this effect was mitigated when the diet was supplemented with Na and mitigated even more when the diet was supplemented with Na and P. Interestingly, apart from the obvious functions related to maintaining transmembrane electrochemical potential differences in living cells44, Na plays important roles in regulating the assimilation of N and especially P from food, in phosphate homeostasis and in phosphate sensing at the cellular and organismal levels45–47. This function may be more important for P-limited females that need to develop their ovaries and to produce eggs than for males that do not develop N- and P-demanding reproductive apparatuses19. In contrast, males had higher mortality than females when fed on pollen scarce in K; while K scarcity resulted in decreased masses of bodies and cocoons of both sexes, supplementation with K had a positive effect only on male cocoon masses. These results are in line with those of a previous study showing that Na and K are assimilated and allocated to specific functions differently in both sexes of O. bicornis19. Males experienced higher mortality than females when feeding on pollen that was scarce in Cu and Zn. The scarcity of Cu and Zn also resulted in lower female cocoon mass but had no effect on male cocoon mass. Both sexes also developed lower body masses when fed on pollen that was low in both Cu and Zn, but supplementation with Zn mitigated this effect for males (supplementation with both Cu and Zn had a positive effect on both sexes). These differences are again in line with our study considering the elemental budget, assimilation and allocation of elements by O. bicornis and are discussed therein19. Together, these detailed results show that in terms of the dietary nutrient balance, individual fitness is regulated differently and is linked to a sex-specific optimal proportion of nutrients for the larval food of bees. This is important information that should be considered when designing regulations, laws and actions aimed at wild bee conservation. Existing regulations, laws and actions are based mostly on data obtained for females, especially adult females, and related to their energetic needs rather than to detailed nutritional biology data.
Vaudo et al.9 stated that bee population declines are linked to nutritional shortages and that possible host plant species vary in their nutritional quality; thus, knowledge of bee nutrition should be applied to the selection of floral resources during habitat restoration. The authors also observed that little is known about the nutritional requirements of bees, which remains true. A better understanding of the nutritional ecology of wild bees may be one of the most critical focus areas in bee ecology25,48. The attractiveness of wildflower mixtures for wild bees has been shown to depend on several key plant species49, but future studies that link bee nutrition to bee life history traits and fitness in the context of floral preferences and floral habitat composition are needed to elucidate the dependency of bees on these factors. Nutrient collapse in plant tissues has been reported in recent studies; specifically, elevated concentrations of atmospheric CO2 reduce the concentrations of important nutrients in plant tissues50, including the nutrients in the pollen utilized by bees51. In this context, understanding the demands of growing bees for a nutritionally balanced diet is even more important; apart from contributing to the development of ecology and evolution studies, the current project will also impact conservation biology.