Our analysis suggests that microbial communities under ice are particularly susceptible to ongoing environmental shifts, underscoring the vulnerability of these ecosystems in the face of change. By leveraging amplicon sequence data, we inferred species or ecotype presence, absence, and relative abundance, which allowed us to elucidate patterns of biodiversity and biogeography across the surface Arctic Ocean. Through sampling surface waters throughout the Beaufort Sea, we aimed to dissect the microbial community structure. Utilising a high-resolution phylogenetic technique, we were able to discern subtle diversity differences across regions, effectively distinguishing between under-ice stations and open-water microbial communities. Our results highlight the critical link between biodiversity and ecosystem resilience, suggesting that areas with less diverse assemblages, such as those under ice, are at greater risk of disruption due to environmental perturbations.
Challenges in microbial community studies
Using amplicon sequence data has proven to be a fundamental tool for understanding ecological dynamics across various environments 61–63, and is of particular importance in under sampled polar regions to provide initial perspectives on community diversity, which may subsequently be validated by qPCR/dPCR 64. Although the use of rRNA as a marker gene could skew diversity estimates due to copy number variation between taxa, the effect of multiple rRNA gene copies may in fact contribute little to the combined bias incurred from each methodological step in metabarcoding studies 65. rRNA gene copy number tends to increase with phytoplankton cell size; here we focused on cells < 50 µm, which in theory harbour fewer rRNA gene copies than larger cells 66,67.
In this study, we primarily use ASV over OTUs. Although OTUs may reduce the likelihood of discovering false biological diversity by combining similar amplicon sequences into taxonomic units, they may simultaneously overlook the fine-scale variation that exists between microbial strains, which can be distinguished with modern high-quality sequencing methods 37,68. Intragenomic rRNA polymorphisms may also inflate the diversity detected in a dataset if different gene copies are classified as separate ASVs/OTUs. However, using even a strict cut-off of genetic distance of 0.01 to cluster OTUs should not create artificial diversity because the mean genetic distance between multiple 18S rRNA copies in the same genome is less than 0.003, meaning that multiple copies from the same genome should cluster as a single OTU 69. We used rRNA instead of rDNA metabarcoding to examine the diversity of predominantly living and metabolically active community members 70–72. Studies using both rRNA and rDNA have found general agreement and differences between the two methods 72–75; some of the observed differences may have been overlooked if only rDNA had been studied 70. Moreover, rRNA sequencing has been suggested to be superior to rDNA approaches 76, for instance, in its sensitivity to environmental conditions 77,78. This is an important factor to note in the context of a changing AO. Errors in RNA transcription could cause overestimations of biodiversity as these would likely not be detected and corrected by the DADA2 algorithm. However, transcriptional errors remain uncommon. In eukaryotes, most rDNA genes are transcribed by RNA polymerase I; a study on transcription errors in yeast found the error rate of RNA polymerase I to be 4.3×10− 6 per base pair 79.
Despite these challenges, our results remain robust when using OTUs clustered at 98% similarity, with the same overall patterns of diversity observed. Future microbial community studies of the AO may opt to utilise rDNA and rRNA in parallel to minimise the impact of sequence artefacts from dead cells while also allowing researchers to compare ‘total’ and ‘active’ microbial communities in contrasting environments and seasons 70,75,80. There is, however, still a need for standardised methods in microbial ecology, from field sampling to laboratory and bioinformatic protocols 81.
Contrasting marine systems
Previous studies in the Canada Basin area focused on the vertical (different depths in the water column) diversity of microbial eukaryotic communities that vary depending on the water mass of origin and are relatively easy to identify in this region of the Arctic 82,83. In contrast, our study focused on microbial eukaryotic communities' horizontal diversity across the Beaufort Sea. We identified three geographic regions using abiotic factors: 1) Canada Basin; 2) Mackenzie trough and Beaufort shelf stations; and 3) the coastal Barrow Canyon. The surface microbial communities only partially followed these divisions and could be separated as Barrow Canyon, Mackenzie-influenced, open-water and under-ice Canada Basin microbial communities. These results highlight the variability of microbial communities across the surface AO, even within the short 18-day period in which these samples were taken. Whilst our snapshot precludes predicting how these communities may adjust to ongoing ocean surface warming and freshening over an annual cycle, the study indicates community complexity and diversity associated with areas of the Beaufort Sea. The proportion of sequences (~ 21%) in our dataset whose taxonomy could not be assigned to species level by the reference 18S database has been noted previously in the extensive pan-Arctic sampling effort by Tara Oceans 84, and suggests a high proportion of AO eukaryotes remains to be characterised. This highlights the need for ongoing culture and sequence validation as recently reported for deep branching predatory flagellates in the world ocean, including in the Arctic 85. Culture-independent methods such as single-cell omics also play a vital role in characterising the extent of microbial eukaryote diversity, since these methods are not reliant on available reference genomes or cultured isolates 86–89.
High Chl a and phaeopigments indicated an area of potential high productivity and potential phytoplankton turnover in coastal waters from the Alaskan Beaufort Sea (stations BL1, BL2 and BL3) 90. The relatively higher nutrient concentrations in the coastal BL stations indicate an influence of nutrient-rich Pacific water flowing into the Beaufort Sea through the Bering Strait and Chukchi Sea 91,92. However, our sampling was somewhat late in the season, and the high Chl a concentrations at the surfaces suggest ongoing nutrient input and local surface warming in the stratified water column. The Alaskan Beaufort Sea, where the BL samples were taken, experiences periodic upwellings driven by winds, particularly in the late autumn 93,94. These upwelling events bring denser and more nitrate-rich Atlantic water to the surface of the Nuvuk region 95. As surface nutrients usually are depleted during the productive spring and summer months, such upwelling events may locally replenish nutrients to the surface waters of the Nuvuk region in the late summer, allowing primary productivity to continue later than in other regions. This is consistent with our data, where saltier, nutrient-rich waters were seen at the coastal BL stations compared to other stations. The relatively fresher, cooler and more oxygenated waters of the offshore BL stations (BL4-BL8) suggest a region of upwelling close to the Barrow Canyon. The BL microbial community had the greatest number of photosynthetic signature ASVs, which, along with the greater concentrations of Chl a and phaeopigments, indicates an area of higher primary productivity and grazing and degradation 96. The BL community also had more signature ASVs than any other communities, reflecting a high level of uniqueness of the Barrow taxa to these samples.
Despite the BL and MK communities both being coastal systems influenced by rivers and upwelling, they were distinct from each other. Although higher temperatures were also observed at MK4 and CB28b (the Mackenzie River offshore stations), lower salinity levels accompanied by high CDOM concentrations were consistent with an offshore upwelling of warmer, fresh water from the Mackenzie River plume, as previously suggested 97.
The MK community had the second highest number of signature ASVs, mostly from heterotrophic taxa, in contrast with the BL community, dominated by chloroplastidic groups. In addition, the MK community had higher mean PD25k and SR25k values than the BL community but had a negative NRI, indicative of phylogenetic overdispersion (evenness) 48,98,99. This may help explain why this community was more diverse than any others. Phylogenetic overdispersion commonly occurs when competition regulates community membership, and ecologically similar taxa cannot coexist, leading to a phylogeny where species are more distantly related than would be expected by chance (competitive exclusion) 59,100. However, overdispersion may also result from distantly related species having convergent traits allowing them to survive in their environment, in which case habitat filtering may be driving MK community structure 99,101. Another explanation could be that input of freshwater species from the Mackenzie River and the development of a brackish water community 16 led to phylogenetic overdispersion, as previously noted in Mackenzie Shelf bacterial communities 80.
By the same measure, the positive NRI of the BL community indicated phylogenetic clustering, where species are more closely related than expected by chance; given the distinctive environmental conditions measured in the BL samples, habitat filtering was the more likely driver of community structure here. The BL community was also the only community that was distinct from the others in all three beta-diversity measures used, implying that its structure differed both qualitatively and quantitatively from the other communities 102. This may have been due to the influences of Pacific water and localised upwelling, which provided an influx of nutrients that sustained a community characterised by phytoplankton.
Functional perspectives on community structure
To relate phylogenetic community structure to ecological function, we carried out beta-diversity analyses on subsets of taxa based on their proximate trophic status. Chloroplast-containing (including mixotroph) taxa played essential roles in structuring the BL and MK communities, as these samples formed distinctive clusters in both weighted UniFrac and Bray-Curtis NMDS plots. ICE1 clustered apart from the other ICE samples in the chloroplast-only plots, indicating that its community composition was both qualitatively and quantitatively distinct from the communities recovered from other ice-covered surface waters. Carteria sp., a chlorophyte alga, appeared only in ICE1 and is therefore likely to have contributed to differentiating this sample from others. Carteria has previously been found to be abundant in Arctic summer sea ice melt ponds, which can become connected to seawater 103. A possible explanation for the presence of Carteria in only one of the ICE communities is that the under-ice habitat here may have been receiving meltwater from the sea ice surface containing Carteria, suggesting connectivity between upper and lower sea ice surfaces. Another difference in chloroplast-containing taxa between ICE1 and ICE2/ICE3 was the presence of haptophyte species such as Phaeocystis spp. and Chrysochromulina spp. in ICE2/ICE3, neither of which were detected in ICE1. Sarcinochrysis sp. and two other unclassified pelagophytes were also found in ICE1 but not in ICE2 or ICE3. One of the unclassified pelagophytes in ICE1 (ASV_1365) was subsequently found to have > 99% sequence identity with the Arctic pelagophyte Plocamiomonas psychrophila (CCMP2097) 104, which is a euryhaline species likely adapted to living in ice 105. These findings are indicative of a unique assemblage in the ICE1 sample. Arctic genotypes of Phaeocystis and Chrysochromulina have been previously recorded 106, and P. pouchetii dominated phytoplankton communities during the 2007 record ice melt 107. Moreover, P. pouchetii abundances rapidly increased during sea ice retreat in the Barents Sea 108, suggesting that this taxon may be associated with sea ice melt.
The predominance of heterotrophic and parasitic signature ASVs in the MK and ICE communities may result from environmental factors limiting phytoplankton growth, such as decreased light levels and nutrient availability. In coastal MK and under-ice ICE stations, the surface waters had low photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) measures. The sea-ice cover limited the light intensity for the ICE stations, whereas the turbidity introduced by the Mackenzie River plume likely limited light levels. This reduction in light constrains the growth of photosynthetic organisms, resulting in an ecological niche where heterotrophic and parasitic lifestyles become advantageous 82,109. Such conditions underscore the need to consider the physical, chemical, and biological interplays, including nutrient influx and light availability, in shaping microbial community compositions.
Influence of the rare biosphere
To investigate if low abundance taxa were driving the overall diversity patterns, we also conducted beta-diversity analyses on the rare biosphere. The MK samples formed clusters in the weighted UniFrac and Bray-Curtis NMDS plots, clustering less clearly in the unweighted UniFrac NMDS, suggesting that the diversity of this community was driven more strongly by quantitative (abundance) than by qualitative (presence/absence) differences in rare species. The BL samples formed clear clusters in the unweighted UniFrac and Bray-Curtis ordinations but formed a cluster with some of the CB samples in the weighted UniFrac ordination, suggesting that there were similarities in rare taxa and taxa abundances within the CB community. Rare taxa did not drive the structure of the CB community, as the CB samples did not form distinct and exclusive clusters in any of the rare biosphere NMDS ordinations. Both ICE and MK rare biospheres exhibited phylogenetic overdispersion, in contrast to the BL rare biosphere, which was phylogenetically clustered. These data support the notion that the rare biosphere was a strong driver of phylogenetic community structure in the ICE and MK communities but much less so in the BL and CB communities.
Microbial communities are often dominated by low-abundance taxa 110. Taxa may be permanently or transiently rare, switch between abundance and rarity, or always be rare with periodic changes in abundance 110,111. Permanently rare taxa are associated with distinct life history strategies and trade-offs and may occur only in specific ecological niches 111. Previous research on the AO rare biosphere suggested that it is driven primarily by stochastic processes, in contrast to abundant communities, which were more influenced by deterministic selection 54. Given that the AO under-ice habitat fluctuates between seasons and years and may require specific physiological adaptations to survive 112, the dominance of the rare biosphere here is ecologically coherent. The influence of freshwater may also have played a role in the dominance of the rare biosphere, since the lowest salinities were observed in the Mackenzie River-influenced region, and the under-ice habitat may also have been fresher than surrounding open ocean surface waters. In the Arctic summer, meltwater from the sea ice bottom can accumulate and form a layer of fresher water immediately beneath the sea ice 113, and riverine inputs also intensify due to increased meltwater and rainfall 114. Given that both MK and ICE communities are likely to be subjected to both stochastic and seasonal environmental fluctuations and increased freshwater input due to environmental change, these results hint at possible disruption of these AO rare biosphere communities under climate change 115.
The role of sea ice in structuring microbial communities
The loss of multi-year ice (MYI) and decreasing duration of the ice-covered period across the Arctic impacts protist communities associated with sea ice 31,116,117. The ice-water interface beneath first-year ice (FYI) has been found to contain relatively more sea ice protists (but lower protist diversity) than beneath MYI 118. This could result from increased light penetration to surface waters covered by FYI, which is less thick than MYI. The Western Arctic Ocean is predicted to become dominated by FYI, with an expected increase in primary productivity coinciding with a decrease in ice-associated algal diversity 119.
In this study, we sampled surface water at the ice-water interface immediately beneath MYI (> 1.5m thick). The influence of ice was evident by species recovered from samples immediately beneath sea ice, including typical ice-associated species such as Carteria 120 and Polarella glacialis 116. Our phylogenetic approach detected the distinct under-ice community, keeping with sea ice's importance in structuring microbial assemblages. This unique ice community was also apparent when looking at heterotroph-only and rare biosphere data subsets, suggesting that these two groups were drivers of the observed structure. Although diatoms are typically the major primary producers found in sea ice habitats 118,121, our under-ice samples contained a greater proportional abundance of ciliates and dinoflagellates than diatoms. This could reflect the time of year the samples were taken; there is little known about MYI communities, and light and nutrient limitation at the end of summer could also affect diatoms more severely. Overall the low surface nutrients would have created unfavourable conditions for primary productivity. The apparent dominance of ciliates and dinoflagellates in the under-ice community was also reflected in the signature ASVs, where most species were ciliates or dinoflagellates. Previous research on ciliates within and beneath sea ice has suggested that both ciliate diversity and abundance are greater in the water column immediately under the ice than within the ice itself 122. Alveolates, including ciliates and dinoflagellates, were previously found to be more dominant in the Canada Basin than in the Bering Strait region, where stramenopiles dominated 123. There were three diatom species among the under-ice signature ASVs, all pennate. Pennate diatoms are more commonly associated with sea ice than centric diatoms 117,124. Although the relative abundance of diatoms at the ice-water interface in our samples was low, their classification as signature taxa of the samples implies a high level of uniqueness to this community. Six of the signature ASVs of the under-ice community were assigned as Spirotrichea ciliates, which are obligate mixotrophs 125. All ciliates are heterotrophic; however, many species can acquire and retain their prey (or chloroplasts from their prey) and therefore become mixotrophs 122. Spirotrichea ciliates have been commonly found in the Arctic 126, including in melt ponds associated with sea ice 127, so their presence in our samples is not unexpected. The top signature ASV (with the highest ASV index value) came from an unclassified ciliate in the clade Phyllopharyngea; species belonging to this group are generally parasitic or prey on other ciliates 128. The species found in the under-ice community may have been a predator feeding on the abundant ciliates present in these samples.
Our results highlight not only the spatial heterogeneity of surface AO protist communities but also the contribution of the sea ice habitat to shaping microbial assemblages. Phylogenetic diversity varied by community; the greatest diversity was in the MK community, whilst the lowest diversity, indicative of strong selection pressure, was seen within the ICE community. The greatest mean NRI values were in the BL and CB communities and were indicative of phylogenetic overdispersion and competition-driven community assemblages 59,100. By contrast, the ICE community had the lowest mean NRI, signifying that phylogenetic clustering and habitat filtering had occurred 59. The ICE community structure was driven by heterotrophs and rare species, which were more closely related than expected by chance due to their similar ecologies and traits, which allowed them to occupy this environment 100. This emphasises the degree of ecological specialisation in ice-associated microbial communities and the vulnerability of these communities to ongoing losses in MYI. With the continued and accelerated rates of sea ice loss in the Arctic and the transition from a MYI to a FYI-dominated system, shifts in microbial community assemblages may occur due to changing selection pressures. Phylogenetically selective ice-associated communities composed of rarer species could gradually be replaced with more generalist assemblages and common taxa as the ice habitat is lost, or entirely different assemblages may form. If this happens, AO microbial community structure and function will be altered 62, with potentially widespread impacts on the wider AO ecosystem.