In this study, the incidence of varicella and multiple mutation sites in nine glycoproteins of VZV provide essential reference data for future evaluation of the safety, efficacy, and immunogenicity of existing vaccines. It is important for the development of VZV vaccines, clinical diagnosis, treatment, and the establishment of a national surveillance program for varicella and herpes zoster.
The statistics on varicella incidence show a gradual increase from a low incidence in 2005 to a first peak in 2009, which lasted for 2–3 years and then gradually declined to a moderate level of incidence in 2013 and lasted until 2016, and then increased again from 2017 and reached a second peak in 2019, but this peak did not last for 2–3 years, but rather declined rapidly to moderate incidence levels the following year and then took the form of a fluctuating yearly decline. Overall, there seems to be a characteristic of alternating fluctuations every 4–5 years, but perhaps due to the influence of the COVID-19 epidemic, this form of slow fluctuation was broken after 2019, and there was a characteristic of alternating high and low incidence decreases from year to year. In addition to this, deaths were reported in 2006, 2007 and 2008, as well as in 2020 and 2021, highlighting the sensitivity of the surveillance system. In China, where NNDRS clinicians are responsible for the initial diagnosis of varicella cases and the entry of case information, the introduction of the disease by healthcare workers and advice on vaccination, as well as home isolation measures during the new crown outbreaks, may have been the main reason for the decline in incidence. Therefore, it is also recommended that clinicians take the initiative to collect cyst fluid samples to provide basic data for studying the pathogenesis of breakthrough cases and VZV prevention and control at the molecular level 27–30.
VZV is an enveloped virus, and nine glycoproteins (gK, gN, gC, gB, gH, gM, gL, gI, and gE) are known to play roles in viral entry, egress, cell spread, attachment, replication, and envelopment. In this study, we collected cystic fluid from 38 patients with varicella or herpes zoster, extracted viral nucleic acids, and analyzed the nucleotide site variation of these nine glycoproteins.
gK, which plays an important role in viral replication, is hydrophobic and has multiple transmembrane structural domains6. Four sites exhibited synonymous mutations in gK from seven specimens, consistent with previous report indicating gK stability. gN is essential for the maturation of gM and promotes viral proliferation, syncytium formation, and cell-to-cell transmission when it forms a complex with gM. gN inactivation decreases viral titer and affects syncytium formation7. Mutations at two nucleotide sites were found in the gN of only one of the 38 samples, but they were synonymous and did not cause amino acid changes, suggesting that the gN in Jilin VZV viruses was relatively stable from 2010 to March 2024.
gB is responsible for the initial infection of viral particles upon entry into cells, plays an important role in viral adsorption and penetration 9, and is the second most abundant glycoprotein of VZV. It has been shown that gB of Singapore subgroup 2 strain (S2) is dominated by mutations at site 294 and 390, and Bangkok subgroup has no mutations31. While the reference strains pOka, YC01, Baike and Pasadena.USA showed mutations at three site: A217C, A294C and G390T. All the samples in the present study shared common nucleotide variants: A217C, A294C, G390T, which were the same as the reference strains pOka, YC01, Baike and Pasadena.USA, and similar to Singapore subgroup 2 strains, so there was no obvious attribution of this variant in terms of geographical distribution. Meanwhile, since all the samples in this study had these three identical variants, continuous monitoring is still needed to determine whether it is a strain-specific manifestation of the Jilin strain.
gH is the third most abundant glycoprotein in VZV, which induces the production of neutralizing antibodies in the organism and also mediates virus transmission between cells 10–12. In this study, G573T was present in all specimens and reference strains pOka, YC01, Baike and Pasadena.USA in Jilin province, a situation identical to that of the gB proteins A217C, A294C and G390T. In addition, C806T and G2099A appeared in all specimens from Jilin Province, which is different from the results of a previous study in China 32. C806T mutation site did not appear in one specimen from Guangdong Province, which is located on the southern coast of China, in 2009. Regardless of whether this result is related to geographic location, there is a need to expand the sample size for continuous monitoring, and it is recommended that more provinces participate in VZV studies, share sequences, and work together to monitor whether there is a consistent trend of variation at these mutant sites.
gM plays a role in virus transmission between cells 13–15. We also detected some gM variants in this study. First, the same C1267T site variant as the other nine reference strains pOka, YC01, Baike,03-500, M2DR, CA123, Pasadena.USA,457–2008,1483–2005 was found in all samples. This is in contrast to the absence of the 1267 site variant previously found in some specimens from four other provinces in China 33. Therefore, this is the first time that the C1267T site variant has been found in China. Secondly, the same mutation G112A, at site 112, occurred in three of the surveillance samples, and the time span of these three samples was eight years, and the same mutation at this site also appeared in the specimen from Shanghai in 2007 33. It is suggested that this mutation is not a de novo mutation and has a certain distribution in China.
VZV gL is a molecular chaperone of gH. gH:gL complex is required for gH maturation and membrane expression10, and the complex promotes cell membrane fusion, as well as the formation of a large number of multinuclei in transfected cells 12,35. There is evidence that membrane fusion is induced by a multiprotein core complex composed of gB and gH/gL complexes11. In the present study, we also detected variants concerning gL. The C162T site variant was present in all samples, identical to the pOka, YC01, Baike and Pasadena.USA reference strains. Secondly, a site variant of A76G was also detected, which also appeared in samples from Beijing in 2009, but has not been reported in China since then 33. Thirdly, an extra AGT codon was found in all the samples, which was the same as that in the reference strains Oka, YC01, M2DR, Pasadena.USA and 1483/2005, and further studies are needed to determine whether this variant affects the function of the proteins differently or even causes antigenic variability. It is noteworthy that the C162T site variant in gL, the A217C, A294C and G390T site variants in gB and the G573T site variant in gH are consistent with the site variants in the reference strains pOka, YC01, Baike and Pasadena.USA, which suggests that there is functional unity among gL, gB and gH.
gI plays a role in the maturation and distribution of gE to the cell surface17. It has been reported that the ORF of gI appears to be very stable and no gI mutations have been detected in vaccine strains 4. The vaccine strain Baike selected in this study showed a degenerate base A800R (A/G) at position 800, which may result in an N→D amino acid mutation at the corresponding amino acid site. In addition, the presence of a mutation at the A92G site in gI was identified in five samples, which spanned the period from 2010 to 2023, and it is noteworthy that A92G resulted in an amino acid change aaQ31R, but the effect of this alteration on its function is still unclear. Third, an alteration in C776T (aaS259F) was seen in one sample in 2015 but not in other years and has not been reported, so it may be a transient occurrence. Fourth, analysis of gI also revealed variants at the T239C and A460C, with T239C leading to the V→A amino acid mutation. Moreover, these 2 variants appeared after the COVID-19 epidemic, so whether these 2 new site variants are related to COVID-19 infection has not been similarly reported. In conclusion, the appearance of these missense mutation sites suggests that not only vaccine strains but also wild strains should be better monitored for VZV gI stability.
gE is the most abundant glycoprotein in VZV and plays an essential role in viral replication, assembly and mediation of VZV cell-to-cell transmission17. It stimulates the production of neutralizing antibodies and cell-mediated immune responses, with major antigenic epitopes located in the 1-161 amino acid fragment. Among them, regions 11–30, 71–90, 91–110 and 106–125 elicited the strongest cellular immune responses36–37. In the present study, the C119T (aaT40I) mutation was present in all reference strains and specimens from Jilin province, except for the Dumas strain, which is consistent with previous reports 27,38–41. Unlike the missense mutation in aaD150N 42, none of the synonymous mutations in T660C appeared43. Neither the T23C (aaV8A) nor G1869A mutations that appeared were found within the epitope. This indicates that the VZV gE epitope of the samples in this study is highly conserved.
The gC is thought to be critical for VZV replication in the skin8. It contains the R2 region that is essential for virus attachment 44. Previously reported R2 structures include ABABAAx (Dumas, NC01348), AAABBBBx (MSP, AY548170), and ABBBBAAx (BC, AY548171) 42. five nucleotide sequence combinations of the R2 region yield four amino acid sequence combinations A, B, C, D, E [Table 4]. The combination of E was found only in the selected reference strain Baike due to the presence of concatenated base C1273Y (C/T) in the gC of Baike, which suggests that Baike should be subjected to continuous monitoring of nucleotide site variation and evaluation of immunization efficacy. In addition, this study identified 5 to 12 repetitive sequences in the R2 region, with cases of 5 repetitions observed in 2014, 2022, and 2023. It is noteworthy that during these years, measles outbreaks occurred in Jilin Province in 2014 and COVID-19 outbreaks occurred in 2022 and early 2023. Whether the number of sequence repeats in the R2 region was suppressed due to epidemics of other viruses needs to be further investigated.2024 One case of VZV infection with a repeat number of 12 was observed in January 2024 in a pregnant woman who had severe symptoms of cutaneous herpes and was not receiving medication. These changes described above may reflect the impact of concurrent infectious disease epidemics and human interventions on VZV replication in the skin, and clinicians are advised to consider the epidemiologic context when evaluating VZV cases.
In addition, our study of the gC region revealed the presence of three nucleotide mutation sites outside of the R2 region, namely A289G, T1226A, and T1254C. The common feature of these three nucleotide mutation sites is that they are present in samples of the reference strains pOka, YC01, Baike, and Pasadena.USA and in all of the Jilin province, which at least suggests that these three mutated nucleotide sites are are not unique to the Northeast Asian geographic region, but are perhaps specific to Jilin Province, which will require continuous monitoring in the future to support this conclusion. In addition to the three nucleotide mutation sites mentioned above, two nucleotide variants of CA123, C666T (aaA→T); T1629C (aaT→A), were found in two specimens from Jilin Province, respectively, in this study. Previously, VZV with both Clade1 and Clade3 characteristics was reported in Changchun City, Jilin Province40, and CA123 was Clade 5 on genetic branching, but the specimens from Jilin Province in the present study were Clade 2, which suggested that, in addition to serial testing of VZV from the perspective of molecular biology, emphasis should be placed on molecular epidemiological surveillance.
The VZV genome has an estimated mutation rate of 10^-6–10^-7/site/year and is highly conserved 45. In this study, the researchers found that four mutated nucleotide sites appeared only once before the COVID-19 epidemic, while 12 mutated nucleotide sites were found for the first time after the COVID-19 epidemic. Given that nucleotide mutations in COVID-19 continue and its spread has not ceased, the effect of COVID-19 on VZV nucleotide mutations remains to be confirmed. Healthcare professionals are encouraged to test patients for COVID-19 infection when collecting blister fluid specimens.
The mechanism of attenuation of the live attenuated varicella-zoster vaccine remains incompletely understood. In a previous study, the varicella vaccine (Oka-Merck) was approximately 85% effective in healthy children, with less than 5% developing a mild vesicular rash 46. Another study reported that the incidence of breakthrough cases (rash more than 42 days after vaccination) increased as the duration of vaccination increased 47. Unfortunately, no vaccine-associated cases or breakthrough cases were monitored in this study. Therefore, clinicians should strengthen the inquiry and registration of vaccination information when seeing patients, whether they are varicella patients or herpes zoster patients, and collect specimens in a timely manner in order to further study the attenuation mechanism of VZV envelope glycoprotein at the molecular level.
In conclusion, this study reviewed the varicella epidemics in Jilin Province from 2005 to March 2024, and analyzed the nucleotide site mutations of nine VZV envelop glycoproteins known to occur in Jilin Province from 2010 to March 2024. Considering the measles prevention and control strategy in China 48, it is believed that accelerating or facilitating the development of a national strategy for the prevention and control of VZV transmission and mobilizing the whole society will benefit more people.