Tomato Plants.
The Lycopersicon esculentum variety utilized was ‘Florida Lanai’, which is a miniature tomato originally developed as an ornamental but provides for convenient small-scale proliferation in growth cages. Tomato plants were grown on lighted racks inside insect cages (either 12”W X 24”L X 18”H with a 12” x 12” front panel door with a reach-in sock and upper vinyl view panel BioQUIP #1450NS85 or 24” cube BioQUIP #1450NS78).
Whitefly Colony.
Whitefly (Bemisia tabaci Biotype B, Middle East Asia Minor 1, MEAM1) was maintained by serial transfer on cabbage as a simplified qualitative version as described previously[24]. Whiteflies were also maintained in a larger format 24” cubical screen cage (BioQUIP #1450NS78) with two cabbage plants initiated from (5) week old seedlings in a 6-in DIA pot and permitted to grow for a month before the addition of 25–40 whiteflies. This procedure allowed for long-term, low effort maintenance of bi-monthly subculture that can provide whiteflies for several months as needed.
Whitefly Proliferation Model.
We have previously published a quantitative whitefly proliferation model that was parameterized based on our observations of prolific growth on cabbage. Since whiteflies are known to have different fecundity on different hosts[42], we carried out a comparable assessment of whitefly proliferation on five ‘Florida Lanai’ tomato plants in the 12x18x24 inch cage format noted above to assess the innate insecticidal nature of tomato. Additionally, we performed single plant fecundity studies in small 12x12x12 inch cages with a front vinyl window.
mCherry Reporter Gene Choice:
Autofluorescence is known to be problematic for the use of fluorescent reporters for both plants[43] and insects[44]. Choosing a fluorescent protein that is compatible for the combined study of tomato and whitefly is challenging. The broad range of autofluorescent compounds in plants spans the entire visible spectrum[45] with considerable broad autofluorescence in lower visible wavelengths (e.g. lignin ~ 460 nm) as well as prominent photosynthetic pigments (e.g. chlorophyll ~ 680 nm). Preliminary screening of whiteflies and whitefly eggs for autofluorescence by scanning excitation up to the dichroic mirror cutoff indicated strong whitefly autofluorescence for excitation in the 500 nm range (see Supplemental File C, Figure SC10 & SC11).
The operational characteristics of the KEYENCE confocal microscope used for most fluorescence observations provided a generalized approach to translating these visual observations to quantitative measurements of fluorescence (Fig. 2). A reproducible quantitative measure of fluorescence intensity was obtained by incrementing the exposure time to the point at which the digital image would saturate the imaging screen brightness; the exposure time that provided a non-saturated exposure was termed ‘incipient saturation’. This also allowed for using the confocal image to focus on localized expression. The images in Fig. 2A represent ‘incipient saturation’ for tomato (abaxial leaf surface, as well as petiolule cross sections) and whitefly. These representative images are aligned with the confocal microscope ‘excitation window’ and paired dichroic mirror for three fluorescence filter cube sets (Fig. 2B). Superimposed on this visible spectrum, is the excitation and emission profile of mCherry. Noting that exposure times were less than 1 second, a log (base 10) plot of the exposure time becomes an indicator of the level of the background interfering autofluorescence (Fig. 2C). In this manner, a method was established to quantify a basis for choosing a fluorescent protein that could avoid the high autofluorescence of insects at low wavelengths such as typical use of GFP in transgenic plants, while also avoiding the high autofluorescence of plant pigments in the higher wavelengths. Within this range, mCherry was chosen as the compromise fluorescent protein reporter. Noting that the mCherry fluorescent protein characteristics (excitation max 587 nm, emission max 610 nm) is a misnomer with regard to the visible spectrum (yellow 565–590 nm, orange 590–625 nm) we have chosen to pseudo-color yellow for mCherry – as this also provides for higher contrast in visualization. The version of mCherry utilized corresponds to a minor variation of the native sequence with the N-terminal truncation to eliminate the alternative translation mCherry isoform[46]. The sequence can be found in the GenBank submissions of the transformation constructs noted below.
Apoplastic transformation binary vector design:
The apoplastic transformation vector was based on the pEAQHT binary vector previously utilized in our laboratory[47] derived from the vector kindly provided by George Lomonossoff[48, 49]. Not all constructs were successfully progressed to final transgenic plants but are described here and will be made available (GenBank, ADDGENE:
Signal Peptide Choice
Several tomato genes were chosen to identify homologous tomato secretion signal peptides; this included early nodulin-like protein 3 (XP_004244524) which is a known extracellular embryogenic arabinogalactan protein (LePLA1). This yielded a 25-aa signal peptide [MAAKAFSRSITPLVLLFIFLSFAQG] with favorable Y-score (combined cleavage site score) in SignalP4.0[18] (Y = 0.868). Similarly, a glycotransferase involved in primary wall biosynthesis, xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/ hydrolase 1 (LeXHT1 = Q40144 by similarity) provided a 22-aa signal peptide [MGIIKGVLFSIVLINLSLVVFC] with Y = 0.497. These signal peptide amino acid sequences were synthesized as g-block fragments from IDT (
Apoplast Targeting T-DNA Assembly
The signal peptides were appended to the N-terminal of mCherry using overlap extension PCR. Each signal peptide was PCR amplified with extension or restriction primers along with the corresponding primers for mCherry: LePLA1 signal peptide (Fwd- 5’-tcgcgaccggtATGGCTG-3’ [AgeI underlined], Rev-5’-GCTTCACAGAAGCAatggccatcatc-3’ with mCherry Fwd- 5’ gcttcacagaagcaATGGCCATCATCAAGGAG-3’and Rev- 5’ cactctcgagTTACTCGTCCATGC 3’) and LeXHT1 signal peptide (Fwd- 5’- ttcgcgaccggtATGGGTATC, Rev-5’- gatgatggccatCCCACAAAATACAACAAGTGAC 3’ with mCherry Fwd-5’-CGTATTTTGTGGGATGGCCATCATCAAGGAGTTC-3’and Rev-5’ CACTCTCGAGTTACTCGTCCATGC 3’ [XhoI underlined]). Fusion of signal:mCherry was accomplished by running these fragments with adjacent primers for 15 cycles, then the restriction site overhang primers from each end were added to produce the fused product which was restricted and ligated into the pEAQHT (Sainsbury et al., 2009) vector linearized with AgeI and XhoI. This cloning strategy retained the vector P19 anti-gene silencing element as well as the 5′-untranslated region (UTR) and the 3′‐UTR from CPMV RNA‐2 is that of the original pEAQ vector. These binary vectors, designated Ly60, pEAQHT//35s:P19::sigLeXH1:mCherry:NosT, and Ly66, pEAQHT//35s:P19::sigLePLA1:mCherry:NosT were confirmed by restriction map and full plasmid sequencing ( for submission to GenBank: accession OR636129 and OR695066 respectively.
Ovary targeted transformation binary vector design
The ovary-targeted design included consideration for vascular-system specific expression at the site of whitefly phloem feeding as well as the protein transduction and synthetic vitellogenin domains to facilitate transport to the ovaries of a feeding female whitefly. The mCherry construct was generated in two orders: PTD-SynVg-mCherry and PTD-mCherry-SynVg. The former is the basis of the transgenics described in this work, where the latter was also generated, and regenerated tomato plants were selfed for T1 seed, but lost due to improper seed harvest during constraints of COVID research activities.
Protein Transduction Domain
The protein transduction domain of Drosophila, amino acid sequence: RQIKIWFQNRRMKWKK, was synthesized by TWIST Bioscience ( based on codon optimization for tomato to yield (AGGCAAATCAAGATTTGGTTTCAAAACCGAAGGATGAAGTGGAAAAAA).
Vitellogenin Ovary-targeting Domain
The design of the synthetic vitellogenin domain (SynVg) involved an extensive bioinformatic analysis that is presented in Supplemental File B. Figure 3 presents the key consensus Vg-receptor (VgR) binding motifs that were considered in the SynVg design based on amino acid consensus sequence alignments and Vg-VgR interaction studies.
The DGxR—GL/IGC C-terminal motifs have been described in numerous characterizations of insect vitellogenins[50, 51], A prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) peptide array pull-down and mass spectrometry study focused attention on the N-terminal binding domains[52] for alignment against the whitefly Vg sequence, This analysis resulted in Vg motifs associated with interaction with the Vg receptor (VgR) for uptake by the egg that are spaced over 1000 amino acids apart. Based on prioritizing the studies which included physical binding, only the N-terminal sequences were used. This bioinformatic analysis converged on a 54-aa sequence WELNIIKAVVSQIQQNLKKSSYKTMEDSVTGECETLYDVSQFIDIVKTTNYSKC. The tomato codon-optimized sequence as reflected in the GenBank accessions, was synthesized by TWIST to generate the SynVg targeting element.
Ovary Targeting mCherry and Chitinase T-DNA Assembly
The phloem specific Commelina yellow mottle virus promoter (pCoYMV) kindly provided by Professor Neil Olszewski was amplified and ligated into the pLSU2 binary vector using CoYMV SaII Fwd 5’ TTTAGTCGACATCGATTTCTTAGGGGCTTCTCTCGG 3’ and CoYMV SacII Rev 5’ CCCCCGCGGGGATCCTTGTTGTGTTGGTTTTCTAAG 3’ with restriction sites (underlined). The terminator NosT was PCR amplified and cloned using primers NosT MluI Fwd 5’ TTTTACGCGTGATCGTTCAAACATTTGGCAAT 3’ and NosT XhoI Rev 5’ CCCCTCGAGGATCTAGTAACATAGATGACACCG 3’. The protein transduction domain (PTD) and synthetic vitellogenin domain (SynVG) and mCherry were then assembled in two orders PTD:SynVG:mCherry and SynVG:mCherry:PTD, placing the protein transduction domain in the N-terminal and C-terminal respectively. The individual fragments were PCR amplified with overlap primers and the purified products were mixed and annealed for 15 cycles without primers. The end primers with restriction sites were added and PCR cycled for another 20 rounds. For cloning in the pLSU2 binary vector, the correct size fused fragments were gel extracted and subsequently ligated to the vector. Additional details of codon-optimized gene sequences and fusion PCR primers are described in Supplemental File G. The binary vectors, designated Ly62 = pLSU2//pCoyMV:PTD:SynVg:mCherry:NosT, and companion vector, designated Ly65 = pLSU2//pCoyMV:SynVg:mCherry:PTD:NosT were confirmed by restriction map and full plasmid sequencing ( for submission to GenBank: accession OR695065 and OR695069.
Additional binary vectors were created using the insecticidal fern chitinase Tma12[38] that was codon-optimized and synthesized using TWIST and inserted as the transgene replacement of mCherry. Cloning was analogous to the process as above, but with respective overlap primers binding to the chitinase gene. Additional codon-optimized gene sequences and fusion PCR primers are described in Supplemental File G. The designations for these insecticidal constructs are: Ly61 = pLSU2//pCoyMV:PTD:SynVg:Chitinase:NosT, GenBank accession OR695068, and Ly64 = pLSU2// pCoyMV:SynVg:Chitinase:PTD:NosT, GenBank accession OR695067. Additional cloning details, sequences, primers, and restriction enzymes are described in Supplemental File G.
Tomato Transformation and Seed Production
The Agrobacterium tomato cotyledon transformation protocol was adopted (with slight modifications) from Arshad et al., 2014 [53] using the Cys-32 Agrobacterium auxotroph developed in our lab[54]. Tomato seeds of Lycopersicon esculentum (FLA 'Lanai') were surface sterilized with 5% v/v commercial bleach (6% w/v Na-hypochlorite) with 2–3 drops of Tween-20 surfactant per 100 mL and germinated on solidified hormone-free ½ strength MS salts media[55]. Agrobacterium was grown on selective media (50 mg/L kanamycin, 20 mg/L rifampicin) for ~ 2 days and resuspended in ½ MS salts with 200 µM acetosyringone for vir gene activation. Cotyledons and hypocotyls were excised at ~ 9 days; after suspension of the cotyledon explants for 20 min for gentle shaking, blotting, and cultivated in the dark for 48 hours, adaxial side down on sterile filter paper and placement on filter paper on MS salts agar medium. Explants are then washed with ½ MS salts liquid medium containing 500 mg/L cefotaxime and plated on 100 mg/L kanamycin selection media (MS salts agar with 500 mg/L cefotaxime, 150 mg/L timentin, 2 mg/L zeatin, and 0.1 mg/L IAA). Explants are transferred bi-weekly to fresh selection media to prevent Agrobacterium overgrowth and observe plantlet regeneration. Independent transformants (based on individual explants) emerged as shoot primordia are transferred to shoot induction media with reduced zeatin: 0.1 mg/L zeatin, and 0.1 mg/L IAA (with continued antibiotics for Agrobacterium; 500 mg/L cefotaxime, 150 mg/L timentin, and selection 100 mg/L kanamycin). Once regenerated plants have discernable shoot, they are moved to root induction media with further reduced plant hormones to 0.05 mg/L indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) and continued 500 mg/L cefotaxime, and transgene selection 100 mg/L kanamycin. Rooted transgenics were then transferred to soil and grown for several weeks (while being tested for transgene for PCR, including a primer set for the Agrobacterium nptI promoter (Fwd = CCACGTTGTGTCTCAAAATCTC, Rev = AACACCCCTTGTATTACTGTTTATG) as control to assure absence of the Agrobacterium transformation vector. Potted plants were grown to seed in a greenhouse, self-pollinated T1, T2 and subsequent transgenic segregations.
Tomato seeds were harvested by cutting fruit into quarters and pressing out the seeds. The resulting tomato seed puree was fermented overnight to facilitate breakdown of the tomato tissue, followed by a 5-minute exposure to ~ 5% by volume bleach solution and rinsing under cold water for at least 15 min. After drying seeds at room temperature, the seeds were then stored at 5°C.
Imaging was conducted on numerous microscope platforms. Routine screening was conducted on a custom-designed optical bench with the Thorlabs ( epifluorescent microscope CEA1400 microscope in a light-proof enclosure fabricated from T-slot hardware and 1/8” PVC black plastic sheet (US plastics, cat #45093) on top of a ThorLab optical vibration table. Image capture is with an 8.0 MP CCD camera (8051M-USB-TE) and a 10X Nikon Plan Fluorite objective (N10X-PE), provided for full view of the whitefly and eggs. The mCherry fluorescence excitation was with a 565 nm LED (M565L3) with a filter set from Semrock: 593 nm dichroic (FF593-Di03-25X36), 575 ± 15 nm (FF01-575/15–25), and 641 ± 75 nm (FF02-641/75 − 25) bandpass filters. The acquired images were colorized in ImageJ (Fiji) (64-bit Java 1.8.0_172).
Additional imaging was conducted utilizing a KEYENCE BZ-X Confocal Microscope platform using a x10 Plano Apochromatic objective (BZ-PA 10) and Chroma EY Cy3/TRITC filter cube (excitation 520–570 nm; emission 570–640 nm) for mCherry (excitation max 587 nm, emission max − 610 nm). Leaf petiole tips (third/fourth true leaf) at the fifth/six leaf seedling stage were imaged from abaxial surface under a cover slip. Phloem-targeted expression was assessed using free-hand scalpel sections of the petiolule from young tomato seedlings. Petiole sections could be quickly visualized without a cover slip on the inverted KEYENCE slide stage. Free-hand sections of roots, stems, and flower parts (anther, ovary, stigma, petals, and sepal/calyx) were imaged under cover slips; notably anthers were otherwise prone to rapid oxidation that would produce artifacts of autofluorescence in the Cy3/mCherry imaging window. Whiteflies were imaged by careful placement on a thin film of microscopy emersion oil after cold-stunning the whiteflies. Whitefly eggs / pedicels were imaged after gentle brushing of eggs off leaf using a cold 10 g/L NaCl solution, followed by 2-minute exposure to 5% bleach to reduce surface protein contamination. To provide more specific excitation, additional confirming imaging utilized a variable wavelength laser excitation (Olympus Fluoview FV10i, FV10C-HOS-2 slide stage).
Fluorescence Analysis of Plant and Whitefly Extracts
Protein extracts and phloem exudates were analyzed on TECAN M Plex 200 fluorometer at an excitation of 585 nm and emission sensing at 620 nm. Leaf protein extracts were obtained by collecting a 100 mg sample and dipping in liquid nitrogen before adding protein extraction buffer at a 4 mL/mg leaf tissue ratio. Whitefly protein extracts were obtained from 10 eggs or 10 whiteflies per 250 µL protein extraction buffer; samples were ground with a sterilized plastic epitube pestle, centrifuged, and the supernatant was collected and used directly for fluorescence scanning. Phloem exudates were collected as previously reported for proteomic studies[56]. Briefly, phloem exudate of transgenic and wild-type tomato plants was collected from leaflets excised at the petiolule using a scalpel. The excised leaf was transferred immediately into a solution containing 20 mM EDTA for 30 min in a humid chamber followed by immersion in 250 µL distilled water in an epitube to collect exudates for six hours in the dark.
Digital PCR Transgene Segregation
Digital PCR was performed by The Penn State Genomics Core Facility at University Park using the QuantStudio 3D Digital PCR System according to the manufacturer’s protocol (ThermoFisher). Digital PCR was used to assess gene copy number[57] where PROSYSTEMIN (SYS) is used for the reference gene based on primers (Fwd = GCAATATCAAGAGCCCCGTC, Rev = ATGTGTGCTAAGCGCTCC) to produce a 91-bp amplicon. Transgene insertion copy number was based on the linked kanamycin selectable marker (nptII, Fwd = TTGCCGAATATCATGGTGGA, Rev = TCAGCAATATCACGGGTAGC) to produce a 113-bp amplicon. Digital PCR operated at 60 oC using HEX™-labeled probe for nptII (5’HEX/CCGGCCACA/ZEN/GTCGATGAATCC/3’IABkFQ double-quenched with ZEN and Iowa Black Hole Quencher) and FAM™-labeled probes for SISYS (5’6-FAM/TGCAACATC/ZEN/CTTCTTTCTTCTCGTG/3’IABkFQ). Leaf samples for DNA extraction were typically harvested at the 4-leaf stage. Leaf tissue is frozen in liquid nitrogen before being ground in a BioSpec mini-beadbeater. DNA is then extracted using the MasterPure™ Complete DNA and RNA Purification kit according to manufacturer instructions to provide a minimum required yield of 300 ng/µL (typical 1,460 ng/µL was obtained). DNA concentrations were determined by Qubit dsDNA assay and then diluted to 14 ng/µl (based on genome size). Probe (8 µL) and primer (18 µL) at 4 µM were combined with the reaction mix: 7.25 µL dPCR master mix, 2.9 µL primer/probe mix, and 3.85 µL DNA sample.